当前位置:文档之家› 仁爱英语中考模拟试题及答案



满分120 分时间120 分钟)


、听力(共两节,计25 分)

第一节(共9 小题,每小题1分,满分9 分)听下面9 段对话,每段对话后面有一个小题,从题后所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出

最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对


( )1. A. Go to school ( )2. A. The film ( )3. A. 40 yuan ( )4. A. To a store ( )5. A. Maths ( )6. A. Rock music B. Go to watch games

B. A job in the newspaper

B. 60 yuan

B. To his school

B. Science and art

B. Country music

C. Go to the cinema

C. A TV play

C. 20 yuan

C. To a library

C. History and geography

C. Light music

( )7. A. There used to be a museum B. There is a museum

C. Maybe a museum is there

( )8. A. The woman will arrive at the theater about twenty minutes

B. The woman will get to the theater in ten minutes

C. The woman will get to the theater at least ten minutes later ( )9. A. Yes, but she'll be late for it

B. No ,she won 't

C. Yes ,she'll be there on time

第二节 (共16 小题;每小题 1 分,满分16 分)

听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后面有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各题将给出 5 秒钟的答题时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听第10 段材料,回答第10、11 小题。

( )10. When is there a direct plane to Sydney from here?

A. Monday

B. Thursday

C. Saturday

( )11. How long does it take to go to Sydney by plane?

A. Two hours

B. Three hours

C. Fifteen hours 听第11 段材料,回答12—14 小题

( )12. What sport can 't people do now at the sports centre?

A. Table tennis

B. Volleyball

C. Swimming

( )13. How many should you pay for a year-ticket if you are 16?

A. $40

B. $50

C. $60

( )14. Why will they go to the sports centre next Friday?

A. They won 't have any classes.

B. They can play there longer

C. The tickets will be cheaper 听第12 段材料,回答15—17 小题

( )15. Why can 'tthe old man find his daughter 's home?

A. Because he has never been to Shanghai.

B. Because his daughter moved to a new house

C. Because Shanghai has changed a lot

( )16. How did the old man get to Shanghai?

A. By train

B. By bus

C. By pla ne ( )17. What does the old man 'daughter do?

A. She ' a teacher

B. She'sa doctor

C. She's a worker


( )8. Why does the girl feel n ervous before going to Switzerla nd?

A. Because she will go alone

B. Because she has n ever bee n abroad

C. Because she doesritk now what she is supposed to do

( )19. What does the girl know about Switzerla nd?

A. It ' famous for watches

B. The people are friendly

C. The food is delicious

( )20. What should the girl do if she goes to a party there?

A. Be later

B. Be earlier

C. Be on time

( )21. What should the girl do if she visits a friend?

A. Call first

B. Take a prese nt with her

C. Ask other friends to go with her

( )22. When did the Smiths get home last Sun day?

A. In the morning

B. In the after noon

C. Late at ni ght

( )23. When did Mrs. Smith hear some one talk ing in the bedroom?

A. As soon as she got home

B. When she was on her way to the bedroom

C. After she went into the bedroom

( )24. Why did the Smiths sta nd outside the bedroom door quietly?

A.Because they were afraid of the men in the bedroom

B.Because they wan ted to make sure that there was some one talk ing in the bedroom

C.Because they wan ted to call the police

( )25. What did Mr. Smith find whe n he came into the bedroom ?

A. There were two men talki ng

B. His radio was still on

C. Her son was asleep

二、语言知识运用(共二节,计35分) 第一节单项选择(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)

( )26. If you don 'twant to let us down, do believe yourself!

A. come up with ideas

B. be more con fide nt

C. be more outgo ing

D. pay more atte nti on

( )27. Although I work hard, I still have trouble lear ning En glish.

A. find En glish hard to study

B. concen trate more on En glish

C. lear n En glish very well

D. find it easy to lear n En glish

( )28. Mr. Huang is impressed by his hard work at his En glish.

A. worried

B. moved

C. excited

D. surprised

( )29. I can 'tu ndersta nd every word whe n my teacher speaks. What should I do?

--Don 'tsorry, It 'sreally n ot importa nt if you don 'tun dersta nd every word.

A. I'm not sure

B. Take it easy

C. It does n 'matter

D. Keep on liste ning ( )30. Take the elevator to the sec ond floor. Go past the bank, you can find the bookstore.

A. Go by

B. Pass through

C. Pass

D. Pass by


( )31. -Would you like some drin ks, boys?

--Yes, _______ , please.

A. some oran ges

B. two boxes of chocolates

C. some cakes

D. two bottles of orange

You say ytrti want my advice about reading. Perhaps ihu fullowitig are pi^cea of fld^ice that I hope you * LI find 46



If the book is in English, dist may 47 sk»w

lor you. But ] dnn b l advise you to read

loo 4吕.When 【iv 血 living in Tokyo, I used to go (o Kanda» where the 49 bookshops are. The

shelves were full of Englisb books. The 50 twenty or thirty p®書甜 of many of them kad their mar- 百ins (空白处)ftlletl widi penciled nules and iheru were lots of words and phrases underlined. ITie 31_ .probably university

shidenta .阳日 atdrted out very 52 ,determined ( 决心)伯 master (

握)th 乜 boaksa.竹总it*as I turned the

over. L found the reader Kad 53 hia aLtem|jt(努力).

1 suppose that' s common() experience in many countries with books 54 a foreign language^ The reader 軸曲 out f full of hope- Bui they S5 to look up unknown worda in A dicliona- ry*perhaps ten or even twenty timc^ a ,dred him out.

