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℃ warm 北京 20℃温暖Harbin 5℃ cold 哈尔滨 5℃寒冷 Lhasa 15℃ cool 拉萨 15℃凉爽Hong Kong 30℃ hot 香港 30℃炎热 Let's chant 一起唱歌谣Brrr, it's cold. 卟噜,太冷了。It's cold outside. 外面太冷了。Put on a hat. 戴上帽子。Cold, bye-bye! 寒冷,再见!Mmm! It's warm. 嗯!暖和。It's warm inside. 里面真暖和。Take off your shoes. 脱掉鞋子。It feels so nice. 感觉真好。Let's spell 一起练拼写Read, listen and chant. 读一读,听录音并唱歌谣。 ar arm 胳膊car 汽车card 卡片alball 球tall 高的wall 墙 Read, listen and number. 读一读,听录音并标序号。1. farm 农场2. far 遥远3. girl 女孩4. bird 鸟5. nurse 护士6. tall 高7. wall 墙8. arm 胳膊 Look, listen and write. 看图,听录音并写单词。 a ball on the tall wall 高墙上的球dogs arm in arm 挽着胳膊的狗a card with a car 画着汽车的卡片

B Let's talk 一起说一说Hi, Chen Jie! 嗨,陈洁!This is Mark. 我是马克。Hi, Mark! 嗨,马克!What's the weather like in New York? 纽约的天气怎么样?It's rainy. 下雨了。How about Beijing? 北京怎么样? Is it cold? 冷吗?No, it isn't. 不,不冷。It's 26 degrees. 有26度。26 degrees!

That's cold! 26度!那很冷!Huh? No, it's not. 嗯?不,不是的。It's warm! 很暖和! Let's learn 一起学 Here's the world weather. 这是世界地图。Today it's hot and sunny in Sydney. 今天悉尼很热,天气很晴朗。What's the weather like in Sydney? 悉尼的天气怎么样?It's hot and sunny. 很热,很晴朗。London rainy 伦敦下雨的Moscow snowy 莫斯科下雪的Beijing windy 北京有风的Singapore cloudy 新加坡多云的Sydney sunny 悉尼晴朗的 Read and write 读读写写Read and answer. 读一读并回答问题。 Hi, John! 嗨,约翰!How are you? 你怎么样?I'm in Sydney now. 我现在在悉尼。It's great! 很棒!It's hot and sunny here. 这里炎热晴朗。The water is warm. 水很温暖。I can swim outside. 我可以在外面游泳。Is it cool and windy in Beijing? 北京冷吗,

在刮风吗?Can you fly your kite? 你能放风筝吗?Love, Dad 爱你的,爸爸。 C Story time 故事时间Hello. 你好。 Zip, are you OK? Zip,你好吗?I have a cold. 我着凉了。It's cold here. 这儿很冷。What's the weather like in Beijing? 北京的天气怎么样?It's sunny and warm. 北京很晴朗

也很暖和。I'll go to Dalian to see you. 我去大连看你吧。Tomorrow will be warm in Dali. 明天大理将会很暖和。Oh, it'll be warm tomorrow in Dalian. 哦,大连明天将会很暖和。Ah-choo! It's cold here. 阿嚏!这儿很冷。Hi, Zoom. You look terrible. Ah-choo! 嗨,Zoom。你看起来很糟。阿嚏!Ah-choo! 阿嚏!Bless you! 上帝保佑你! Recycle 1 复习1 Read aloud 大声朗读A: We have a show in the library today. 今天图书馆有一个展会。B: What time? 几点?A: At 4 o'clock.

四点。What time is it now? 现在几点了?B: It's 3:40. 现在三点四十分。Time to go! 该走了!

It's cold outside. 外面冷。A: Yes, it's windy, too. 是的,还刮风。Do you have a jacket? 你有夹克吗?B: Yes, I do. 有。A: OK! Let's go. 好吧!我们走。B: Oh no! Rain! 哦不!下雨了!Where's the library? 图书馆在哪儿?A: It's on the first floor. 在一楼。A,B: Oh no! 哦不Can you act it out? 你能把它演出来吗? Unit 4 第四单元At the farm 在农场 How many horses do you have? 你有

多少匹马?Seventeen. 有十七匹。What are these? 这些是什么?Are these potatoes? 是土豆吗?Let me try one... 让我尝一个…They're carrots. 它们是胡萝卜。What are those? 那些是什么?They're sheep. 它们是绵羊。Let me count... 让我数数……Oh, I feel sleepy. 哦,我觉得困了。

A Let's talk 一起说一说Look at these! 看这些!Are these carrots? 它们是胡萝卜吗?Yes, they are. 是的,它们是。Wow! They're so big! 哇哦!它们个头真大!What are these? 这些是什么?They're tomatoes. 是西红柿。But they're yellow! 但它们是黄色的!Try some! 尝尝吧。They're good. 它们味道很好。Thanks. 谢谢。Yum. 真好吃! Let's learn 学习Look at the green beans.