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欢迎参加考试!请你认真审题, 积极思考, 细心答题, 发挥最佳水平。答题时, 请注意以下几点:

1. 全卷共8页, 有五大题, 56小题。全卷满分120分(试题总分11分, 书写、答题规范4分)。考试时间90分钟。

2. 请用2B铅笔将选择题的答案涂填在答题纸相应位置上。请用05毫米及以上.黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将主观题的答案写在答题纸相应的答题区内。写在试题卷、草稿纸上均无效。

3. 答题前, 认真阅读答题纸上的《注意事项》, 按规定答题。




1.I have________ dog His name is Floppy.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /

2.Lucy’s father works in No. 1 Hospital. He is a________.

A. teacher

B. doctor

C. postman

D. policeman

3.Jim is going to join the Art Club because he likes________.

A. cooking

B. drawing

C. running

D. reading

4.—It's ________today. Let's go to the beach.

—Sounds great! Don't forget your sunglasses.

A. rainy

B. windy

C. sunny

D. cloudy

5.—How often do you go to the cinema?

—________. I only watch movies at home.

A. Always

B. Usually

C. Sometimes

D. Never

6.Little Mary says good night to her parents________ she goes to bed every day.

A. if

B. until

C. before

D. unless

7.—Can you play volleyball or basketball?

—________ of them. I'm good at ball games.

A. Both

B. Either

C. Neither

D. None

8.—Have scientists found life on Mars?

—Not yet, but I think they ________it some day.

A. find

B. found

C. have found

D. will find

9.—Do you know ________?

—In Stratford, England.

A. where Shakespeare was born

B. when Shakespeare finished school

C. how many plays Shakespeare wrote

D. why Shakespeare's works are popular

10.—The Great Wall runs about 21, 200 kilometres.

—Wow! ________.

A. It's OK

B. Good idea

C. That's amazing

D. You are welcome


阅读下面短文, 掌握大意, 然后从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

My cousin Roger was big and strong. He was three years older than me and he always wanted to bully___11___.

Near our farm, there was a beautiful___12___, where kids nearby often swam in summer. Over it was a bridge. When we were in the river, Roger always tried

to___13___me and hold me under. I would dive down before he could reach me. When I came up to the surface miles away, he was till there, ___14___me.

Other kids would shout, "Hey, he's a fish!"

Roger said, "No, he's a shrimp!"

I replied, "Better than a___15___whale!"

One day, we were about to leave after swimming when a truck unexpectedly rushed out of the bridge and fell onto the water.

Eyes wide open, all of us were too___16___to say a word. Then someone cried, "Oh, no! The driver..."

Roger shouted to the other kids, "Go and get___17___." Then he turned to me, "Jack, you're the underwater swimmer! Let's try to pull the___18___out." With these words, he jumped into the water. I couldn't___19___ that it was Roger, a bully in my eyes. I took a breath and followed him.

The truck lay on one side. We tried to open the door, but____20____. Roger lifted a rock and broke the windscreen. ____21____the broken windscreen, I got into the truck and opened the door.

Roger caught hold of the driver. With all his strength, Roger____22____ pulled him out and swam towards the surface.

I tried to follow, ____23____the water was turning black in front of me. I was falling. I thought I was going to____24____, just at that moment, a strong arm reached down and held me. I tried hard to kick.

Back to the bank, Roger looked at me, "You OK?" I managed to nod. "Not bad for a shrimp." he joked.

I was to answer back, but from my mouth came "Not bad for a____25____whale."

It was then that I realized Roger was not "a fat whale" at all.

11. A. me B. us C. him D. them

12. A. farm B. river C. bridge D. beach

13. A. call B. save C. teach D. catch

14. A. caring about B. laughing at C. looking for D. worrying about

15. A. fat B. small C. quiet D. serious

16. A. sad B. angry C. excited D. surprised

17. A. help B. advice C. attention D. information

18. A. door B. truck C. driver D. swimmer

19. A. forget B. believe C. explain D. understand

20. A. left B. failed C. passed D. missed

21. A. Inside B. Across C. Behind D. Through

22. A. proudly B. secretly C. confidently D. successfully

23. A. or B. so C. but D. because

24. A. win B. lose C. die D. survive

25. A. brave B. polite C. creative D. humorous


阅读下面短文, 第1-14小题从所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项, 第15小题在答题纸规定区域作答。


Do you want to have fun in Oxford? Take a bus tour!

Christ Church College The college hall is used in the Harry Potter


Magdalen College Its bell tower and gardens are famous sights in

26. The first bus tour begins at 9:35 from __________.

A. Trinity College

B. Oxford Railway Station

C. Queen's College

D. Gloucester Green Bus Station

27. How much is a 24-hour family ticket?

A. £16. 50.

B. £19. 00.

C. £40. 00.

D. £45. 00.

28. In Magdalen College, tourists can __________.

A. visit the bell tower

B. read in the best library in Oxford

C. find many book shops

D. see the hall in the Harry Porter films


The balalaika, also called the "Russian guitar", is a traditional Russian musical .

instrument. It has a long neck, a wooden triangle-shaped body and strings. It is usually used to play Russian music by plucking the strings with fingers or a pick.

Russians like the balalaika. The music played with it can be cheerful, as if the farmers were dancing happily to celebrate their harvest. It can also be energetic, as if the workers were working hard to make their country richer and stronger. If a Russian moves to live or work abroad, he will probably take a balalaika with him. When he feels lonely and sad, he will play it to cheer himself up.

The balalaika was originally played by the poor in Russia. At that time, balalaikas were made by the players themselves. They were rough, simple and cheap with different numbers of strings, from two to even six. Later a Russian musician Vasily Vasil'yevich Andreev (1861-1918) improved the balalaka. He created a whole family of balalaikas of different sizes, all with three strings. The smallest balalaika is called Prima. It is

60-70cm long. The biggest, Contrabass, is almost 2metres high with a leg to sit on the floor. Andreev founded the first balalaika orchestra in the world, mainly using balalaikas to perform. He gave concerts at the Universal Exposition in Paris in 1889, which was a great success.

Today, there are blalaika groups performing around the world. More and more people get to know the balalaika and are attracted by its Russian style music.

