当前位置:文档之家› 词汇通关80天(分层版)第一次月考卷答案





1. apologize

2. appropriate

3. attend

4. behavior

5. celebrate

6. confident

7. cruel

8. desires

9. encouragement 10. experience

11. express https://www.doczj.com/doc/858752891.html,st 13. judge 14. interviewed 15. instruction

16. nature 17. nearby 18. prefer 19. past 20. population


1. by accident / by chance

2. was admitted into

3. based on/ on the basis of

4. ashamed of

5. will / shall I change my mind

6. came across

7. we had a debate 8. come to / draw a conclusion

9. experience the hardships of life 10. causing/which caused five deaths

11. have some trouble in 12. give me a hand/do me a favour

13. make fun of 14. let your parents down 15. leave out

16. was nervous about 17. in need of 18. In the past decade

19. take place 20. in place of / instead of



2. awareness

3. bored; boring

4. thinking

5. celebration

6. choice

7. in

8. difficulty

9. division 10. entirely 11. freedom

12. friendly 13. Hearing 14. crying 15. had 16. for

17. marriage 18. expectations 19. to go 20. organisations


1. 第二个a→an

2.at→to; them→it

3. buying→buy



6.decade→decades; in→about


8.confused→confusing; in→on 9. 在concerned前加am

10.want→wanted; at→on 11. week→weeks 12.在found后加it

13.read→reading 14. with→to 15. important→importance

16. for→of 17. 把take前的to去掉18. is→are

19. 在occurred后加to 20. badly→bad



词汇通关80天(分层版)第六周测试卷答案 一、单词拼写 1. straight 2. strong 3. target 4. technique 5. ticket 6. successful 7. surface 8. survived 9. table 10. tastes 11. term 12. themselves 13. theory 14. Though 15. tough 16. tour 17. trade 18. treatments 19. university 20. visit 二、完成句子 1. succeeded in 2. supplied the victims with 3. becomes tired of 4. suffered from 5. suggested offering 6. took down 7. Thanks to 8. can’t wait to see you 9. thinks about 10. get through 11. ahead of time 12. together with 13. get in touch with 14. ask for trouble 15. up and down 16. It is no use 17. take off 18. used to 19. lost their way 20. On the whole 三、单句语法填空 1. To support 2. cutting 3. strength 4. that 5. a 6. surprising 7. talked 8. is taught 9. to live 10. theirs 11. in 12. thoughtful 13. away 14. tough 15. to/towards 16. training 17. truth 18. understood 19. unless 20. until 四、单句改错 1. spent→spend; socially →social 2. who→whose 3. when→while 4. 去掉to 5. said→saying 6.在pity前加a; wrongly→wrong 7. writing→written; attract→attracts 8.在long前加a; visit→visiting 9.去掉about 10. who→whom 11. If→Whether 12.去掉my 13. wore→wearing; a→the 14.去掉第一个to; careful→carefully 15. waited 后加for; voices→voice 16. pay→paid, on→in 17. read→reading; theirs→their 18. usually→usual 19. on→in; him→himself 20. true→truth; 去掉the


