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忠犬八公英语观后感In recent years, the film “Hachiko—A Dog’s Story” has been very popular. It mainly shows an impressive story between a loyal dog and a professor. As far I am concerned, there are many things we can learn from the film.


To begin with, I believe that most people who have watched this film were moved by the dog’s loyalty. The dog has waited for his owner for a lifetime and hid loyal behavior has taught us never forget anyone we loved —the meaning of loyalty. We can learn that we should try to get along with each other with true affection and never betray in an intimated relationship so that

we can strengthen our relationship and understand each other better. And we should believe that there is still a true affection in the world.


Another thing we can learn from the film is to value what we have. In other words, we should learn to count our fortunes. What we own is always unique and cannot be replaced by others, so we have to value what we have. As the saying goes, “Tree prefers calm while wind not subsides; Son chooses filial while parents died”. We should never be regretful until losing.


Finally, we should learn to treat our pets well

because they are also our friends and even our family members.


忠犬八公英语观后感The moment you start watching the puppy Hachi in the first scene of the movie being shifted from one country to another, you just cannot stop adoring the little fella. He is the highlight of the movie and thats quite intentional as it is centered around him.

As many would have read in the synopsis, Hachi is brought home by Parker(Richard Gere) when he comes home from his daily work routine and finds Hachi abandoned at the train station. As many people would try to find its owner, Parker sets to find the true owner(but fails) and starts advertising for adoption. The story that unfolds later may be slow and drab but it is well told and the chemistry between Parker and Hachi is truly commendable and engaging. Small yet cute details such as showing Hachi's vision in the form. of black and white are worth a mention. The characters in this movie are few but manage to deliver decent performances such

as the hot dog guy, Parker's wife and friend. Without revealing much about the movie, let me point out that its Richard Gere and Hachi who steal the show. Throughout the movie you feel that two are meant to be together forever to the point you doubt sometimes that whether Parker has a daughter and a wife living in his house. Nonetheless, he loves them too.

One of the most important talked about point about the movie is its ability to touch everybody's heart and make the audience and viewers shed a few tears for the second half of the movie. This is something I totally agree and this movie is one such rare gem that made me cry the most. Its just so sad in some scenes. I bet all pet lovers would love this movie and appreciate it as a highly engaging and emotional movie. This is certainly one of my favorite movies and since I am not a pet owner yet, am planning to buy an Akita dog and name it 'Hachi' for he is the hero just as the kid mentions.

忠犬八公英语观后感This is a story between a dog and his host. The dog called Hachi moved me to tears. This film changed my mind to dog from fear to love and


This film tell the story in a simple, without big billows, but it touch people heat and soul. The college professor Parker Wilson find a lost puppy at a train station and take it home, which take much annoyance to his wife Cate. However, parker and the dog develop such a remarkable bond that Cate is forced to relent and Hachi becomes a devoted member of the family.

After several months, Parker and Hachi get along very well, they become partners. Every morning, Hachi accompanies Parker to the train station and waits patiently for his return, becoming a regular fixture of Hachi’s life.

However, Every day is not Sunday. One day, Hachi become abnormal, he barked fiercely and didn’t want to see his host off. At last, Hachi come to the station to see Parker off with a ball between Hachi’s tips, which cost Parker mach time to train him but was failed. Parker was so excited to see this, but this is his last to see Hachi. He was dead because heart disease.

However, Hachi persist in waiting for his host, day after day and year by year. Hachi came to the station

to wait his host in the day time and sleep under a discarded train at night. The dog’s discarded moved the people in the train and the people all over the world.

This story present a animal’s morality that human beings are ill needed. The dog give us a vividly lesson that we all have to loyal to our boss, loyal to our wife or husband, loyal to our family, loyal to our country.


忠犬八公的故事观后感英文版《忠犬八公的故事》改编自1933年发生在日本的真实故事,由莱塞霍尔斯道姆执导,理查基尔、琼艾伦和萨拉罗默尔等联袂出演。影片于XX年8月8日在故事的原型故乡日本率先上映。小编搜集整理了忠犬八公的故事观后感英文版供大家查阅,希望大家喜欢。 This is a story between a dog and his host. The dog called Hachi moved me to tears. This film changed my mind to dog from fear to love and appreciate. This film tell the story in a simple, without big billows, but it touch people heat and soul. The college professor Parker Wilson find a lost puppy at a train station and take it home, which take much annoyance to his wife Cate. However, parker and the dog develop such a remarkable bond that Cate is forced to relent and Hachi becomes a devoted member of the family. After several months, Parker and Hachi get along very well, they become partners. Every morning, Hachi accompanies Parker to the train station and waits patiently for his return, becoming a regular fixture of Hachi’s life.