29. The balalaika is a musical instrument __________.

A. without strings

B. with a long neck

C. of a round shape

D. with a metal body

30. The music played with a balalaika is usually__________.

A. slow and sad

B. strong and serious

C. soft and modern

D. cheerful and energetic

31. Andreev is mentioned in Paragraph Three to introduce __________.

A. the success of balalaika concerts

B. the history of balalaika orchestras

C. his talent for playing the balalaika

D. his contributions to the balalaika

32. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A. Balalaika: The "Russian Guitar" for the Poor

B. Russia: The Home of Famous Balalaika Musicians

C. Balalaika: A Traditional Russian Musical Instrument

D. Russia: The International Hand-made Balalaika Factory


Tide is the regular rise and fall of the ocean level caused by the movement of the sun, the earth and the moon. It is considered a promising source of green energy to produce electricity in coastal areas.

To make use of tidal energy, we need to build tidal power stations. The bays and the river mouths where the tide is high (the tidal range is more than 10 metres) are usually perfect sites to build tidal power stations. There are many such places in the world. According to the IRENA (the International Renewable Energy Agency), by just using 2% of our coastlines, we can produce 4, 383TWh of ocean power each year, enough to meet

16. 4% of the world's electricity needs.

To build a tidal power station, we need to build a dam. In the dam are many turbines and on each turbine there is an electric generator. When the tide rises, water comes through the dam, the turbines turn and the electric generators work, producing electricity. When the tide fall, water goes out through the dam, the turbines turn again. The electric generators continue to work.

Tidal energy has it advantages. Using tidal energy to produce electricity is much cheaper than using the traditional energy, like coal or gas. For example, the Rance Tidal Power Station in France has been there for over 50 years, producing around 540,

000TWh of electricity each year. The cost is only 1.3 cents/TWh. Tidal energy can be used nearly 24 hours a day. As long as the sun, the earth and the moon exist, we can use it to produce electricity. But without sunshine, here is no solar energy. When there is no wind, electric generators will not work. In addition, with the development of modern technology, tidal energy can be stored and used to produce electricity continuously. However, we still have some problems to solve. It is difficult to build a dam in the sea, and the cost is very high. Moreover, it's expensive to keep a tidal power station in is best condition.

Scientists are working on them.

33. A tidal power station is best built __________.

A. at a river mouth with wind

B. along the coast with waves

C. in a bay with tide high enough

D. in coastal areas with sunshine

34. The underlined word "turbine" in Paragraph There is a machine to__________.

A. make the tide rise and fall

B. make an electric generator work

C. let water go through the dam

D. keep the dam in good condition

35. What advantage does tidal energy have?

A. We can use it to get useful tide.

B. It can improve the ocean environment.

C. We can use it nearly all the time.

D. It meets 16. 4% of the electricity needs.

36. How can we make better use of tidal energy?

A. By digging more bays and river mouths.

B. By building cheaper tidal power stations.

C. By closing traditional electric power.

D. By using tidal energy to replace other energy.


A few months ago I was nominated for Governor of the great state of New York, to run against Stewart L. Woodford and John T. Hoffman. I really felt dirty to run against them for all their shameful crimes that were reported on newspapers. However, as a candidate, I had no choice.

The next morning, as I was looking listlessly over the papers at breakfast, I came across this paragraph:

PERJURY- Mr. Mark Twain, a candidate for Governor, was convicted of perjury by thirty-four people, in Wakawak, in 1863. He intended to rob a poor woman of her land, her only stay and support after her husband died. For Mr. Twain himself, as well as the public, he needs to clear this matter up. Will he do it?

What a lie! I never had heard of Wakawak!

During the rest of the time, I got a title "the Infamous Perjurer Twain" on this


Next came "Gazette", with this:

WANTED TO KNOW -When Mr. Twain was in Montana, his workmates lost small valuables from time to time, until at last, these things having all been found on Mr. Twain's person or in his suitcase. Will he explain this to his fellow-citizens?

I got a new title, "Twain, the Montana Thief". But I never was in Montana in my life.

Then another newspaper article:

DELIRIUM TREMENSTWAIN-Mark Twain, who was to make a speech at the mass meeting of the Independents last night, didn't come to time! He argued that he had been knocked down by a runaway team and his leg broken in two places. But a certain man who was very drunk was seen to reel into Mr. Twain's hotel last night. It is his duty to prove that this person was not Mark Twain himself WHO WAS THAT MAN?

I did not drink!

In the following weeks, I got more titles like "Delirium Tremens",

"Body-Snatcher", "Filthy Corruptionist ", etc. Then one morning:

Mr. Mark Twain still maintains SILENCE. He dare not speak. Dare he open his mouth to explain?

Before I could reply, more dirty charges poured up on me. One day they even taught nine little children of all shades of colour to rush on to the platform at a public meeting and call me Pa (father)!

I gave up. I sent them a letter to state that I gave up, and in bitterness of spirit I signed it, "Truly yours, Once a decent man but now MARKTW AIN, IP. , M. T., D. T. , B.

S. and FC. "

37. In the story, __________ people were running for Governor.

A. Three

B. Four

C. Five

D. Six

38. Which of the following is TRUE about Mr. Twain according to his story?

A. He got punished for stealing in Montana.

B. He kept silent to the charges against him.

C. He was often too drunk to attend meetings.

D. He accepted the titles from the newspapers.

39. Who could be the person making Mr. Twain dirty?

A. The persons who wanted to beat him.

B. The poor who wanted their land back.

C. The women who had children with him.

D. The reporters who helped him make news.

40. Why did Mr. Twain finally decide to give up running for Governor? (请用约40词回答)

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________


A. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。

41. The milk______ sour. Don't drink it.

42. This is a machine to warm our ______ in winter.

43. It is difficult for me to get up early on ______ mornings.

44. I haven't seen Cindy ______. She must be busy with her work.

45. The buildings in Wenzhou are ______ than most buildings in my hometown.

B. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示, 用单词的正确形式完成以下短文。

The first week of my summer vacation was exciting. I was___46___(自由的,空闲的)! I spent much time on my phone without doing my___47___(家庭作业). Mom was angry and told me I could only use it___48___(在……之间) 7:00 pm. and 9:00 pm.

