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rather , than do , 是,, 而不

是 ,, 相当于 more, than , or

rather 更确切地说 would rather

do , than do , 宁愿做 ,, 而不愿

做 ,, would

rather+ 从句(从句谓语用虚拟语气)宁愿某

人 ,, prefer to do , rather than , 宁愿做 ,, 而不愿意做 ,, would rather have done , 宁愿已经做了 ,, 2、 eastward :adv. 向东


向东的,朝东的 -ward ( s )=in the


后缀 -ward ( s )常与方向词如 west , up , down , back , out 等连用。

一江春水向东流。 A spring river flows eastward.


We couldn ’ t decide whether to go eastward

or westwar d. 3、 surround 包围,环绕,围

部队已经将该镇包围了。 Troops have surrounded the town. 被, 环绕 / 包围: be surrounded by/with, 这个小镇三面环山。

The town ______ _______ on three sides ______ high mountains. surrounding adj. 周围的 surroundings n. (pl.)

1)生活在安逸中 be surrounded by comforts


2)位于优美的坏境中 Be situated/located in pleasant surroundings 3)在周围地区 In a surrounding area

辨析: surroundings 作为“环境”讲,多指周围的物质环境,自然环境。

environment 用法更加广泛, 有时也指家庭环境, 环境对人的感受, 道德观念的影

响。4、 measure

1) v. 测量,衡量,判定 measure temperature

We measured the distance. The room measures 6 meters by 4. 这个房间长 6 米,宽 4 米。 2) n. 措施【 C 】 take measures

to do 采取措施做某事

n. 尺寸【 U 】根据某人的尺寸做, make, to one ’ s

measure 量体裁衣

5、 aboard : prep./adv. 在船(飞机 , )上

1)prep. That afternoon aboard the train, the

cousins ,

2)adv. All the passengers aboard fell into the river. 船上所有的乘客掉入河中。

上船: go


board :

n. 木板,膳食 v. 上(船,飞机等)


board :在船(飞机 , )上

go aboard=go on board =board

6、 settle down :


他想结婚后定居下来。He wants to get married and settle down.

2) 平静下来settle sb down

主席设法使听众安静下来。The chairman tried to settle the audience down.

3).settle down to

专心致志于, , 安心于,

他已安心于从事农业。 He has settled down to farming.

让我们专心工作吧。 Let ’ s settle down to our work.

4).I ’ m sure he ’ ll settle down in his new school

soon. 适应,习惯settle in :安顿好,适应(新工作,新生活)


on: 决定,选定

settle up : 清帐,了结



区别 manage to do 和 try to

do :

manage to do 表示“设法成功完成(了)较困难的事情“,强调结果,相当于be able to do

sth 或 succeed in doing

sth ;try to do 表示”尽力,设法去做某事“,强调目的,结果如何,不得而知。

manage与 can 或 could 连用,表示“能办好某件难事“,口语中还可以作“吃,渡过”;manage还可表示“经营,管理”的意思。

8、 catch sight

of :看见,瞥见


How can I fall asleep, if I can ’tyour smile?

In sight/out of

sight 在视线内,可以看见/ 看不见的,视线外的

At first

sight :乍一看,初看之下

At the sight

of :一看见,

9、 have a gift

for 表示“对 ,, 有天赋”。形容词

gifted 表示“有天赋的”。

be gifted

at/in 表示“对 ,, 有天赋”。gift 也可表示“礼物”。

10、Within prep

.在, 之内

1)时间: within 2 hours

2)距离: within 5 miles

3)范围 / 程度: within one ’s

power 力所能及,在某人的权限内

I wasn ’ t within my power to help her. 帮助她并非我力所能及的事。

Within doors 在室内

Within sight 在视线范围内


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