忠犬八公的电影观后感200字5篇忠犬八公观后感 故事讲的是大学音乐教授帕克旅行回来时,在小镇在车站上拣到一只小秋田犬,他想养狗,他妻子极力反对,但最终小狗成为家庭的一员,并为它取名‘小八’,教授每天要坐火车去上课,‘小八’就跟随教授到车站,晚上再到车站接教授回家。小狗终于长成了大狗,有一天,教授在学校讲课时突发急病不幸逝世,‘小八’依旧在车站等待主人归来,一等就是十年…… 忠犬八公观后感 和大部分人一样,看完片子后是无止境的感动,哭肿了双眼,甚至连声音都变哑了。在没看片子之前就看了下面的影评,心中对影片有了那么一点抗拒。我承认,我是一个俗人,我喜欢看的是有着happy ending的大众片,而不是这样一部赚人眼泪的悲情片。但出于对狗的喜爱,我最终还是选择了观看。 忠犬八公观后感 和大部分人一样,看完片子后是无止境的感动,哭肿了双眼,甚至连声音都变哑了。在没看片子之前就看了下面的影评,心中对影片有了那么一点抗拒。我承认,我是一个俗人,我喜欢看的是有着happy ending的大众片,而不是这样一部赚人眼泪的悲情片。但出于对狗的喜爱,我最终还是选择了观看。 忠犬八公观后感 早就听说过《忠犬八公的故事》这部电影,但是一直没有看过,据说很感人,但是我看过之后,依然落泪了。 故事讲的是大学音乐教授帕克旅行回来时,在小镇在车站上拣到一只小秋田犬,他想养狗,他妻子极力反对,但最终小狗成为家庭的一员,并为它取名‘小八’,教授每天要坐火车去上课,‘小八’就跟随教授到车站,晚上再到车站接教授回家。小狗终于长成了大狗,有一天,教授在学校讲课时突发急病不幸逝世,‘小八’依旧在车站等待主人归来,一等就是十年…… 忠犬八公观后感 看完这部电影,静静地一个人回忆着,常常泪流满面。“狗是我们人类的最忠实的朋友”这句话我们每个人都知道,但是谁又能真正的明白感受到狗与我们之间的感情呢?对于人来说,狗不可能是他唯一的情感寄托,他会有自己的家人、朋友。但是对于一条狗,主人可能就是它生命中的唯一,狗的情感很简单,坚持自己的感情,一旦认准了,就会很傻很傻的坚持下去,甚至宁愿像八公这样直到自己老去!提高执行力


Hachiko A Dog’s Story 《忠犬八公的故事》 >>>更多电影 -Heather: So... even if Columbus got lost, and wasn't the first discovered America, he is still my hero. get lost: 迷路discover: 发现hero: 英雄 所以……即使Columbus迷路了,并非第一个发现美洲,他仍然是我心目中的英雄。 He was really brave to sa il a tiny ship over a really big ocean. And because of him, we got Columbus Day off school. brave: 勇敢的sail: 航行tiny: 微小的ocean: 海洋 他敢于以一艘小船扬帆出海,因为他,我们才有了法定假日——哥伦布日。 -Teacher: Thank you, Heather. Er... Ronnie? Tell us about your hero. 谢谢你,Heather 呃……Ronnie?跟我们谈谈你的英雄吧! -Student: What is he writing? 他在写什么? -Ronnie: Hachiko was my grandfather Wilson's dog. Everyone called Hachi a mystery dog, because... mystery: 神秘的because: 因为,由于 Hachiko是我外公Wilson的一条狗,大家都说Hachi 是条神秘的狗,因为…… He never knew where it came fr om. Maybe Hachi escaped from a dog pound, or maybe he jumped out of somebody's car from someplace faraway escape: 逃走,逃跑dog pound:(无家可归)野狗栏faraway: 遥远的 没人知道它从哪儿来,或许Hachi是从流浪狗收容站逃出来的,又或许它是从某人的车里跳出来的,而这车来自远方。 Like Florida or New Jersey. But no matter how, Hachi was lost. No matter how it happened, no matter: 无论如何happen: 发生 比如Florida或New Jersey,但无论如何,Hachi是条流浪犬,不管它究竟从哪儿来。 But long time ago, in the town my grandfather lived in, Hachi appeared at the train station. That's where their story began. appear: 出现train station: 火车站 总之很久以前,在我外公居住的那个小镇,Hachi出现在了火车站,他们的故事由此开始。 -Parker: No, no, no, I'll walk. I'll walk. Yeah, I love you, too. Bye. Hey, buddy, lost? Lost here, buddy. buddy: 伙伴<美口>密友 不,不,不,我走着去,我走着去,嗯!我也爱你!再见!嘿,小家伙,走丢了?在这儿走丢了呀?小家伙? Someone must be looking for you. look for: 寻找 肯定有人在找你。 This guy was wandering on the platform. wander: 漫游;闲逛platform: 站台 这小家伙在站台上逛荡。 -Carl: Really? On the platform? really: 真正地,真实地- 真的?在站台上? -Parker: On the platform, yeah. 嗯,在站台上。 -Carl: Good thing for you to find him. 你能找到它,真不错。 -Parker: Yeah. Well... Tell you what; this is a crate, which was broken. I don't know what was going on, but... crate: 板条箱broken: 破碎的,坏掉的 嗯,那个……我说这个箱子破了,我不知道发生了什么,但是…… -Carl: Oh... Someone is gonna be here for him. gonna: <美俚> =going to,将要 哦……有人会到这里来找它。 -Parker: yeah. So... you just hold him here. You just hold him till they come. hold: 保留till: 直到 嗯,所以……你把它留在这儿吧!等人来找它就好。-Carl: No, I can't. I can't do... I can't do that, Professor. professor: 教授,教师 不,不行,我不能这样……我不能这样做,教授。-Parker: What? You said that... no one is gonna leave without this. leave: 离开 什么? 你也说……没人会把这小家伙遗弃的。 -Carl: I know. I know that. I know no one is gonna leave... He will be back for him. So... err... 我知道,我知道啊,我知道没人会遗弃……会有人