2014 年秋季第一次月考试题高一政治 本试题卷共两个大题,34小题,共6页,满分100分。考试时间90 分钟。 ★祝考试顺利★ 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的学校、班级、姓名、考号填写在答题卷密封线内。2.选择题每小题选出答案后,填涂到试卷答题卡上。 3.将非选择题用0.5 毫米黑色墨水签字笔或黑色墨水钢笔直接答在答题卷上每题对应的答题区域内,答在试题卷上无效。 4.考试结束后,请将答题卡上交,试卷带走。 第I卷选择题 一、选择题(在每小题给出的四个选项中只有一个选项是最符合题目要求的。每小题2 本题共30 小题,分,共60 分。) 1、据新华社全国农副产品和农资价格行情系统监测,截至2013年12月2日,生姜、大蒜价 格累计降幅已超过5.0%。吃大蒜可增加营养、改善食欲,还可防治多种疾病。这里所说的可增加营养、改善食欲、防治多种疾病是指( ) A.商品的使用价值 B.商品的交换价值 C.商品的价值 D.劳动产品的价值 2、货币出现以后,人们把货币看得很神秘,把货币看成是财富的象征,这是因为 A.货币是商品交换发展的产物 B .货币是商品,有价值 C.货币是由贵重金属来制造 D .货币的本质是一般等价物 3、没有稳定收入的人士很难申请到银行发行的信用卡,因为银行信用卡是 A.商业银行对年满18周岁的客户发行的一种信用凭证 B.商业银行对资信状况良好的客户发行的一种信用凭证 C.商业银行对拥有房、车等资产的客户发行的一种信用凭证 D.商业银行对喜欢提前消费的客户发行的一种信用凭证 4、信用卡之所以被消费者青睐,是因为它( ) A.是商业银行对资信状况良好的客户发行的一种信用凭证 B.在使用上不受客观条件的制约 C.能方便购物消费,增强消费安全,给持卡人带来诸多便利 D.能够促进市场经济的发展,促进商业银行业务的扩大 5、小李考到驾照后看中一款标价1 7万的大众宝来轿车,在首付9 万后。小李通过银行按揭8 万购买了此车,材料中的17万,9万和8万分别执行了货币的


词汇通关80天(分层版)第三次月考卷 (Day 41-Day 60) 一、单词拼写根据句意和汉语提示补全单词。 1. Our children all go to the ____________ (本地的) school. 2. She ____________ (反应) surprisingly calmly to the news of his death. 3. As the ____________ (谚语) goes, “Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched.” 4. Everything went according to ____________ (日程表). 5. There was a choice of four prizes, and the winner could ____________ (挑选) one of them. 6. They haven’t yet ____________ (决定下来) when the wedding is going to be. 7. He ____________ (假装) that he didn’t mind, but I knew that he did. 8. Travelling by train is still one of the safest methods of ____________ (交通方式). 9. North America has the world's best climate for ____________ (野生的)grapes. 10. A good teacher have to ____________ (调整) his/her methods to suit the needs of slower children. 11. We’re leaving early tomorrow morning, so you’d better ____________ (收拾行李) tonight. 12. Now that we have a baby, we ____________ (很少) get the chance to go to the cinema. 13. We had seats in the front row of the ____________ (剧院). 14. For more information about the speech contest, visit our ____________ (网站) at https://www.doczj.com/doc/858752891.html,. 15. They have no children of their own, but they’re hoping to ____________ (收养). 16. The police only ____________ (追回) a very small percentage of stolen goods last time. 17. He ____________ (指引,教导) family members in nursing techniques. 18. He believes that all children are born with equal ____________ (智力). 19. What would you do if your parents or friends ____________ (误解) you? 20. Last night, I managed to return to the ____________ (小旅馆) cold, wet and hungry. 二、完成句子根据汉语提示完成英文句子。 1. The Kingdom of Italy formally ______________________________ (出现,形成,成立) on 17 March, 1861. 2. A bonus of up to 5 percent can be added to a pupil’s final exam marks ______________________________ (作为奖赏) for good handwriting. 3. He’s a good teacher, and he ______________________________ (对……非常有耐心) the slower pupils. 4. Fish ______________________________ (挣扎求生) when the water level drops in the lake. 5. How are we going to ______________________________ (使我们摆脱这次困境)?

专题19-2020年高考英语考纲词汇80天通关特训第十五周测试卷(Day 71--Day 75)