I felt lost and kept asking___49___(我自己) what fun I could have during the day. Mom offered me a challenge. If I could follow the same ant for___50___(十) minutes, I'd get a prize.

I thought for a while and agreed. I___51___(选择) the biggest ant in the yard and followed it. I saw it create a bridge to cross a___52___(深的) hole. I dropped some bread and soon it began___53___(吃). It even brought friends to carry some home. I never thought watching ants could be so much fun.

After that, I found other interesting things to do. I built a house for birds,

planted___54___ (树) in the yard and borrowed books from the library. ____55____(虽

然) I didn't use my phone often, I had a fantastic summer.


56.年夜饭是中国文化中最重要的团圆饭。年夜饭菜肴丰富、美味,像年糕(New Year cake)、鱼等都还带有美好的祝愿。

请以The Family Dinner on Spring Festival Eve为题,写一篇约100词的短文,向外国朋友介绍自己家乡的年夜饭,让他们更好地了解中国丰富多样的文化习俗。注意:文中不可出现人名。标题已经给出,不计入总词数。

The Family Dinner on Spring Festival Eve













省初中学业水平考试标准(2017年版) 地理 一、考试指导思想 初中地理学业水平考试是义务教育阶段地理学科的终结性考试,主要衡量学生达到国家规定学习地理要求的程度,成绩是学生毕业和升学的基本依据。考试应有利于落实立德树人的根本任务;有利于全面贯彻国家的教育方针,推进素质教育,培养学生地理核心素养;有利于体现义务教育的性质,全面提高地理教育教学质量;有利于推进地理课程改革,培养学生的创新精神和实践能力,减轻学生过重的课业负担,促进学生生动、活泼、主动学习。 本考试标准依据《义务教育地理课程标准(2011年版)》和《地方文化常识课程标准(修订稿)》制订。以“一切为了学生发展”为核心理念,充分发挥学业考试的导向作用,促进广理教师建立新型的教材观、教学观、学生观和评价观,把新课程的理念落实到教学实践中。增强与学生生活、社会实际的联系,减少单纯记忆、机械训练性质的容,注重考查学生综合运用所学知识分析问题和解决问题的能力。检测学生是否达到地理课程所要求的“知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观”三个方面的目标,全面、公正、客观、准确地评价学生的地理学习水平,发挥考试的鉴定、激励等功能。 二、考试容与要求 (一)考试围 包括地球与地图、世界地理、中国地理、地方文化常识等四个部分。 (二)考试容与要求 1.知识与技能 本考试标准将知识方面的目标分为“了解”、“理解”和“掌握”3个层次,技能方面的目标分为“初步学会”和“学会”2个层次。前一个层次是后一个层次的基础,较高一个层次包括前面较低层次的要求。

A.了解指对地理具体事物、现象及其空间分布状况,具有感性的、初步的认识,能够说出其大意和要点,并落实在地图和地理图表上。例如,再认或回忆知识,识别、辨认事实或证据,描述对象的基本特征等。 B.理解对重要的地理概念、原理、模式的说明和解释;根据收集到的地理信息,通过比较、抽象、概括等思维过程形成地理概念;对揭示地理事象和演变过程的特点、成因、分布和发展变化规律等有理性认识,并能够运用语言、文字、图像等进行表述。例如,把握在逻辑联系与已有知识建立联系;进行解释、推断、区分、扩展;提出证据;收集、整理信息等。 C.掌握运用已经知道和理解的地理概念、地理基本原理等,说明同类地理事物和现象,分析和解决一些实际问题。例如,在新的情境中使用抽象的概念、原理;进行总结、推广;建立不同情境下的合理联系等。 D.初步学会能够模仿或在相关指导下,完成某些地理操作任务。例如,阅读和使用地理图像;简单的地理观测、调查、统计等;运用有关方法获取地理信息等。 E.学会能够按要求独立完成有关的地理技能操作任务。例如,学会分析和处理地理信息;阅读和使用地理图像用于解释具体的地理现象,分析解决具体地理问题;独立绘制简单的地图和地理图表等。 考试主要检测以下表格中的培养目标: (1)地球与地图

2019-2020学年浙江省温州市乐清市七年级(上)期中数学试卷 (含解析)

2019-2020学年浙江省温州市乐清市七年级(上)期中数学试卷 一、选择题(共10小题). 1.2的相反数是( ) A .2- B .12 - C .2 D . 12 2.在实数22 7 ,0,4-,2中,是无理数的是( ) A . 227 B .0 C .4- D .2 3.一种巧克力的质量标识为“1000.25±克”,则下列合格的是( ) A .99.80克 B .100.30克 C .100.51克 D .100.70克 4.2019年10月1日首都北京一场盛大的70年国庆庆典,让14亿中国人群情振奋,14亿即为1400000000,可用科学记数法表示为( ) A .100.1410? B .81.410? C .91.410? D .91410? 5.数4是4.3的近似值,其中4.3叫做真值,若一个数经四舍五入得到的近似数是12,则下列各数中不可能是12的真值的是( ) A .12.38 B .12.66 C .11.99 D .12.42 6.估算381-的值( ) A .在6和7之间 B .在5和6之间 C .在4和5之间 D .在7和8之间 7.如图,数轴上的点E ,F ,M ,N 表示的实数分别为2-,2,x ,y ,下列四个式子中结果一定为负数是( ) A .x y + B .2y + C .2x - D .2x + 8.对于任意不相等的两个实数a ,b ,定义运算:a ※221b a b =-+,例如3※2223216=-+=,那么(5)-※4的值为( ) A .40- B .32- C .18 D .10 9.如图,在43?的方格纸中,将若干个小正方形涂上红色,使得其中任意一个22?正方形方格都至少含有一个红色小正方形,则涂上红色的小正方形的最少个数为( )