A Forever Wait ing Ten years ' time only for waiting; Ten years ' waiting only for one man; Predesti ned set this life, only for itself determi natio n. Please don ' t treat me so perfedtwiH devote myself only for treat you better. I can ' t talk and I am not into peo ple asing, but what I can do is let you see that I am struggli ng. ----- H atchiko You can stay with me in a n ice and warm house. ----- P arker I believe he already had his own decisi on. He is your trouble, not mine. Whether he found you or you found him, that mean to be. ----- K en This is a simple story about a loyal dog. There is no in tricate plot, and eve n it is only a straight still, but it was still moved me deeply with its most simple pieces of no rmal life which we can easily find around us such as the train stati on, the restaura nt, the food sta nd and a warm home. Maybe you will only thi nk it is a moving film; maybe you had bee n impressed by the loyal of the dog; or maybe you will th ink there is nothing special and it is just a movie. But I view it differe ntly. The story is rearra nged by a real story. Hatchi is an unu sual dog which bel ongs to akita. The real Hatchi, the dog in this story, was born in Odatr Japa n in 1923. As soon as his master Dr. Eisabour Uero, a professor at Tokyo Uni versity, died in May 1925. Hatchi returned to the Shibuya train statio n the n ext day after professor died and for the n ext nine years to wait, un til Hatchi himself died. In the movie Hatchi crossed an ocea n and thousa nds of miles of tran sportatio n by train, and the n he met Parker (the main actor) in a snowy day. Because it was snowing and the dog, Hatchi, was lost. Parker took Hatchi back to his home, and the n kept it. Parker treated it very well and so did Hatchi. When Hatchi had grown up, he fetched parker to work everyday.


电影《忠犬八公的故事》观后感 导读:导读:观后感,就是看了一部影片或连续剧后,把具体感受和得到的启示写成的文章。所谓“感”,可以是从作品中领悟出来的道理或精湛的思想,可以是受作品中的内容启发而引起的思考与联想,可以是因观看而激发的决心和理想,也可以是因观看而引起的对社会上某些丑恶现象的抨击。观后感的表达方式灵活多样,基本属于议论范畴,但写法不同于一般议论文,因为它必须是在观看后的基础上发感想。简单来说就是观赏过后的感触。下面是电影《忠犬八公的故事》观后感,欢迎阅读! 【篇一:电影《忠犬八公的故事》观后感】 电影《忠犬八公的故事》,讲述了一条名叫“八公”的狗,流落街头后在车站偶遇音乐教授,彼此“一见钟情”。“八公”在教授去世后,拒绝教授女儿所安顿的舒适生活,心甘情愿从此流落街头,十年如一日,天天守候在车站等候教授归来,一直到死去…… 相信每一个曾经经历过欺骗和背叛的人,都会对“八公”的忠诚而感动不已,我也不例外。连我自己都难以置信,一个对宠物素无好感的男人,竟然会为一只狗的故事而流泪……我想是因为在物欲横流的现实中,“忠诚”愈加难能可贵,因此才会显得如此的美好感人。 “八公”让我哭,是因为忠诚这一质朴的情感和片中男主人公教授的钢琴声一样深深打动了我心,“八公”的身影和教授的琴声与我内心深处对“忠诚”的企盼产生了共鸣。

