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M: Please let me see the draft of what you have put together for Monday's meeting. F: I'm still working on the agenda, there will be a lot to go over on Monday. Here's what I'vegot so far.

M: Do you think we will spend more than twenty minutes in the opening? I think it should bepretty simple.

F: It shouldn't take too long, but there will be a lot of dignitaries at the meeting. In theopening exercises, it is protocol to spend a little time to recoginise them. I reckon it shouldtake about half an hour before we can even get to the minutes. M: Really? Well, at least the minutes shouldn't take too long to review. There shouldn't be a lotof active business left over from last meeting.

F: True. After review and acceptance of the minutes, we have several committee reports. Oldbusiness won't take up too much time, but sometimes the committee delegates can be a littleverbose…Is there where we can limit their time?

M: We can set a five minute report time with a three minute question and answer afterwards.

F: That's not good. Q&A always stretch out the time, because people usually get stuck onsomeirrelevent point, we'll lose control of the meeting if we open it up to questions too early.

M: True. Well, imposing an eight minute limit on the committee reports then, we'll saveQ&A until right before closed session.

F: Sounds good. Overall, we can probably keep the meeting under two hours. M: Let's hope!


A: Thank you for listening, that concludes the formal part of my presentation. Now we havetime for a few questions before we break for lunch. Please don't be shy, if you have questions orsomething to say, just raise your hand.... Oh, yes, you in the back?

B: Can you clarify what you said about the standard design options?

A: Do you mean the design for the phase one products?

B: Yes....

A: Well, just as I said, the design for the phase one products comes in a standard optionspackage. We will provide a catalog of choices that can be customized to a fair degree.

C: What do you think about the copyright issues that have come up with our recent designs?

A: I'm sorry, I'm not sure I'm familiar with the issues you're talking about.... I'm not sure Iunderstand your question, could you explain more?

C: The legal department has been dealing with charges of copyright infringement on ourdesigns.... I was just wondering your take on the issue.

A: I don't have much experience in the legal aspect of things, I'll have to do a little researchand get back to you....


A: So that's the end of what I had prepared to share with you today. Now I'd like to open it upfor questions. We have about twenty minutes for questions and discussion. I'd be veryinterested to hear your comments....Yes?

B: Yes, thank you for your excellent presentation. I have one question I would like to ask. Yousaid our sales in Asia overall have been very low in general .... I'm wondering what thesituation is like in Japan?

A: Good question. As I mentioned, Asia in general is a slow starter, this also includes theJapanese market. There is no notable difference between Japan and other Asian countries.Does that answer your question?

B: Yes, thank you. Another question... Would you care to comment on the cultural impact ofMultinational companies on local economies?

A: I'm afraid that's outside the scope of my talk, I can talk to you more individuallyafterwards....

C: What about our future direction in the Asian market? Can you talk a little about what planswe have?