Th^reforef 因此),don * t start rearfin 耳 a bock _ 必 you see .from the first few pages, that it' fi ,7 you ctkn read vid understand easily. Don f i try io run before you can wnlk^ Don* t _5g reading the whole chapter^ 章)quickly, 59 you'

11 find the unknown word comes a^ain t perhaps several limes. And by Lhe end of lhe chapter you' 11 hfivc _ 60 _ its meaning- TTiat' » h

( ____________________________________ )35. My chemistry teacher wan ted to know into her office just now.

A. whether some one had gone

B. whe n some one had gone

C. where had some one gone

D. if did some one go


)36. -Will you please give some advice on _____ En glish at home?

--Well, do a lot of readi ng and liste n to En glish programs. A. how to read B. how to lear n

C. whe n to use

D. where to use

( )37. Hurry up! The film _____ for ten minu tes.

A. has bee n on

B. bega n

C. had bega n

D. has begu n

( )38. To keep safe, every one _____ to wear a seat belt in the car. A. is supposed B. supposes C. supposed D. will suppose

( )39. Do you think most stude nts prefer tests _____ have easy questio ns? A. who B. where C. that D. it


)40. -Why didn 'you join the soccer club?

--I ______ if I _______ .

A. will, could

B. am, can

C. would, can

D. would, could

A. more excit ing

B. more excited

C. the most excit ing

D. the most excited (

)32. -Would

you mind watering the flowers for me?

-- ____ . I

have to got the post office.

A. Not at all

B. Never mi nd C .No,

please D. S orry,

I ca n '

( )33.- That T-shirt with Yao

Mi ng 'picture on it

bel ong to David. He admires him a lot.

--No, it

be his. He hates black color.

A. can, can't

B. may, n eed n't

C. must, must n't

D. must, can ' ( )34.


movie Batman and Joker is _____ one that I v e ever seen.


)46, A. interesting R. Rperinl

Ct Usefill

IX different

( )47. A. uke B. make C. keep D. mean ( )48.扎 quickly B, loudly C + directly D, slowly ( )49, A + secondhand H. large C.old D. modem (

)50. A. Iasi

B. firsi

C+ next D. middle (

)5 J. A b libmriiing B. book 丸【lets C* owners D. ( )52. A. £oricu$ly K carftltaaly C. slowly D. clearly (

)53» A, carried on B, piven up C” tried out D. put off ( )54. A, with Bm C.by D. for (

)55. A. chance B” difficulty C T decision D. need (

)56. A. if

B. unless C when D» though (

)57. A. something

B. till

C. one

D. nothing

( )5R- A. start


C. try on

I), atop

( )59. A. Suddenly B. Qu he nfien C. Every time D. Tjiter on ( )60. A +刖申駅Q J


C. notifed

D. 12 linden

( )41. The old should _____ well.

A. be take care of

B. look after

C. be looked after

D. be tak ing care of ( )42. Don 'worry. We have got for all

of you.

A. big eno ugh room

B. eno ugh big a room

C. a room big eno ugh

D. a big eno ugh room


)43. On holidays, they prefer to ____ at home rather tha n ______ . A. stay ing, going hik ing B. stay, going hik ing C. stay, go hik ing

D. stay ing, go hik ing ( )44. I can _____ y ou my dict ion ary, but you can _____ i t for only a week. A. borrow, retur n

B. le nd, borrow

C. le nd, keep

D. le nd, retur n


)45. -Ca n I see the headmaster at the mome nt, please.

--I'm afraid not. He _____ our. He ______ in 10 mi nu tes. A. goes, comes B. gone, came

C. will go, will come

D. has gone, will come back

第二节 完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白


In the hospiud. Bill siid nothing at lirst. When they left there* he warned 如 comfort the old man and said b '1Y LHI

loots I think. The doctors say you*rc 峯cing io die h bur 1 think they +re wrong." ( > 67. Bill likejt Mr. Gnxn very much bccauRc he often .. .

A. helped Bill H kM

B. give Bill 廿 kx of R KX J C, did Bill's homework far him

D, both A and B

68. One Bill umldn 1 tmd Mr. Green

A, Mr. Green 评梓 old C” Mr. Green was ill tn hospital )69, laihcetKi, .

A- nothing

C, something nice

( ____________________ )61. The abacus was inven ted in the cen tury by the Chin ese.

A. sixth

B. sixtieth

C. sixtee nth

D. sixth and sixtee nth


)62. When you see a letter “ P ” on the sign, you ____ . A. must stop and wait B. should pass quickly C. can park your car here

D. may meet the police

( )63. As a driver, you should be allowed to drive on the ____ in China and on the ___ in UK. A. left, right B. left, left C. right, left D. right, right

( )64. Not only in the USA but also in China tee nagers should be allowed to ________ duri ng


A. get part-time jobs for money

B. drive without permissi on

C. volun teer what they like to do

D. drink and smoke

( )65. Which of the followi ng activities can pollute the air? A. Using paper towels B. Ridi ng in cars

C. Hun ti ng ani mals

D. shopp ing with plastic bags

( )66. Below are some ideas about America n culture. Which of the stateme nts is NOT true? A. In the US, most people do their own housework.

三、综合阅读(共 三节,计34分) 第一节综合知识

(共6小题,每小 题1分,共6分) 根据所掌握的 文化或背景知识, 选择正确答案

B. Mr Grcen left ihc 制

D. Bill is rude buy

B. something wrung

l> sunwthin^ to comfort Mr. Green

B. In the US, people who walk their dogs in public should clea n up after them.

C. In the US, say ing tha nk you is a com mon way of react ing反应)to a complime nt(赞扬)。

D. In the US, the bill in most restaurants includes a service charge(费用)。




Bill is A good boy, but doesn't like to use his head. He uiten something without thinking. It makes others unhiippy.

Mr Green taught English in a school. He's old now and Jcft thcre L He likes children. He often ga*亡Bill some fruit or cakes and Uwght him to ivad and write when the boy was young* So he likes the old man very much.

