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挣扎托福备考100天, 回归官方真题Official练习是王道,今天给大家带来托福官方真题Official练习的重要性,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。



这是第一次写自己的托福备考经验,看了之前一些考友写*,貌似都要晒一下自己的托福考试吧。R:30 L:28 S:23 W:24,这是我二战的成绩,一战的成绩实在是不好意思秀了。二战的成绩虽然还是一般般,不过站在两次托福考试的过程中,倒还是真的有不少经历和教训,愿意和大家分享一些吧。






其实,在托福备考的时候,我认为官方真题Official是最王道的备考材料。可惜,我在第一次考试中,我并没有太过在意官方真题Official,也只是试着做了几份,就没有再继续了。在认真练习了官方真题Official的题目之后,就会发现,官方真题Official 是最像托福真题的模考题目,而题目量也很多,40几套的题目从做完到反复练习错题,还是要花上一段时间的。官方真题Official的阅读、听力篇数,用心的做2遍足以帮助大家了解IBT 阅读考试的出题思路和做题的方法。至于官方真题Official的口语和写作,可以用来后期的模考。不过,对于托福写作来说,我还是要建议大家,不要太依赖模板,其实模板的使用,只是让你在入门时候,知道托福写作究竟是怎么样的结构;要写哪些内容等等。而到你真的熟悉了托福写作的各个环节后,建议大家就不




In seventeenth-century colonial North America, all day-to-day cooking was done in the fireplace. Generally large, fireplaces were planned for cooking as well as for warmth. Those in the Northeast were usually four or five feet high, and in the South, they were often high enough for a person to walk into. A heavy timber called the mantel tree was used as a lintel to support the stonework above the fireplace opening. This timber might be scorched occasionally, but it was far enough in front of the rising column of heat to be safe from catching fire.

Two ledges were built across from each other on the inside of the chimney. On these rested the ends of a lug pole from which pots were suspended when cooking. Wood from a freshly cut tree was used for the lug pole, so it would resist heat, but it had to be replaced frequently because it dried out and charred, and was thus weakened. Sometimes the pole broke and the dinner fell into the

fire. When iron became easier to obtain, it was used instead of wood for lug poles, and later fireplaces had pivoting metal rods to hang pots from.

Beside the fireplace and built as part of it was the oven. It was made like a small, secondary fireplace with a flue leading into the main chimney to draw out smoke. Sometimes the door of the oven faced the room, but most ovens were built with the opening facing into the fireplace. On baking days (usually once or twice a week) a roaring fire of oven wood, consisting of brown maple sticks, was maintained in the oven until its walls were extremely hot. The embers were later removed, bread dough was put into the oven, and the oven was sealed shut until the bread was fully baked.

Not all baking was done in a big oven, however. Also used was an iron bake kettle, which looked like a stewpot on legs and which had an iron lid. This is said to have worked well when it was placed in the fireplace, surrounded by glowing wood embers, with more embers piled on its lid.

1. Which of the following aspects of domestic life in colonial North America does the passage

mainly discuss?
