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高二英语师大选择性必修二Unit 5 Education教学设计

高二英语师大选择性必修二Unit 5 Education教学设计
高二英语师大选择性必修二Unit 5 Education教学设计



Module 1 Grammar I. be going to 的用法 be going to结构表示按计划、打算去做某事,表示人的主管意图,有时还可表示预测有迹象要发生某事。如: . How long is your aunt going to stay in China for a visit? (计划、打算) . Look at the clouds. It’s going to rain. (有迹象要发生) . George is putting on weight. He is going to be quite fat. (预测) II. be going to与will的区别 . will表示说话人认为、相信要发生的事, 不含具体时间, 可以指遥远的将来; be going to 表示按计划、打算即将发生的事。 . 二者都可以表示“意图”。但是表示事先考虑的事情用be going to, 否则用will。如: I am not going to / won’t tell him about it. --This is a very heavy box. --I’ll help you to carry it. . be going to 可以用在条件句中表示将来, will则不行。如: If you are going to attend the party, you’d better leave now. Module 2 Grammar 不定式作状语 不定式作目的状语 He broke into the house to steal something. Many drug addicts are now in treatment centers to stop taking drugs. He’s saving up to buy a new car. He uses a computer to send emails. 2)有时候在不定式前面加上in order to或 so as to, 否定式为 in order not to 和so as not to: Let’s hurry so as to go to school in time. Let’s hurry so as not to be late for school. She studied very hard in order to catch up with others. She studied very hard in order not to lag behind. 3) 不定式表示目的时,通常它的逻辑主语就是句子的主语,但如果不是的话,就要用for…结构表示逻辑主语,如:

高中英语必修二unit5 music说课稿

高中英语必修二unit5 music说课稿

高中英语必修二unit5 music说课稿 各位老师:大家好! 作为一名新课标下的英语老师,让学生愉快地、充满自信地走进我的英语课堂,是我最大的愿望,让学生在我的英语课堂上享受快乐和成功是我孜孜以求的。多年来,我为实现自己的梦想和追求不懈地努力着。今天,借此平台,希望各位老师指导我的说课,是我更加自信的完成老师的使命。 一、说教材内容和学情 我说课的内容选自人教版普通高中课程标准实验教科书英语必修二第五单元。本单元的话题是Music,它是中学生日常生活中比较感兴趣的话题之一。它中心话题是“音乐”和“音乐类型”,单元的各项活动的设计都是围绕着以音乐类型和不同音乐对人的影响展开的。而对于音乐和音乐家,这种学生感兴趣的话题、与切身相关的情节,很容易就会引起学生们的极大兴趣,因此他们学习的参与性和积极性也会较高。在引导学生阅读前,让学生对不同种类的音乐的英文说法加以熟悉和理解,开阔的学生的视野。而在阅读后,结合现在学生中普遍存在的“选秀热”这一热点问题,引发学生的反思。 我的教学对象是高一学生。高中生思想逐渐成熟,对美的追求和对成功的渴望也越来越强烈,因此课堂中除了关注语言知识学习和语言技能训练外,更应该注重其内心的理解和个人对事物的看法。 二、三维教学目标 根据《新课程标准》关于总目标的具体描述,结合高一学生实际,我把教学目标设定为以下几个方面: (一)知识目标和能力目标 学习一些相关的单词、短语和句式,特别是关于音乐种类的词汇和表达对音乐感受的词。比如:动词prefer,feel,enjoy,appreciate,find.calm,形容词 relaxed,sleepy,cheerful,energetic,lively。能用英语表达建议、偏好和爱好。 学生熟悉掌握不同的音乐类型。学会灵活运用课文中的句式,自如的表达自己对音乐的理解和感受,并且从更深一层上去把握不同音乐所表达的不同意义。 (二)情感态度 1.熟悉各种音乐形式,了解音乐在人们生活中的重要性,提高音乐修养 2.从谈论“音乐人的成功”入手使学生了解到做什么事都需要付出艰辛的努力。所谓“台上一分钟,台下十年功”,深化学生的德育教育,进一步激发学生学习的动力。 3.通过开展小组活动,指导学生积极与人合作,相互学习,相互帮助,培养其团队精神。(三)学习策略 学生在一定程度上形成自主学习,利用所教句型和所学知识积极与同学进行真实交流,提高交际策略,培养学生的英语思维表达能力。 三、说教学目标和教学重难点 这一课的重点有两点: 1.新课标要求在语言教学的同时必须能够深化学生的德育教育。因此,如何调动学生的积极性,使学生理解成功来之不易本课的重点之一。在教学过程中教师利用多媒体视频介绍音乐人经过多年的准备和磨练终于取的成功的例子启发学生思考自己的人生:要想拥有美好的人