2020年高考英语考纲词汇通关第十五周测试卷(Day 71--Day 75) (全卷共四大题100小题。每小题1分,满分100分。请在40分钟内完成) 班级____________学号____________姓名____________得分____________ 一、单词拼写请根据句子的意思和汉语提示填入一个恰当的英语单词(注意形式)。共25小题,每小题1分,满分25分。 1. We are very _________(感激的) for your buying our products. 2. A _________(理论) is a formal idea or set of ideas that is intended to explain something. 3. _________(因此), too many cars will make energy supply more demanding. 4. The former is based on a _________(彻底的) understanding of knowledge one has acquired whereas the latter isn’t. 5. The little boy held his mother’s hand _________(紧紧地) for the rest of the day. 6. If you _________(容忍) a situation or person, you accept them although you do not particularly like them. 7. As far as I know, the _________(总共的/全部的) cost of taking the driving test in Chengdu is about 4,000 yuan at the present. 8. I was very _________(感动的) by his words and was ashamed of what my classmates had done to him. 9. Instead of being spoiled, children should do hard work to learn to cherish, and be sent to somewhere _________(艰苦的) to learn to be brave. 10. A _________(传统) is a custom or belief that has existed for a long time. 11. If something that someone has said or written is _________(翻译) from one language into another, it is said or written again in the second language. 12. To _________(运输) people or goods somewhere is to take them from one place to another in a vehicle. 13. If you _________(珍爱/珍惜) something that you have, you keep it or care for it carefully because it gives you great pleasure and you think it is very special. 14. As a student, it is very lucky to have a teacher full of love and care and _________(对待) you as a friend. 15. If you _________(信任) someone, you believe that they are honest and sincere and will not deliberately do anything to harm you. 16. It is exciting to visit different places. As you travel, you will see beautiful sceneries _________(典型的/特有的) of the region.


2019高三政治名校试题汇编专项05经济生活综合题(教师版)【陕西省宁强县天津高级中学2018届高三第三次月考】(16分) 材料: 2017年3月5日,温家宝总理在十一届全国人大四次会议上所作的《政府工作报告》中强调:要把稳定物价总水平作为宏观调控的首要任务。全面加强价格调控和监管。一是有效管理市场流动性,控制物价过快上涨的货币条件。二是大力发展生产,保障主要农产品、基本生活必需品、重要生产资料的生产和供应。三是加强农产品流通体系建设,积极开展“农超对接”,畅通鲜活农产品运输“绿色通道”。四是加强价格监管,维护市场秩序。特别要强化价格执法,严肃查处恶意炒作、串通涨价、哄抬价格等不法行为。五是完善补贴制度,建立健全社会救助和保障标准与物价上涨挂钩的联动机制,绝不让物价上涨影响低收入群众的正常生活。 (1)请运用经济生活的知识分析政府为什么要稳定物价?(6分) (2)说明政府采取上述五项措施的经济学依据。(10分) 胀,因此,要稳定物价,就要“控制物价上涨过快的货币条件”。措施二是要大力发展生产。为什么控制物价要发展生产呢?因为如果供需出现失衡,供不应求,物价也会上涨,所以,要稳定物价,就要保证产品的供应。措施三畅通运输通道,可以节约运输成本,成本降低,价格自然也会下降;措施三四是要“严肃查处恶意炒作、串通涨价、哄抬价格等

不法行为”,因为这些行为都会抬高物价,所以国家要加强宏观调控。措施五“完善补贴制度,绝不让物价上涨影响低收入群众的正常生活”。谁补贴,财政补贴,这就涉及到财政的第一条作用——国家财政是促进社会公平、改善人民生活的物质保障。 【江西省上饶中学2018届高三第一次月考】经济学家指出,我国现阶段要加快转变经济发展方式,坚持扩大国内需求特别是消费需求的方针,促进经济增长由主要依靠投资、出口拉动向依靠消费、投资、出口的协调拉动转变。消费、投资和出口的协调发展,就是要提高居民的消费水平。 运用经济生活知识回答,你认为我国应如何促进居民消费并简要说明原因。(10分)


