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Time is money.


Time flies.


Time has wings.


Time is a file that wears and makes no noise.


Time stays not the fool's leisure.


Time and I against any two.


Time is life and when the idle man kills time, he kills himself.


Time spent in vice or folly is doubly lost.



Time undermines us.


Time and tide wait for no man.


Time cannot be won again.


Time is , time was , and time is past.


Time lost can not be recalled.


Time flies like an arrow , and time lost never returns.



Time tries friends as fire tries gold.


Time tries truth.


Time is the father of truth.


Time will tell.


Time brings the truth to light.


Time and chance reveal all secrets.


Time consecrates: what is gray with age becomes religion.


Time reveals(discloses) all things.


Time tries all.



There is no time like the present.


Take time by the forelock.


To choose time is to save time.


Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today.


Procrastination is the thief of time.


One of these days is none of these days.


Tomorrow never comes.


What may be done at any time will be done at no time.



Time works wonders.


Time works great changes.


Times change.

this never happened before
歌手:paul mccartney

i'm very sure
this never happened to me before
i met you and now i'm sure
this never happened before
now i see
this is the way it's supposed to be
i met you and now i see
this is the way it should be
this is the way it should be for lovers
they shouldn't go it alone
it's not so good when you're on your own
so come to me
now we can be what we wanna be
i love you and now i see
this is the way it should be
this is the way it should be
this is the way it should be for lovers
they shouldn't go it alone
it's not so good when you're on your own
i'm very sure
this never happened to me before
i met you and now i'm sure
this never happened before (this never happened before)
this never happened before (this never happened)
this never happened before (this never happened before)

这首动人情歌来自 TH E BEATLES 壳虫乐队的四人组之一的吉他手 Paul McCartney单飞后的作品,
PUAL McCartney 当 年在乐队中,乃至在钟爱甲壳虫的乐迷的心目中,总是躲避在LENNON的光环下,

在LENNON的左右,他的队友,兼前好友Paul McCartney一直在默默地弹奏着吉他
可是在后来的年月里,Paul McCartney证明了自己在LENNON的光环下被埋没了的音乐天才,
听了这首《 this never happened B4》,会同意我的看法~~
阻止不了LENNON和Paul McCartney曾是世界上最绝妙搭配的一对双子星,

《When ur mind's made up》当你已决定



so 所以
if u want something 如果你有什么需要
and u call ,call 给我打电话
then i'll come running 我就会飞奔到你面前
to flight
and i'll be at ur door 来到你的门口
when there's nothing worth running for 就算没什么值得我狂奔的
when ur minds made up 当你以下定决心
when ur minds made up 当你已下定决心
there's no point trying to change it 好像没什么值得改变的了
when ur minds made up 当你已下定决心
when ur minds made up 当你已下定决心
thereis no point tring to stop it 也没有什么值得停止的
u see 你懂得
u 've just like everyone 你以前就和其他人一样
when the shit falls 当生活与你作对
all u wanna do is run away 你想做的只是逃避
and hide all by urself 把自己的一切都隐藏起来
when u r far from me 当你和我相距遥远
there is nothing else 也没有什么可以在我们中间
when ur minds made up 当你已下定决心
when ur minds made up 当你已下定决心
there's no point trying to change it没有什么值得改变
when ur minds made up 当你已下定决心
when ur minds made up 当你已下定决心
there's no point even talking 甚至没有什么值得再说了
when ur minds made up 当你已下定决心
when ur minds made up 当你已下定决心
there's no point trying to fight it 也没有什么值得努力了
when ur minds made up 当你已下定决心
when ---ur ---minds- --made---up 当你已下定决心
there's no point trying to change it 没

when ---ur ---minds ---made---up
so 可是即便如此
if u ever want something 如果你有什么想法
and u call,call 你可以尽管打电话告诉我
then i'll come running.. .我一样会飞奔到你的面前。。。

该电影的原声音乐是曾经活动于爱尔兰摇滚乐队The Flames贝司手的John Carney(现在是导演)和正在美国巡演的音乐剧演员们(男主角Glen Hansard是The Flames的主唱兼吉他手,女主角 Marketa Irglova是捷克钢琴家兼作曲家出身。)合作完成的。
The Do - Song For Lovers

Here’s a song for lovers
Who don’t care if they don’t sleep
If dragonflies with heavy hearts
Cut the air like darts

