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1.做某事的能力the ability to do sth.

2.正要做某事突然be about to do when

3.如上所述as is mentioned above

4.在国内外at home and abroad

5.在某人不在时in one’s absence

6.缺课be absent from school

7.专注于be absorbed in

8.作为..被接受be accepted as

9.有接近..的权力或机会have access to

10.偶然by accident

11.详细的描述give a detailed account of

12.(数量、比例上)占、解释account for

13.把..考虑进去take sth. into account

take sth. into account

14.由于/因为on account of

15.控告/指责某人做了某accuse sb. of sth.

16.习惯于做某事be accustomed to doing sth.


be accustomed not to doing sth.

18.取得成功achieve success

19.实现目标achieve one’s goal

20.担任;充当act as

21.善举an act of kindness

22.把..付诸行动act out

23.采取行动take action

24.积极参加take an active part in

25.使适应adapt oneself to

26.由..改编be adapted from

27.增加困难add to difficulty

28.加起来add up

29.加起来总共是多少add up to

30.另外(adv.)additionally 31.另外(adv..)in addition

32.被录取be admitted to/ into

33.承认做某事admitted doing / having done

34.先行致谢!Thank you in advance !

35.利用take advantage of

36.征求某人的建议ask for / seek sb’s advice

37.接受某人的建议accept one’s advice

38.advise 句型

advise doing

advise sb. to do

advise that sb. should do sth.

39.负担不起can’t afford to do sth.

40.放学after school

41.毕竟;终究after all

42.反对做某事be against sth.

43.依靠lean against

44.同龄be of an age

45.15岁的女孩 a girl aged 15

46.同意做某事agree to do

47.就某事达成一致协议agree on


agree with

49.目的在于旨在be aimed at

50.正在广播on the air

51.总共in all

52.总而言之all in all

53.允许做某事allow doing sth.

54.允许某人做某事allow sb. to sth.

55.因..对某人生气be angry at / with sb.

56.另外6个月another six months

57.接电话应声开门answer the telephone / the


58.对…负责answer for

59.为某人某事担忧be anxious for sb/ about


60.渴望做某事be anxious to do

61.把…区分开tell …apart

62.成为碎片come / fall apart

63.1) 除…之外(别无)

2) 除…之外(尚有)

64.apart from

65.因某事向某人道歉apologize to sb. for

66.应该向某人道歉owe sb. an apology

67.呼吁某人做某事appeal to sb. to do sth.

68.吸引appeal to

69.向某人申请…apply to sb. for

70.被应用在be applied to

71.任命某人当…appoint sb. (as) sth.

72.在指定的时间at the appointed time

73.与某人约好make an appointment with

74.守/违约keep/break one`s appointment

75.感激某人做某事appreciate (sb.) doing sth.

76.如果…我会非常感激I`d appreciate it if...

77.表达感激express one`s appreciation

78.感谢(介词短语)in appreciation of

79.找工作的方法the approach to finding work

80.批准我们的提议approve our proposal

81.赞成某人做..approve of sb. doing sth.

82.因..和某人争吵argue with sb. about/over


83.主张/反对argue for/against

84.占地面积为cover an area of

85.由..产生arise from/out of

86.激起某人的热情arouse one’s enthusiasm

87.安排某人做某事arrange for sb. to do sth.

88.插花arrange the flowers

89.为…做安排make arrangements for

90.某人一到达on/ upon (one`s) arrival

91.至于as for

92.对..感到羞愧be ashamed of

93.入睡fall asleep

94.在某人的帮助下with the assistance of sb.

95.来帮忙come to one`s assistance

96.助理经理an assistant manager

97.令我惊讶的是to one`s astonishment

98.重视attach importance/significance to sth.

99.依恋;喜欢be attached to

100.遭遇攻击be under attack


1)介词短语in an attempt to do sth.

2)动词短语(两种)attempt to do sth.

make an attempt to do sth.

102.集中精力于fix one`s attention on


104.吸引…的注意draw/call attention to

105.注意做某事pay attention to doing sth.

106.对..的态度attitude to/toward

107.名胜tourist attractions

108.平均on average

109.中等个头of average height

110.避免做某事avoid doing sth.

111.授予/判给某人…award sth.to sb.

112.意识到be aware of

113.支持某人back sb.up

114.急需某物want/need sth. badly

115.贫困的badly off

