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职业资格全省统一鉴定 涉外秘书(国家职业资格三级)英语试卷 注 意 事 项 1、请按要求在试卷的标封处填写您的姓名、准考证号和所在地区。 2、请仔细阅读各种题目的回答要求,并在规定的位置填写您的答案。 3、请保持卷面整洁,不要在试卷上作任何与答题无关的标记,也不得在 标封区填写无关的内容。

A. Listening Test I. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer for the questions. (10 marks) 1. A secretary should have a agenda in place . (A )before a meeting or a conference (B )during the meeting (C )after the meeting (D )at any time 2. Whom should a secretary inform before a meeting? . (A )All those authorized to participate (B )Presents and participants (C )The participants who have titles (D )None 3. A secretary should take notes . (A )after the meeting (B )during a meeting (C )when they are discussing before the meeting (D )in all the cases mentioned 考 生 答 题 不

过 此 线

4. What a secretary should do after a conference?

(A)do nothing but serve the boss well

(B)leave the minutes unprocessed

(C)keep records of the business transacted

(D)all of them

5. Which of the followings is not CORRECT? .

(A)A secretary needs to take care of all different things through the whole process of a meeting.

(B)A secretary should implement many of the decision reached at the meeting (C)All a secretary should do during a meeting is to listen attentively. (D)A secretary should type the minutes up after the meeting.

II. Here your boss asks you to write a business letter. Listen carefully and then fill in the blanks with phrases or sentences. (10 marks) Please write a letter to Keith Brown,the Purchasing Manager of ANA Enterprises. Their address is, 100 George Street, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 1._____________. Tell them that we have agreed to a 4% reduction 2. ____________ that we originally quoted them for the supply of. 3._________________________________. The same 4_________________ still apply. And the reference number on their letter is 03/5879. The letter is dated 1st February this year. Have our reply ready for me to sign 5. _______________, please.

B. Written Test

I. Vocabulary: Find the answer that best matches the underlined word or phrase. ( 1 mark each question, 20 marks altogether)

1.He disposed of the old materials.

(A)fell away (B)threw away

(C)went away (D)cut away

2.Please submit your application before 2 o’clock.

(A)hand in (B)hand down

(C)hand off (D)hand out

3.Paul and John are friendly with each other.

(A)get by with (B)get along with

(C)get over with (D)get through with

4.It is essential to have an alphabetical index with any numerical system.

This involves more work in setting up the system and maintaining it. (A)signing (B)marking

(C)layering (D)keeping it in good order

5.Were you able to recover your stolen laptop?

(A)get back (B)reach back

(C)go back (D)come back

6.Someone illegally entered the warehouse last night.

(A)broke away (B)saw through

(C)broke into (D)saw into

7.When he got out of the manager’s, from his facial expression we knew

that his proposal must have been turned down.

(A)refused (B)adopted

(C)accepted (D)object

8. He told the director that he had thought honestly the ethics of what he was doing.

(A)behavior (B)conduct

(C)morality (D)law

9. The Gap Online Store is aiming at tailoring offerings to the needs and

interests of a particular income of the U.S. population.

(A)adapting (B)conducting

(C)suitable (D)satisfying

10. Yukiko resembles her mother more than her father.

(A)takes after (B)goes after

(C)calls after (D)looks after

11. Bill’s secretary interrupted to tell him he had a telephone call.

(A)cut out (B)cut in

(C)took in (D)took out

12. We did _____ to save the little girl’s life.

(A) possible everything (B) everything possibly

(C) everything possible (D) possibly everything

13. Leave the next two lines _____ for the tutor’s comments.

(A) blank (B) to be blank

(C) being blank (D) be blank

14. The population of China is _____ the United States.

(A) much larger than that of (B) more larger than that of

(C) much larger than (D) more larger than