浙江省温州市英语试卷 一、单选题(共10小题) 1.----What do you know about kite surfing? ----It is _________ exciting water sport. A.a B.an C.the D.\ 2.Annie has a ___________,and she is going to see her dentist today.A.cold B.fever C.cough D.toothache 3.A person who is __________ does not tell lies or cheat people.A.careless B.stupid C.honest D.humorous 4.Mr.Smith has a habit of taking a shower _________ he has breakfast.A.though B.before C.because D.since 5.I fell off the bike on my way to school._______,I wasn’t hur t.A.Luckily B.Suddenly C.Politely D.Recently

6.---Jenny, I hear there will be an art club in our school. ---Wonderful! I can’t wait to _________ it. A.repeat B.forget C.receive D.join 7.---Mom, what would you like, coffee or tea? ---_ ________.Just water, please. A.Either B.Both C.Neither D.None 8.---Have you watched the new movie Jurassic World, Steven? ----Not yet.I ________ it with my cousin this evening. A.will watch B.was watching C.watched D.have watched 9.---Ms.Petty, can you tell me ____________? ----Africa. A.what the baby giraffe likes eating B.why the baby giraffe looks unhappy C.when the baby giraffe was born D.where the baby giraffe came from 10.---Shall we go to Alberta for the summer holiday? ---_________.It’s one of the world’s cleanest cities. A.Sounds great B.Not at all


浙江省温州市鹿城区六年级(下)期末语文试卷 一、识字写字(38分)(一)选择题.(10分) 1.(2分)下列带点字的注音完全正确的一项是() A.瑰.(guī)丽戛.(gá)然而止 B.弓缴.(zhuó)一铺.(pū)暖炕 C.蜷.(juǎn)缩处.(chù)理 D.摩.(mā)平转.(zhuǎn)椅 2.(2分)下列四组词语中错别字最多的一项是() A.炒粟子专心志致独出新裁 B.书籍张灯结采落慌而逃 C.幅度蜂拥而至坐无虚席 D.橱窗万像更新发愤图强 3.(2分)下列选项中加点字的意思完全相同的一项是() A.故.园无此声无缘无故. B.通国之善.弈者也能歌善.舞 C.送鲍浩然之.浙东惊弓之.鸟 D.孰为汝多知.乎见微知.著 4.(2分)下列各句中加点的成语使用恰当的一项是() A.那些作恶多端的坏人终于受到了法律的制裁,真是死得其所 ....。 B.小明犯了错误总爱狡辩,你说他一句,他就举一反三 ....,还你好几句。 C.小小年纪的他,已经会四国语言了,真是令人张口结舌 ....。 D.动物园的老虎过着养尊处优 ....的生活,已不再是森林里那威风凛凛的“万兽之王”了。5.(2分)下面这段话中标点符号使用完全正确的一项是() 怎样对待科技给人类带来的各类问题呢这次我们就围绕科技发展是利大还是弊大举行一场辩论会 A.:,“,”?。B.:,《,》,。C.?,“,”,。D.?,《,》,。6.(5分)判断题。 (1)“邯郸学步”这个成语用来比喻一味模仿别人,学得很像。 (2)“即使上面的石块有多重,小草也要从下面钻出来。”这句话没有语病。

(3)“答应了别人的事不能不守信用!”与“答应了别人的事非守信用不可吗?”这两句话意思一样。 (4)《闻官军收河南河北》是唐朝诗人杜甫写的,他还写了《春夜喜雨》《江畔独步寻花》等。 (5)《北京的春节》一文中,有的部分进行了详细的描述,有的部分则一笔带过,这样的写法对突出民俗特点很有好处。 7.(12分)看拼音,写词语。 duàn liàn cán kùdǐng shèng sīkōng jiàn guàn jiǎo bàn róu zhòu chén āi shíshìqiúshì téng:欢抄瓜痛 8.(7分)古诗积累。 (1)山下兰芽短浸溪,。(《浣溪沙》) (2)我劝天公重抖擞,。(《己亥杂诗》) (3)天下的事物皆有两面性,我们看人也要客观全面,正所谓“,天下物无全美。” 亦不可因为一两件小事就断定一个人的好坏。 (4)唐代的王昌龄曾经在芙蓉楼对他即将回乡的好友辛渐说“,”,以此来表明自己为官的正直清廉。 (5)烟花三月,漫步在柳浪闻莺,看到彩蝶在花间嬉闹,听到黄莺在枝头唱歌,我情不自禁吟诵道:,。柳浪闻莺,名副其实啊! 9.(4分)观察下面图表,完成后面的题目。 某校学生图书馆共有10万册图书,在最近的一次图书状况调查中,调查人员发现: 请根据图表所反映的情况,写出两条结论。 ① ② 二、阅读(32分) 10.(7分)课内阅读。


初中地理学业水平考试总复习 七年级上册 地球和地图 一、地球的形状和大小 1、地球的形状:地球是一个两极稍扁、赤道略鼓的不规则的球体。 (1)认识地球形状的过程:天圆地方——天如斗笠,地如覆盘——球体——椭球体 (2)证明地球是球体的事实:月食;麦哲伦环球航行;海边看帆船来去;地球卫星照片 2、地球的大小:平均半径6371千米,最大周长(赤道)4万千米,表面积5.1亿平方千米 二、地球仪 地球仪:人们仿照地球的形状,并且按照一定的比例把它缩小,制作而成的地球模型。 三、经线与纬线 3、半球的划分

(1)、南北半球的划分:以赤道为界线,赤道以北为北半球(度数范围:0°—90°N);赤 道以南为南半球(度数范围:0°—90°S) (2)、东西半球的划分:分界线是20°W和160°E 组成的经线圈。 东半球的范围:20°W以东至160°E 的半球 西半球的范围:20°W以西至160°E 的半球 记忆口诀:东(经)大160不是东(半球),西(经)小20不是西(半球 ) 4、经纬网定位 (1)、经纬网是在地球仪上,由经线和纬线相互交织而成的网状结构。 (2)、经纬网能准确确定地球表面任何一个地点的地理位置,现已广泛应用到日常生活与生产的各个方面,如军事、航空、航海等 四、地球的运动 时间直射位置昼夜变化极昼极夜 春分3月21日赤道昼夜平分无 夏至6月22日北回归线北半球昼长夜短南半球 昼短夜长 北极圈内极昼南极圈内 极夜 秋分9月23日赤道昼夜平分无 冬至12月22日南回归线北半球昼短夜长南半球 昼长夜短 北极圈内极夜南极圈内 极昼 运动方式自转运动公转运动 运动中心地轴太阳 运动周期自西向东 北逆南顺 自西向东 意义及产生的现象一天(24小时)一年365天 意义及产生的现象昼夜交替;时差四季交替(南北半球季 节相反);产生五带


