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Classroom English Expressions

1.Before Class Begins 上课之前

1) Be quick./Quickly./Hurry up. 快点。

2) It’s time for class. Are you ready? 上课时间到了,准备好了吗?

3) Be quiet, please. /Keep silent, please. /May I have your attention, please? 请安静。

4) Don’t make so much noise. I have something interesting to tell you. 不要吵了,我有一些有趣的事要告诉大家。

5) Stop talking/fidgeting. 停止交谈。

6) Get everything ready for class. /Get ready for class. 准备上课。

7) Take out your books. 打开你们的课本。

8) Tidy up your desks. /Let me see who has a neat desk. 把你的桌子收拾整齐。

9) Come in, please. Go back to our seat. /Take your seat. 请进,回到你的座位上。

10) Don’t be late next time. 下次不要迟到了。

11) Who’s on duty today? 今天谁值日?

12) Is everyone here? 都在这儿吗?

13) Who’s absent, do you know? 谁没来?

14) What’s wrong with him? /What’s the matter with him? 他怎么了?

15) What day is it today? What’s the weather like today?今天星期几?今天天气怎么样?

16) Let’s sing an English song together. OK? 让我们一起唱首英文歌吧。

17) Ready? Start. /Let’s begin. 我们开始上课。

18) There goes the bell. Let’s begin our cla ss. /Class begins. /Is that the bell? 上课铃响了,我们开始上课。

19) Stand up. /lease stand. 起立!

20) Good morning, boys and girls! 早上好!

21) Hello, children/everyone!

22) Sit down, please. 请坐。

2.Beginning Class 开始上课

23) Let’s do some warming-up exercises first. 首先让我们做一下热身运动。

24) Let’s do some oral practice. 让我们做些口头练习。

25) Let’s review the old lessons./Let’s do some revision work. 让我们复习原来学过的课。

26) Today we’re going to have a revision class. /Do you remember what we did last lesson? 今天我上复习课。/你们还刻我们原来学过的内容吗?

27) Today we’l l have a general revision of what we have learned so far.? 今天我们把到目前学过的东西总复习一下。

28) First of all, let’s do some phonetic exercises. Can you do this?首先我们做些语音练习。

29) Today we’ll have a test/quiz. Get your exercise-books ready, please. 今天我们来做个小测,请把你们的练习本拿出来。

30) Take out a piece of paper and a pen. Let’s have a dictation. 拿出纸和笔,我们来听写。

31) Get ready for dictation, please. Are you ready? 准备好听写。

32) Let’s start, begin. 开始。

33) Let me sum up the mid-term examination. After that we’ll take up a new lesson.现在让我们总结一下期中考试,然后我们上新课。

34) Today we are going to learn a new lesson, Lesson Nine. It is about How to Ask the Way. First of all, let’s do some free talks about “Introduction.” 首先自由讨论一下“介绍”部分。

35) Who wants to try? /Who would like to try? 谁想试一试。

36) Today we have three things to do. First ask and answer some questions with the pictures. Second, do some written work. And third, watch a short English play on video-tape. 今天我们要做三件事:第一,看图提出并回答问题;第二,做一些书面练习;第三,看一个简短的英语录相带。

3.During Class