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在炎热难耐的夏天,当清爽的凉风不再光顾北京,胡连群很随意地卷起T恤衫,晾出大肚皮。他们被称为“膀爷”,即“光膀子的男子”(不管年龄多大)。在炎热的季节,“膀爷” 似乎无处不在:在商业区内昂首阔步、在公园里下棋、在动物园里牵着小孩的手,在熙熙攘攘的街巷穿行。


In a sweltering summer, there is not cool wind in Beijing, Hu Lianqun optionally rolls up his shirt and expose his belly.they are called “Bang ye”which are the men who exposed arms or bellies regardless of their age.in the hot weather,they seem to be everywhere:striding in business district,playing chess in parks, holding children's hands at the zoo and walking in crowded streets.


(1)寒风光顾北京the refreshing breezes desert the city,更加准确和适合,而且生动,我的翻译 there is not cool wind in Beijing,比较死板,当时不知道怎么翻译

(2)即“光膀子的男子”(不管年龄多大),我翻译成从句which are the men who exposed arms or bellies regardless of their age,自己觉得总少点什么,感觉有点堆积,译文(men with their arms or bellies exposed regardless of their age),用词更急准确。

(3)在熙熙攘攘的街巷穿行。negotiating crowded alleyways,简约自然walking in crowded streets.有些生硬



夏末回到伦敦,突然听到霍克思先生去世的消息,怅惘不已。霍克斯是牛津大学一位中国古代文学学者,他把中国人最喜欢的古典文学作品之一《红楼梦》(他译成《石头记》)翻译成了英文,并因此而成名。(A Dream of Red Mansions - or The Story of the Stone, as he translated it)

最后一次见到先生是今年4月的一个下午,阳光充满暖意,我拜访了先生在牛津的家。他的房子是一座很不起眼二层小楼,先生从窄窄的走道出来,拱手上前,笑盈盈地用传统的中国方式向我们问好:“欢迎光临寒舍”,一口标准的普通话,像一位中国老者. (both hands held together to his chest)


I was shocked to know that Hawkes had passed when I returned London after summer break. He is an scholar of classical Chinese literature in Oxford, he is known for his translation of a much-loved Chinese classic literary(A Dream of Red Mansions - or The Story of the Stone, as he

translated it)

The last time I saw him was on a warm afternoon in April, I called on him at his home which is a common two-floor house in Oxford, Coming out of a narrow passageway, he greeted me with both hands held together to his chest and smelling in the traditional Chinese way: “ Welcome to my common home” in classic Chinese, liking an Chinese old man.


(1)听到先生去世,learn of the passing of David Hawkes,重点在去世,把握的很好,而我的则是有些普通

(2)4月的一个下午,阳光充满暖意,a warm, sunny afternoon last April,充满美感,应该说更加贴切原文,我把阳光翻译掉了。

(3)一座很不起眼二层小楼a commonplace two-storey house easily missed when passing by,而我的翻译是 a common two-floor house,觉得自己的翻译更好,更加贴切,只是common总感觉有点不合适,但是用原文的翻译,有感觉有点拖拉

(4)标准的普通话,应该是说他的普通话很标准很好,所以译作in perfect Chinese 更好