It's Saturday today and Bill doesn T t go to 號hopL He hud some questions; mid hope*! to ask Mr. Gftxn. but he couldn h t

find him. His mother 吕aid* ill in hnspiut]. I'll go and see him after


Bill Wimieil to go there wilfi 師s mo

"Dotf L wony t mom. rm TKM going 10 do that again.

Traveling can be a fun wiy to gel life expen enres T tsptcially a week kmg school holiday in the U nited Siaies* -

Hut what will you do if you * 忑a sLuilcEit and don11 have enough money for a trip? Don11 worry, Here arc some useful【ips.

Sax::This may be lhe nKist important prepatado*i(准备)for traveling. Cut expenses(费用)and save money so you' 11 havt more choices about wh^re t

Plan ahead;Don' t wait until the Iasi niinule to phn you/ trip. Tickflts maj coat more when bought in a hurry Giving yourself several months to get ready can mean sHCuniy(安全)and savings.

卩bn sengib]y(合理地):Write down whal you expert (o spend on food and hotels. Stick lt>(坚持)your plan or you may not have enouph money io cover everything.

Travel in groupfi: Find someone who 佰itiiercsted in visiting the same placesBy traveling with others you can whiire costs and experiences.

Work aa you go:Need more money To support(支持)your trip? Ux>k for woric in the places yfiu visit.

Choose places:Tourisi dues may be 申pen亦v爲You may want to rethink your trip and go to a lesB-known area. SmuUer Lowns can have niany inlrirsting aelivides and $ighu.

Pack nfrefwin thm^:The most importanl things to take are not always chib曲.Remember medicine in 赴昭(以Ej)you get »ick and snacks(小吃)in ease you cannot find H cheap rcstauranL

Use the Jniernct or travel books:Nu t natter where you gn, stuily the pl^ce& you.will visiL Decide what to see. Hie Net can help (o save mon^y. Some usefill websites include wvw b ira velocity. coxn t www. bargains-lc westfare- com and *ww. econom y-traveL mm. 1 ravel books will give you ihe i nfor mation on the cheapest hotels and re&taurants.

By planning aensihly 沁、•㈣siutkno can enjoy lhe travel. Your Im世]expt:ricnees will be remem- be red for a hrrlime.

)70. Before your trip t ihe Lhing you should do ia ____________

A. to decide whenft to go

C. io cut expenses »nd *ave money

)71 * The writer advises you ____________

A” [o share co^ts wilh any othrr people

C. nol W visit dangtroui places

)72. T Q prepare for your trip you ____________ >

A. need more medicine than clothe H

io get information on the Jnlemet D* to buy Hcketa in advance

B, not to go to well-known places

D. La buy anyihing you want to buy

EJ, should IcMik for work all the way

C. Ahould make £wd use M the Internet and travel books

D. can gain valuable Uk experiences

)?3T Which of the fallowing can be used as die title of this passage'/

A. Planning your tnp cleverly

B. Traveling without murh money

C. Infonmition decide all

D, Seeuriiy R above all while traveling


第三节 任务型阅读(共 7小题,每小题2分,满分14分) 阅读下面短文,根据所给语境,按要求完成下列各题。


①Sometimes the pressures of school and family can make you feel tired. As children become adolescents (青少年),their feelings can change a lot.. A bad day at school may lead to a fight with your brother or sister or a quarrel with a friend. A fight with a pare nt may lead to a broke n family.

Imagi ne that ② your heart is as tran spare nt (透明的)as glass. Let 'say that it is empty now. What would you like to put in your heart? What would you like people to see if they could look into your heart? Would they see an ger, Jealousy (嫉妒)or sad ness? These things would only make you feel bad. What about joy, peace and love? These things can make you smile, and the people you love happy. ③Try to look at the bright side of life. Things might look very different.

74. 将①处翻译成汉语。 75. 将②处改为虚拟条件句。

Waiter :Good evening,Madam.

Mary :Good evening. Waiter : Here' s the menii- Mary jllianli you* Waiter: 84 ?

Mary ;Yes T I ! d like spagketti (意大利面条),please. Waiter? Suit , would you KLe a small or a serving?

Mar}' r I' 11 have a serving T please. And can I Jilso have a salad? Waiter :85 ? We have a green jMxkri ,a Greek ^aluc] and a tomato salad. Mary ; A green salad t please

Waiter :OK. Would you like some bread with your itiesJ? Mary :86 , 1 won' t have any bread,thanks. Waiter : Woulti you like something tn drink? Mary : Yes. 87 .*

Waiter: Small, regular or la 停? Mary ; Regular please.

Waiter ;OK, Can 1 get you anything 吃he? Mary: . Waiter :OK. I" 11 be back wuri with votir kxxL

Caetano Celose After thirty years, Caetano Celoso is still one of Brazil ' most omportant musicians. He mixes rock with the music of the Bahia region ( 地区).Bahia is a state of Brazil that is stron gly in flue nced (影响)by Africa n culture. Caeta no Velose is an excelle nt son gwriter and poet. He says of his music, "I make my records like a pain ter pain ti ng his can vas ( 画布).”

Bonnie Raitt Bonnie Raitt is an America n sin ger, son gwriter, and guitarist. Her music ble nds rock with country and the blues. The blues is a kind of folk music that is often sad. It is usually about love and the problems of life. Bonnie Raitt ' strong and rough (粗犷的)voice is perfect for

76.将③处改为时 间状语从句


The Sou nd of Music

Do you like popular music from Lati n America, the Un ited States, or Asia? Many musicians from around the world

blend (混合) their country ' music with popular soun ds.

singing country and the blues.

