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高中英语必修二第四单元重点、难点Unit Four Wild life protection

1、As a result these endangered animals may even die out. 结果,这些濒危的动物将会灭绝。

die out 用法归纳:

(1)(火)熄灭The fire died out in the heavy rain. 大雨中火灭了。

(2)绝种About 50 species die out every day in the world. 世界上每天大约有50中物种灭绝。


(1)die away 消逝;平息;静下来(多指声音)

The noise of the plane died away in the distance. 飞机的声音在远处消逝了。

(2)die down 平息;静下来The noisy city dies down at night. 嘈杂的城市晚上就静下来了。

(3)die for / die to do sth. 迫切想做某事I am dying to buy a new car. 我很想买一辆新车。

(4)die from 由于…而死;因…而死Many people die from accidents every day. 每天有很多人死于事故。

(5)die of 因(患)…而死His father died of cancer three years ago. 他父亲三年前死于癌症。

(6)die off 一个个死去People with Aids will die off. 得艾滋病的人会一个个死去。


Most of the old customs here have ______ already. A. died away B. died out C. died down D. died off 答案:B

2、Daisy had always longed to help endangered species of wildlife. 黛西一直希望能帮助濒临灭绝的野生动物。


The old man is still longing to go to college. 那个老人还渴望上大学。Do you long to buy a new car? 你想买辆新车吗?联想扩展:long for sth. 迫切希望得到

How I long for your comments on my new dress! 我多么希望得到你对我新衣服的评价!


(1)long adj. 长;长久的;长时间的It will not take long before we meet again. 我们不多久就会再见面的。

(2)long adv. 长久;长期Houses built with mud will not last long. 用泥造的房子不能长期使用。

3、Daisy responded immediately. 黛西立刻回答。

respond vi. 回答;响应I waved to him but he didn’t respond. 我对他挥手,但他没反应。

Unless we listen carefully, we can’t know how to r espond. 除非我们认真听,否则我们就不知道怎么回答。

联想扩展:respond to 回答;响应;作出反应

Sometimes my students don’t respond to my questions. 有时候我的学生不回答我的问题。

Companies should respond to the customers demands at any time. 任何时候公司都应该对顾客的要求作出反应。

4、At that Daisy cried. 听到那些话黛西哭了。

at prep. 对于;由于At the news the two girls burst into tears. 听到那个消息两个女孩哭了。

We are happy at his returning to work. 他又回来工作我们很高兴。


(1)在…地点; 在…场合Please wait for me at the school gate. 在学校大门口等我。

Did you speak at the meeting? 你在会上发言了吗?

(2)在…时间It started to snow at mid-night last night. 昨晚午夜开始下雪。

I was a middle school student at that time. 那个时候我还是个中学生。

(3)表示动作的方向Don’t throw anything at the animals. 别向动物扔东西。

What are you laughing at? 你们在笑什么?

(4)在某方面Zhou Zhou is clever at conducting. 舟舟在指挥方面很聪明。

The boy is rather slow at language. 那个孩子学语言很慢。

(5)表示价格、速度、数量等The car is running at a low speed. 那辆车在慢速运行。

They buy vegetables from the farmers at a low price and sell them at a high price in cities.


联想扩展:at a distance 在一定距离at a loss 不知所措at a time 一次at any rate 不管怎样at first 最初at first sight