人教版高中英语必修五 全套教案 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

英语必修5 Unit 1 Great scientists Teaching Aims Skill Goals ▲ Talk about science and contributions of scientists ▲Practice expressing will, hope and suggestions ▲Practice expressing the stages in examining a new scientific idea Key new words and expressions The First Period Reading StepⅠ Lead-in Ask the students to think of some great inventions and inventors in history. T: Welcome back to school, everyone. I guess most of you have enjoyed your holiday. Maybe I should say everyone has enjoyed a scientific life. Why Because you have enjoyed the results of the science and scientists. Now can you tell me the scientists who invented the lights, the gramophone and the computer S1: Edison invented the lights and the gramophone. S2: The first computer was invented by a group of American scientists. StepⅡ Warming up First, ask some questions about great scientists. Second, tell all the students to play the game called Guess Who I Am. T: You know our life is closely related to science and scientists. We benefit a lot from them. Can you name out as many scientists as possible? T;what contributions did they make? T: Ok, you’ve known a lot about scientists and now let’s play a game called Guess Who I Am. I will show you some hints of a scientist one by one, and you guess the name of the scientist. Let’s see which group will do the best. 1.I lived in ancient Greek. 2.I was a mathematician. 3.I discovered that objects in water were lifted up by a force that helped them float. Answer: Archimedes 1.I lived in Britain. 2.I published The Origin Of Species. 3.I could explain how animals and plants develop as the environment changed. Answer: Charles Darwin 1.I am Englishman 2.I’ve worked in astronomy. 3.I’ve put forward a theory about black holes. Answer; Stephen Hawking 1.I was a Chinese. 2.My invention had eight dragon heads round the top with eight balls in their mouths. Around the bottom were eight frogs directly under a dragon’s mouth. 3.My invention was the earliest instrument that told people where earthquakes happened. Answer: Zhang Heng 1.I was an American. 2.I invented electric light bulb


Unit5Music SectionⅠWarmingUp,Pre-reading, Reading&Comprehending 课后篇巩固探究 一、用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空 1.When I was a little boy,I always becoming a famous writer in the future. 答案:dreamed of 2.People too much importance examination results. 答案:attach;to 3.The customer asked whether there was a discount if he paid . 答案:in cash 4.We dare not our teacher,because she is serious. 答案:play jokes on 5.Most people in this city by working in the car factory. 答案:earn their living 6.As is announced,the famous singer will come here to . 答案:put on performances 7.He suggests that we ask someone who is this kind of machine to repair it.

答案:familiar with 8.In order to fish,Jim started to the ice on the frozen lake. 答案:break up 9.,I don’t think I was helpful in your work. 答案:To be honest 10.The widow (寡妇) a little money that her husband left for a living.答案:relies on 二、单句语法填空 1.Mary and John were good friends,but then they had a quarrel and broke. 答案:up 2.He stayed in Shanghai for ten days or . 答案:so 3.Don’t rely going abroad for our holiday—we may not be able to afford it. 答案:on 4.If they would not like to accept the check,we must pay cash. 答案:in 5.He stood there and saw a lot of (passer-by). 答案:passers-by 6.We attach importance education and encourage constant learning and thinking.答案:to 7.He is always (dream) of becoming an actor. 答案:dreaming 8.After the earthquake,a lot of large stones (roll) down from the mountain.


