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Mary wants to know… ___ where Bob lives.
_√__ how far he lives from his grandparents’
_√__ how he gets to his grandparents'home. _√__ how long it takes to get to his
grandparents’home. ___ what he thinks of(认为,觉得) the trip.
1d. Listen again. How does Bob get to his grandparent’home? Check ( ) 1 or 2.

1e Talk about how Bob gets to his grandparents’home.
river 河;江
boat 小船
bridge 桥
village 村庄; 村镇
villager 村民
ropeway 索道
100 分
leave dream 梦想;做梦 离开
between …之间
cross 横过;越过
afraid 害怕;畏惧
many 许多
bus stop(停车点)
bus station (停/转换车辆的车站)
PS:1.be afraid of 害怕某事 翻译:我不害怕鬼。 I am not afraid of ghost. 2.一个三间屋的房子 a three rooms house a three-room-house
“ I love to(喜爱做某事) play with my classmates.
A: How do you get to school? B: Well, I ride my bike to(到达)the subway
station. Then I take the subway.
1b.Байду номын сангаасPairwork
A: 你是怎么来学校的? _H_o_w__d_o__y_o_u__g_e_t__t_o__s_c_h_o_o_l_?_____?
So these students go on a ropeway(滑铁索)to(为了)
cross the river to(到) school.
PS:1.There be+单数/复数 2.between...and...在...中间
Exercise:1.这有一本书 There _i_s____ a book.
There is a very big river between their school and
the village.(between..and..在...之间----指两者)
There is no bridge and the river runs(流淌)too(太...)
quickly for boats.
B: 我搭公车来到火车站,然后搭火车。 Well, I t_a_k_e_t_h_e_ __b_u_s_ __t_o__(到达) the train station. Then I t_a_k_e_ t_h_e__ _t_r_a_i_n.
1c. Listen and check the things that Mary wants to know.
How d_o_e__s_ Bob _g_e_t_ _t__o his grandparents’home.
He _t_a_k_e_s__t_h_e__t_r_a_i_n__ to the bus station. Then he_t_a_k_e__s_ _t_h_e_ _b_u_s_.
2.这有好多书 There a_r_e__ _s_o__ma_n_y___books.
3.A在B和C的中间。 __A__i_s__b_e_t_w_e_e_n__B__a_n_d__C___________.
One 11-year-old boy, Liangliang, crosses the river every school day(每一个上学的日子). But he is not afraid(不害怕) because he loves school.
And I love my teacher. He’s like(像) a father to(对)
me.”Many of(...中的许多) the students and villagers
never leave the village. It is their dream to have a
bridge. Can their dream come true?(实现)
2a. Look at the picture and title below. Guess what the passage is about.
Crossing the River to School
Crossing the River to School How do you get to school? Do you walk or ride a bike? Do you go by bus or by train? For(对于) many students ,it is easy to(容易做某事) get to school. But for the students in(在)one small village in China, it is difficult.
PS:1.love to do sth=love doing sth 我喜欢看书 I _l_o_v_e_ _t_o___ r_e_a_d__.=I _l_o_v_e_ _r_e_a_d_i_n_g_.
subway station
train station
1a. Match the words with the pictures.
1._b_bus stop
3._c__ bus station
2.__a_train station 4. _d__subway station
1b. Pairwork