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学时:96 其中:讲课学时:96 实践(验)学时:0





1. 语音:掌握英语音标及基本的语音、语调和朗读技巧,能够朗读与课文难度相当的短文并进行简单交流。

2. 语法:掌握英语基本构词法知识;能识别词类,掌握基本词类的用法;了解动词的主要种类和时态、语态及非谓语动词的用法;掌握基本句型和句子种类;初步掌握句子和段落之间的衔接手段,能连贯地表达思想。

3. 词汇:通过基础英语课、阅读课和其他途径认知词汇大约5000-6000个,熟练掌握运用其中的2000-2500个词汇的基本搭配;掌握基本的构词法规则和词形变化,根据所学构词法能猜测派生词的词义。

4. 写作:能根据作文题目或所给话题,在30分钟内写出长度为150字左右的短文,要求内容切题、语言通顺、语法正确、结构严谨、条理清楚,并能对所学课文进行故事梗概、内容小结,做到表达得体,思想深刻。

5. 口语:能就所学课文回答问题,对与课文有关话题进行个人观点陈述,语音语调自然,无重大语法错误,语言表达基本得体。

6. 翻译:能运用所学知识独立完成课程中的翻译练习,做到理解正确,译文基本通顺。





Unit 1 Half a Day

1. Teaching Objectives:

a. To be able to grasp long sentences from the perspectives of both sentence structure and meaning;

b. To learn new words and to grasp common collocations;

c. To be able to retell some key paragraphs in English;

d. To be able to deal with all the after-class exercises independently.

2. Language Focus & Difficulties:

a. Vocabulary

i. Suffixes: -(a)tion/-sion), -ment, -ness, -er/or, -ful, -less,-ed, -ly;

ii. Phrases: ahead of, to bring about, to give rise to, to make…out of, in vain, to burst into, to show off, to cling to, to resort to, to take advantage of, be convinced, on one’s own, etc.

b. Grammar

i. Past participle as attributive modifiers;

ii. Relative clauses with those, who.

c. Difficulties: the writing skill of the text

3. Teaching Contents:

a. Theme: The story tells about a boy’s activities and feelings on his first day at school and the world’s changes after school.

b. Text Structure

Part I (1-7): The narrator’s unwillingness to go to school;

Part II (8-16): The narrator’s experience at school;

Part III (17-20): The changes the narrator found after school.

Unit 2 Midnight Visitor

1. Teaching Objectives:

a. To be able to grasp long sentences from the perspectives of both sentence structure and meaning;

b. To learn new words and to grasp common collocations;

c. To be able to retell some key paragraphs in English;

d. To be able to deal with all the after-class exercises independently.

2. Language Focus & Difficulties:

a. Vocabulary

i. Prefixes: dis-; un-; tele-

ii. Phrases: to deal in, for one thing, to check on, to take one’s chances, to learn about, to read about, may as well, to send away, to block off, to slip into;