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accomplish, finish, complete, get through withsth., go through with sth.

重视pay more attention to, lay/put/placeemphasis on,attach importance/significance to

疲劳be exhausted, be wornout, betired out,(legs) give out, be used up, be run out of

反对be against, oppose, object to, be opposed to, argue against, take(make) a stand against

参加take,attend,join sb, join in, take partin, getinvolved in, participate in, go infor

赞成be for,favor, infavor of,approve of, on onesside,argue for, take (make) a standfor

关于about,concerning,involving,regarding,related/relating to, with respect to,with/in regard to

由于owing to,due to, onaccount of, thanksto,because of, as a resultof, as aconsequence of

导致cause,lead to,result in,bring about/on, contribute

to,accountfor, givebirth to,give rise to

决不at no time byno meansin/under no circumstances in noway/caseon no condition/account

许多a great many, a large numberof,numbers of, many a,

plenty of,

a great deal of, a large amountof, largeamounts of, a lot of, lots of, a large quantityof,

large quantities of,a mass of,massesof

喜欢 be fondof,enjoy,take delight/pleasure in, be interested

in,have/take (an) interest in,

be into, care for, be crazyabout, bemad about,be keen on/about, be addictedto,

be hooked on, have a passionfor, havea great enthusiasm for, have an preference for

做调查do/conduct/carry out a survey/an investigation

有害于do/cause damage to, be harmfulto, be badfor

致力于bend/devote/apply/commit/offer oneself to doing sth

事实上 actually, inreality/truth/effect/fact, as a matter offact

有益于do good to, benefit, be of benefitto, bebeneficial to


开始做go about doing, set aboutdoing, getdown to doing, set out todo

不得不cant but do, cant help butdo, donothing but do, have nochoice/alternative but to do

尽全力do/try ones best, spare noeffort,make every effort, do what/allthat/everything that sb can,

go all out, strain everynerve

我认为i think/guess/believe, i hold/take theview/point/idea,

from where i stand,as far as im concerned,personally speaking, from my point ofview

偶然发现come across/upon, runinto/across

高度评价speak highly of, sing high praise for

解决问题solve/settle/fix/work out the problem

不能容忍cant bear/stand/tolerate/put up with/live with

由…组成consist of, be made upof, becomposed of

照料,照顾care for,take care of, lookafter,attend to,tend on.

对…影响affect,influence,have an impact/effect/influence


一点也不not at all, far from, nowherenear,anything but, not nearly

忽然想到sth come to sb sthoccur to sb sbhit on sthsth strike


提出问题bring forward/put forward/raise/come up with/bring up aproblem

禁止…做…forbid sb. to do sth.,stop/keep/prevent/ban/prohibit sb. from doing

有吸引力attract,appeal to,be appealing to, be attractive to, beattracted to

帮助某人help sb., give/offer/lend sb. a hand, come to ones


对…负责be in charge of, take chargeof, beresponsible for, take responsibilityfor

两个月后in two months, two monthsaway, intwo-month time, in two monthstime