Cui Jian Cui Jian is a very important musician in the growth of rock music in China. Western styles, like jazz and rap, clearly in flue nce his music. However, his music is very Chin ese in its instruments and sounds. Cui Jian says his music expresses the feelings of Chinese young people.

Name Natio nality the music he/ she ble nds

Caeta no Veloso 77. Rock with the music of the Bahia regi on

Bonnie Raitt America n 78.

Cui Jia n 79. 80.



81. learn, by











Is a Training Class or Family Teacher Necessary?

More and more middle school stude nts are going to all kinds of training classes or havi ng family teachers at the weeke nd. There are two differe nt viewpoi nts about it.




83.you, supposed

82. be used for




1. M: I 'm late. For my bike was broken on the way here.

W: It doesn 't matter.

M: When does the film begin?

W: It has been on for 5 minutes.

M: I 'm very sorry for it.

W: It 's OK. Things like that happen sometimes.

M: Now, let 'sget in.

Q: What are the two speakers going to do?

2. W: Have you been the job in the paper for a worker?

M: Do you mean the one in China Daily?

W: Yes.

M: I saw it just now.

W: What do you think of it?

M: I don 't dink I will be able to do it.

W: Why do you think that?

W: They need a worker to take care of a machine and I don 't know anything about that kind of machine.

W: Mm …Maybe I should apply for it.

Q: What are the man and the woman talking about?

3. W: I bought this dress at a sale. I paid only 60 yuan for it. How do you like it?

M: It 's very good and fight for you, but Miss Green bought the same thing for two-thirds the price.

Q: How much did Miss Green pay for her dress?

4. M: Mum, I must go to school for the English test now.

W: OK. Be careful and good luck to you!

Q: Where is the boy going?

5. W: Do you enjoy maths?

M: It 'sall right, but I prefer history and geography.

W: Why it that?

M: Because I 'm good at science.

Q: What subjects does the boy like better?

6. M: Do you like rock music, Linda?

W: No, I don 't. It 's too noisy. I prefer light music.

Q: What kind of music does Linda like?

7. W: Tom, do you know what 's that over there?

M: I 'm not sure, maybe a museum.

Q: What does the man mean?

8. W: Can you take me to the theater quickly? I have ten minutes left.

M: I don 't know. I 'll try. But because of the heavy traffic, it will take at least ten minutes.

Q: What do we learn from the dialogue?

9: M: Would you like to come to my party, Linda?

W: Oh, thank you, I 'd love to. But maybe I 'll come a little later.

M: It doesn 't matter.

Q: Is Linda going to the party?

10:M: Excuse me. Is there any direct plane to Sydney from here?

W: Yes. There is one on Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

M: When does it leave on Friday?

W: At 7:30 in the morning.

M: And when will it arrive?

W: At 10:30 a.m.

M: OK. Thanks.

W: You are welcome.

11. M: Hello, Jane. Have you ever been to the new sports centre?

W: No, never, Bob! Where is it?

M: On Straight Road, you know, near Long Street, beside the station.

W: Oh. Is it good?

M: Yes ,it 's great! You can do lots of sports there. Last week I went there with my father and we played table tennis and volleyball.

W: What about swimming?

M: Not yet. They are going to build a swimming pool next year.

W: Is it expensive?

M: Not really, Jane. It 's $60 a year if you are over 18, and $40 if you are 15 to 18.

W: Oh ,that 's good becauseI 'm 16.

M: And on Saturday and Friday it stays open Late-till 10 o 'clock.

W: Oh, great. How did you get there last week?

M: I got the number 14 bus. It 's only ten minutes from the bus station. Do you want to go next week?

W: OK. Any day except Sunday.

M: Why don 'twe go on Friday? Then we can stay late.

W: OK. Let 's meet after school.

12. W: Can I help you ,sir?

M: Yes ,I came to visit my daughter, but I am not sure how to get to her home.

W: You haven't been to Shanghai before?

M: I have ,five years ago . Shanghai has changed a lot since then.

W: That 's true. So your daughter should come to meet you at the train station.

M: I didn 't tell her I was coming. She was busy and I don 't want to trouble her.

W: Where does she work?

M: She works in a hospital.

W: Do you have her address?

M: No. But I remember her home is near a post office.

W: Ahh. I know where it is. Come on ,I can take you there.

M: Thanks a lot. It 's kind of you

13. W: I 'm going to Switzerland, but I 'm a little nervous.

M: Why are you nervous?

W: Because I don 't know what I am supposed to do or not to do.

M: Take it easy! I 'm glad to tell you what you should do. First, don 'tbe late ! Being on time is very important there because they care about time.

W: I know their watches are very famous. And then?

M: Oh, and you can never visit others without calling.

W: That 's quite different. In our country ,we don 't have to call first.

M: Yeah, that 's the difference. Do you remember these?

W: Yes ,thank you.

M: My pleasure!


Last Sunday the Smiths went to the country side. They got home very late. There neighbors were all asleep. Mr. Smith opened the front door and they all went into the house. It was very dark, so Mrs. Smith turned on the light. On the way to their bedroom, Mrs. Smith said, “Listen, John, I can hear someone in the bedroom. ”They all stood quietly outside the bedroom door. They could hear some voices in the room.

“You are fight, ”Mr. Smith said. “There are two men in the bedroom. They are

talking. ”Then shouted, “Who is there? ”but no one answered. Mr. Smith opened the door quickly and turned on the light. The room was empty. Then Mr. Smith found something and laughed . The radio was still on ! “I forget to turn it off this morning. ”Mr. Smith said.


