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red红blue蓝yellow黄green绿white白black黑pink粉红orange橙brown棕purple紫gray 灰色colour颜色/给…涂颜色


1. What colour is the bird? ------It's green.

2. What is your favourite colour? ----It's pink.

3. What colour is autumn? ---It's yellow because leaves turn yellow and fall. (注:下划线处可替换)


pen钢笔pencil铅笔ball pen圆珠笔crayon蜡笔pencil-box铅笔盒ruler 尺子book书textbook课本storybook故事书workbook练习册notebook笔记本dictionary字典bag包school-bag书包eraser橡皮sticker不干胶paint 颜料paintbox颜料盒paintbrush 画笔

主要句型:1.Where's my schoolbag? ----It is on my desk. /It is over there.

2. Whose notebook is it? ---It is my notebook.

3. Your story-book is red.


body身体head头face脸hair头发nose 鼻子mouse嘴eye眼睛ear 耳朵heart 心shoulder肩膀arm手臂hand手finger手指leg腿knee膝盖foot/feet脚toe脚趾tail 尾巴


1.指令性动作:Open your eyes. Close your mouth. Wash your hands. Wave your right arm.

Raise your foot.

2. I have two ears, I can hear ...I have two eyes, I can see.

3.身体与健康:have a cold 感冒have a stomachache 胃痛have a headache 头痛

have a toothache 牙痛have a backache 背痛

have a rest 休息一会儿drink more water 多喝水take some medicine 吃药

1) A: What’s wrong with you? B: I have a headache.

2)A: I have a backache. B: You should have a rest. / You shouldn’t play football.


animal动物pet 宠物cat猫dog狗pig猪duck鸭子duckling小鸭子horse 马elephant大象fish鱼bird鸟snake蛇mouse老鼠deer鹿panda熊猫bear熊Baby Bear熊宝宝Baby Lion狮宝宝lion狮子tiger老虎fox狐狸goat 山羊kid小山羊/小孩sheep绵羊lamb小羊chick小鸡cock公鸡hen母鸡wolf 狼cow奶牛bee蜜蜂monkey 猴子rabbit兔子eagle老鹰koala考拉kangaroo袋鼠giraffe长颈鹿zebra斑马crab螃蟹ant蚂蚁butterfly蝴蝶dragonfly蜻蜓dragon龙ox公牛fly苍蝇insect昆虫turtle乌龟camel骆驼spider 蜘蛛


1. What's this? ---It's a snake. What are these? ---They're pandas.

2. Where's the ant? ---It's on the box.

3. What is the horse doing? ---It's running.

4. What can birds do? ---They can fly./climb /jump /sing /dance /read /swim

/listen /walk ...

5. What animal do you like best? ---I like panda best. (喜好)

6. Why do you love them? ---Because they are very clever and friendly. (喜好)


people人物children孩子们family家庭friend朋友man(复数men)男人woman(复数women)女人Mr/sir先生Miss女老师Mrs夫人Ms女士boy男孩girl女孩baby婴儿mother(mummy)妈妈father(daddy)爸爸auntie阿姨;舅妈uncle 叔叔;舅舅sister姐妹brother兄弟daughter女儿son儿子parent 父母亲grandparent祖父(母)grandma/grandmother(外)祖母(奶奶、外婆)grandpa/grandfather/granddad(外)祖父(爷爷、外公)