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Mount Jiuhua is located in the Qingyang County of the Anhui Province and covers more than 100 square kilometres in area. It was originally known as Jiuzi(Nine-Peak) Mountain. Li Bai, the celebrated poet in the Tang Dynasty once wrote a poem in praise of the mountain, Gazing(凝望,凝视) at the graceful(优美的) mountain between sky and clouds, Libai wrote down the beautiful lines, “Mt, jiuhua was the super work of nature and imbred(天生的) from holy spirit(大地圣灵) of universe” “sailing on(航行,启航) the Yangtse river, watching Mt.Jiuhua from afar(从远处).Green water falls from the sky, Nine lotuses(莲花,荷花) appear in the air” , this express the poet’s great admiration for Mt. Jiuhua. from then on(从那时起) the mountain was renamed as Mount Jiuhua.

Mt. Jiuhua has been known to have 99 peaks. The Shiwang Mountain, the main peak, is 1342 meters above sea level. The peaks of Jiuhua are full of charms(符咒,护身符) and in various shapes. Furong peak is like a lotus rising out of water. Tianzhu peak is like a pillar(柱子) propping up(支撑,支持) the sky. Some fantastic rocks are like human, animal, god and fairy(仙女,小精灵), such as Golden cock facing the sky; the Roc Listening to the preacher(传教士); the golden tortoise.etc.

all the rocks are supernatural(超自然的,神奇的,不可思议的) as if done by the spirits.

Mount Jiuhua is full of waterfalls, streams, exotic-looking(异国风情的样貌) boulders, ancient caves(洞穴), old pines and exuberant(繁茂的) bamboo. Mount Jiuhua is usually known as the Number One Mountain of the Southeast.

Compared with Huangshan Mountain, Jiuhua Mountain is a holy mountain with less spectacular scenery , but it got a quieter and more spiritual atmosphere. It is one of China’s four sacred(神圣的,宗教的) Buddhist mountains.(the others are Putuoshan in Zhejiang; Emeishan in Sichuan And Wutaishan in Shanxi).In its heyday(全盛期), during the Tang dynasty, as many as 3000 monks and nuns(修女,尼姑), living in more than 150 monasteries(修道院), worshipped(做礼拜,敬神) at jiuhuashan. Today only 78 temples and monasteries remain.

As a Buddhist sanctuary(至圣所) and a national scenic resort, Jiuhua shan is a Mecca(麦加,众人渴望去的地方) for both tourists and pilgrims(朝圣者) from around the world. Jiuhuashan owes its importance to Jin Qiaojue, a Korean Buddhist disciple(门徒,弟子) who arrived in China in Tang dynasty(about AD720) And founded a worshipping place for Ksitigarbha(地藏), Dizang Buddha ( the guardian of the earth). The belief in Dizhang took in the hearts of people. Belief in Jiuhua buddhism and devotion to Dizang buddha rest on the doctrine(学说,主义,信条):” if I don’t go to hell who else will go?” “I will s

ave all living creatures to prove Bodhi(菩提树). I will not become buddha(佛陀/像) unless hell is empty.” Its power of personality and spirit of dedication(奉献/献身) are the spiritual prop of the sufferers. Thanks to the reward and support of ming and Qing dynasty. Mount. Jiuhua has began to attract greater number of pilgrims. Mt. Jiuhua became the holy land worshipped by the belivers from afar. On July 30th of the lunar calendar, lots of pilgrims flock to(聚集/涌到) Jiuhuashan for the annual festival held on the anniversary(周年纪念日) of Jin’s death. A large number of monks, nuns, pilgrims and tourists come to burn incense, chant the scriptures, and sacrifice(供奉) food. Around that day every year, the whole mountain is a site of a temple fair(庙会), it is enshrouded in(被隐藏于、、、内) the smoke of burning incense, the air is resounded with(回响) the chanting of incantations and the beating of drums, gongs and the tolling of bells.

The four most important Jiuhuan monasteries are Qiyuan temple; Huacheng temple; Longevity(长寿/命) palace and Tiantai temple. Of these, Huacheng temple was the oldest one.

The whole mountain can be divided into five scenic areas, they are the followings: Front scenic area; Jiuhua Street scenic area; Flower Terrace(花梯田)scenic area; Minyuan scenic area and Tiantai scenic area.

Jiuhuashan Mountain
Mt.Jiuhua lies 20km northeast of Qingyang County, Anhui Province and is a sacred place for Buddhist pilgrims. Mt.Jiuhua has been established as one of the four most important Buddhist Mountains and is well-known as "the most picturesque(独特的,生动的) mountain in the southeast China". Famous for its beautiful scenery and favorable climate, the mountain is an ideal summer resort. The 100 km 2 area is full of ridges and peaks, exotic-shaped stones, gushing fountains(喷泉)90, roaring waterfalls, and clear streams. Birds accompany(伴唱) the beating of bell and drum. Fog and pines set each other off beautifully.
The original name of the mountain was Mt.Jiuzishan. However it was renamed Mt.Jiuhua, meaning "the Mountain of the Nine Lotuses." Legend states that one day, Libai - the famous poet of the Tang Dynasty - came to visit this mountain. The poet was intoxicated with the scene of nine peaks that look like lotus blooms from heaven. Out of admiration he wrote the lines: "From the azure skies above descends a jade-like flow, and nine fascinating lotuses rise out of the hills below." Since then the mountain has attracted men of letters through several dynasties, and thus obtained its fame. Just as the Chinese saying goes:" A mountain is famous not for its height but for its holiness".