2018-2019学年浙江省温州市乐清市八年级(下)期末数学试卷 一、选择題(本题有10个小题,每小题3分,共30分) 1.下列视力表的部分图案中,既是轴对称图形又是中心对称图形的是( ) A . B . C . D . 2有意义,则x 应满足( ) A .3x … B .3x > C .3x -… D .3x ≠ 3.五边形的内角和是( ) A .180? B .360? C .540? D .720? 4.某班18名男生参加中考体育模拟测试,1000m 跑步项目成绩如下表: 则该班男生成绩的中位数是( ) A .7 B .7.5 C .8 D .9 5.用配方法解方程2640x x --=,下列配方正确的是( ) A .2(3)13x -= B .2(3)13x += C .2(6)4x -= D .2(3)5x -= 6a =,则0a … ”时,第一步应假设( ) A a ≠ B .0a … C .0a < D .0a > 7.下列命题是真命题的是( ) A .对角线互相垂直的四边形是菱形 B .对角线相等的菱形是正方形 C .对角线互相垂直且相等的四边形是正方形 D .对角线相等的四边形是矩形 8.反比例函数k y x = 的图象如图所示,则k 的值可能是( )

A.3-B.1C.2D.4 9.如图,在正方形ABCD中,E为边BC上一点,将ABE ?沿AE折叠至ABE ?处,BE与AC 交于点F,若69 EFC ∠=?,则CAE ∠的大小为() A.10?B.12?C.14?D.15? 10.在平面直角坐标系中,反比例函数 k y x =的图象上有三点(2,2) P,(4,) Q m -,(,) M a b, 若0 a<且PM PQ >,则b的取值范围为() A.4 b


2017年浙江省温州市中考英语试卷 一、单项填空(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案. 1.(1分)﹣This photo makes me think of trip to the Great Wall last year.﹣Yeah,we had a great time there.() A.a B.an C.the D./ 2.(1分)Robert is_____ so that he even has no time to stay with his children at weekends.() A.busy B.smart C.serious D.pleased 3.(1分)I have the ____of reading before sleeping.It has been part of my life.() A.courage B.chance C.spirit D.habit 4.(1分)﹣Did anyone call me when I was out? ﹣Yes.A man who called Tom() A.myself B.himself C.herself D.yourself 5.(1分)Seeing a bird resting by the window,the boy moved _____to have a look at it.() A.politely B.quietly C.easily D.safely 6.(1分)_____the scientists have done lots of research on Mars,there is still much waiting to be discovered.() A.If B.Since C.Unless D.Though 7.(1分)﹣We've ordered too much food.I eat any more. ﹣Never mind.Let's take it home.() A.can't B.mustn't C.needn't D.shouldn't 8.(1分)Simon looks worried because he a writing competition and now he's waiting for the result.() A.enters B.entered C.will enter D.is entering 9.(1分)Opposite my house is______.My ten﹣year﹣old son often goes there with


2014年鹿城区初中毕业生学业模拟第一次适应性检测 科学 亲爱同学: 欢迎参加考试!请认真审题,细心答题。答题时请注意以下几点: 1.本卷共8页,有4大题,35小题,满分180分。考试时间120分钟。 2.答案必须写在答题纸相应的位置,写在试题卷、草稿纸上均无效。 3.g=10牛/千克 4.本卷用到的相对原子质量:H—1 O—16 Na—23 Cl-3 5.5 卷 I 一、选择题(本题有20小题,1—10题每题3分,11—20题每题4分,共70分。每小题只有一个选项 是正确的,不选、多选、错选,均不给分) 1.如图所示,在一只气球上画一些小圆点,充气使气球不断膨胀,观察此过程 中各个小圆点之间的距离变化。该实验是模拟(▲) A.板块的运动 B.细胞的生长 C.宇宙的膨胀 D.分子的运动 2.某人的血型是AB血型。若需要输血,最好输(▲)第1题图 A.AB型 B.A型 C.B型 D.O型 3.某同学拧开一瓶矿泉水,喝了几口后,瓶内矿泉水发生变化的是(▲) A.密度 B.质量 C.沸点 D.比热容 4.充电宝给人们的生活带来了方便,内部安装的电池为锂电池。锂电池工作时发生的化学方程式为:Li+MnO2=LiMnO2 ,该反应属于(▲) A.置换反应 B.复分解反应 C.化合反应 D.分解反应 5.下列四个现象中,可以用光的折射原理来解释的是(▲) A.水中的筷子“折了” B.小孔成像 C.水中塔的倒影 D.地面上人的影子 6.挖山取土最有可能引发的一种自然灾害是(▲) A.泥石流 B.海啸 C.台风 D.地震 7.下图中,只使用定滑轮来提升物体的装置是(▲) 2014.4


2018 年滨州市初中学生学业水平考试说明 地理 一、考试内容 2018 年初中地理学业水平考试命题将以2011 年教育部颁布的《全日制义务教育地理课程标准》为依据,以现行湘教版初中地理教材为依托进行命制。试题将注重地理基础知识、基本规律与基本原 理的考查;兼顾区域认知等基本地理素养的测评;侧重运用学科知识、学科方法,发现、分析与解决 地理问题能力的考查;突出从文字、图像和生活现象等资料中获取信息、分析信息和归纳地理 规律的综合思维能力的考查;渗透在分析和解决问题过程中表现出来的人地协调发展的科学发展观、价值观的考查。 命题范围及分值分配如下: (一)地球与地图(约12%) 1.地球的形状、大小。 2.地球的运动:自转与公转的特点及产生的地理现象。 3.地球仪:经纬线及经纬度的划分、用经纬网确定任意地点的位置。 4.地图:地图三要素、地图在生产生活中的应用。 5.等高线地形图:在等高线地形图上,识别山脊、山谷、山峰等地形部位,判读坡的陡缓,估 算海拔与相对高度。 6.在地形图上识别五种主要地形类型。 (二)世界地理(约 38%) 1.海陆分布与海陆变迁。 2.天气与气候的区别。 3.阅读世界气温、降水分布图并归纳世界气温、降水的分布规律。 4.运用气温与降水资料绘制气温年变化曲线和逐月降水量柱状图并描述气候特点。 5.影响气候的主要因素、世界主要气候类型的特点及分布。 6.世界的人口、人种、语言、宗教、聚落。 7. 发展中国家与发达国家地区分布特点及其发展水平差异;国际经济合作的重要性。 8.认识大洲:主要包括亚洲、欧洲、非洲、南北美洲。 9.认识地区:主要包括东南亚、南亚、西亚、欧洲西部、两极地区。 10.认识国家:主要包括日本、埃及、俄罗斯、法国、美国、巴西、澳大利亚。


