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1. 尽管健康越来越重要,然而多数人都是等到生病时才意识到健康的宝贵。适量的运动无疑有益于健康,但体育迷面临的问题是缺少理想的运动场所。与森林不同,繁忙街道两侧的公园容易受到空气污染,在此锻炼非但不能提高身体抵抗力,还很可能诱发各种慢性病。

1. Despite the increasing importance of health, most people fail to recognize the value of health until they fall ill. There is no doubt that moderate exercise can benefit health. However, sports fans are faced with the lack of ideal places for exercise. Unlike forests, parks on either side of a busy street are prone to atmospheric pollution, where exercise cannot enhance immunity, but may induce various chronic diseases rather than enhance immunity.

2. 在中国,拿硕士学位通常需要三年时间。第一年积累足够的学分后,学生接着在后两年完成毕业论文。论文要有一定学术价值,还要反映学生的科研能力。人们越来越重视学术诚信,这将有助于提高科学界的道德标准。

2. In China, it usually takes years for students to get a Master Degree. Having accumulated enough credits in the first year, students could go on to

complete their theses in the following two years. Their theses should have certain academic values and show their research abilities. Now greater emphasis has been laid on academic integrity, which will help raise the moral standards in the academic society.

3. 因特网的广泛应用引发了一场全球范围内的信息革命。信息已被作为一种重要的社会战略资源而与物资、能源、人力一起被列为现代社会生产力的重要因素。我国的信息安全形势不是很乐观。我国现在是世界上网人数最多的国家,然而由于基础薄弱,监管力度有限,网民安全意识淡薄,网上的重大失窃密案件多有发生;对社会稳定造成了许多负面影响。

3. The wide application of the Internet a global information revolution. important factors of modern social productivity materials,energy sources and manpower. The situation of our country is not very optimistic. Our nation now has the largest number of Internet users in the world. However, due to the weak infrastructure, limited supervising power and our netizens’,many serious cases of loss, theft and leakage of secrets over the internet have happened and had many negative effects on the stability of our


4. 很久以前我们就离开了家乡的土地,从那以后我们就生活在城市狭窄的天空下。失去了


4. We have left our native land a long time ago, and have been living in the city whose sky is narrow. Having long lost the poetic fields and fresh air, we have to live in the noisy and crowed city. If we do not try to preserve a bit of green in our little rooms, if we lose the last bit of space to accommodate our soul, then what do we still have?

5. 在学术民主方面,当时,学校经常有讨论会。通常是一个人先作主题发言,介绍学科领域的情况,大约讲40分钟,然后讨论一小时,大家七嘴八舌都可以讲。那时,我不过是个研究生,也参加讨论,这是允许的。主持会议的教授有时也和大家一起讨论,偶尔教授会说,他刚才讲的不对,收回。就这样,在学术问题上很讲民主。

5. As for academic democracy, at that time, there were different seminars in the Institute.

Usually the president began with an introduction of about0 minutes on a subject, and then each and everyone had a chance to speak in the one-hour discussion.

I was nobody but a postgraduate then, and also had

a voice in the discussion, which was allowed. The professor presiding over the seminar sometimes participated in the discussion too.

Occasionally you could hear the professor say, “I take back what I said just now. I was wrong.” They were quite democratic on academic studies.

6. 当前最重要的任务是发展国民经济,提高人民生活水平。因此,我们必须改革旧的经济体制,进一步解放生产力;我们应当向世界敞开大门,学习其他国家的先进的科学和技术。只要我们坚持改革开放政策,就一定能把我国建设成强大的社会主义国家。

6. Our primary task at present is to develop national economy and promote the living standards of the people. Therefore, we must reform the old economic system so as to further liberate productive forces. Moreover, we should be open to the outside world sp that we can learn advanced science and technology from other