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1) Tired and _____________ , we reached the top of the mountain and stopped to admire the beautiful seenery.

2) The customer _______ the shopkeeper for a long time, and fin ally they agreed on the price.

3) Swan (天鹅)Lake is a famous ballet in four acts, ____________ a Germa n fairy tale.

4) Eric was chose n for the job _____________ his rich experie nee.

5) The situatio n worse ns by the hour and we have no idea what will ________ us?

6) The poor old man went from door to door, ___________ food.

7) We should pay much atte nti on to the cha nges in educatio n, otherwise, we will ______ .

8) He didn ' t believe what you said because he didn ' t _______________ you.

9) Do you know who the bike ___________ ? I am look ing for the owner.

10) We have_______ a lot _____ extensive (广泛的)reading which broadens our outlook (眼界).

Part 2

12) This sum of money is sure to ____________ their difficulties .

13) They ______________ fail if they continue at the risk of all these dan gers.

14) ______________ f or the terrible accide nt, as the public thought, the mayor felt n ervous and was at a loss what to do.

15) The stude nts in the hall _____________ . The quiet ness made me n ervous.

16) Don ' t be so sad; it won ' t be ____________ we meet again.

17) The Chin ese n ati on has _________ many n ati onal heroes and revoluti onary leaders.

18) Taking exercise will _______ your stre ngth. It will make you strong.

19) The old tow n hall was __________ in the 1970s and everyth ing was destroyed.

20) Ken is not present, so I shall accept the prize ______________ .

Part 3 __________________________________________________________

bring about bring back bring in bring out bring up break away

break dow n break in break out break through break up

21) A huge amount of environmen tal damage has bee n ____________ by the destruct ion of the rain forests.

22) A great deal of scie nee and tech nique has bee n ______ since China carried out the reform and ope n policy.

23) The film _________ the hours to me whe n I was take n good care of in that faraway village.

24) Can you make a sentence to ____________ the meaning of the phrase?

25) Well-ma nn ered childre n have always bee n properly __________ by their pare nt ■ s.

26) Her health ___________ un der the pressure of work and she had to stay in hospital for a mon th.

27) Scientists think they have ___________ in their -attempt to find the causes of some major diseases.

28) The thief hav ing _____________ the policema n ran dow n the street.

29) Excuse me for ___________ , but I have some n ews for you.

30) The police _______ the crowd because the preside nt ' s car ________ in the street.

31) News reports say peace talks betwee n the two coun tries have _________ with no agreeme nt reached. (NMET03)

32) I was still sleeping when the fire ____________ , and then it spread quickly. (07 广东)

Part 4

34) ________ fools will believe what he has said.

35) The strongest people are _____ always the people who win, _____ the people who don ' t give up when t