The First Period (Warming up, one class) Teaching Aims: 1. To learn the knowledge of the cultural relics. 2. Discuss how to protect our cultural relics. 3. To learn the following words or phrases: Teaching Design Step One: Presentation (By showing them some photos of some famous cultural relics.) Hello, everybody, let’s look at the screen. Here are some pictures. They are all very famous places in China or in the world. Please think these over: A.Can you name them out? B.Who have the right to own and confirm them? (The shown pictures:①The Great Wall, ②The Imperial Palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties in Beijing and Shenyang; ③The Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor and the Terracotta Warriors) Let the students name out the famous places in the pictures, and tell them they are cultural relic s. And explain what cultural relics are. A. a cultural relic is sth. that survive d for a long time B. a cultural relic may be a part of old thing has remain ed when the rest of it had been destroyed C.or a cultural relic is something rather rare (while showing these photos, teach the new words in red: cultural relics, survive, remain, rare) 1. Get the students understand the identity of the cultural relics. 2. Let the students try to know that they are at least two sites of cultural relics, the natural site; and the cultural site. ( By showing the pictures of some natural sites relics. Eg: Mount Huashan, The JiuZhaiGou Valley, River Li ) Step Two: Drills Let the students make some more examples of cultural relics, including the ones inside our country or in other countries, especially the ones in our location. Here are some possible answers from the students: (The Neiguan Cave(内莞岩); The Xinfengjiang River(新丰江); Heyuan Dinosaur Park(河源恐龙公园); Y uanmingyuan(圆明园), etc.) (The Sydney Opera; The White House; The Big Ben; The Amber Room, etc.) Step Three: Discussing 1 As we all know that cultural relics are rather valuable, rare, and sometimes, it is in very high price. 1. Then can you tell the value of the cultural relic? (Have the students discussed for some time in teams, then get their answers by expressing in class.)


Unite 5 First Aid Teaching Goals: 1. Enable the Ss to get some first aid knowledge 2. Enable the Ss to learn how to use what they’ve learnt to do first aid treatment for burns correctly. 3. Let the Ss learn the reading skill of getting the main idea of each para./ part & each passage . Key Teaching Points How to improve the Ss’ reading ability. Difficult points 1. How to grasp the main idea of each paragraph / part & each passage. 2. How to help the Ss use what they’ve learnt to do first aid treatment for burns correctly. Teaching methods 1). Skimming & scanning methods to make the Ss get a good understanding of the text. 1.Discussion methods to make the Ss understand what they’ve learned in class. 2.Pair work of group to get every student to take part in the teaching-and-learning activities. https://www.doczj.com/doc/7d16470473.html,petition and role-play method to arouse the Ss’ interest Teaching procedures Step1. Lead-in Lead-in by telling the Ss a story, meanwhile, teach them some new words: bandage, first-aid-kit, ambulance and then ask them to think of words about accidents and first aid Step2. Pre-reading Show the Ss the picture of Pre-reading on P33 and ask them the following questions: What has happened? What sort of injuries the child will have? What kind of first aid would you perform? Step3. Fast reading Let the Ss read the passage fast and then find out the answers to the questions 1. What will the passage be about? 2. What do they tell you about the passage? 3. In which order are these topics covered in the text? Number them from 1 to 5. ____ the three types of burns ____ what to do if someone gets burned ____ the purpose of skin ____ the symptoms of burns ____ how we get burns Step4. Detailed reading 1). Tell if the following statements are true or false: 1.Our skin has three layers. 2.We will never get burned by the sun. 3.Burns are divided into three degrees according to the degree of pain. 4.Third degree burns are the most serious and painful. 5.Put cool water on any burns to cool them. 6.Don’t rub the burns 7.It’s better that you put so me butter or oil on burns. 2). Answer the questions 1.Why should you put cold water on a burn?


