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Absent-minded, are very forgetful because they are too busy thinking about other things.

Adventurous, are daring and always ready to take risks

Amusing, are very funny and make you laugh

Bashful, are shy and feel uncomfortable in social situations

Boastful, like to say how good they are at something

Bright, are very clever and learn things quickly

Calm, don’t get excited or nervous about things

Conceited, have a high opinion of themselves

Confident, are sure of themselves and their abilities

Creative, find it easy to produce new and original ideas and things

Domineering, are always trying to control others

without worrying or caring about how

they feel

Down-to-earth, are very practical and honest

Emotional, have strong feelings and are easily moved by things

Enthusiastic, are very interested and exited about something

and this shows in the way they talk or


Hospitable, are always friendly and welcoming towards guests

Impatient, hate having to wait for things and are not

very tolerant of other people’s

weaknesses, etc

Narrow-minded, find it hard to accept or understand new

or different ideas

Aggressive, 有进取心的,攻击性的are always ready to quarrel or attack

Articulate, are able to express clearly and effectively their thoughts and feelings

Broad-minded, are very tolerant of other people’s

opinions even if very different from their


Competitive, hate to lose at anything

Considerate, 体贴周到的

Courageous, are very brave and not afraid to do dangerous things

Humble, 卑微的have a very low opinion of themselves and a high opinion of others

Modest, 谦虚的tend to hide their abilities or have a

lower opinion of themselves than is


Obstinate, 顽固的refuse to change their opinion or

behavior in spite of attempts to persuade

them to do something else or to see

another point of view

Rash, 鲁莽的are very impulsive and don’t think

enough about the consequences of their


Self-centered, are very selfish and only interested in themselves

Self-confident, are usually sure of their own ability to do things

Sensible, are people with a lot of common sense

Strong-willed, know what they want and usually get it

Versatile, have lots of different skills and abilities

and can easily change from one kind of

activity t another

Well-mannered, are polite people

Witty, have quick minds and can express things in a clever and amusing way

Cocky, Conscientious, Impressionable, Level-headed, Loyal, N eurotic,

Open, Practical, Prejudiced, Pushy, Ruthless, Secretive, Shrewd,
