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题 目 临潼方言亲属称谓研究 学生姓名 刘少坤 专业名称 汉语言文学 指导教师 王宝利

2012年 5月 22日

教学单位 中国语言文学系 学生学号 20108401S039 编 号 ZW2012HYS039


论文正文 (6)

一、临潼方言血亲亲属称谓词调查与整理 (7)

(一)以血亲亲属中父系亲属称谓为调查对象 (7)

(二)以血亲亲属中母系亲属称谓为调查对象 (11)

(三)血亲亲属称谓分析 (14)

二、临潼方言姻亲亲属称谓词调查与整理 (15)

(一)以姻亲亲属中妻系亲属称谓为调查对象 (15)

(二)以姻亲亲属中夫系亲属称谓为调查对象 (16)

(三)姻亲亲属称谓分析 (17)

三、临潼方言亲属称谓词的几个典型性语言特征 (17)

(一)语音方面 (18)

1.有同形词异读别称现象 (18)

2.存在连续变调现象 (18)

3.儿化音现象 (18)

(二)词汇方面 (19)

1.对古语的保留现象 (19)

2.受外来词汇的影响 (19)

3.基本无重叠别义的现象 (19)

4.同形异指和异形同指现象 (20)

(三)词汇的演变发展 (20)

1.从简原则 (20)

2.从亲原则 (20)

3.规范原则 (21)

4.个别称谓语使用频率减小,其趋势是消失 (21)


1.宝鸡文理学院本科毕业论文任务书 (25)

2.宝鸡文理学院本科毕业论文中期检查报告 (27)

3.宝鸡文理学院本科毕业论文指导教师指导记录表 (28)

4.宝鸡文理学院本科毕业论文结题报告 (29)

5.宝鸡文理学院本科毕业论文成绩评定及答辩评议表 (30)

6.宝鸡文理学院本科毕业论文答辩过程记录 (32)




The Research on the Kinship Terms of LinTong Dialect

Abstract:Lintong dialect is a part of xian dialects, which areas are vested in the northern dialect Zhongyuan Mandarin area, especially in the part of the kinship terms. In this paper investigated the Lintong District of kinship terms.Paternal blood relatives, blood relatives matriarchal marriage relatives of his wife Department of the affinity relative of her husband four areas kinship terms.Back, and surface called the order by list, description and comparison, including comparison with Mandarin kinship terms in accordance with the seniority level, title, title Interpretation.The word on the the Lintong dialect kinship terms made simple analysis can be seen by analyzing the the Lintong dialect kinship terms system is more complex, with Mandarin Chinese kinship terms system as deliberate and careful distinction.It is found that the Lintong dialect kinship terms have a certain source basis, or its examples can be found from the literature references.Seen from the sociological point of view, Lintong dialect kinship terms have, seniority, different hierarchy, differentiated and different affinities, four characteristics, And clearly point out the characteristics of voice, vocabulary and the evolution and development of vocabulary of the Lintong dialect kinship terms in the linguistic point of view.

Key Words:LinTong Dialect;kinship terms;characteristic