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Language Tips

1. In one’s head某人的幻觉

--Don’t think so. It’s just in your head, I think he loves you. 别瞎想了,我想他是爱你的。

2. In the house在现场

-- We’re in the house, we can start.

3. X marks the spot. 就在这儿

4. Give sb creep ----make sb uncomfortable, uneasy, etc.


5. Creepy---恶心的,紧张的,不舒服的

’t breath

-----you don’t believe how attractive you are! You take my breath away.

7. pleased as punch 打卡机,use上班打卡punch in ( means welcome to your office and have a nice day),下班打卡punch out (means thanks for your hard work), pleased as punch means very happy just like punch in and punch out.

----I’m just pleased as punch.

----I’d be pleased as punch to come with you.

8. You'll receive a whipping if you keep doing that. 如果你还一直那样的话我就要打你屁屁了。

9. Behave. 规矩点。

10.To top up就是给手机或者公共交通卡充值public travel card

----A: My mobile phone is out of credit.

B: Here, use mine. I topped up my phone this morning.

11. I want to pee-pee(小便).我想尿尿。Pee-pee 是小孩才会用的,pee-pee 相对的就是 "poo-poo",也就是儿语中"上大号"的意思

12. Do you want to go to the potty?你要上厕所吗? Potty 就是那种给小孩专用的便壶

13. He wet his cloth.他把他的衣服尿湿了。换尿布 (diaper)。 "尿床"其实就是 wet one's bed。

14. Do I have to sign a twelve-month lease?我要签十二个月的租约吗?


清真食品 Halal food

原味酸奶 plain yogurt

疲劳驾驶 fatigue driving / drows ...

酒后驾车 drunk driving

.Trophy Wife 花瓶一样的老婆

An attractive, young wife married to a usually older, affluent man.


17. keep a straight face强忍着不笑 (就是说强忍着,不让自己笑出声或者是露出笑脸来,即使觉得十分滑稽可笑。)

.Hot desk 公用办公桌---hot desk is a new expression that means to share a desk or office space

19. Well your carbon footprint is the impact you make on the planet from your use of energy.

Carbon 碳. 碳足迹就是指一个人的能源意识和行为对自然界产生的影响。

20. Nanny这个词是女保姆的意思,manny就是男保姆的意思

当我们去那种人很多的地方办事时,例如去银行、或是去户政机关办事,通常需要先取一张号码条或是领一张号码牌,等轮到你时他们会叫你。这个"取号、拿号码牌"的动作就叫 "Take a number." To get my driver's license, I had to take a number and waited until my number was called." (为了拿到我的驾照,我必须先拿号码牌等他们叫我的号码。) 注意"号码牌"老美就管它叫 number,而这种发号码牌的系统也有个非常人性化的名字就叫take-a-number system

“premarital sex”指的就是“婚前性行为”。“pre-tax”(税前的)、“preadolescent”(青春期前的)和“precollege”(进大学前的、大学预科的),婚前性行为”还可以用“sex before marriage 23. pull no punches毫无保留, 说话很直接. Tell me what you thought of my acting. Don't pull any punches.说说你觉得我演得怎么样,不要有所保留啊。

啃老族”指既没有上学也没有就业或接受职业技能培训但必须依靠父母养活的青年人。在英国英语中,“NEET”指啃老族的一员,“NEET group”指啃老族群体。“NEET”是“Not Currently Engaged in Education, Employment or Training ”或“Not in Education,Employment or Training”的缩略语。美国英语则称之为“boomerang child/kid”

25. live on sth.后面要跟sth,不跟sb;而live off sth. Or sb.后面可以跟sb或sth,意思分别是“靠什么人养活”和“靠什么活着”

26. run off at the mouth喋喋不休、说话没完没了、滔滔不绝,还可以说某人“have a motor mouth ----Ms. Rosario was running off at the mouth again about the kids playing basketball in her backyard.-罗萨里奥太太又在喋喋不休地说孩子在她家后院打篮球的事了

Raise an eyebrow”就被用来表示“让人大吃一惊、目瞪口呆”了。注意啦,这里的“an”可以用“many an”和“quite a few”之类的词来替换,表示让很多人大吃一惊。西方人在惊讶的时候是挑起眉毛的

----It raised quite a few eyebrows when Sara showed up with her hair dyed purple and green.萨拉把她的头发染成了紫色和绿色,让很多人大吃一惊

28. like a duck in thunder 形容惊慌失措

----He stands there like a duck in thunder.他站在那,惊慌失措

英语中奇数叫“odd number”,偶数叫“even number”.

30. 发帖子”已经成为网络语言,专指在网络论坛上就一个主题发表意见,展开讨论。英语可翻译为“open/post a new topic”。


-----I'll stand here till the cows come home unless you pay me back the money I lent you.除非你把借我的钱还我,要不然我会一直站在这。
