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尼基塔》Nikita 经典



话)有时脆弱反倒是我们最强的武器Sometimes vulnerability can be our greatest weapon. 【2】(第八集中奥利弗和尼基塔的对话)奥利弗她唯一付出真心的就是你们的感情Oliver, you were the only thing that was real to her. 我们每个人每天都戴着面具生活Look, we all wear masks, every one, every day, 有时候我们因为戴得时间太长

And sometimes we wear them so much, 已经忘记自己是谁了we forget who we really are. 而有时候如果你幸运的话And sometimes, if we're lucky, 有人会出现在我们的生活中Someone comes along and 告诉我们需要变成什么样的

人shows us who we really wanna be, 我们应该变成什么样的人Who we should be. 对她来说你就是这个人

You were that for her.

【3】(第七集中迈克尔和在模拟演习和学院说的话)在这场模拟演习中在你们努力存活的同时During this sim, while you are trying to survive 你们只能当机立断

You'll only have a second to decide


Who is your friend,


And who is your enemy.


So choose carefully.

" 赋予我们勇气与理智"

Give us courage and the quiet mind.

" 饶恕我们的朋友"

Spare to us our friends,

" 歼灭我们的敌人"

"Soften to us our enemies."

【4】(第七集中尼基塔和艾利克丝的对话)交友很容易Making friends isn't hard. 失去朋友却很痛苦

Losing them will be.



Denial is the first stage of grief, my brother. 最后层级呢

The last? 接受Acceptance. 我想我已经接受了I guess I've accepted it. 也许你也该接受Maybe you should, too. 【6】(第九集中尼基塔劝迈克尔不要去杀卡西姆)迈克尔不要这样Michael, don't do this. 登机口全是荷枪实弹的士兵

The way those soldiers are stacked at the gate, 你在靠近卡西姆之前

You will not get within 就会被干掉的

10 yards of kasim before they cut you down. 没想到现在要轮到你来教训我

Who would have thought you would have been the voice of reason? 复仇不能解决问题

Revenge is not the answer. 我没听错吧这是尼基塔说的话吗Excuse me. Is this Nikita talking? 这不是一回事我没拿生命当儿戏

That's different. I'm not throwing my life away. 那是你的做法这是我的

This is mine. 我希望你能找到你要的东西

I hope you find what you're looking for.


Shut up. You don't get to say your good-byes. 再见尼基塔

Good-bye, Nikita. 迈克尔听我说迈克尔

Michael, Michael. Listen. Listen to me, Michael. 你觉得世上没什么要你留恋的了吗You think you don't have anything to live for? 你有的You do. 就是我You have me.




Every man has a choice. 他的生活和扮演的角色是由

His life and his character are determined

他的选择来决定的N{ n 方正综艺简体by the choices he makes. 你可以做出选择

You have options.