Here’s a song for lovers
Who won’t ever have to weep
Clear-sighted eyes and uncried tears
All bright out in the sun

You were far too young dear
To get so close to the clouds
No one told you to stay awake
For pleasures of that kind

You were far too small
To step far outside of your house
Now you saw how dragonflies
Tint their hearts with dark

Here’s a song for lovers
Who don’t care if they bleed

Artist:Daniel Powter
Song:Love you lately

You packed your last two bags
A taxi's 'round the bend
You used to laugh out loud
But you can't remember when
You lost your lies
It's like your moving out of time
And the whole world crumbles right beneath you

So I might've made a few mistakes
But that was back when you would smile
And we would go everywhere
But we ain't been there for awhile
And this I know
There's a place that we can go-
A place where I can finally let you know

'Cause I'm the one that loves you lately
You and me we got this great thing
We're the only one's that around
We're the only one's that around this Babylon

I hope you find whatever you've been lookin' for
Just remember where you're from and who you are
'Cause there's a thousand lights that'll make you feel brand new
But if you ever lose your way I'll be right here for you

'Cause I'm the one that loves you lately
You and me we got this great thing
So come back and you sit down Relax
Everything's to see that you've come a long long way
And it's the place that you should be

'Cause I'm the one that loves you lately
You and me we got this great thing
'Cause I'm the one that loves you lately
You and me we got this great thing
And we're the only one's that around
We're the only one's that around this Babylon
人叫她法国温婉天后,有人叫她疗伤天后,她的歌声,只要飘扬在空气中便能舒缓人的心灵。心情好,心情坏,只要有她的歌声嘴角便可生出微笑;是白昼,是深夜,只要跟随她的声线便能到达安祥所在。她就是Hélène Ségara。......

Encore une Fois(

前缘再续)--Helene Segara
J’ai jamais vu d’amour fragile
j’ai toujours donne tout
toute seule au bout de moi
j’t’envoie ces quelques mots
Moi je suis celle qui s’est perdue
contre ta peau
quand on s’cachait pres des bateaux
pour mettr’ nos corps a nu
Un jour y’a comme ca des gens qui passent
c’est la vie qui grandit
on s’comprend pas toujours soi-même
et un jour
on aime
Oh non non non
On s’oublie pas comme ca
Tu n’le sais pas
Mais j’garde en moi des bouts de toi
Non non non
On n’oublie pas tout ca
C’est notre histoire d’amour
J’voudrai la vivre encore une fois
Et face aux vagues de l’ocean
tu m’as tendue la main
pour m’emmener doucement
jusqu’au premier matin
J’avancais toujours vers toi
comme une etoile qui danse
et le ciel a mis ses ailes
pour me voler mon innocence
Un jour y’a comme ca des gens qui passent
des regards qu’on garde en soi
des rires qu’on oublie pas
parce qu’un jour
on aime
{au Refrain}
Un jour y’a comme ca des gnes qui passent
c’est la vie qui grandit
on s’comprend pas toujours soi-même
et un jour
on aime...
Amy Adams - That's How You Know

How does she know you love her?
How does she know she's yours?

How does she know that you love her?

How do you show her you love her?

How does she know that you really, really, truely love her?
How does she know that you love her?
How do you show her you love her?
How does she know that you really, really, truely love her?

It's not enough to take the one you love for granted
You must remind her, or she'll be i

nclined to say...
"How do I know he loves me?"
(How does she know that you love her?
How do you show her you love her?)
"How do I know he's mine?"
(How does she know that you really, really, truely love her?)

Well does he leave a little note to tell you you are on his mind?
Send you yellow flowers when the sky is grey? Heyy!
He'll find a new way to show you, a little bit everyday
That's how you know, that's how you know!
He's your love...

You've got to show her you need her
Don't treat her like a mind reader
Each day do something to need her
To believe you love her

Everybody wants to live happily ever after
Everybody wants to know their true love is true...
How do you know he loves you?
(How does she know that you love her?
How do you show her you need her?)
How do you know he's yours?
(How does she know that you really, really, truely-)

Well does he take you out dancin' just so he can hold you close?
Dedicate a song with words in
Just for you? Ohhh!

He'll find his own way to tell you
With the little things he'll do
That's how you know
That's how you know!

He's your love
He's your love...