2017年浙江省温州市中考英语试题 一、单项填空(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 1. —This photo makes me think of trip to the Great Wall last year. —Yeah, we had a great time there. A. a B. an C. the D: / 2. Robert is_____ so that he even has no time to stay with his children at weekends. A. busy B. smart C. serious D. pleased 3. I have the ____of reading before sleeping. It has been part of my life. A. courage B. chance C. spirit D. habit 4. —Did anyone call me when I was out? —Yes. A man who calledTom A. myself B. himself C. herself D. yourself 5. Seeing a bird resting by the window, the boy moved _____to have a look at it. A. politely B. quietly C. easily D. safely 6. _____the scientists have done lots of research on Mars, there is still much waiting to be discovered. A. If B.Since C. Unless D. Though 7. —We’ve ordered too much food. Ieat any more. —Never mind. Let’ take it home. A. can’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. shouldn't 8. Simon looks worried because hea writing competition and now he's waiting for the result. A. enters B. entered C. will enter D. is entering 9. Opposite my house is______. My ten-year-old son often goes there with his classmates on Saturday. A. a museum that is open on weekdays B. a swimming pool that is designed for adults C. a cinema which sells tickets at a lower price D. a library which will be completed in two years 10. —Mum,I’m going to school now. See you. —______, Marry. A. Here we go B.Wait a moment C.My pleasure D.Have a nice day 二、完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分))

2020年浙江省温州市鹿城区中考一模语文试卷 (1)

[模拟]2020年浙江省温州市鹿城区中考一模语文试卷 一、填空题(共2小题;共4分) 1.读下面的文字,根据拼音写出相应的同音汉字。 文学的航船已停(bó)在名为“科幻”的码头,因此,今天的人们比任何时期更需要兼容并蓄的胸怀和(bó)采众长的能力。在继承和发扬优秀传统文化的同时,我们要紧紧把住时代脉(bó),通过想象驰骋到遥远的时空中去领略科幻的神奇,感受文学丛林的蓬 (bó)生机。 2.子夏曰:“,切问而近思,仁在其中矣。”(《论语·子张》) 二、单选题(共1小题;共2分) 3.下列有关文学名著内容的表述,错误的一项是( ) A.《西游记》中孙悟空管理蟠桃园,先偷吃蟠桃,又喝光仙酒,还吃尽太上老君的仙丹,闯下大 祸。酒醒后担心玉帝责罚,第二次反出天宫,逃回花果山。 B.《寂静的春天》第一次对人类征服自然、改造自然的观念提出了质疑,尖锐地指出农药的使用严 重地污染了自然环境,对人类的生存构成了极大的威胁。 C.《湘行散记》将湘西的现实与历史、作者的见闻与回忆、纯净的牧歌情感与包含忧患的思索巧妙 地交织,成为沈从文构建“文学湘西”世界的一块重要拼图。 D.《平凡的世界》是路遥获得诺贝尔文学奖的作品。小说为我们叙说了孙少安、孙少平这对平凡的 农民兄弟在苦难生活面前始终坚持奋斗的故事。 三、解答题(共2小题;共20分) 4.李卓吾评点《西游记》:“灵台方寸,心也。一部《西游》,此是宗旨。”西行之路也是孙悟空的修心之路。请从下列选项中任选一项,比较孙悟空“被拒绝”或“被误解”后的表现,分析他的心灵成长。 A.被拒绝:索宝水晶宫——三借芭蕉扇 B.被误解:三打白骨精——真假美猴王 5. 培根在《谈读书》中说“读书足以怡情,足以傅彩,足以长才。其怡情也,最见于独处幽居之时;其傅彩也,最见于高谈阔论之中;其长才也,最见于处世判事之际。” 请结合你读过的一本名著,利用相关情节谈谈你对培根观点的一点感受。( .... ...字左右) ......100 答: 四、填空题(共1小题;共2分) 6.古诗文名句默写。


浙江省温州市2020年初中学业水平考试数学试题 一、选择题(本题有10小题,每小题4分,共40分.每小题只有一个选项是正确的,不选、多选、 错选,均不给分) 1.数1,0,2 3 - ,﹣2中最大的是 A .1 B .0 C .2 3 - D .﹣2 2.原子钟是以原子的规则振动为基础的各种守时装置的统称,其中氢脉泽钟的精度达到了1700000年误差不超过1秒.数据1700000用科学记数法表示 A .5 1710? B .6 1.710? C .7 0.1710? D .7 1.710? 3.某物体如图所示,它的主视图是 4.一个不透明的布袋里装有7个只有颜色不同的球,其中4个白球,2个红球,1个黄球.从布袋里任意摸出1个球,是红球的概率为 A . 47 B .37 C .27 D .17 5.如图,在△ABC 中,∠A =40°,AB =AC ,点D 在AC 边上,以CB ,CD 为边作□BCDE ,则∠E 的度数为 A .40° B .50° C .60° D .70° 6.山茶花是温州市的市花,品种多样,“金心大红”是其中的一种.某兴趣小组对30株 A .6.5cm B .6.6cm C .6.7cm D .6.8cm 7.如图,菱形OABC 的顶点A ,B ,C 在⊙O 上,过点B 作⊙O 的切线交OA 的延长线于点D .若⊙O 的半径为1,则BD 的长为 A .1 B .2 C D