但感动之后,静下心来回味之时,却又是另一种感悟。 如果“八公”不是条狗,“八公”是个女人,你会怎么想?又会怎么看?你是否还会和电影里那个曾经试图劝“八公”不要再等待教授的男子一样,看着“痴情”等待的“八公”,感慨万千地说“好吧、好吧,我想也许你做得对”?儿那个安静的小镇是否也会为这样的痴情女而在车站门口给她立个雕像? 特别是在二十世纪末的美国,如果有一个女人在他的爱人逝去后十年如一日,天天去车站等待她的丈夫归来,那人们会怎么看这样如“八公”一样忠诚的女子?或者再人性化一点,不需要天天去车站等,只是因为对前夫的爱而守寡终生,这样的故事还会和电影《忠犬八公的故事》一样感动你吗?还会引起你如此强烈的情感上的共鸣吗? 我想在美国,人们多半会抱着关心和同情的心态劝这个女子去做心理治疗,寻找新的生活,而不会为她树碑立传。 而在中国,如果故事发生在几百年前,那国人对于这样的“忠诚”,社会是有其固定的评价及表彰模式的,那就是立“贞节牌坊”。 而如果是现在,那我想至少应该是不值得提倡的事情吧。 由此想到了东西方文明的融合。在视自由为人性人权之本的美国,人们在寻找着儒家文化里的“忠诚”;而受儒家文化中“忠诚”理念熏陶了数千年的中国人,在向往“自由”。但无论是“忠诚”还是“自由”,都不能违反一些最基本的人性。 想到这里,不仅自己也要笑了,因为“八公”是条狗,为什么要


忠犬八公电影观后感英语作文本文为忠犬八公电影观后感英语作文范文,让我们通过以下的文章来了解。 This is a story between a dog and his host. The dog called Hachi moved me to tears. This film changed my mind to dog from fear to love and appreciate. This film tell the story in a simple, without big billows, but it touch people heat and soul. The college professor Parker Wilson find a lost puppy at a train station and take it home, which take much annoyance to his wife Cate. However, parker and the dog develop such a remarkable bond that Cate is forced to relent and Hachi becomes a devoted member of the family. After several months, Parker and Hachi get along very well, they become partners. Every morning, Hachi accompanies Parker to the train station and waits patiently for his return, becoming a regular fixture of Hachi’s life. However, Every day is not Sunday. One day, Hachi become abnormal, he barked fiercely and didn’t want to see his host off. At last, Hachi come to the station to see Parker off with a ball between Hachi’s tips,


忠犬八公的故事观后感范文300字_观忠犬八公的故事有感 忠犬八公的故事观后感1 说道忠犬八公,大家有可能感到熟悉,有可能感到陌生。这是一部很平淡的电影,一位教授,一只小狗,还有一个火车站。 这个电影起初没有让人感到想看下去的欲望,可到了电影的高潮,教授不幸去世了,接下来的每一个画面,都能让我的眼圈湿润。虽然没有华丽的场面,但是我看到的,全都是八公对待主人的忠诚!一年过去了,两年、三年、四年、五年……九年,整整九年的等待,没有一天八公不是痛苦的。他每天怀着希望站在树下,看着他的眼神,似乎透着光!可每到夜幕降临,看到他失望的离开,我的心就好像被针扎了一样。如果教授还在世,想必八公现在一定过得很幸福。可看着现在的八公,他已经十分苍老,失去了年轻的活力。终于,教授的妻子出现了,她难以置信八公竟然还在等待他不会出现的主人,等待一个不会出现的奇迹,她说:“我和你一起等下一班车,好吗?” 动物是有感情的,尽管它没有复杂的思维能力,可有时候我愿意相信动物也会思考。狗是最通人性的,它的要求很低,只要你对它好,它就会忠诚地对你。我想其他的生命也一样,善待生命,生命自然会善待你。 忠犬八公的故事观后感2 今天我看了《忠犬八公的故事》,它是一部电影,我看后泪流满面,因为小八太感人了。

小八是一只狗,秋田犬。小八其实是在火车站丢的,然后被一个叫帕克的大学教授收留了。帕克每天要上班,小八就一直在火车站的花坛边等他,最后有一天,帕克再也没回来,死了,小八还在车站一直坐在那儿等啊等啊,一晃20__年,最后小八死了的故事。 给然选电影,着实伤脑筋,想选些温情的,感人的,有意义的。最后选了多年前看过的电影《忠犬八公的故事》,喜欢理查·基尔的文雅形象,可又有点担心这种片子她会不会喜欢,最后心一横,不管喜欢不喜欢,就这部了。还好因为剧中有只可爱的小狗,立刻吸引了她的眼球。 忠犬八公的故事观后感3 今天我们看了一部电影名叫《忠犬八公》。 里面讲了,一只小狗,掉到地上,被教授捡到,没人认另,后来,教授就一直养着它,他是秋田犬,它叫小八,是因为它的脖子上挂着八的挂带,后来它和主人有了深刻的感情,小八每天都送主人去火车站,每天都准时去接他。 不详得是主人因心脏病而死亡,小八且不知道,还是准时去接他,后来,主人的女儿把它带回去了,小八它不吃不喝,最终,主人的女儿把他放了。 后来,小八一直等他,整整等了九年了,最终,小八他因身体虚弱而死亡,小八它虽然死了,但它忠臣的精神没有死亡! 我看完了这部电影,我觉得很感动,我明白了一个道理,动物和人是平等的。


