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Chopsticks is a kind of Chinese tableware with distinct national features and a history of more than 3,000 years. It is recorded that the use of chopsticks can be dated back to Shang Dynasty when chopsticks are regarded as an imperial eating tool by the emperor. Chinese chopsticks are generally made of wood or bamboo and they evolved into ceramic and metallic chopsticks to meet t he various needs of people. Called “a pair of”instead of “tw o sticks of”,chopsticks are the masterpiece of Chinese people, which embodies the thought of Yin and Yang as well.




Microblog, called Weibo for short, is a new type of platform for information exchange. It enables people to gain information and share feelings. The origin of microblog is Twitter in the United States, which was one of the top ten most-visited websites in the world at the same time. As one of the most popular platform s, like Wechat or QQ, Weibo has effects on our modern life. The se social platforms accelerate us getting information as well as make our life more colorful.




Zheng He, a great navigator in Ming Dynasty, once visited many c ountries and districts in the Pacific Ocean and India Ocean for seven times and the most remote destination among which was on t

he coast of Africa. His fleet was composed of more than 240 shi ps on his first voyage, which showed that the navigation technolo gy and sailing distance were advanced all over the world at that time. The voyage of Zheng He positively promotes the development of overseas trade and the spread of Chinese civilization among countries and people still commemorate his great feats by literatu re and films.


庙会(temple fair)是中国传统风俗之一,现代通常指在寺庙附近举行娱乐、购物活动,最初来源于古代的祭神活动。庙会多在农历新年、元宵节等节日举行,以其美味的各地小吃和丰富的民俗节目表演闻名。庙会通常为一年一度,但各地庙会持续的时间往往不同。在2008年,庙会被批准列入第二批国家非物质文化遗产名录

(national intangible cultural heritage list)。


Temple fair, one of the traditional customs in China, commonly re fers to the recreational activities and shopping nearby temples. T he fair is originated from the activity of god-worshiping in anti quity. Generally Temple fair is at the Spring Festival, the Lante rn Festival or other festivals, which is famous for its tasty sn acks of various places and abundant folk performances. Temple fair is held annually but the duration differs from place to place. In 2008, temple fair had been recorded in the second batch of national intangible cultural heritage list.


一带一路(the Belt and Road)是“丝绸之路经济带”和“21世纪海上丝绸之路”的简称,于2015年3月由中国提出。一带一路旨在促进各国间经济、文化交流,共同打造互相信任的命运共同体。随着一带一路的不断发展,12月16日被定为“一带一路国际日”。报告显示,去年中国对外投资增长44%,达1830亿美元,超过荷兰和日本成为全球第二大对外投资国。


The Belt and Road, for short, “the Silk Road Economic Belt”an d “the21st-Century Maritime Silk Road”,was put forward in Chi na in March, 2015. Aiming at promoting economy and cultural excha nge, the Belt and Road creates a community of a common future f or mutual trust. With the development of the Belt and Road, Dece mber 16th is put as “the Belt and Road International Day”.It is reported that the investments abroad increased 44% , reaching 183 billion dollars last year, which made China surpass Holland and Japan becoming the second largest investor all over the wor ld.


共享单车(co-bike)是指校园、居民区、商业区等地的一种自行车共享服务。人们可以在这些地方随时解锁自行车,到达目的地后交付费用即可。共享单车赋予了共享经济新内涵(new connotation),因为这种服务不仅方便了人们的生活,而且是低碳、健