Taiping Lake

Good morning / afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Taiping Lake.

Situated in the north of the Huangshan Mountain, Taiping Lake covers an area of 88 sq. kms, ab

out 17 times bigger than that of the West Lake in Hangzhou. The average depth of water is about 40 meters with the deepest spot measuring at 70 meters. It can hold up to 280 million cubic meters of water. Surrounded by mountains, the lake is the largest man-made one in Anhui Province.

Taiping Lake is rich in forests and vegetation. All the rivers and streams that originate in the Huangshan Mountain merge here into Qinyi River, which then joins the great Yangtze River. In 1970, Chengcun Reservoir was built here in Taiping County. That’s why Taiping Lake has got its present name. It was popularly believed that around 1,000 years ago, the famous poet Li Bai in Tang Dynasty once came here. He was so deeply fascinated by the beauty of the scenery that he wrote a very popular poem about Tao Hua Tang (Pond of Peach Blossom), a pond nearby the dam of the reservoir. The poems reads,Li Bai is leaving on a boat, When suddenly he hears songs of farewell from the bank, Tao Hua Tang is thousand feet deep, But it is no match for the friendship between Wang Lun and him.

After the open-door policy is adopted in China, the local citizens have made good use of its geographical location and its own special natural resources. Hotels, health care centers and training centers have been built; new tourist resorts, scenic spots like Monkey Island, Dear Island, Bagua Island have sprung up. Tourist facilities and programs such as yachting, fishing and picking tea are provided. The cable cars and Taiping Lake Bridge have made the transportation convenient. At present, the local government is doing its utmost to speed up the tourism economic development of “the Two Mountains and One Lake” region.

With high mountains all around, the Lake looks like an unpolished jade. You can see woods and forests everywhere. There is no air pollution from industry and no sand sedimentation. This high quality of natural environment is not easily seen in other parts in China. The beautiful lake is actually a good companion to the Huangshan Mountain, thus enjoying the name of the lover of the Mountain. Many people have spoken highly of the natural scenery here including the famous poet Su Wang and garden expert Cheng Congzhou. They say the Taiping Lake is the most beautiful water in the world. It exceeds Lake Geneva in its natural beauty.

After two-decade years of development, five scenic areas have taken shape in Taiping Lake, namely Wushi (Black Stone) Scenic Area, Gongxin (Fortune for All) Scenic Area, Pinglongshan (Dragon Hill) Scenic Area, Huangjindao (Gold Island) Scenic Area and Sanmen (Three Gates) Scenic area. Wushi Scenic Area is in the upper reaches of the Lake. Here you will find the green hills reflected in the crystal clean water, very quiet and peaceful. Next to Wushi Scenic Area is Gongxin Scenic Area. Here the Lake extends at all directions and it reminds people of the waves and the vastness of Dongting Lake and Taihu Lake. What a view to see such a vast lake

in the middle of hundreds of hills! In the middle reaches of the lake, Pinglongshan Scenic Area features thick bamboo forests on both sides with white-washed farmers’ houses dotted here and there among the green hills. One has a feeling that he has come to a fairyland all of a sudden. Gold Island Scenic Area is right in the center of the Lake. It was actually a hill before the reservoir was built. Now it has become an isolated island. Seen at a distance, the Island looks like a blooming water lily. On the Island, there is a mansion called Yinbilou, by which Luo Yin’s tomb is found. Luo Yin was a famous poet in the Tang Dynasty. He enjoys the same fame with another well-known Tang poet Du Xunhe, a native in a nearby village. Luo Yin died here on his trip from Zhejian to Taiping to visit Du Xunhe. This scenic area also features lots of bays and inlets. Sanmen Scenic Area finds itself in the eastern part of the Lake. Here mountains are high, trees are prosperous. Traveling in this part of the Lake, you have the feeling of taking a cruise along the Three Gorges, the only difference being the calm clean water instead of being rough and muddy. It has also once being the military base of the New Fourth Army during the anti-Japanese war in the 1930s. Actually, Zhou Enlai came twice to Sanmen to meet General Ye Ting discussing military actions.

On the eastern side of this area lies the well-known Qiaoshan Immortal Cave. This cave is about 3,000 meters in length with upper, middle and bottom levels. It has been listed as an underground palace in the Directory of Chinese Scenic Areas. Now nine scenic spots have been open to public including Peach Garden, Doushuai Palace, Ninshan and Yaochi, to name just a few.

Along with the rich tourism resources, Taiping Lake is also abundant in its fish production. Up to 10 kinds of fresh water fishes are raised here including the whitebaits. Every year over 100 metric tons of whitebaits are exported to Japan and other countries.

OK, ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to round up my brief introduction. Let’s get on the boat and enjoy its beauty to our hearts’ content. Thank you.


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