In English Class, I saw a film which is a real story about a dog and a professor. One day this professor found a dog at a railway station. He tired found people to adapt this small dog but he adapted him, at last. However, his wife didn’t agree the dog to stay in their house. The professor loved dog very much and played with him every day and his wife couldn’t help to accept the fact they had a new family number. After years late, once professor went to the railway station, the dog go with him every day. A nd at 5 o’clock every afternoon this dog waited for professor to go home. One day, the dog was waiting as usual. But he couldn’t wait professor going home. Professor passed away in the class. Dog didn’t want to do anything except waiting for professor.Many people were moved by dog. In the end, the dog died in his waiting. After watching this film, I was moved by this story because of its truth. I think it is belief between the man and the animal. It is love.


《忠犬八公影评》 忠犬八公影评精选(一): 这是一个感人的故事,看过的观众无不被打动,包括我。 影片取材于发生在日本真实事件:一条秋田犬在主人去世后,连续12年坚守在车站等候他回家。至今东京涩谷车站还有狗狗八公的铜像,而它的遗体也被国立上野科学博物馆保存。上世纪九十年代,日本以前把这个题材搬上银幕,大获成功,催泪的效果一流。两年前,美国人翻拍了此剧,由老戏骨理察基尔担纲主演,故事的发生地也相应的换到了美国。 但是,我更感兴趣的还是影片的叙事方式,因为煽情很容易,但要煽得高明却很难。君不见国内很多影视剧拼命想要感动观众,演员们亦落力表现,时而撕心裂肺地喊叫,时而泪如泉涌地痛哭,但除了个别情感脆弱的大妈大婶会抹几下眼泪之外,大部分人还是无动于衷,甚至银幕上演员在哭,影院里观众却在笑。打动人心,有时候还是润物细无声更加奏效,尤其是对于这样一个温情的题材而言。 一个半小时的影片,被划分为三个段落:第一部分是教授拣到狗,妻子强烈反对收养,但最终他对狗的喜爱之情打动了她;第二部分是小八长大,养成了每一天去车站接送教授上下班的习惯,某天它突然学会了一向拒绝的拣球游戏,但那天之后,教授再也没有回来;第三部分是教授去世后,小八不愿与教授的女儿一家生活,长途奔波回到车站,风餐露宿,天天等候教授回来。这其中除了第一部分有一些戏剧冲突之外,其余两部分都相对平淡,如果是平常小学生写作文,估计一二百字就讲完了,此刻却被化为一个多小时的电影,让人不得不佩服日本编剧对平凡生活的表现潜力(美国版用的还是22年前日本版的剧本)。 当然,美国人对剧本的本土化改造也相当成功。例如在日本版中,有小八冲着教授遗像哀呜,跟着教授灵柩奔跑的场景,相当有冲击力,但这些不贴合美国的国情,于是美国版中设计了拣球的情节:小八刚到教授家时,他便教它拣球,甚至不惜嘴里含着球在地上乱爬(正是这一幕感动了教授夫人),示范给它看,可谁知这种美国式的生活并非日本狗的天性,小八始终学不会;其后,教授的毛脚女婿上门,为了和准岳父的宠物套近乎,又玩了一下拣球的游戏,结果狗狗无动于衷,尴尬的小伙子不得不自己去把球拣回来,慌乱之中还被绊倒摔了一跤,大出洋相;而教授病逝的当天清晨,小八好像有预感似的,嘴里叼着球追到车站,出人意料地表现了两招拣球的技巧,令教授欣喜不已。就这样,透过球这一核心道具,三个部分被有效贯穿起来。而小八去世的那个环节则被美国版很好地保留下来:漫天风雪中,处于弥留之际的小八在恍惚中看到车站的大门打开,教授面带微笑呼唤着自己的名字,它仿佛又回到从前,飞快地扑向教授的怀抱,而现实中,年老的小八趴在雪地中慢慢闭上了眼睛