1—5:CBABC 6—10:CCCAA 11-15:BCABC 16—20:ABCAC 21—25:ACBBB 笔试部分

26—30:BABCC 31—35:DDDCA 36—40:BAACD 41—45:CCCCD 46—50:CBDAB 51—55:CABBD 56—60:BCDBA 61—66:ACCDCD 67—69:DCB 70—73:CBCA

74. 有时来自于家庭和学校的压力会使你感到非常疲惫。

75. What would you like to put in your heart if it was as transparent as glass?

76. After you try to look at the bright side of life, things might look very different.

77. Brazilian

78. rock with country and the blues

79. Chinese

80. Jazz, rap with Chinese rock music.

81. I learn English by making flashcards.

82. Sunglasses are used for keeping out the sun.

83. You're supposed to skate hands when you meet someone.

84. May I take your order?

85. What kind would you like?

86. I don 't like it./ I think I 've ordered enough.

87. I'd like a cup of apple/ pear/ orange juice./ I 'd like a cup of coke.

88. No, that 's all. 书面表达范文(One possible version)

Is a Training Class or Family Teacher Necessary?

More and more middle school students are going to all kinds of training classes or having family teachers at the weekend. There are two different viewpoints about it.

Some think it is necessary. First of all, it's more effective to study with a teacher than by students themselves. Secondly, it can strengthen what is learnt in class. Besides, they can learn a lot more. Others think it is unnecessary. For one thing, students can easily form the habit of dependence. For another, students need to relax from time to time. What 's more ,the purpose of many training classes and family teachers is to make money.

In my opinion, whether a training class or family teacher is needed just depends. If you are really very weak at or interested in a certain subject, maybe it 'sOK for you. But be sure to choose a good and suitable class or family teacher, or it would be a waste of time and money.


模拟卷(一) 一.单项选择 ( )1.—What _____ to your village in recent years? —Lots of roads, buildings, parks and so on. A.takes place B.have happened C.has happened D.happened ( )2.—What did you do during your summer holiday? X K b1 .C om —I spent my holiday _____ English in Summer Classes. A.improving B.improves C.to improve D.improve ( )3.The family was _____ poor _____ they couldn’t buy a TV set. A.so; that B.not; until C.not; but D.so; but ( )4.He’s read this book before, _____? A.hasn’t he B.doesn’t he C.isn’t he D.wasn’t he ( )5.—I have never visited a paper factory. —_____ A.So have I. B.So I have. C.Neither have I. D.I haven’t now. ( )6. The woman_____business didn’t know the way, so she asked the policeman_____help. A. in; for B. on; for C. in; to D. on; to ( ) 7. My father was so tired that he fell asleep ______he went to bed. A. as if B. even though C. ever since D. as soon as ( ) 8. We sho uldn’t the tress because trees can clean air and save a lot of water. A. cut off B. cut out C. cut up D. cut down ( ) 9. — Must they clean and tidy the classroom now? — No, they _____. It ______after school in the afternoon. A. mustn’t; must clean B. needn’t; must clean C. mustn’t; need be cleaned D. don’t have to; can be cleaned ( ) 10. I’m going to learn _______ second language in ______ third grade. A. a; the B. a; a C. the; the D. the; a ()11.His was so strong that I couldn’t understand a word he was saying. A. pronunciation B. word C. stress D. accent ()12.______I hear that tune, it makes me think of you. A. Wherever B. However C. Whatever D. Whenever ( )13.There are fifty students in our class, _____ of us _____ football. A. two third; likes B. two three; like C .two thirds; likes D. two thirds; like ( )14.I don’t want to go shopping because there are _____ people in the shop. A. many too B. too many C. much too D. too much ( )15.Boys and girls, please listen to me carefully. I have _____ to tell you. A. important something B. anything important C. something important D. important nothing


2012仁爱英语中考模拟测试题 第一节(本节共两部分,共11小题,每小题1分,满分11分) 第一部分听下面5个问题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能与你听问题构成对话的答案。 ()1.A.Oh, dear I forgot it. B .Sure, I'd love to. C. OK, Here you are. ()2.A .Quiet B . Quickly C . Slowly ()3.A. Three years ago. B . For ten months. C. Just now. ()4.A. On the road. B . When did it happen? C. I'm sorry to hear that. ()5.A.I have a high fever. B. I will not pass the exam. C.I'd rather have a rest. 第二部分听下面6段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒的时间来回答有关小题和阅话遍。 ()6.What does the man meen? A. He wants the woman to arrive on time next time. B. He says the woman shouldn't be late. C. He doesn't mind what she does. ()7.Where did the man meet Jack? A. At the woman's B. At the man's C . At the man's sister's party. ()8.Who works the hardest? A . The man . B . he woman. C. Jim. ()9.What is the man going to do? A. To change his mind. B. To go skating . C. To go shoppig. ()10.What do you think about the man's answer? A. He tells the right time. B. He tells the wrong time. C. He had his watch repaired. ()11.What does the man want to drink? A. Black coffee B . White coffee C . Tea with milk 第二节(共14小题,每小题1分,共14分) 听下面4段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话和独白前你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟,听完后,各小题将给出5秒种的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第12段材料,回答第12至第14题。 ()12.What was the woman? A. A teacher. B. A student. C. A newspaper woman. ()13.Why did the woman want to talk to the man? A. She was interested in foreigners. B. She planned to write about the evening school. C. She tried to help newcomers in her country. ()14.Where was the man now? A. In Greek. B. In France. C. In America. 听第13段材料,回答第15至第17题。 ()15.He doesn't like his job now because . A . his boss is unkind. B . He has to work at night. C. He feels lonely. ()16.The man wants to work in a hotel because . A. there are all kinds of people to make friends with.