第5题第7题第8题 8.如图,在离铁塔150米的A处,用测倾仪测得塔顶的仰角为α,测倾仪高AD为1.5米,则铁塔的高BC为 A.(1.5+150tanα)米B.(1.5+ 150 tanα )米 C.(1.5+150sinα)米D.(1.5+ 150 sinα )米 9.已知(﹣3, 1 y),(﹣2, 2 y),(1, 3 y)是抛物线2 312 y x x m =--+上的点,则 A. 3 y< 2 y< 1 y B. 3 y< 1 y< 2 y C. 2 y< 3 y< 1 y D. 1 y< 3 y< 2 y 10.如图,在Rt△ABC中,∠ACB=90°,以其三边为边向外作正 方形,过点C作CR⊥FG于点R,再过点C作PQ⊥CR分别 交边DE,BH于点P,Q.若QH=2PE,PQ=15,则CR的 长为 A.14 B.15 C.83D.65 第10题 二、填空题(本题有6小题,每小题5分,共30分) 11.分解因式:m2﹣25=. 12.不等式组 30 4 1 2 x x -< ? ? ?+ ≥ ?? 的解为. 13.若扇形的圆心角为45°,半径为3,则该扇形的弧长为. 14.某养猪场对200头生猪的质量进行统计,得到频数直方图(每一组含前一个边界值,不含后一个边界值)如图所示,其中质量在77.5kg及以上的生猪有头. 15.点P,Q,R在反比例函数 k y x =(常数k>0,x>0)图象上的位置如图所示,分别过 这三个点作x轴、y轴的平行线.图中所构成的阴影部分面积从左到右依次为S1,S2,S3.若OE=ED=DC,S1+S3=27,则S2的值为.


初中地理学业水平考试试题 撒哈拉以南的非洲复习题 一、选择题 1、在撒哈拉以南的非洲分布最广的气候是( ) A(热带沙漠气候 B(热带雨林气候 C(热带草原气候 D(地中海气候 2、下列人口增长最快的地区是( ) A.西欧 B.中东 C.撒哈拉以南的非洲 D.日本 3、与撒哈拉以南的非洲相符合的是( ) A.殖民统治已经过去,因此这不是导致本区经济落后的一个原因 B.扩大耕地面积是解决本区粮食问题的唯一出路 C.北非和撒哈拉以南的非洲一样主要是黑种人 D.人口增长太快是阻碍本区经济发展的重要原因 4、羚羊在狂奔,长颈鹿伸着脖子吃树梢上的嫩枝绿叶,成群的斑玛向水草地迁移,凶猛的狮子和豹紧追其后,赶上落后的斑马,饱餐一顿。这种景观出现在撒哈拉的南非洲的( ) A热带沙漠中 B热带草原上 C热带雨林中 D温带草原上 5、在撒哈拉以南的非洲,各国普遍遇到的问题是( ) A.能源供应不足 B.粮食供应不足 C.油料供应不足 D.肉类供应 不足 6、撒哈拉以南的非洲,在这片神奇而又充满生机的土地上,没有的是:( ) A.浩瀚的沙漠 B.茂密的森林 C.辽阔的草原 D.充足的粮食 7、关于撒哈拉以南非洲的叙述,正确的是( )

A.是白种人的故乡 B.地形以平原为主 C.单一商品为主的经济 D.人口自然增长率世界最低 8、人口自然增长率在世界各大洲中居首位的大洲是:( ) A.亚洲 B.欧洲 C.北美洲 D.非洲 9、撒哈拉以南的非洲是哪种人的故乡:( ) A.白种人 B.黑种人 C.黄种人 10、下列关于非洲气候类型分布的叙述,正确的是 ( ) A.气温高 B.季风气候显著 C.干燥地区广大 D.气候带南北对称分布 11、世界上面积最大的热带疏林草原分布在( ) A.亚洲 B.欧洲 C.南美洲 D.非洲 12、下列非洲的矿产中储量和产量都居世界首位的是( ) A.煤、铁 B.石油、铀 C.铁、锰 D.金刚石、黄金二、填空 1、撒哈拉以南的非洲位于世界上最大的沙漠以南,主要位于 带;西临洋,东临洋,赤道穿过本区。 2、本区90%以上是种人,所以本区又有“ ”之称。 3、本区地形以为主,有“ ”之称。 4、本区经济特点是:形成了以的经济。本区国家的经济弊端是 。如何改变这种状况 。 5、本区农牧业生产落后,增长速度超过的增长速度,又常受灾威胁,因此不足成为本区各国普遍遇到的问题。 6、本区农牧业落后的历史根源是。7、从气候看,当前制约非洲农业生产发展的主要因素是和等,这些问题的产生与当地居民滥垦滥伐、过度放牧关系十分密切。 8、本区有世界最长的河流,有世界第二大河,后者比前者水量 (大或小),原因是。 授课内容撒哈拉备课时12月10主备人王雪梅签字 以南非间日 洲复习 课型复习上课时12月授课人教案28


温州市乐清市10个最知名的旅游景点_排行榜 10、高氏家族墓地 乐清高氏家族墓位于乐清市北白象高岙村,建于明代,墓地依山并环宗祠而筑,布局独特。其中高友玑墓最具规模、形制独特,主体建筑为三座四柱三楼式神位牌楼组合而成,并将祖孙四代七人的墓碑按昭穆之制分列其中,具有鲜明的地域特征和时代风格,实属罕见。墓由神道门、华表等仿木石构和石像生组成。乐清高氏家族墓位于乐清市北白象高岙村,建于明代,墓地依山并环宗祠而筑,布局独特。国家级第六批重点文物保护名单。 9、王十朋故里旅游区 乐清王十朋纪念馆,乐清史上仅有的状元,也是“状元故里”历史文化的重要发祥地。被评定为国家3A级旅游景区。王十朋故里景区核心区梅溪村,位于淡溪镇四都社区,曾获得浙江省“全面小康建设示范村”、“历史文化名村”、“特色旅游村”等荣誉称号,是淡溪镇打造浙江省风情旅游小镇的核心区块。 8、雁荡山筋竹涧生态农业观光园 筋竹涧农业观光园主要是在发展生态农业的基础上,以亲近大自然,让身与