I watched Hachiko: A Dog’s Story days ago, eyes filling with tear. It’s really a fantasticly moving film. The plot went as: A college professor (Richard Gere) took in an abandoned dog and they formed an unbreakable bond. The dog arrived daily at the correct time at the station, to meet his owner. After the professor died while away from home, the dog kept vigil waiting for his master for nearly a decade. To wait for your love for a decade, which contains almost the whole life-time of Hachi, it’s an incredib le dedication that we human beings never has. This is why the film strikes us a lot. No one has the ability to show his love to only one person during his whole life, let alone make friends with only one people; have the food that never changes year by year; do the same damn thing without complaining and conciousness of exhaustion. We can’t! However, what we could learn from Hachi is that we should never forget the one we once loved. A detail in the movie catches my eyes. One day when professor was on his way to school, Hachi fetched the tennis ball as he was taught years ago. But during the last several years, he never did like that, because to fetch a ball in this way is not his instinct. Why Hachi did so? He wants to entertain his master for more palatabl e food, for a hug? I’m afraid not. Research and statistics prove that pets are more sensitive in human’s potantial deseases than us do. Hachi fetched that ball because he knew that his master is going to die because of his heart desease. It’s his only way to hold him back. Hachi has been waiting in the weeds, waiting for his only fellow to walk him home. His hope has been floating in the breeze, carrying his loneliness and misery all above the ground. Maybe professor knows, but he could never come back. An American adaptation of a Japanese tale about a loyal dog named Hachiko. This very special friend would accompany his master to the train station every day and return each afternoon to greet him after work. Sadly his master departs one day, passes away and never returns to the station. Hachiko faithfully returns to the same spot at the station the very next day, and every day for the next nine years to wait for his beloved master. During his daily visits, Hachiko touches the lives of many who work near and commute through the town square. He teaches the local people love, compassion and above all unyielding loyalty. Today, a bronze statue of Hachiko sits in his waiting spot outside the Shibuya station in Japan as a permanent reminder of his devotion and love.


《忠犬八公的故事》读后感5篇 《忠犬八公的故事》读后感1 最近看了个书籍叫“忠犬八公的故事”故事讲述的是一个小狗流浪于车站被一个大学教授在小镇在车站上偶遇一只可怜的小秋田犬,它孤苦无依的身影惹起他的怜悯,虽然妻子极力反对,但在女儿的强烈要求下,八公终于成为家庭一员,帕克为它取名“八公”。但女儿忙着谈恋爱,无暇照顾八公,所以养狗的差事便落到帕克头上。 八公陪着帕克全家一起成长,从小狗渐渐变成庞然大物。温文儒雅的帕克甚至趴在地上自己用嘴示范捡球动作给八公看,但却无法教会八公捡球回来的动作。 八公每天准时陪伴帕克上班,傍晚五点准时出现在车站门口迎接帕克下班,这可是他们的约会时光!在小镇车站站长,卖热狗的小贩,附近商店的老板娘的眼中这都是已经习以为常的画面;看到帕克从车站出来叫出那一声熟悉的“Hachi”,八公兴奋地扑上前去撒娇的样子,已经成了车站每天上演的故事。然而,在八公学会捡球的那一天,帕克开心且骄傲,但也是最后一次两人的珍贵回忆…… 但是有一天,帕克在大学演讲时突然倒下,他因病死了,再也没有回到车站。之后,每天傍晚五点,八公都来到火车站里等候、凝视……第二天、第三天……从夏季到秋季,九年时间里,八公依然风雨无改,直到它最后死去。忠诚于自己的主人。 看的时候就一直在哭看完了想想的时候还是在哭,HACHI要是能

听懂人话知道人死了是怎么一回事那么他也不会在那一等就是十年直到最后郁郁而死。临死前在他的记忆里看到它的主人。太感人了可见动物都是有感性的。可是在现在这个社会竟然有专门开狗肉店的,我对这些人和店是深恶痛绝更恨那些吃狗肉的人。那些杀狗的人在杀他们的时候就没有看见他们那可怜的眼睛在看着他们吗?他们怎么如此忍心呢? 当今社会的残忍让我越来越讨厌,人们之间存在的不再是纯情的友谊有的只蚀心斗角、尔虞我诈,整天琢磨我怎么讨上司欢心。虽然我们生活在这个社会可见是要什么有什么也有现代化的科技但是我们却少了真实的一面。人们在一起不过都是你利用我我利用你真正的朋友不知你一生中能有几个? 俗话说“狗不嫌家贫”此话真的不假。你养着它等他长大的时候他绝不会为了那几口好吃的去别人家。它会在你那一直直到死亡。所以请大家珍惜任何动植物的生命。保护他们吧! 《忠犬八公的故事》读后感2 讲述了一条名叫“八公”的狗,流落街头后在车站偶遇音乐教授,彼此“一见钟情”。“八公”在教授去世后,拒绝教授女儿所安顿的舒适生活,心甘情愿从此流落街头,十年如一日,天天守候在车站等候教授归来……最后八公知道自己即将走向生命的尽头,但它却在风雪之中依然走向车站。依旧是那个位置,它趴在那儿,有些疲惫,缓缓的闭上了自己的双眼,恍惚间,它仿佛看到了他的主人就像十年前一样,推开车站的大门,对它说“八公,我们回家”......