词汇通关80天(分层版)第三周测试卷 (Day 11-Day15) 一、单词拼写根据句意和首字母补全单词。 1. Lily invited Tom to her party, but he turned down her i_________. 2.As the saying goes, f_________ is the mother of success. 3. Events in the early childhood often help to f________ our personalities in later life. 4. Before getting a job, you usually need to attend an i________ possibly arranged by your future employer. 5. Don’t always depend on your parents. It’s high time you lived an i________ life. 6. However busy we are, we should not i________ to do sports regularly. 7. Taking drugs is i________ for the reason that it goes against the law. 8. I always share my deepest f________ and thoughts with my close friends. 9. He is a very honest man who never tells a l _________ to anyone. 10. The f___________ of a fridge is to keep the fresh fruit and meat longer. 11. As the saying goes, no pains, no g___________. 12. A l________ is a place where there are a variety of books about different subjects for readers to choose from or read for free. 13. There is a g___________ gap between the grandparents and their grandchildren. 14. The boy felt g___________ for treating his parents in such a rude manner. 15. It is high time the headmaster lightened the h___________ burden of children. 16. The helicopter is flying at the h___________ of 8,000 meters above the globe. 17. To improve your l________ of writing an essay, pay attention to some skills. 18. If you want to get more i________, you can surf the Internet for our website. 19. Give us a brief i________ of you so that we all know more about you. 20. Pass me a bottle of orange j________, please. I’m rather thirsty. 二、完成句子根据汉语提示完成英语句子。 1. __________________ (缺少时间), they didn’t finish the task as planned. 2.I desire to _____________________ (邀请你开一个讲座) on how to get rid of stress for the senior three students of our school. 3.He _________________________________ (极有可能不来了) this evening. 4. I was about to go to bed when someone _____________________________ (在敲门). 5. I ________________________ (渐渐熟悉) the life in the U.S.A, and made rapid progress in study. 6.However, we ________________________ (面对很多困难)when we study abroad, homesickness, __________________(例如). 7. It’s not that difficult. ________________________(实际上), it’s quiet easy. 8. The reasons why people think highly of education can be listed _______________________(如下). 9. They are looking forward to ________________(收到父母的来信). 10. There’s no need to ________________ (对……太严格) yourself—you did the best you could. 11. She ___________________________________ (碰巧) be out when we called. 12. ________________________ (我想出一个好主意) suddenly at the last moment. 13. After hearing the funny story, all of us _____________________ (忍不住大笑了起来). 14. It is rather difficult for an old man to _______________________ (赶上) the times. 15. The headmaster asked us to ________________________ (上交) the questionnaires on time. 16. I ________________________ (不知道) why he gave up such a golden chance. 17. All the presents ________________________ (为孩子们准备的). 18. We should focus on what’s right _______________________ (而不是) complaining about what’s wrong. 19. All the teachers and students are welcome to ___________ (参加) the party to be held. 20. Health experts advise us that we’d better _______________ (远离) junk foods. 三、单句语法填空在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 1. Please remember to inform me _______ any change that you make. 2. As he got older, he was more and more ________ (forget).


月考(一) 必修一经济生活 第Ⅰ卷(选择题共48分) 一、选择题(每题2分,共48分) 1.人民币收藏是当前一个比较热门的话题。老王前不久花了20万元收藏了我国发行的、现已经被强制退出流通领域的第二套人民币,其中面额为10元、5元、2元、1元、5角、2角、1角、5分、2分、1分的各1张,合计面额为18.88元。关于人民币收藏,下列说法正确的是( ) A.被收藏的人民币的本质已经成为收藏品,价值发生了变化 B.被收藏的人民币的本质没有变化,仍然是一般等价物 C.物以稀为贵,被收藏的人民币市场供应量少,决定了其价格高 D.被收藏的人民币已经退出了流通领域,不能再用于购买商品 答案:D 解析:被收藏的人民币价值发生了变化这一说法不妥,A排除。被收藏的人民币不是一般等价物,B说法错误。被收藏的人民币的价格受其供应量的影响,但供应量不能决定被收藏的人民币的价格,故C错误。纸币是由国家(或某些地区)发行并强制使用的,被强制退出流通领域的人民币不再具有流通手段的职能,不能再用于购买商品,故D符合题意。 2.2017年以来,随着“去产能”一系列政策的实施,全国煤炭市场供需实现了基本平衡,煤炭价格和煤炭行业整体效益不断回升。煤炭行业去产能效果明显,2.5亿吨的煤炭去产能目标任务已超额完成。下列能反映“去产能”政策对煤炭产业发展产生积极影响的是( ) A.①② B.①③ C.②④ D.③④ 答案:B 解析:煤炭行业“去产能”政策是在需求一定的情况下,减少供给,促进价格回升,①符合题意。在产能过剩的情况下,部分商品价格低于成本,导致企业亏损,“去产能”能够促进价格的回升,减少亏损,增加利润,③正确。②反映的是商品价格上涨,供给增加,这与去产能政策的目的相背离,排除。④反映的是商品价格上涨,需求减少,这不利于化解产能过剩,排除。 3.一般来说,对于互替产品,企业会适当提高畅销品的价格,降低滞销品的价格,使得二者的销量相得益彰,增加企业总利润。下列做法符合互替产品定价策略的是( ) ①某超市根据销售情况上调洗衣粉的价格,降低肥皂的价格②鉴于成品油价格上涨,汽车经销商主动降价促销③周末,某快餐店推出汉堡包与饮料搭配套餐进行促销④元旦小长假,某旅游公司提高短线游价格,降低长线游价格 A.①② B.①④ C.②③ D.③④ 答案:B 解析:洗衣粉和肥皂互为替代品,提高洗衣粉的价格,降低肥皂的价格,有利于肥皂的


