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(For exam in er)Part A : Self-i ntroducti on (This task will take about 2 min utes). I nterlocutor :

Good morning (after noon / eve nin g). Could I have your mark sheets, please? Thank you. (Ha nd over the mark sheets to the Assessor). My name is … and this is my colleague ….He / she is not going to ask you any questi ons, but he / she is just going to be liste ning to us. So, your n ame is -

and …? Thank you. First of all we'd like to know something about you, so I'm going to ask you some questi ons about yourselves. (Beg in with can didate A, the n move on to can didate B) Now

(say the n ame of the can didate and ask the questi on s).

Home Tow n

• Where are you from?

• How long have you lived there?

• What's it like liv ing there?

• How does your home tow n compare with (place where can didate is curre ntly liv in g)?

• Well, that's in terest ing.


• What about your family? Could you tell us somethi ng about them?

Work/ Study

• What do you do in (ca ndidate's home tow n), do you work or study? (If can didate already work ing) • What does your work in volve?

• Is your job somethi ng you had always wan ted to do?

• How long do you think you will stay in this job?(If can didate still at school, college or uni versity)

• What are your favorite subjects at school? What exactly are you study ing?

What type of work are you hop ing to do in the future?


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What qualificati ons will you n eed to do that?

Collaborati on (This part will take about 5 min utes.)(For exam in er) Part B :

Discussi on

Regi onal Poverty Topic:

Now, (say the n ames of Can didate A and Can didate B), here is a list of causes for regi onal poverty. (Ha nd out the list to the can didates and let them read it through.) What do you think are the main

d lik

e each o

f you to choose three from the list and tell each other causes for regi onal poverty? I' ue and you may also add your own ideas that are why. If you hold different opinions you may ar

g t join you. You have 5 min utes. All right. not listed here. You just talk to eac

h other and I won' Would you beg

i n?

(The in terlocutor may sit back and in terve ne only whe n n ecessary.)

:Causes for Regional Poverty

lack of n atural resource •

disorga ni zati on of the economy

out-of-date conven ti ons

climate •

geographical positi on

poor leadership •

overpopulati on

lack of educati on

(For can didate)

What do you think are the main causes for regional poverty? Choose three from the list and tell each other why.

:Causes for Regional Poverty

lack of n atural resource •

• disorga ni zati on of the economy

下笔如有神读书破万卷 ___________________________________

out-of-date conven ti ons

climate •

geographical positi on poor leadership

overpopulati on lack of educati on

Prese ntati on (This part will take about 8 min utes.)(For exam in er) Part C :