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门诊护士办公室:outpatient nurse’s office

门诊办公室:outpatient office

儿科厕所:Children’s toilet

儿科候诊:waiting room for pediatrics

儿科门诊:outpatient department of pediatrics

输液室:transfusion room

小儿注射:injection room for Children

男厕所/女厕所/残疾人专用厕所:toilet for man/ toilet for woman/ handicapped used only

饮水间:drinking room

急诊化验室:emergency laboratory

急诊X光室:emergency X-ray room

急诊治疗室:emergency therapeutic room

抢救室:resuscitation room

外科治疗室:surgery therapeutic room

急诊妇产科:emergency obstetrics and gynecology department

急诊内科:emergency internal medicine

急诊外科:emergency surgery

急诊儿科:emergency pediatrics

急诊候诊:emergency waiting room

急诊收费挂号:emergency registration & cashier office

急诊药房:emergency pharmacy

急诊手术室:emergency operation room

主任办公室:director’s office

急诊值班室:emergency duty room

洗手间(男/女):toilet for man/ woman

洗涤室:washing room

药库主任办公室:pharmacy store director's office 血透室:hemodialysis room

药库:pharmacy store

急诊观察室:emergency observation room

出入院处:out/in-patient department

医学整形科:department of plastic surgery

整形室:plastic surgery room

中医科:department of traditional Chinese medicine 内科:department of internal medicine

脑外科:department of cerebral surgery

神经外科:department of neurosurgery

胸外科:department of thoracic surgery

普外科:department of general surgery

伤科:department of traumatology

骨科:department of orthopedics

肛肠外科:department of anus & intestine surgery 泌尿外科:department of urology

膀胱镜室:cystoscopy room

石膏室:plaster room

换药室:dressing room

拍片室:X-ray room

碎石室:stone manipulation room

DSA:digital subtraction angiography

ICU:intensive care unit

主任办公室:director’s office

护士站:nursing station

家属等候室:waiting room for relations

肝胆外科:department of hepatobiliary surgery

皮肤科:department of dermatology

激光冷冻室:laser & cryotherapy room

皮外手术室:operation room for dermatology surgery

检查治疗室:consulting & therapeutic room

性病专科:department of venereology

诊室:consulting room

口腔科:department of stomatology

口腔诊室:consulting room for stomatology

耳鼻喉科:department of ENT

窥镜室:endoscope room

治疗室:therapeutic room

听觉诱发电位室:department of auditory evoked potentials

测听室:audiometric room

诊室:consulting room

小手术室:outpatient operation room

眼科:department of ophthalmology

治疗室:therapeutic room

诊室:consulting room

弱视治疗室:amblyopia therapeutic room

小手术室:outpatient operation room

门诊妇产科:outpatient department of obstetrics and gynecology