人教版高中英语必修二 知识点梳理 )巩固练习 重点题型( 常考知识点 限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句 概念引入: He is a person who never gives up.他是个永远不服输的人。 I found him in the woods,where has a well-known tree. (我是在树林里找到他的,那里有一棵很有名的树。) Our guide,(who was a Frenchman,)was an excellent cook. 我们的导游是个很优秀的厨师,他是个法国人 She was not on the train which arrived just now。 她没在刚刚到达的那辆车上 语法点拨 什么是定语从句? 修饰主语、宾语、表语的句子就叫做定语从句。引导定语从句的关系词有: 关系代词:who,whom,whose,which,that 关系副词:when,where,why 我们把下面两个句子组合成一个复合句: 1.This is our school.It is beautiful. →This is our school which is beautiful. 2.This is our school.W e study in our school. →This is our school which we study in. →This is our school in which we study. →This is our school where we study. 3.Do you know the r oom?It is made of amber. →Do you know the room which is made of amber? 4.I have read the newspaper.It carries the important news. →I have r ead the newsp aper which carries the important news. 从上述定语从句的组合我们可以看出: 先行词和关系词的关系:关系代词实际上是先行词的复指;关系词whose实际上是先行词的所有格。 1.A plane is a machine t hat can fly. the machine=that 2.The boy who brok e the window is called Wangkai. the boy=who 3.The boy whose p arents are working outside was b r oug ht up by his grandfather. the boy’s=whose 【高一英语语法(二)定语从句(二)356521限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句】


1. 利用多媒体课件,展示图片,播放音乐,小组赛等形式最大限度地吸引学生的注意力,使学生对学习产生浓厚的学习兴趣。 2.教学环节层次清楚,衔接自然,环环相扣。The Band That Wasn’t是一篇以介绍美国知名乐队组合The Monkees的发展历程为主的文章。教学设计分成四个部分:热身—阅读前—阅读中—阅读后。热身部分学生通过听音乐、口头交流、看图片及游戏等多种形式来了解音乐的形式和风格,由组合SHE的歌曲Super Star导入阅读教学。阅读前呈现The Monkees组合的信息和欣赏其代表作品及学生谈自己对该乐队的初步认识这三个活动组成,为阅读提供背景知识。阅读过程主要通过快速阅读和仔细阅读完成阅读任务来达到阅读教学目标。然后完成课文内容填空,回顾The Monkees发展历程。阅读后展开讨论,引导学生总结本节课所学并谈自己的感受和想法,并复述课文和写一篇自己喜欢歌手和乐队的内容教学设计以阅读理解能力的提高为主要目标,兼顾听、说、写的训练。 3. 采用了新课标提倡的任务型教学途径。在教学设计中设计了多项学习任务,如;跟学英文儿歌谈感受,看图和听音乐配对音乐的形式,读文找主题句,查找细节信息,完成内容填空等,促使学生在整个教学过程中参与各种活动,自主探究,合作学习,真正获得学习成功的乐趣。 教学反思 这堂课基本做到了把课堂让给学生,让学生在自主、合作、探究的气氛中愉快度过,既顺利完成教学任务,又促进其情感教育。这堂课的完成使我感到欣慰,值得我深思。 首先,良好的导入是整个课堂成功的一半,它能够紧紧抓住学生的心理和兴趣,使课堂教学更具趣味性和艺术性。总体来说,这节课的导入是比较成功的,切入点是让学生欣赏音乐,激发了学生的学习兴趣。这不由得让我想起一句话“教有趣,必乐学”。学习兴趣的形成有利于激发学生的学习动机,促进学生智能的发展。 其次,教学内容设计符合本班学生的实际情况,难度适中,尽量满足不同类型和不同层次学生的要求。在任务的设置中应充分考虑学生是否能够完成。本堂课的细节理解部分难度合适,大多数学生都能顺利完成。 再次,只有师生处于平等地位,学生的主体性才能得到发挥;只有使课堂交际化,师生才能融合在智力与情感的交际过程中。在整个教学过程中,我始终坚持以学生为主体实施教学,创设了多种形式的交际活动。 但是,本堂课也还存在一些不足,需要加以改进: 1、由于本堂课任务多,容量大,导致完成任务时间较紧,今后应注意教学步骤间的紧密衔接,充分体现教师主导、学生主体作用。 2、在实现一个个任务的过程中,老师应该对学生加以引导,包括必要的简单示范,帮助学生完成学习任务。



