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Sinohydro Bureau 8 Co., Ltd

Tarbela Project

Code: 2014-06

事故隐患排查治理制度Accidents Investigation & Handling


批准approved by:__________________

审核reviewed by:__________________

编制compiled by:__________________


Date: October, 2014


Accidents Investigation & Handling


为了加强事故隐患监督管理,防止、预防和减少事故的发生,保障项目部员工生命及财产安全,结合项目部实际制定本制度。The regulations are intended to strengthen accidents investigation and monitoring, prevent and reduce accidents and ensure the safety of employees and property.

项目部主要负责人应对事故隐患排查和整改负全面责任,负责组织建立健全项目部事故隐患排查治理的长效机制,保证安全资金的投入,逐步解决各类安全生产事故隐患。Main responsible personnel should take full responsibility in accidents investigation and handling and establishing long-term mechanism, ensuring funding and gradually solving various potential accidents.

按照“谁主管,谁负责”的原则as per the principle “who is in charge and who is responsible”

各工段负责人为安全生产管辖范围内的责任人,对本工段事故隐患的排查和整改负主要责任。各班组长对所辖范围的事故隐患排查和整改工作负责,每个职工对本岗位的事故隐患排查和整改负责,任何单位和个人发现事故隐患,均有权向安全生产主管部门和项目部领导报告。Person in charge of section and squad leaders should be responsible for accidents investigation and rectification within their jurisdiction. Every employee should be responsible for accidents investigation and rectification on their post. Any section or individual has the right to report to safe production responsible department and project

managers if they identify potential risks.

安全环保部职责the responsibilities of HSE department

对查出的事故隐患进行登记,按照事故隐患的等级进行分类,建立事故隐患信息档案,对各类隐患排查治理进行监督、检查、考核;负责对事故隐患报告奖励资金的汇总和发放等。Make records of identified potential risks as per classification, establish information files and monitor, check and assess the handling of potential accidents; responsible for summary and distribution of incentive funds.

项目部各职能部门various functional departments

按照职能分工对各自管辖范围内的事故隐患进行排查并监控治理。Troubleshoot and monitor potential accidents within their jurisdiction as per divisions.

财务部职责the responsibilities of finance department

事故隐患报告奖励资金和事故隐患治理资金的落实。Implement potential accidents and treatment funds.

生技部职责department of technical and production

对隐患整改措施的可行性和合理性负责。Be responsible for the feasibility and rationality of rectification measures.

设备物质科职责the responsibility of Store

对特种设备及车辆安全运行,采购设备合格合法性负责。Be responsible for the qualification of procured equipments and normal operation of special equipments and vehicles.

事故隐患分为一般事故隐患、重大事故隐患。Hidden dangers are divided into general and major danger.

一般事故隐患general hidden danger

指危害和整改难度较小,发现后能够立即整改排除的隐患。It refers to the danger with limited hazards and easy to exclude after identified.

重大事故隐患major hidden danger

重大事故隐患,是指危害和整改难度较大,应当全部或者局部停产停业,并经过一定时间整改治理方能排除的隐患,或者因外部因素影响致使生产经营单位自身难以排除的隐患。It refers to the danger with greater hazards and all or partial sections will be ceased and it will take time to eliminate or the danger incurred due to external factors and the project department cannot exclude it themselves.

对于重大事故隐患,由单位主要负责人组织制定并实施事故隐患治理方案。在事故隐患治理过程中,事故隐患部门应当采取相应的安全防范措施,防止事故发生。安督办应进行监控。For major hidden dangers, project managers should formulate and execute hidden danger elimination program. The department under hidden danger should take corresponding preventive measure during the process of treatment. HSE department should monitor all the process.

奖惩rewards and punishment

报告隐患的数量和质量作为年终评先进的重要依据。The quantity and quality of reported hidden dangers will be an important indicator of annual assessment.