忠犬八公观后感英文版200 影片讲述一位大学教授收养了一只小秋田犬,取名“八公”。之后的每天,八公早上将教授送到车站,傍晚等待教授一起回家。不幸的是,教授因病辞世,再也没有回到车站,然而八公在之后的9年时间里依然每天按时在车站等待,直到最后死去。下文是小编为你精心编辑整理的忠犬八公观后感英文版,希望对你有所帮助,更多内容,请点击相关栏目查看,谢谢! 忠犬八公观后感英文版1 The moment you start watching the puppy Hachi in the first scene of the movie being shifted from one country to another, you just cannot stop adoring the little fella. He is the highlight of the movie and thats quite intentional as it is centered around him. As many would have read in the synopsis, Hachi is brought home by Parker(Richard Gere) when he comes home from his daily work routine and finds Hachi abandoned at the train station. As many people would try to find its owner, Parker sets to find the true owner(but fails) and starts


等待,直到生命的终结《忠犬八公》观后感 水来,我在海水中等你;火来,我在灰烬中等你。题记 电影一开始采用倒叙的手法,让男主人公的孙子罗尼在讲台上为我们缓缓道来这一人一犬的故事& Hachi是一只可爱的日本秋田犬,它和主人帕克教授的相遇,感觉就像是冥冥之中的注定。 Hachi在运送的过程中走丢,刚好碰上了从车站出来的教授。Hachi选择了教授,而善良好心的教授也收留了Hachi,于是他们之间的故事就这样展开& 虽然电影的情节十分平淡,并没有跌宕起伏的画面,但正是他们之间日常相处的场面,细腻地描述了Hachi和教授一家的感情,尤其是Hachi和教授,他们之间的亲密互动,也不禁让人深深地融入到他们的世界,并且真切地感受到Hachi已被赋予了更多宠物之外的意义。 Hachi每天都在车站外等候着它的主人归来,然而遗憾的是后来教授病逝了& 可是它还是在等,仍旧那个地方,熟悉的地点,熟悉的人物,但Hachi却不知道,它要等的那个人,永远都不会回来了&Hachi就像带着一种对家人忠诚和爱的信念在执着地守候,日复一日,年复一年,直至老去& 影片结尾的时候,罗尼在台上微笑着说,Hachi永远是我心目中的英雄,我在落下眼泪的同时,也在心里默默应道我也是。 其实这部电影我已经看过好几次,但每次却都给我带来不一样的感受。记得第一次看的时候,因为我一开始就已经知道结局,所以尽管电影拍得十分温情,我还是从开头一直哭到结尾,教授和Hachi相处得越开心,我就感觉越难受,因为教授给Hachi带去了温暖,给了它一个家,然而最后他还是永远地离开了它,只剩下它独自守候在最初相遇的车站,默默等待。他爱它,所以它等他,只是这么简单,因为对于一条狗来说,它实在无法理解生与死的距离,所以它也就不知道,其实它等的那个人永远都不会回来了,它只是在相信,只是在等待,只是在想念。 刚开始看到影片中四季更替,车站人来人往,而Hachi始终等不到它期待的那个人时,我的眼泪止不住地落下,同时也不禁想问Hachi,为什么你还在等,你都没有发觉他其实回不来了吗,为什么你还能坚持下去& 等到后来,我才渐渐明白了Hachi的坚持,等待需要什么理由呢,尤其是等待你所爱的人,根本不需要解释。而Hachi的忠诚守望,也教会了我永远不要忘记你所爱的人。不要忘记我们的父母,我们的家人,我们的朋友,我们的老师同学,不管他们此时是否陪伴在你的身边,是否还能继续爱你关心你以及守护你,但至少我们接受过他们的爱,也感受过他们给予的温暖。所以,请别忘记我们所爱的人,就算我们无法回报,纪念也是一种方式。 影片中优美动听的旋律还在播放,而我们的生活也还在继续,但愿我们能够不忘初衷,


忠犬八公的故事观后感精选5篇汇总 没有好莱坞式的特技炫耀,没有生死离别的爱情;不是大制作,没有一众的帅哥美女撑场做作;看似朴实无华,实则道出了真谛!我不得不佩服这一众工作人员,原来一向粗犷无所谓有点大大咧咧只依赖高科技和一线大牌拍电影的美国人也能拍出如 此细腻的日式风格。这里给大家整理了一些有关忠犬八公的故事的观后感,希望对大家有所帮助. 忠犬八公的故事观后感1 一个发生在日本的真实的感人故事,被美国拍摄成电影,这部电影的播映引起了巨大轰动。 昨晚陪妹妹欣赏完这部电影,热泪盈眶,心情久久不能平静。 一条秋田犬在车站走失了,碰到了帕克,一位德高望重的音乐教授,也可以说是帕克碰到了它,这是一种缘分,帕克帮它找主人,但找不到,秋田犬的项圈上刻有一个“八”字,于是帕克帮它取名“八公”,可以看出帕克对这条狗的喜爱,最后他的妻子妥协,同意他收养八公。主人到哪,八公就跟到哪,他们的关系很密切。帕克每天都按时到车站坐车去上班,按时回家,他不肯让八公跟他去。有一天八公约摸是主人回家的时候了,就跑到车站去等他,帕克见到八公很开心,然后一起回家。后来八公每天都

