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Live like you're dying Lenka

one of these days you'll be 或许在未来的某一天,你将会

under the covers you'll be 封闭自己,你将会

under the table and you'll realize 隐藏自己,然后你清楚的认识到

all of your days are numbered 属于你的未来还有许多时日

all of them one to one hundred 它们从一到一百

all of them millions. 到数百万

all of them trillions.到数亿万

so what are you gonna do with them all? 你打算在这些日子里去做些什么呢? you can not trade them in for mall. no no.你不能把它们拿到商场去买卖,不能take every moment 那就自己掌控吧

you know that you own them.你知道你拥有它们

it's all you can do,你所能做的

use what's been given to you.就是好好利用你所得到的

give me a reason 给我一个理由

to fight the feeling 让我去抗拒这种感觉

that there's nothing here for me. 那种一无所有,了无慰藉的感觉

cause none of it’s easy,其实生活并不轻松啊~

i know it wasn't meant to be. 没有不争取就注定的事情

i know it's all up to me. 我知道这一切都是由我来决定

i know it's all up to me. 由我来决定

so what am i gonna do with my time? oh在我剩下的时间里我该去做些什么呢?

i'll take every moment,我会去利用我剩下的每一分钟

i know that i own them.我知道我拥有它们

it's all up to you to do 完全由你决定去做

whatever you choose. 你所选择做的事情

live like you're dying 要以时日不多的心态活着

and never stop trying.从不放弃尝试

it's all you can do,你所能做的

use what's been given to you.就是好好利用你所拥有的

all of the moments you didn't notice 你没注意到吧

gone in the blink of an eye.时间一眨眼的功夫就过去了

all of the feelings you couldn't feel 所有那些稍纵即逝的感觉~ no matter how you try. oh oh.无论你怎么努力也抓不到~ take every moment 那就珍惜每一个时刻~

you know that you own them.你知道他们属于你

it's all up to you to do

whatever you choose.

live like you're dying

and never stop trying.

it's all you can do,

use what's been given to you. ~

live like you're dying

and never stop trying.

it's all you can do,

use what's been given to you

Believe ---Dima Bilan

Even when the thunder and storm begins 即使电闪雷鸣,暴风四起

I'll be standing strong like a tree in the wind 我也会像棵参天大树一样屹立不倒Nothing is gonna move this mountain in 没有什么可以移动我心中的大山

or change my direction 或改变我前进的方向

I'm falling off the sky and I'm all alone 即使我从天空摔落下来,孤独无助

The courage that's inside is gonna break my fall 但是骨子里的勇气可以让我重新振作

Nothing is gonna dim my light within 没有什么可以熄灭我心中的灯火

But if I keep going on it will never be impossible 只要我永不放弃,什么都有可能Not today. 今天我绝不会放弃

Cause I got something to believe in 因为我有原因去相信

As long as I'm breathing 只要我还活着

There is not a limit to what I can dream 我可以追求的梦想是没有什么可以限制的Cause I got something to believe in 因为我有原因去相信

Mission to keep climbing 有使命需去执行

Nothing else can stop me if I just believe 如果我相信我自己,并信任我自己

And I believe in me. 那什么都阻止不了我

Even when the world tries to pull me down 即使全世界都反对我

Tell me that I can't... try to turn me around 告诉我:你做不到....试着要我回头

I wont let them put my fire out 我也不会让他们把我心中的火种扑灭

without NO 没有希望不

But if I keep going on it will never be impossible 只要我永不放弃,什么都有可能