词汇通关80天(分层版)第四周测试卷答案 一、单词拼写 1. master 2. moved 3. member 4.linked 5. memory 6. presents 7. nervous 8.occurred 9. manners 10. national 11. notes 12. offered 13.own 14.Once 15. pale 16. passes 17. persuade 18. Practice 19. popular 20. positive 二、完成句子 1. by means of cheating 2. As long as / So long as 3. a majority of / most of 4. makes up his mind; change his mind 5. lived a rich and comfortable life 6. at a loss 7. make up for 8. has a gift for; longs to become 9. By no means 10. It is necessary 11. meetings to attend 12. No news is good news 13. in the name of 14. nothing but diligence 15. take notes of / keep a record of 16. A (great) number of 17. In my opinion / view 18. coming in the opposite direction 19. in order/in place 20. as soon as possible 三、单句语法填空 1.personal 2. upon/on 3. seeing 4. losses 5. lucky 6. mentally 7. on 8. musician 9. her 10. less 11. northern 12. Obviously 13. official 14. on 15. operating 16. original 17. partly 18. peaceful 19. patient 20. possibility 四、单句改错 1.在listen后加to 2. 在long前加a 3. see→seeing 4. surely→sure 5. hear→heard 6. many→much 7. Marking→Marked 8. the→a 9. 把met后的with去掉10. as→for 11.把when去掉 12. come→comes 13. moving→moved; cry→crying 14. musics→music 15. naturally→natural 16. By→In 17. Owe→Owing 18. were→was 19. to→with 20. many→much 1


月考试题答案 高三年级月考政治试卷参考答案 一、选择题 1-5 BADDA 6-10 CDBDA 11-15 DDDCC 16-20 BCCBC 21-25 BCDCD 二、问答题 26、(1)①物质决定意识,意识对物质有反作用。坚持科学发展观就是根据我国环境面临严峻形势提出来的,它必将对我国环境保护和可持续发展产生深远的影响。②按规律办事必须充分发挥主观能动性,发挥主观能动性必须以尊重客观规律为基础。坚持科学发展观,维护生态平衡,合理利用资源,是坚持充分发挥主观能动性和按规律办事相统一的表现。③价值观对人的活动具有导向作用。由于环境保护意识的淡漠和过分地追求眼前的经济利益,导致人们对环境严重破坏;科学发展观的树立,使我们采取了一系列节约资源、保护环境的行动。(9分) (2)①坚持科学发展观,体现了党的性质、宗旨和“三个代表”重要思想。②是我党坚持执政为民、科学执政的重要表现。③体现了国家履行搞好社会公共服务,搞好环境保护的国家职能。④是国家机关坚持对人民负责原则的重要体现。(7分) 27、(1)材料一反映了我国与发达国家相比,信息化水平非常低,面临着亟待发展的问题。材料二反映了信息技术及其产业对一国社会经济发展及国力增强具有重要意义。(4分) (2)①当今国际竞争的实质是以经济和科技实力为基础的综合国力的较量,而在