按时在同一地点等它的主人,不论春夏秋冬,不管严寒酷暑,在车站工作的人都很喜欢它,总给它吃的。一天帕克在授课时心脏病发作去世了,八公等不到主人。 八公不知道主人已经永远回不来了,还是固执地每天按老时间在老地方等它的主人,夜晚在车站过夜,靠好心人喂它过活,就这样,八公等了主人十年,直到去世。 动物是有感情的,尽管它没有复杂的思维能力,可有时候我愿意相信动物也会思考。狗是最通人性的,它的要求很低,只要你对它好,它就会忠诚地对你。我想其他的生命也一样,善待生命,生命自然会善待你。 会不会有一天,人与其他的动物都成为好朋友,世界成为一个美丽和谐的天堂。 可以肯定的是动物也有感情,那是至真至美的天性,而我们人类有时还不及它们。 忠犬八公的故事观后感2 我或许知道忠犬八公是个虐心的片子,知道它有痴有爱有等待,但在此之前,我始终无法确切的感受,一只狗,为什么可以成为“Hero”。 后来在各自看了美日两版的八公以后,我内心浮动的都是同一句话,是《时间旅行者的妻子》中男主所说的,他说,“我不


《忠犬八公的故事》观后感 那天,小八并没有像往常那样跟随主人上班,而是在主人即将进站时,叼着球赶来并配合着主人将扔出去的球捡回。帕克教授欣喜若狂,他做到了,他最终用爱打破了秋田犬不会捡球的传说,却也在这一天永远地离开了它!以下是《忠犬八公的故事》观后感,欢迎阅读参考。 《忠犬八公的故事》观后感记得张爱玲曾经说过:“我要你知道,在这个世界上总有一个人是等着你的,不管在什么时候、不管在什么地方,反正你知道总有这么个人。”以前对这句话不太理解,但看过《忠犬八公的故事》的故事后,我却豁然开朗。 我经常看一些英文的电影,之所以观看《忠犬八公的故事》,是因为它的网上评分特别高,观看之前以为讲述的就是一条忠犬救了主人的命,并没有太注意。但在观看的过程中,我却无时无刻不被震撼着,我不是一个喜欢为电影落泪的人,感觉那样太矫情,但看过这部影片后,我却鼻子发酸。 这是一部根据发生在日本的一个真实故事改编的。影片讲述了一只叫八公的秋田犬在快递过程中被遗失并偶遇男主人公帕克教授。每天早上八公都会送教授去车站,然后就自行回家,下午5点再准时的去车站等教授一起回家,可是突然有一天,八公怎么都不肯跟着教授出门,因为要上班,教授还是出门了,着急的八公叼了一个球追着教授去车站。

第一次也是唯一一次,八公肯叼球了,教授因此很高兴,但八公不肯回家,还赖着教授要一起玩,教授终于还是上了车。八公跑到站台上,看着火车在自己眼前一点点变小、消失,眼里流露出难过的哀伤。 教授的日本好友健以前和教授说过一句话:秋田犬会自己选择主人,认准了就从一而终,它从不叼球,除非有重要的事情要发生。是的,八公感觉到了,教授在当天授课中心脏病发作去世了。但是以后每天下午的5点,八公还是在老地方等着教授,这一等就是九年。九年,对于人来说可能只是一生的一个阶段,但对于一只犬来说,那是一生。 自始至终,影片是以一种平淡的方式来叙述故事,没有跌宕起伏的剧情,没有生离死别的场景,有的只是生活中最平常的温馨片段;没有好莱坞式的特技炫耀,没有大牌明星的华丽出场,有的只是朴实无华的真谛:所谓的忠诚,就是不要忘记你所有爱过的人。 现在,人们越来越讲究忠诚,企业要员工有忠诚度,国家要求我们对祖国忠诚。但是生活在一个纷繁复杂的世界里,我们似乎忘记了忠诚的含义。看过《忠犬八公的故事》后,或许你会得到久违的答案,就像教授的外孙最后说的:所谓忠诚,就是不要忘记你所有爱过的人。做人,一定要经得起谎言,受得起敷衍,忍得住欺骗,放得下一切。经历过年少无知的轻狂之后,我们需要成长,要学会忠诚,忠诚于那些

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