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一、Please explain the following terms (3 points each, 18 points totally). (1)I ntroduction



(2)a utoecology


fundamental niche(基础生态位)

competitive exlusion principle(竞争排斥原理)



Liebig’s law of minimum(利比希最小因子定律)

Shelford’s law of tolerance (谢尔福德的“耐受性定律”)ecological valence or amplitude(生态价、生态幅、耐性限度)

law of limiting factor(限制因子定律)

Vant Hoff’s law(范霍夫定律或Q10定律)

developmental threshold temperature(发育起点温度)

law of effective temperature(有效积温法则)

(3)population ecology


ecological invasion(生态入侵)

innate capacity of increase (or intrinsic rate of increase)[内禀增长率] density dependence(密度制约)

density independence(非密度制约)

age structure(年龄椎体或年龄金字塔)

Survivorship curve(存活曲线)

ecological natality(生态出生率)

ecological mortality(生态死亡率)

maximum natality(最大出生率)

minimum mortality(最低死亡率)

ecological strategy(生态对策)

(4)community ecology

pioneer species(先锋物种)

climax (顶级群落)

biotic community(生物群落)

community succession(群落演替)

growth form(生长型)

life form(生活型)


edge effect(边缘效应):

species diversity(物种多样性):

dominant species(优势种)

functional group(guild)(同资源种团或功能团):



primary production(初级生产)

biogeochemical cycle(生物地化循环)



ecological pyramid(生态椎体或生态金字塔)

food chain(食物链)

food web(食物网)

trophic level(营养级)

Ⅱ. Put the appropriate ecological terms into the Blank in order to make the sentence meaningful. [填空题]


Human being are confronted with the five crisis such as , food, , , environment.

Divided by the organization levels, the ecology include molecular ecology, autoecology, ecology, ecology, ecology, ecology, global ecology. Divided by the habitat, ecology include terrestrial ecology, ecology, estuary ecology, ecology, etc.

Divided by the organisms, ecology include ecology, ecology, and microorganism ecology.

Classic ecology include autoecology, , , , and ecosystem ecology.


The ways of tolerance to extremely low temperature are , ,


The spatial distribution patterns of a population (种群的空间分布格局) include even distribution (均匀分布), distribution, and distribution.

(3)population ecology

The types of natural selection include , directional selection, .

The drives of evolution include and .

The self-regulation schools include , , and .

The processes of speciation are , , and . The three ways of speciation are , , .

According to the shape of age pyramid, it can be classified into three types, that is,

, , and .

The inter-specific relationship between lion and deer is . The interaction between