综合国力中,科技竞争是龙头。②科学技术是第一生产力,国力的强盛重在科技的发展,只有科学技术转化为生产力,才能在未来世界中占有一席之地。发达国家信息指数高,其经济实力也强。(4分) (3)①物质决定意识,意识是物质的反映,信息化建设必须根据我国的实际情况进行。②量变是质变的前提和必要准备,质变是量变的必然结果。因此,信息化必须一步一步积极稳妥地进行。③整体和部分的地位和功能不同,当各部门以有序、合理、优化的结构形成整体时,整体的功能就会大于各部分功能之和。所以信息化建设必须统一规划,制定长期发展计划。④抓主要矛盾。实施科教兴国战略,进行重点攻关,加大科技成果推广力度。(8分) 28.(1)有利于抑制部分行业盲目投资,低效重复建设.避免资源浪费;有利于稳定物价,提高居民收入水平;有利于调整经济结构,稳定金融秩序,维护社会主义市场经济秩序;有利于落实科学发展观,促进我国经济全面、协调、持续发展。(6分) (2)①政府应履行经济职能。面对经济发展中存在的突出矛盾,国家应统筹规划,制定政策,进行经济调节,市场监管,解决投资过热问题,稳定经济。②政府应坚持依法行政。我国目前经济过热,其重要原因之一,是出于错误的“政绩观”,过于强调GDP的增长造成的。因此,各级政府必须严格依法行政,防止滥用行政权力。③政府应加强宏观调控。我国目前出现的经济过热现象,反映市场调节的自发性、盲目性和滞后性的`缺陷和弱点,说明必须加强国家的宏观调控,以保持国民经济持续、稳定、协调发展。 ④政府应遵循经济规律,按经济规律办事。不顾市场行情,盲目扩大投资,导致经济过热,是违背经济规律的结果。政府采取有力措施抑制投资规模增长过快,是认识和利用经济规律的体现。(8分) (3)①物质决定意识,意识是客观事物在人脑中的反映,要求我们必须坚持一切


词汇通关80天(分层版)第一周测试卷答案 一、单词拼写 1.awake 2. ancient 3. announced 4.apply 5.affects 6. approaching 7. appearance 8. ambition 9. aims 10.alive 11. beautiful 12.bear 13. belief 14. argue 15. arrangements 16. army 17.another 18.basket 19. breathe 20. burst 二、完成句子 1. above all 2. at home and abroad 3. took action 4. on account of/ because of 5. has added to our difficulties 6. make an appointment with 7. after all 8. pay attention to 9.fell asleep 10. aims to raise 11. in case 12. believe in 13. attempted / tried to 14. reached an agreement 15. belongs to 16. pay the bill 17. attached to 18. has benefited from 19. fell behind 20. in no case / by no means 三、单句语法填空 1. from 2.for 3. achievement 4.with 5. over 6. being scolded 7. to buy; a 8. it; apology 9.smoking 10. attractive 11. balanced 12.yourself 13. worst; badly 14.are carried 15. towards 16.as 17.and 18. of 19. basis 20. for 四、单句改错 1.a→an 2. 在dream前加to 3.在able前加be 4.把abroad前的to去掉 5. for→to 6. actually→actual 7.for→of 8.把good前的a去掉 9. at→in 10. activity→activities 11. for→of 12. wrote→write 13. learn→learning 14. of→for 15. take→taking 16.在not前加are 17. amazed→amazing 18.award→awards 19.把too前的of去掉 20.a→an 1