心达到和谐的健康基础为主导,开发休闲观光农业,建立合理的生态链。筋竹涧农业观光园是一种全新的休闲业种,它以木屋风情、田园风光为主要风格,迎合城市人、商旅人士追求“绿色”“生态”“田园”“亲子”的一种“返璞归真”心态,综合了城市人、商旅人士比较感兴趣的农村生活状态.把“一亩三分地”自耕自种自留地区、“现采现做”生态园区、“牲畜家园”区、“趣味童年”区、“操作展示”区等一系列的全新休闲方式综合起来,形成了一站式享受田园乐趣的业态。 7、温州南塘文化旅游区 南塘文化旅游区位于鹿城区中心地带,主要景点包括南塘河、南塘风貌街、白鹿洲公园、文化村、庄头滨水公园。南塘河及南塘街均有千年历史,有丰富的文化底蕴,且文化村内拥有谷超豪故居,全面展示了温州“数学之乡”的特点和风采。南塘,顾名思义,乃城南之堤塘也,“印象南塘”已成为极具特色的“温州城市客厅”。“印象南塘”景区所在区域是温州历史文化精华区,也曾是现代文明城市的疮疤区,通过大量保护利用工程建设和社会投入,现在的“印象南塘”已成为综合性、多样化的文化休闲旅游区。 6、浙江雁荡山国家森林公园 浙江雁荡山国家森林公园位于浙江省乐清市东北部,处于雁荡山景区的核心地带。截至2014年8月,辖区内有净名、灵峰、灵岩、大龙湫、雁湖等五


浙江省温州市2017年中考英语试题 一、单项填空(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 1. —This photo makes me think of trip to the Great Wall last year. —Yeah, we had a great time there. A. a B. an C. the D: / 2. Robert is_____ so that he even has no time to stay with his children at weekends. A. busy B. smart C. serious D. pleased 3. I have the ____of reading before sleeping. It has been part of my life. A. courage B. chance C. spirit D. habit 4. —Did anyone call me when I was out? —Yes. A man who called Tom A. myself B. himself C. herself D. yourself 5. Seeing a bird resting by the window, the boy moved _____to have a look at it. A. politely B. quietly C. easily D. safely 6. _____the scientists have done lots of research on Mars, there is still much waiting to be discovered. A. If B.Since C. Unless D. Though 7. —We’ve ordered too much food. I eat any more. —Never mind. Let’ take it home. A. can’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. shouldn't 8. Simon looks worried because he a writing competition and now he's waiting for the result. A. enters B. entered C. will enter D. is entering 9. Opposite my house is______. My ten-year-old son often goes there with his classmates on Saturday. A. a museum that is open on weekdays B. a swimming pool that is designed for adults C. a cinema which sells tickets at a lower price D. a library which will be completed in two years 10. —Mum,I’m going to school now. See you.


2018年浙江省温州市鹿城区中考数学模拟试卷(5月份)一、选择题(本题有10小题,每小题4分,共40分.每小题只有一个选项是正确的,不 选、多选、错选,均不给分) 1.(4分)﹣2的绝对值是() A.2B.﹣2C.D. 2.(4分)由五个小立方体搭成的几何体如图所示,其主视图是() A.B. C.D. 3.(4分)事件:“在只装有2个红球和8个黑球的袋子里,摸出一个白球”是()A.可能事件B.随机事件C.不可能事件D.必然事件4.(4分)不等式3x<2(x+2)的解是() A.x>2B.x<2C.x>4D.x<4 5.(4分)在一次中学生田径运动会上,参加男子跳高的20名运动员的成绩如下表所示:成绩(米) 1.55 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.80人数435611 则这些运动员成绩的众数为() A.1.55米B.1.65 米C.1.70米D.1.80米 6.(4分)已知点(﹣2,y1),(3,y2)在一次函数y=2x﹣3的图象上,则y1,y2,0的大小关系是() A.y1<y2<0B.y1<0<y2C.y2<0<y1D.0<y1<y2 7.(4分)如图,一架长2.5米的梯子AB斜靠在墙上,已知梯子底端B到墙角C的距离为 1.5米,设梯子与地面所夹的锐角为α,则cosα的值为()

A.B.C.D. 8.(4分)我们知道方程组的解是,现给出另一个方程组 ,它的解是() A.B.C.D. 9.(4分)七巧板是我们祖先的一项卓越创造,被誉为“东方魔板”.如图是一个七巧板迷宫,它恰好拼成了一个正方形ABCD,其中E,P分别是AD,CD的中点,一只蚂蚁从点A处沿图中实线爬行到出口点P处.若AB=2,则它爬行的最短路程为() A.B.1C.2D.3 10.(4分)如图,在?ABCD中,∠DAB=60°,AB=10,AD=6.⊙O分别切边AB,AD 于点E,F,且圆心O恰好落在DE上.现将⊙O沿AB方向滚动到与边BC相切(点O 在□ABCD的内部),则圆心O移动的路径长为() A.4B.6C.7﹣D.10﹣2 二、填空题(本题有6题,每小题5分,共30分)(第12题)小红5月份消费情况扇形统 计图车费10%午餐40%其他30%学习用品20% 11.(5分)分解因式:m2+2m=. 12.(5分)小红同学5月份各项消费情况的扇形统计图如图所示,其中小红在学习用品上


浙江省温州市2020年初中学业水平考试中考英语作文书面表达赏析 作文辅导 【原题】 五、书面表达(本题有1小题, 共30分) 56. 年夜饭是中国文化中最重要的团圆饭。年夜饭菜肴丰富、美味, 像年糕(New Year cake)、鱼等都还带有美好的祝愿。 请以The Family Dinner on Spring Festival Eve为题, 写一篇约10词的短文, 向外国朋友介绍自己家乡的年夜饭, 让他们更好地了解中国丰富多样的文化习俗。 注意:文中不可出现人名。标题已经给出, 不计入总词数。 The Family Dinner on Spring Festival Eve _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

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