英语必修五unit5教案 【篇一:高中英语必修五教案unit 5】 新课标人教版英语必修5教案 unit 5 firsr aid 程洪维 1. first aid is a temporary form help given to someone who suddenly falls ill or gets injured before a doctor can be found. give \ offer aid援助come to one’s aid 帮助某人 cut off aid 终止援助a hearing aid 助听器 teaching aids教具medical aid医疗救护 with the aid of借助于in aid of为了帮助 he fell ill and had to enter the hospital.他生病了必须住院治疗。fall asleep睡着了fallsilent静下来 the computer got damaged when we were moving.我的电脑在搬家时弄坏了。 my bike is getting repaired now.我的自行车正在修理。 my glass got broken while i was playing basketball。我的眼镜在打篮球的时候给弄坏了。 peter and mary got married last year.皮特和玛丽去年接了婚。 2. you have three layers of skin which act as a barrier against diseases, poisons and the sun’s harmful rays.你有三层皮肤作为障来保护你免受疾病,毒药和有害光线的侵害。


必修二Unit1 限定性和非限定性定语从句 用所给词的适当形式填空: 1.Tom won the first prize, _______ everybody knows. 2.Yesterday I met Ling Ping, _______ seemed to be very busy. 3.Our teacher, ________ wife is a nurse, is very strict with us. 4._______ is known to us all, Taiwan is part of China. 5.He lost my bike, ______ made me unhappy. 6.I don’t know the reason ______ he was late for the class. 7.The house ______ I lived ten years ago has been pulled down. 8.The reason, ______ he looks unhappy today, is unknown to us. 9.He left his hometown in 1992, _____ he was only 12 years old. 10.Is this factory the one _______ a lot of students visited yesterday? 11.W atch out! Don’t get close to the building _____ walls are being painted. 12.T he famous actor became successful, _______ began to appear on the stage to make a living at the age of 8. 13.I s this the magazine _______ she often writes articles? ---- Yes, it is. 14.U ntil now, we have raised 50,000 pounds for the poor children, _______ is quite unexpected. 15.H e was educated at a famous university, after _______ he went abroad and settled there. 16.______is known to us all, April 14, 2010 was the day _____ Yushu earthquake happened. 17.S oon children in the camp had many friends, _______ they shared food, stories and projects. 高考真题: 1.(2017北京)The little problems ______ we meet in our daily lives may be



《人教版高中英语必修2》Unit5第一课时教学案例 教 学 课 题 Unit5 Music—Reading 课 程 类 型 Reading授课对象Senior One 教材New Senior English For China Student’s Book2 授课时间45 minutes 教材分析The topic of this uint is “Music” Warming Up通过直观形象的图片展示了为大众所熟悉的多种音乐形式,包括摇滚、爵士、乡村音乐、民族音乐等,能使学生对音乐的丰富内容有较为广泛的认识。 Reading主要从大众对歌手和乐队的心理到介绍The Monkees乐队的一些情况,如他们如何组合成乐队,他们有名之后的发展。课文后配有相应的练习

题,可以帮助学生从整体和细节两方面充分地理解课文。 学情分析 教学对象为高中一年级学生,智力发展趋于成熟。他们的认知能力比初中阶段有了进一步的发展,渐渐形成用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力。他们学习比较认真,求知欲旺盛,思维比较活跃,同时表现欲也很强。部分学生的基础较好,能主动配合老师,愿意开口讲。他们有着高中生独立、爱表现,张扬个性的特点。因此,设置他们感兴趣的活动,就能让他们投入到课堂活动中来。 教学目标(一)、Knowledge and Skills 1.Know and Master the key words and phrases; 2.Enable the students to sum up the main idea of each paragraph; 3.Learn the different music styles; 4. Train the students’ reading ability. 5. Express their opinion by answering the questions. (二)、Moral Objects 熟悉各种音乐形式,了解音乐在人们生活中的