That's how you know
(la la la la la la la la)
He loves you
(la la la la la la la la)
That's how you know
(la la la la la la la la)
It's true
(la la la la la)

Because he'll wear your favorite color
Just so he can match your eyes
Rent a private picnic
By the fires glow-oohh!

His heart will be yours forever
Something everyday will show
That's how you know
(That's how you know)
That's how you know
(That's how you know)
That's how you know
(That's how you know)
That's how you know
(That's how you know)
That's how you know
(That's how you know)
That's how you know
(That's how you know)
That's how you know!

He's your love...

That's how she knows that you love her
That's how you show her you love her

That's how you know...
That's how you know...
He's your love...

She will be loved

Beauty queen of only eighteen

She had some trouble with herself

He was always there to help her

She always belonged to someone else

I drove for miles and miles

And wound up at your door

I've had you so many times but somehow

I want more

I don't mind spending everyday

Out on your corner in the pouring rain

Look for the girl with the broken smile

Ask her if she wants to stay a while

And she will be loved

She will be loved

Tap on my window knock on my door

I want to make you feel beautiful

I know I tend to get so insecure

It doesn't matter anymore

It's not always rainbows and butterflies

It's compromise that moves us along

My heart is full and my door's always open

You can come anytime you want

I don't mind spending everyday

Out on your corner in the pouring rain

Look for the girl with the broken smile

Ask her if she wants to stay awhile

And she will be loved

She will be loved

She will be loved

She will be loved

I know where you hide

Alone in your car

Know all of the things that make you who you are

I know that goodbye means nothing at all

Comes back and begs me to catch her every time she falls

Tap on my window knock on my door

I want to make you feel beautiful

It's not always rainbows and butterflies

It's compromise that moves us along

My heart is full and my door's always open

You can come anytime you want

I don't mind spending everyday

Out on your corner in the pouring rain

Look for the girl with the broken smile

Ask her if she wants to stay awhile

And she will be loved

She will be loved


Maroon5,中文译名魔力红乐队。来自LA的摇滚乐队,确切一些说是新灵魂摇滚。maroon 融合了红色的狂野魅力,神秘热情,奔放烈爱再掺入摇滚力道,灵魂旋律及放克节奏,这样的红流泻着新灵魂乐性感风情的放克摇滚这样的红,在流行歌坛注入了一股新的颜色。


两人同样出自第一届“美国偶像”,Kelly clarkson获得冠军,至今发行了三张专辑,如今已是美国乐坛的大红人;亚军Justin Guarini发行第一张专辑之后便鲜有耳闻。

Artist: Justin Guarini & Kelly Clarkson
Song: Timeless

Baby come close, let me tell you this
In a whisper my heart says you know it too
Maybe we both share a secret wish
And you're feeling my love reaching out to you

Timeless, don't let it end no
Now that you're right in my arms
where you should stay
Hold tight baby
Timeless, don't let it fade out of sight
Just let the moments sweep us both away
Lifting us to where, we both agree
This is timeless, love

I see it all baby in your eyes
When you look at me, you know I feel it too (yes I do)
So let's sail away and meet forever baby
Where the crystal ocean melts into the sky
We shouldn't let the moment pass (moment pass)
Making me shiver, let's make it last
Why should we lose it?
Don't ever let me go

Yeah yeah yeah yeeeaah yeah
Baby it's timeless (oh baby it's timeless)
Don't let it fade out of sight
Just let the moments sweep us both away
(just let the moments)
Lifting us to where we both agree this is timeless
This is timeless, love

第50届格莱美大奖揭晓。美国乡村歌手Carrie Underwood(凯莉·安德伍德)获“最佳乡村女歌手(Best Female Country Vocal Performance)”称号。以下为大家推荐的就是凯莉的一首《Before He Cheats》,这首歌曲获得2008年格莱美奖年度最佳歌曲、最佳乡村女歌手,以及最佳乡村歌曲等三项提名。

Before He Cheats

by Carrie Underwood

Right now

He's probably slow dancing

With a bleached-blond tramp

And she's probably getting frisky...

Right now

He's probably buying her some

Fruity little drink

Cause she can't shoot whiskey...

Right now

He's probably up behind her

With a pool-stick

Showing her how to shoot a combo...

And he don't know...

I dug my key into the side

Of his pretty little souped-up 4 wheel drive

Carved my name into his leather seat...

I took a Louisville slugger

To both headlights

Slashed a hole in all 4 tires...