儋州市第三中学高一年级政治第二次月考试卷 (时间:90分钟满分:100分) 一、选择题(每小题2分,共44分) 1.美国咨询机构FORRESTER预测,到2020年,世界上物物互联的业务规模将是人与人通信业务的30倍。这再一次加剧了世界各主要国家对这个“万亿级产业蛋糕”的追逐。这蕴涵的经济生活道理是()。 B.生产决定消费 C.消费规模决定生产规模 D.消费需求决定生产需求 2.2012年5月9日是母亲节,京津城际天津客运段车队乘务员们以“感恩母亲之旅”为主题,特别准备了5 000束康乃馨,向乘坐京津城际列车的中外母亲们送去温馨的祝福和问候。内2009年8月1日京津城际列车通车以来,由北京来津的旅游团体,比开通前增加了35%。这说明()。 A.生产决定消费,生产为消费创造动力 B.消费方式决定生产方式 C.生产和消费相互影响、相互决定 D.消费对生产的调整和升级具有导向作用 3.消费对生产具有巨大的反作用。下列能直接提升消费对经济增长的贡献率的措施有()。 ①对农民实行粮食收购最低保护价②提升居民的最低生活保障标准 ③提升房地产和证券交易税率④某地政府向居民发放消费券 A.①③ B.②③ C.①④ D.②④ 《深化经济体制改革重点工作的意见》指出,推动国有资本从一般竞争性领域适当退出,切实把国有资本投资重点放在关系国家安全和国民经济命脉的重要行业和关键领域,拓宽非公有制经济发展的市场空间。据此回答4~5题。 4.对国有企业实行改革有利于()。 ①增强国有经济的控制力②巩固国有经济的主体地位 ③社会主义制度优越性的发挥④优化国有经济的布局结构 A.①②③ B.①②④ C.②③④ D.①③④ 5.我国之所以鼓励、支持和引导非公有制经济的发展,是因为非公有制经济()。 A.适合了我国不平衡、多层次的生产力状况 B.代表了我同经济发展的方向 C.是社会主义的根本经济特征 D.是公有制经济的有效实现形式 6.中国企业500强名单及分析报告在安徽合肥公布,500强企业中,国有及国有控股企业占总数的66.2%,所占比重比上年略有上升。这主要表明()。 A.国有经济在国民经济中的比重越高越好 B.国有经济应在各个经济领域占支配地位 C.国有企业的数量在持续增加 D.国有经济的竞争力在持续提升 7.改革开放以来,我国国有企业推行了公司制股份制改革,企业产权实现多元化,相当一部分国有经济已变为国有控股的混合所有制经济。这种混合所有制经济的发展()。 ①会逐步取代公有制的主体地位②扩大国有资本的支配范围


词汇通关80天(分层版)第十二周测试卷 (Day 56-Day 60) 一、单句语法填空在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 1. The desks and chairs are adjustable, and you can adjust them __________ the height of the students. 2. Tom is such a sporty and playful kid that his parents plan __________(adopt) a little puppy to play with him. 3. Miss Harrison has worked in a newspaper __________ (agent) for five years. 4. That country is transforming from a backward __________ (agriculture) country into an advanced industrial country. 5. She is full of __________(admire)for the head and teachers. 6. T he kid __________(adore) their father and confide in him. Jay Chou very much. 7. __________ (apparent), she took no notice of the serious mistakes in the accident. 8. He is busy organizing a conference to be held next week with his __________ (assist). 9. We were __________ (astonish) to find that a library assistant who was in the next room was playing music very loudly, which affected us greatly. 10. She passed all the required __________ (assess) and received her Ph. D. degree. 11. There is a Wi-Fi network in the __________ (barber) offering customers high-speed wireless Internet access. 12. You only can leave after get the manager’s __________(approve). 13. Ocean expert Curtis Ebbesmeyer studies ocean currents in a special way—by studying movements of random floating garbage such as __________ (athlete) shoes. 14. The audience was deeply affected, and they warmly __________(applaud) for a long time. 15. After countless interviews and presentations, I managed to stand out among the __________ (candidate) and survive the test alone. 16. India __________(attain) independence in 1947, after a long struggle. 17. I believe that smoking in public should __________(ban). 18. __________ behalf of everyone here, I wish you a pleasant journey back to your country. 19. Whatever he does, he will do it with great __________(cautious). 20. As it had my name __________(carve) into it, they realized who owned the ring. 二、单词翻译结合句意指出下列句子中画线单词的汉语意思。 1. I’m now writin g to apply for admission to your language school. (意思: _________) 2. It is a mainly dry country and only a few coastal areas have adequate rainfall. (意思: _________) 3.It is important that an adolescent boy should have an adult in whom he can trust. (意思: _________) 4.Chris likes music and has a large collection of albums and cassettes. (意思: _________) 5.The competition is open to both amateur and professional photographers.(意思:

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