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The trees seem to laugh at the clouds while yet reaching for them with swaying branches. Trees must think that they are real, rooted, somebody, and that perhaps the clouds are only tickled water which sometimes blocks their sun. But trees are clouds, too, of green leaves—clouds that only move a little. Trees grow and change and dissipate like their airborne cousins.树梢随风轻摆,像往上攀附云朵,也像在嘲笑云朵。




And what am I but a cloud of thoughts and feelings and aspirations? Don't I put out tentative mists here and there? Don't I occasionally appear to other people as a ridiculous shape of thoughts without my intending to? Don't I drift toward the north when I feel the breezes of love and the warmth of compassion?我不也是一朵云吗?一朵怀着种种想法、感受和


我不是也到处作尝试,制造一个个雾团吗?我的那些异想天开不也常不经意地在人面前变成了一团奇形怪状的云吗?在感受到爱的微风和怜悯的温暖时,我不也像一朵朝北畅快游走的浮云吗?If clouds are beings, and beings are clouds, are we not all well advised to drift, to feel the wind tucking us in here and plucking us out there? Are we such rock-hard bodily lumps as we imagine?若浮云如人,人亦如浮云,我们是否都应该飘,感受风的力量,让我们一时扎根这里,一时又把我们拔起吹走?难道我们真的就如自己想像中的那样稳如磐石吗?Drift, let me. Sing to the sky, will I. One in many, are we. Let us breathe the breeze and find therein our roots in the spirit.飘吧,让我!我要向天高歌。


Nothing stays the same. Tomorrow will come,bringing with it new beginnings and sometimes unexpected endings.没有什么能一成不变,明天将来临,它会带来新的开始,并且有时还会带来意想不到的结局。

You can hold on to the past and get left in the dust;or,you can choose to jump on the ride of life and live a new adventure with perseverance and an open mind.你可以抓住过去,蒙受遗弃;或者,你可以选择跃上生命之车进行一次新的冒险,凭借坚持不懈初一英语朗读比赛文章篇三The sun has begun to set and I hang up the smile I’ve worn

all day, though I will make sure it is the first thing I put back on in the morning just in case it is “that day. I want her to see me at my very best.太阳将要下山,我收起挂了一天的微笑,不过我会确保明天早上第一件事就是将它又挂回去,以防这天就是“那一天。


I do the normal routine, eat dinner, clean the house, write—the usual stuff. And then I lay down hoping to fall asleep quickly so my new day will hurry up and arrive. A new day with a brand new sun. But as I lay there and wait for the world to turn half way around, I think about her. And sometimes I smile, and sometimes that smile will turn into asnicker, and then often that snicker will turn into a burst of laughter.我按平时的规律吃晚餐、打扫屋子、写作——做着日常事务。




And then there are times I get that lump in my throat and that tight feeling in my chest, and sometimes that feeling overwhelms me and begins to turn into a tear, and often that tear multiplies itself and I can no longer fight the feeling and I lose the battle. Then somehow through either