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本次设计主要是以服务出题者、试题训练人等人群方便快速地完成试题的构造并提升自身所需检测为目的的试卷自动生成系统。整体设计使用的是JAVA语言开发的B/S (浏览器/服务器)应用系统。用户登录该系统后可以根据自己的能力选择生成题目的难度,根据自己的弱项针对题目类型进行生成试题,亦可根据自己的熟练度选择答题时间。

本系统的代码框架采用了现在比较流行的SSH(Spring+Struts+Hibernate)进行设计,在功能模型的实现和页面处理方面严格遵从了MVC(Model,View,Controller)的思想体系。配合Javascript以及Xml对页面提取处理。数据库方面采用了中小型的Mysql 数据库进行处理,数据库工具使用了当下主流的navicat进行操作,以减轻代码量的负担和方便代码编写和功能实现。

关键词:试卷自动生成 B/S Java MySQL数据库

Design and implementation of automatic test paper

generation system

Abstract: Automatic test paper generation system, that is, by the user to customize the selection of the type of test questions, difficulty, scores, time and other factors automatically generate test questions and give the wrong verification. With the rapid development of Internet, network education popularization and promotion, the traditional way of examination questions has been unable to meet all the needs of generalizations do not teach students in accordance of their aptitude questions the way is not conducive to the assessment of different types of students, also do not meet the development need of the modern education. Therefore, now we have assembly popular custom, difficulty, time, type selection control sets the topic the way to cater to the social examination required. Automatic generation system of test paper birth arise spontaneously.

The main purpose of the design is the help topic and questions of training can be set difficulty, type of generating examination papers system according to the custom of different groups of people. System for the user provides user login and start customized paper, multiple-choice, choose the ratio, the highest score set, the examination time limit set, choose the difficulty of the exam, test generation and check your answers and other functions, the user need to "teach students in accordance with their aptitude", "sub categories" to provide, selected by the user, so as to achieve for candidates of different levels of training and test. , but also to facilitate the questions one by one of papers selected, eliminating the topic and set one by one, both to enhance the speed of questions, the topic and also improves the quality of the whole.

This design is mainly based on service questions, questions of training people and other people easily and quickly complete the test structure and enhance its test paper auto generating system. The overall design is the use