【九年级】2021年仁爱中考英语考试模拟听力题(附答案) m 漳州2022中考英语试卷(模拟试卷1) ⅰ.测试:(每小题1分,计30分) a、句子理解:听句子,选择与所给三张图片中你听到的句子相同(相似)的图片。(每个主题读两遍)(5分) b.对话理解:根据你所听到的对话内容,选择最佳选项回答问题。(每段对话读两遍)(15分) 听下面第一节中的六个简短对话。每次对话后都有一个问题。 听第6至11段对话,回答6至11小题。(每小题1分,共6分) 6.今天的天气怎么样? a.hot. b.cool. c.co1 d. 7.为什么不在这里? a.heisill. b.heispreparingforthesportsmeet. c.hehadtrafficaccident. 8.女孩是谁? a.theboy'steacher. b.theboy'sclassmate. c.theboy'ssister. 9.女人喜欢什么? a.monkeys. b.tigers. c.pandas. 10.现在是什么时候? a.seveno'clock. b.eighto'clock. c.nineo'c1ock. 11.你是如何学习中文的? a.by1isteningtothetape. b.bylisteningtotheradio. c.byreadingalot. 听下面三段对话。每次对话后有三个问题。选择回答问题的最佳选项。(每题1分,共9分) 听第12段对话,回答第12至14小题。

12.他们在谈论什么? a.howtogotoschool. b.howtoprotecttheenvironment. c.howtorecyclewastepaper. 13.他们走了多少路? a.four. b.two. c.three. 14.以下哪条是最后一条路? a.savingmoney. b.ridingahike. https://www.doczj.com/doc/6319027565.html,ingpaperorclothbagsinsteadofplasticones. 听第13段,回答问题15到17。 15.whatdoesthemanwanttobuy? a、 trousersb。袜子c、鞋子。 16.whatcolordoesthemanlikebest? a、怀特。黑色c、蓝色。 17.howmuchmoneydoesthemanspend? a、 50美元。 b、 15美元。 c、 11美元。 听第14段对话,回答第18至20小题。 18.什么时候开始通话? a.today b.nextweek. c.nextmonth a、一年b。两年。c、三年 20.whatdoesginawanttobewhenshegrowsup? c、理解短文:听短文,选择最佳答案。(阅读课文两遍,每题1分,共5分) 21.whatwaslihonglikebefore? a、害羞。 b、真的。 c、粗心。 22.whatwassheafraidtodointheenglishclasses? 23.她什么时候开始对英语感兴趣? a.fiveyearsago. b.attheageof16. c.aftergoingtomiddleschool. 24.她是如何在业余时间学习英语的?


第八中学2011.4.14 一、听力(30分略) 二、单项选择(本题共15分,每小题1分) ()21. –I find ___ very difficult to insist on(坚持) my hope at the beginning of the ninth grade. However, I am happy to tell you I keep on trying until now。 –As long as we stick to our dreams , we can succeed sooner or later. A that B it C this ()22. – What a dirty city! Do you think so? –Yes, There were many trees on_____ sides of the road. But now most of them were cut down. A each B both C either ()23. – How time flies! We will graduate from the middle school. we will have a _____holiday after the exam. What do you plan to do ? –I plan to improve my English further. A two month B two-month C two-months ()24. –Would you like to visit Shanghai with me this summer vacation? ---No, I ______it before. Besides , it’s hot and humid(潮湿)in summer. A visit B visited C have visited ()25.---Could you tell me if it ____today, please? ---Yes. The radio says there will ____a heavy rain later today. A will rain/have B will rain / be C rains/have ()26.All the workers were made ______some extra hours last month. A. work B. to work C worked ()27. –We can hardly work normally if we are short of sleep for a long time ,______we? – Of course. We must have enough sleep so that we can work and study well. A .can B. can’t C .aren’t ()28. _____ to improve our English? A What do you think we should do B Do you think what do we should C What do you think should we ()29. My brother is ___to help support the family . A old enough B enough old C enough strong ()30. – An earthquake happened in Japan on March.11,2011. It brought many disasters to them –I hope ____ cheer up soon and rebuilt their homes. A them to B to them C they will ()31. –Excuse me, could you tell me ______? ---Of course A when had the train left the station B where is the nearest the hospital C if it will be windy tomorrow ()32. –All _____I want ______a peaceful society. No wars, no earthquakes ,no floods, on droughts……Everyone lives a happy life.


2008年中考英语模拟试题 满分120 分时间120 分钟) 第一部分:选择题 、听力(共两节,计25 分) 第一节(共9 小题,每小题1分,满分9 分)听下面9 段对话,每段对话后面有一个小题,从题后所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出 最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对 话仅读一遍。 ( )1. A. Go to school ( )2. A. The film ( )3. A. 40 yuan ( )4. A. To a store ( )5. A. Maths ( )6. A. Rock music B. Go to watch games B. A job in the newspaper B. 60 yuan B. To his school B. Science and art B. Country music C. Go to the cinema C. A TV play C. 20 yuan C. To a library C. History and geography C. Light music ( )7. A. There used to be a museum B. There is a museum C. Maybe a museum is there ( )8. A. The woman will arrive at the theater about twenty minutes B. The woman will get to the theater in ten minutes C. The woman will get to the theater at least ten minutes later ( )9. A. Yes, but she'll be late for it B. No ,she won 't C. Yes ,she'll be there on time 第二节 (共16 小题;每小题 1 分,满分16 分) 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后面有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各题将给出 5 秒钟的答题时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第10 段材料,回答第10、11 小题。 ( )10. When is there a direct plane to Sydney from here? A. Monday B. Thursday C. Saturday ( )11. How long does it take to go to Sydney by plane? A. Two hours B. Three hours C. Fifteen hours 听第11 段材料,回答12—14 小题 ( )12. What sport can 't people do now at the sports centre? A. Table tennis B. Volleyball C. Swimming ( )13. How many should you pay for a year-ticket if you are 16? A. $40 B. $50 C. $60 ( )14. Why will they go to the sports centre next Friday? A. They won 't have any classes. B. They can play there longer C. The tickets will be cheaper 听第12 段材料,回答15—17 小题 ( )15. Why can 'tthe old man find his daughter 's home? A. Because he has never been to Shanghai. B. Because his daughter moved to a new house C. Because Shanghai has changed a lot ( )16. How did the old man get to Shanghai? A. By train B. By bus C. By pla ne ( )17. What does the old man 'daughter do? A. She ' a teacher B. She'sa doctor C. She's a worker


