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Agree Vi. 同意;达成协议;相符

agree to do sth. 答应做某事

agree to +n. 同意(某人的建议、安排等)

agree with 同意(某人或某人的想法等)

agree on/upon+n. 对......意见一致

agreeable adj. 令人愉快的;惬意的

Assist Vt. 协助;帮助

*assist VS consist VS resist VS insist VS persist:

assist Vt. 协助;帮助

turn to sb for assistance 向…寻求帮助

consist Vt. 由…组成;构成;在于

consist of (= be made up of) 由…组成

consist in 在于

resist Vt. /Vi. 抵抗;忍住

resist the temptation of…抵制…的诱惑

insist Vt. 坚持;坚持认为(主)

insist on sth./doing sth./that 坚持认为

persist in 坚持;执意

*persistence VS perseverance:

persistence=perseverance n. 坚持

Appeal Vi. 呼吁;上诉;吸引n. 呼吁;申诉;吸引力

appeal to sb to do sth 呼吁某人做某事;

appeal to sb 吸引某人;引起兴趣

*appeal VS appear

appeal Vi. 呼吁;上诉;吸引n. 呼吁;上诉;吸引力

appear Vi. 出现;显得;好像

It appears that ...好像,似乎

appearance n. 出现;外表;外观

Arouse Vt. 唤醒;引起Vi. 醒来

arouse one’s interest 引起...兴趣

*arouse VS arise VS raise VS rise

arouse Vt. 唤醒;引起Vi. 醒来

arise Vi. 起立;升起;出现;产生

arise from 由…产生

raise Vt. 举起;种植;抚养;筹集

raise the awareness of (=arouse the awareness of )


rise n. 升起;上涨;增多Vi. 升起;起立

Assume Vt. 假定;承担

*assume VS consume VS resume VS presume:

assume Vt. 假定;承担

assume that 假设

assume the responsibility for… 为…承担责任

consume Vt. 消费;消耗;吃完;喝光

consumer (=customer) 消费者

resume n. 摘要;履历

presume Vt. 假定;推测;擅自;冒昧

presume to do sth. 擅自做某事

Assure Vt.使(某人)相信

*assure VS reassure VS ensure VS insure:

assure Vt.使(某人)相信

assure sb that向…保证;使某人确信

assure sb of向…保证;使某人确信

reassure Vt. 使…安心;使消除疑虑

ensure Vt. 保证;确保

ensure that (=make sure that) 确保

insure Vt. 给…保险;保证

insure that (投保)确保

insurance n. 保险

*accessible VS feasible VS available:


Base n. 基地v. 把...基于

base...on 基于,以...为基础

basement n.地下室

basic adj. 基本的

basis n.基础;前提

on the basis of (=be based on )在...的基础上

*basis VS foundation

basis n.基础;前提

foundation n.基金会;基础;创办

Bleed Vi. 出血

blood n. 血液

*bleed VS breed VS breeze

bleed Vi. 出血

breed n. 品种;种类Vt. 繁殖

breeze n. 微风

Boast Vi. /n. 自吹自擂Vt. 吹嘘

*boast VS boost

boast Vi. /n. 自吹自擂Vt. 吹嘘

boost Vt. 促进;增加;增强

boost one’s confidence 增强信心


Claim Vt. /Vi. 宣称;要求(应得权利)n. 索赔;声明

*claim VS exclaim VS acclaim VS proclaim VS reclaim:

claim Vt. /Vi. 宣称;要求(应得权利)n. 索赔;声明

exclaim Vi. (因兴奋、震惊、愤怒等)呼喊;惊叫

exclaim at/against/on/upon (表示责难)大声叫嚷

acclaim Vt. /Vi. 称赞;为…喝彩n. 欢呼;喝彩

proclaim Vt. 正式宣布;公布;颂扬;公开赞扬

reclaim Vt. 收回;要求归还;开垦;感化;改造

Command Vt. 懂得;指挥;博得n. 掌握

have a good command of…对…掌握得很好

*command VS comment VS recommend:

command Vt. 懂得;指挥;博得n. 掌握

command the respect of… 博得…的尊敬

comment V. /n. 评论

comment on 关于…评论

make a/no comment on 对…(不)做评论

recommend Vt. 推荐;介绍

recommend sb. /sth. (to sb.) for/as…(向某人)推荐…
