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1、Ture or False (15×1, 为课后练习题,会有改动)

2、Multiple Choice (15×1, 为学过的分散在各个单元的知识点及课后练习中的重要内容)

3、Cultural Puzzles (10×2, 阅读案例,选择最佳答案,部分案例是课本上的,其余是课外的)

4、Filling in Blanks (10×2, 该题考察的是名词解释,四个选项下面配有两个句子,根据句子内容选择其中一个选项)

5、Matching (10×1, 该题考察对跨文化理论的理解,在授课要点中的范围)

6、In-Depth Reading (共20分,该题是拓展性阅读,主要考察对跨文化类文章的理解及跨文化知识的应用能力,分为Section A….选择题【5×2】;Section B….问答题【10】。要求根据对文章的理解和掌握的跨文化知识回答问题,内容不会超出我们讲过的知识范围)

选择题:Cultural Understanding of verbal and non-verbal communication

1、American parents would ask their children’s opinion in family decision-making because___________.

A) American parents like being told by their children what to do

B) American children have much power in the family

C) American parents take their children as an equal

D) American parents are unable to make decisions themselves

2、What is the best expression of the following you can use when you meet an American friend at the airport?

A) You must tired B) Did you have a good trip

C) It is raining, isn’t it ? D) Thank you for coming

3、What is a proper topic when you are talking with an American ?

A) the price of an item B) religion C) marital status D) hobbies

4、In English speaking countries, people tend to use all the greetings except_______________.

A) how are you getting on? B) how are things?

C) where have you been? D) how’s life?

5、What is a proper response of the following to “Thank you. ” ?

A) It is my duty to do so B) It doesn’t matter at all

C) I quite understand it D) Don’t mention it

6、Where a British friend is sick, you’d better say “__________” to your friend to show your concern.

A) Drink plenty of water B) I do hope you’ll be feeling better soon

C) put on more clothes D) Take medicine on time

7、What is the Chinese equivalent of “reckless disregard for truth ” ?

A) 躁动不安B)为非作歹C)实事求是D)信口雌黄

8、What is the meaning of “gilding the lily” ?

A) Avoiding something to make a good thing even better.

B) Spoiling something already fine by attempting to make it better

C) Turning excellence into perfection

D) Putting the lily in a golden frame to make it last longer

9、Which of the following expression is considered a verbal taboo in English?

A) pass away B) powder one’s nose C) damn it D) go to heaven

10、Which of the following is the typical American thought pattern?

A) Factual-inductive style B) Axiomatic-deductive style

C) Intutive-affective style D) Associative uniting style

11、Which of the following does not have the same function that “副” fulfills in Chinese?

A) associate B) deputy C) lieutenant D) underline

12、Which of the folling is not one of the social funcitons of compliments?

A) greeting people B) starting a conversation C) criticizing people D) overcoming embarrassment