2024年浙江省宁波市镇海区仁爱中学中考英语考试模拟冲刺卷含答案 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号码填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在条形码区域内。 2.答题时请按要求用笔。 3.请按照题号顺序在答题卡各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。4.作图可先使用铅笔画出,确定后必须用黑色字迹的签字笔描黑。 5.保持卡面清洁,不要折暴、不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。 Ⅰ. 单项选择 1、---Could you tell me_______?----I’m not sure. A.how many people have been out of hospital B.when is Thanksgiving Day C.which animals does he like best D.what time will the dophin show start 2、—is it from the Children’s Palace to Nanjing South Railway Station, Tom? —About 10 m inutes’ ride by bus. A.How soon B.How often C.How far D.How much 3、Lucy has been invited to the party, but she not come. She is not certain whether her mother will allow her to. A.would B.might C.must D.need 4、— Why do you prefer lemons to orange? — Because they taste ________. A.soft B.sour C.sweet D.terrible 5、Because of the driver’s carelessness, a terrible accident happened on Highway 101 yesterday. A.took the place B.occurred C.was seen D.takes place 6、Mom always tells me that nothing can be learned __________ hard work. A.with B.by C.for D.without 7、–Can you hear the __________ clearly? -No, their voices are not very loud . A.music B.reporter C.dialogue D.environment 8、---Canada is the second _______ country in the world. ---That is, it is larger than ________country in Asia. A.larger, any B.larger, any other C.largest, any D.largest, any other 9、—Did you have a good time at the party? —Of course I did. In fact, I had such fun that time seemed to _________ so quickly.


出题人七中张磊二、单项选择: ()many p0eople have breakfast in hurry or don’t have fact,that is an unhealthy______. A. a, way B./ method C. a habit ( ) blog(微博)becomes more and more popular recently, more and more people like to exchange _________feelings in this way. A. each others’ B. one another’s C. others’ ( ) you seen the film ”If You Are the One II” ---No, I have ‘t. It is said that the film _____for some days. A .has been on B. had been on C .had been running ( ) must go throngh the security check(安检)when______the World Expo Park. A. enter B .enters C .entering ( )25---They have failed six times, but they have decided to try_____. ---We should learn from their spirit of never giving up in our studies. A .seven times B .the seventh time C .a seventh time ( )26---He didn’t come to school this morning ,did he ---_____+,though he wasn’t feeling very well. ,he didn’t B .Yes ,he did C. No, he did ( )27---I don’t think the poor grade will______my parents. ---Neither do I. I really regret______too much time reading science novels in my spare time. to spend satisfied,to spend ,spending ( )28---Friends,we will graduate from Middle shouldn’[t forget the days__we spent with classmates. ( ) is one of____developde city in takes first place as it has more luxury(奢侈)products is ranked the first place worldwide. more,the others most,any other , one another ( ) strong earthquake___in Japan at 1:46 pm,and the earthquake even__tsunamis. ,came , came with ,came along ( ) you know____---Of course I do! It will be held in London in 2012. and where will the 30th Olympic Games be held and where would the 30th Olympic Games be held and where the 30th Olympic Games will be held ( ) are different in America and in China .In the USA, people usually celebrate______. Day with buying gifts for their family members Festival with eating dumplings and having lucky money. Day with buying flowers for their mothers ( ) order to make our school lifehappier and much more meaningful,we are supposed to______. ①listen to the teachers carefully in class ②laugh at others when they do something wrong ③take part in as many activities as possible


仁爱版中考英语模拟试题一 第一部分语言知识运用共计60分 I. Multiple choice本题共30分,每小题1分 1.--- _____ woman is 23 years old. --- Yes, but she has _____ eight-month-old baby. A. A, a B. The , an C. The ,a 2.----I’m afraid Mr White isn’t in. Would you like to ______a message ----Yes. Thank you. A.leave B. carry C. get 3.Few of them hurt themselves in the accident last night,____ A.don’t they B. didn’t they C. did they 4.---How about going to a movie tonight ---That ____like a good idea. A.becomes B. sounds C. looks 5.Bob ____plays with us after class. This is just the second time have played with him. A hardly B. usually C. never 6.---___I arrive at six o’clock ----No, you don’t have to. You ____arrive there before seven o’clok. A. Can ,can B. Should , must C. Must , can 7.----When will the meeting begin ----It ____when all the students will arrive. https://www.doczj.com/doc/6319027565.html,es from B. depends on C. cares for 8.---Which would you like , the red one or the white one ----_____of them is OK. They’re ____very beautiful. A. Both ; both B. Either; both C. Either ; either 9.---How clean and tidy your bedroom is ----Thank you. It _____every day. A.cleans B. is cleaned C. was cleaned 10.____of the students in our class are 14 years old this year. A.Second-thirds B. Second-three C. Two-thirds 11---What do you think of these bags --- Of all the bags, the small one is ___ one. A. more beautiful B. most beautiful C. the most beautiful 12.---The coat is 300 yuan. What do you think of it ---I think the ____is a little ___. A. money; much B. money ;high C. price; high 13---Jim does well in Chinese in our class. ----____. No one does better than him. A.So do I B. So he does C. So I do 14.____bad news I am very sorry to hear that. A. What a B. How C. What