And maybe next time

He'll think before he cheats

Right now

She's probably up singing some

White-trash version of Shania karoke...

Right now

She's probably saying "I'm drunk"

And he's a thinking that he's gonna get lucky

Right now

He's probably dabbing 3 dollars

Worth of that bathroom polo...

Oh, and he don't know...

Oh, that I dug my key into the side

Of his pretty little

souped-up 4 wheel drive

Carved my name into his leather seat...

I took a Louisville slugger

To both headlights

Slashed a hole in all 4 tires...

And maybe next time

He'll think before he cheats

I might saved a little trouble for the next girl

Cause the next time that he cheats...

Oh, you know it won't be on me

Ohh... not on me...

Cause I dug my key into the side

Maybe next time Ohh..

Maybe next time

He'll think before he cheats... Ohh...

before he cheats... Ohh...


Carrie Underwood(凯莉·安德伍德)于1983年出生在美国俄克拉何马州的Checotah小镇。凯莉自幼喜爱音乐,三岁就开始在家乡附近的教堂唱诗班中练习唱歌。13岁那年,凯莉便录制了自己的首张唱片。


在2005年5月获得第四届“美国偶像”冠军之后,凯莉成功同Arista公司签约,并发行首支单曲《Inside Your Heaven》。这支单曲以17万张的销量成为全美最畅销单曲,凯莉也成为首位在Billboard Hot 100单曲榜中夺冠的乡村艺人。2005年11月15日,凯莉发行首张个人首张专辑《Some Hearts》。凯莉的这首《Before He Cheats》获得2008年格莱美奖年度最佳歌曲、最佳乡村女歌手,以及最佳乡村歌曲等三项提名。
拥有一头招牌灰白头发的Taylor Hicks,以丰富的歌唱经验及舞台上卖力的演出,技压群雄,靠着超高人气赢得第五届“美国偶像”歌唱大赛的冠军。

Artist:Taylor Hicks
Song: Do I Make You Proud

I've never been the one to raise my hand,
That was not me and now that's who I am

Because of you I am standing tall,
My heart is full of endless gratitude,
You were the one, the one to guide me through,
Now I can see and I believe it's only just beginning

This what we dream about
But the only question with me now
Is do I make you proud
Stronger than I've ever been now
Never been afraid of standing out
But do I make you proud

I guess I've learned, to question is to grow
That you still have faith, is all I need to know
I've learned to love, myself in spite of me
And I've learned to walk, the road that I believe

This what we dream about
But the only question with me now
Is do I make you proud
Stronger than I've ever been now
Never been afraid of standing out
But do I make you proud

Everybody needs to rise up
Everybody needs to be loved, to be loved

This what we dream about
But the only question with me now
Is do I make you proud
Stronger than I've ever been now
Never been afraid of standing out
But do I make you proud

This what we dream about
But the only question with me now
Is do I make you proud
Stronger than I've ever been now
Never been afraid of standing out
But do I make you proud

Do I make you proud?
Do I make you proud?

I Just Call to Say I L

ove You《电话诉衷情》是电影《红衣女郎》(Woman in Red)的插曲,不仅在英美排行榜上都名居榜首,还获得了“奥斯卡”最佳电影插曲奖,成为家喻户晓的一首永恒恋曲,至今仍被广为传唱。它的演唱者史蒂威·旺德是一个天生双目失明的人,他在27岁之前共获14项葛莱美奖,是美国七、八十年代最有影响的流行音乐家之一。

I Just Call to Say I Love You

No New Year's Day to celebrate
no chocolate covered candy
heart to give away
No first of spring no song to sing
In fact it's just another ordinary day
No April rain no flowers bloom
no wedding Saturday within the month of June
But what it is is something true
make up of these three words
that I must say to you
I just called to say I love you
I just called to say how much I care
I just called to say I love you

And I mean it from the bottom of my heart
No summer's high no warm July
No harvest moon to light one
tender August night
No autumn breeze no falling leaves
Not even time for birds to fly to southern skies

No Libra sun no Halloween
No giving thanks to
all the Christmas joy you bring

But what it is though old to new
To fill your heart like no
three words could ever do
I just called to say I love you
I just called to say how much I care
I just called to say I love you
And I mean it from the bottom of my heart

I just called to say I love you
I just called to say how much I care
I just called to say I love you
And I mean it from the bottom of my heart
of my heart of my heart


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