Unit 5 First Aid 教学设计 教材分析 本节课是人教版必修五第五单元的第一课时,文章以“急救”为中心话题,贴近日常生活,旨在通过阅读教学,使学生了解相关的急救知识,并能用所学的有关急救的知识,根据不同情况提出急救措施。文章首先介绍了皮肤对人体的重要性,然后介绍了烧伤的各种起因,三种不同的烧伤程度以及他们的症状和应该采取的急救措施。文章用了小标题,使文章脉络明晰。通过阅读本文, 对如何处理烧伤的知识就一目了然,并会在遇到紧急情况时镇定自若地进行急救。结合本文的文体特点,适合设计略读和精读的阅读训练,增加小组活动,以读促说,培养学生的语言综合运用能力。 学情分析 经过高一英语课程的学习,高二的学生具备了一定的英语语言基础,初步掌握了高中英语学习的方法,养成了良好的学习习惯,但是英语口语表达能力有待加强和提高。本节课的话题贴近生活,实用性强,学生在阅读本文前已具备一定的急救常识,对这一话题充满了浓厚的兴趣,因此在课前预习部分设计了急救知识小测试,和思维导图引导他们预习课文主要内容。学生有丰富的想象力和活跃的思维,可通过参与急救处理方法的课堂活动,培养学生分析和解决问题的能力,在轻松的氛围中,激发学生开口讲英语的兴趣。 教学目标 1. Knowledge aims: 1) Get students to learn the useful new words and expressions in this part. 2) Have students read the passage and know about burns and first aids treatment for burns. 2. Ability aim: Develop students’ reading ability a nd let them learn different reading skills. 3. Emotional aims: Stimulate students’ interest in first aid and learn to protect themselves or help others in the emergency. 教学重难点 1.How to enable students to apply what they’ve learnt to perform first aid treatment for burns correctly. 2.How to improve the Student s’ reading and speaking ability. 3.How to grasp the main idea and key information quickly. 教学方法 Cooperative learning, Competition, Task-based reading 教学过程 Part1 自主探究 Step1 Warming up: What is first aid 1. Read the concept of first aid on Page 33 and fill in the blanks:


教学过程 一、课堂导入 QUESTION1: Do you know the past participle form of the following words? 1、build 2、break 3、Bring 4、Buy 5、Choose 6、Come 7、Drink 8、Drive 9、Forbid 10、Give 11、Hold 12、Learn 13、Make 14、Read 15、Smell 16、Teach QUESTION2: What can you find? 1.Your children will be taken good care of by us when you are out. 2.Many new cars will be made in this factory next year. 3.His house will be painted next week. 4.The meeting will be held next month.

5.He will not be punished for it. 6.Those books will be published next month. [自我总结] 以上句子都用了________时,且谓语动词与其主语之间皆为_______关系。 二、复习预习 1、语态分为几种?分别是什么? 答:两种。主动语态以及被动语态。主动语态表示主语是动作的_______。被动语态表示主语是动作的_______。 2、被动语态使用条件有哪些? 不知道或没有必要说明动作的执行者是谁。 强调动作的承受者, 而不强调动作的执行者。 3、都学过哪些形式的被动语态?是什么? 答:一般时态:am/is/are +过去分词 过去时态:was/were +过去分词 练习:1、The Chinese food _____ (consider)to be the healthiest in the world. 2、John ___ (punish), for he went swimming yesterday without permission. 三、知识讲解 Step1、 1. He will give a talk soon . A talk ________________ (by him) soon. 2.They will have a show tomorrow. A show _______________(by them) tomorrow. 3.They will invite us to the party next week. We ____________________ to the party next week. 总结:一般将来时被动语态的结构为:will/shall + be +动词的过去分词

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