姓名: 班级: 考号: 考场: 座号: 密 封 线 内 不 要 答 题 内蒙古通辽市中考模拟试题 试卷满分: 120分 答题时间: 120分钟 I.第一部分:听力(共30分,1-20每题1分,21-25每题2分) 一、 听句子,选择图片。(每小题1分,共5分) 第一节 听句子,从每小题A 、B 、C 选项中选择最佳图片。 ( ) 1. A. B C. ( ) 2. A. B. C. ( ) 3. A. B. C. ( ) 4. A. B. C. ( ) 5. A. B. C. 二、 听句子、对话和短文。(每小题1分,共15分) 第二节 听句子,从每小题A 、B 、C 选项中选择能对句子做出适当反应的答语 ( ) 6. A. Good morning. B. How do you do? C. Nice to meet you, too. ( ) 7. A. Yes, I have. B. To an English summer camp. C. To be a volunteer. ( ) 8. A. It is 240 million. B. In the east of China. C. No, it isn’t. ( ) 9. A. Sorry, he is busy now. B. No, you wouldn’t. C. I’m free. ( ) 10. A. You’re right. B. Great idea. C. It’s a pleasure. 第三节 听对话,从每小题A 、B 、C 选项中选择能回答所给问题的最佳选项。 听下面一段对话回答第11至12小题。 ( ) 11. What’s wrong with Ivan? A. He finds English boring. B. He can’t find a partner. C. He has a headache. ( ) 12. What does Mrs. White think of Lucy? A. She’s brave. B. She’s patient. C. She’s helpful. 听下面一段对话回答第13至15小题。 ( ) 13. What’s David’s favorite sport? A. Basketball. B. Swimming. C. Running. ( ) 14. What does the girl do? A. She is a teacher. B. She is a reporter. C. She is a student. ( ) 15. What’s Paul lik e? A. He is kind and confident. B. He is polite and honest. C. He is brave and active. 第四节 听短文,根据所给问题选择最佳选项。 ( ) 16. Where is Lu from? A. A big city. B. A poor village. C. A rich village. ( ) 17. What did Lu use to be? A. A worker. B. A driver. C. A boss. ( ) 18. How many fans has Lu had? A. One million. B. One thousand. C. One hundred. ( ) 19. What does Lu use to make his robots? A. Steel. B. Wood. C. Cans. ( ) 20. How long does Lu spend in making robots every day? A. 6 hours. B. 16 hours. C. 18 hours. 三、听短文,填表格。(每小题2分,共10分) 第五节 听短文,根据短文内容填写表格,每空一词。(短文读两遍) 21. ____________ .22.____________ 23.____________ 24.____________ 25.____________ II.第二部分 一.完型填空(每题1分,共10分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选择最佳选项。 Hong Kong Disneyland Transportation It takes 30 minutes by (21) _______ from Central, Hong Kong. Business Hours On weekdays: 10 a.m.—8 p.m. On weekends or (22) ________: 10 a.m.—9 p.m. Ticket Prices For an adult (成年人): 539 Hong Kong dollars For a child: 385 Hong Kong dollars For the old people: (23) ________ Hong Kong dollars Activities People can enjoy shows and (24)________ there. People can take photos with Disney (25)________.


仁爱版2020届九年级下学期英语中考模拟试卷C卷 仁爱版2020届九年级下学期英语中考模拟试卷C卷 一、单选题 (共15题;共30分) 1. (2分)If you cut ______ by accident, you can put some _________ on the cut. A . you, medicine B . yourself, medicine C . your, medicines D . yourself, medicines 2. (2分)—Are there any eggs in the fridge? —Yes, but only ________. A . few B . a few C . little D . a little 3. (2分)—Linda,do Chinese people celebrate _______ Easter Day? — No. This is the first time I've celebrated ________ festival. A . the; the B . the; a C . /; the D . /; a 4. (2分)There are _______ in the building, and Tom lives on _______. A . twenty floors, the twentieth floors B . twenty floors, twentieth floor C . twenty floors, the twentieth floor D . twenty floor, twentieth floors 5. (2分)Stop drinking coffee for _________ days and you'll


2010届初三英语摸拟试题 (满分:150分考试时间:120分钟) 第一部分:听力(30分) Ⅰ.听句子, 选择正确答语。每个句子读两遍。 ()1. A. It’s big. B. It’s blue. C. It’s made in China. ( )2. A. All right. B. Thanks a lot. C. Never mind. ( )3. A. Twice a week. B. By car. C. Two days ago. ( )4. A. No, I won’t. B. Good idea. C. Well done. ( )5. A. From London. B. For a meeting. C. In England. Ⅱ. 听对话,选出与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话读两遍。 ()6 A B C ( )7 A B C ( )8 A B C ( )9 A B C ( )10 A B C ()11 A B C III.对话理解。听下面7段对话,每段对话后有两个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。 听第一段对话,回答第12、13小题。 ()12.What day is it today A Saturday B Sunday C Monday ( )13. Henry is . A playing ping-pong B having a picnic C doing his homework 听第二段对话,回答第14、15小题。 ( )14. What did Bill do last night A He saw a movie. B He watched TV. C He made a kite . ( )15. Bill returned home at about last night . A 11:15 B 11:30 C 11:50 听第三段对话,回答第16、17小题。 ()16.What’s the matter with the woman A. She has a cold. B. She has a toothache. C. She has a cough. ( )17. What did the doctor ask her to do A. Stay in hospital. B. Take a rest. C. Take some medicine. 听第四段对话,回答第18、19小题。 ( )18. What will Jane do this weekend A. Join a club. B. Go to a concert. C. See a movie. ( )19. How much does a ticket cost A.¥20. B.¥40. C.¥60.
