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1、anticipate v. 预期,预料;先于...做;早于...行动

eg.The government anticipated criticism by holding a public enquiry into the matter.

2.、assure v.使...确信;向...保证;确保

eg.We were assured that everything possible was being done.

3、cease v.停止,终止

eg.They voted to cease strike action immediately.

4、commodity n.商品,货物;有用的东西

eg.Crude oil(原油) is the most world's most important commodity.

5、compile v.编写,编纂

eg.We are trying to compile a list of suitable people for the job.

6、comprehensive adj.全部的,综合的;综合性的

a comprehensive survey/study

7、consent n.同意,准许

eg.She was chosen as a leader by common consent.

By mutual consent they didn't go out.

8、contrast n.明显的差异,对比,对照

The company lost $ 7 million this quarter in contrast to a profit of $6.2 million a year earlier.

9、core n.核心,最重要的部分

Concern for the environment is at the core of our policies.

10、criterion/criteria n.评判的标准,准则

eg.What criteria are used for assessing

a student's ability?

11、crucial adj.至关重要的,关键性的play a crucial role in...

12、crush vi.&n.压碎;暴力镇压;拥挤的人群;迷恋

eg.They crush the olives(橄榄油)with a heavy wooden press.

13、curse n.&v.咒骂,诅咒

be cursed with...因...而遭殃

14、deduce v.推论,推断,演绎

eg.Can we deduce from your silence that you do not approve?

15、despair n.绝望,丧失信心

eg.He gave up the struggle in despair. 16、differentiate v.区分,辨别

eg.The male’s yellow beak(喙) differentiates it from the female.

17、evil n.邪恶,罪恶,恶性,害处the evils of drugs/alcohol

18、drama n.戏剧,戏剧文学;激情,刺激eg.You couldn’t help being thrilled by the drama of the situation.

19、earnest adj.非常认真的,真诚的eg.Despite her earnest efforts, she could

not land a job.

20、equate v.使等同,同样看待

eg.Some parents equate education with exam success.

21、estate n.庄园;住宅区;个人财产,个人遗产

eg.Her estate was left to her daughter.

22、ethnic adj.民族的,种族的;具有民族特色的

ethnic groups/violence

23、evolve v.逐渐形成,逐步发展;进化eg.The idea evolved from a drawing I discovered in the attic.

24、exceed vt.超过(数量),超越

eg.The officers had exceeded their authority.

25、exclude v.不包括;阻止...参加;排除...的可能性

eg.The police have excluded a theft as a motive(动机) for the murder.

26、exploit v.剥削,榨取;利用(...为自己谋利);运用,发挥

eg.He exploited his father’s name to get himself a job.

27、formula n.公式,方程式;配方;方案eg.There is no magic formula for a perfect marriage.

28、foundation n.地基,基础,基本原理eg.Respect and friendship provide a solid foundation for marriage.

29、gender n.性别issues of class,race and gender

30、grace n.(graceful adj.)优雅,体面,风度,高雅;宽限期,延缓期;恩宠eg.He conducted himself with grace and dignity throughout the trial.

31、grant n.(政府)补助,拨款

eg.He has been awarded a research grant.


eg.Her husband was always there and she just took him for granted.

32、guideline n.参考;指导方针/原则eg.These figures are a useful guideline when buying a house.

33、imitate v.模仿,仿效

eg.No computer can imitate the complex functions of the human brain.

34、induce v.劝说,诱惑;引产,催生eg.Nothing could induce me to take the job.

35、innovate v.引入(新事物);创新,改革eg.We must constantly adapt and innovate to ensure success in a growing market.

36、insight n.洞察力,领悟,洞悉With a flash of insight I realized what the dream meant.

37、interact v.交流,沟通;相互作用/影响eg.Teachers have a limited amount of time to interact with each child.

38、interfere v.干扰,干预,介入(with) eg.I wish my mother would stop