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1.It’s said that ______ of the water around the world ______ polluted.

A.two third; has B.two thirds; have

C.two third; are D.two thirds; is



试题分析:句意:据说世界上的三分之二的水被污染了。在英语中分子用基数词表达,分母用序数词表达如果分子大于1,分母变复数。三分之二,two thirds。分数,作主语时,根据其后接的词而定,如果为不可数名词,则相当于单数,如果其后接的为可数名词复数形式,则相当于复数,根据句意及结构,故选D


2.In our class _____ of the students _____ girls.

A.third fifths; is B.third fifth; are C.three fifth; is D.three fifths; are 【答案】D




在英语中表示分数,分子要用基数词,分母用序数词,当分子大于一时,分母用复数形式。五分之三应该是three fifths;另外,分数+名词复数作主语的时候,后面的谓语动词应该用复数。所以选D。


I don't agree with either of you on these issues. 在这些问题上,你们两个我都不同意。

连接词 conj.

4._____ Tom_____Maria loves this sport.

A.Both, and B.Not only, but also C.But, and D.Both, or




试题分析:句意:不仅汤姆,玛丽亚也喜欢这个运动。Both…and…“两者都……”,连接名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式;Not only…but also… “不仅……而且……”,连接两个成分作主语,其谓语通常与靠近的主语保持一致。谓语动词用“loves”,所以选择B。

考点: 考查连词的用法。

5.---______ is the population of the town?

---Over 20,000. And a third of the population ____ workers of the car factory.

A.What, are B.How many , are C.What , is D.How many, is






点评:(1)在英文中对于人口有多少用what来进行提问,而不用how many或how much,how much对不可数名词提问,如how much water,how many对可数名词提问,如how many people,而what是单独使用,注意它们的使用和区别。(2)population前有分数修饰,表示的是复数概念,谓语动词使用复数,单独使用谓语动词使用单数。

6.Either Eve or Herb ___________ been invited by Lucy’s parents already.

A.have B.has C.was D.Were





Either ... or...或者……或者,连接两个主语时,用就近原则,already是现在完成时的标志词,结合句意,故选B

7.Some of the apples are bad, but I believe the rest______ sweet.

A.taste B.tastes C.are tasted D.is tasted



试题分析:句意:一些苹果是坏的,但是剩下的一些还是很甜的。这里the rest代指的剩下的许多苹果,是复数,故排除B、D;又因为taste是系动词,不能用被动形式,故排除C;故选A。


8.—How many_______doctors are there in your hospital, David?

—_______them _______over one hundred.

A.woman,The number of, is B.women,A number of, are

C.woman,A number of, is D.women,The number of, is






the number of…….的数量,作主语,谓语用第三人称单数。a number of一些,修饰名词,作主语,谓语用复数形式。第一空how many修饰复数名词,woman doctor女医生,其复数形式为women doctors。第二空根据over one hundred可知此处表示数量,故用the number of,谓语用第三人称单数is。故选D。

9.Not only children but also my husband______crazy about the movie Operation Red Sea (《红海行动》

A.is B.are C.am D.be




句意:不仅仅是孩子,而且我的丈夫也对<<红海行动>>疯狂。A. is是,第三人称单数;B. are是,第一、二和第三人称复数;C. am是,主语为I; D. be是,be动词原形。Not only...but also...不但...而且..., 当并列主语时,谓语动词形式的确定根据“就近原则”。故选:A。


谓语动词的确定依据“就近原则”的有:there be+句型; or ; either …or;nor; neither…nor;whether…or;not…but; not only…but also…等。

10.There a basketball match between class one and class three this afternoon.

A.is going to be B.will have

C.are going to be D.is going to have.



试题分析:句意:今天下午在一班和三班之间有一场篮球赛。此题考查there be 句型的一般将来时。表示有,客观存在,there不和have在一块使用,根据句意,应选A。


11.—I called you at 5:00 yesterday afternoon, but no one answered.

—Sorry, I with my parents ________ at that time.

A.was shopping B.were shopping

C.are shopping D.went shopping



试题分析:—我昨天下午五点给你打电话了,但是没人接。—对不起,那时我正陪着妈妈买东西呢。通过以上分析可知,应该用过去进行时;本句I是主语,with my parents是介词短语做定语,不是主语,所以后面用was。故选A。
