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短语Units 1-2来自1. be from

用英语2. in English

在同一个班级3. in the same class

看起来不同4. look different

来自5. come from

在不同的年级6. in different grades

看起来像7. look like

看起来一样8. look the same

把某物给某人9. give sth to sb

朝……看10. look at

穿黄色衣服11. in yellow

恤衫in a white T-shirtT12. 穿一件白色的帮助某人做某事13. help sb do sth有相同的相

貌14. have the same looks购物15. go shopping起立16. stand up做蛋糕17. make a cake坐

下18. sit down在那儿19. over there给某人买东西20. get sb sth短语一Unit 35

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相聚1. get together讲汉语2. speak Chinese帮助某人某事3. help sb with

sth课后4. after class互相5. each other互相学习6. learn from one another

住在英国7. live in England在信中8. in the letter想要做某事9. want to do

sth十分,很10. very much一点也不,根本不at all11. not…在家12. at home一点点13. a

little英语角14. English corner简称15. for short对……是有帮助的16. be helpful to请

随便;别拘束17. make oneself at home到家18. be home进来19. come in坐下;就座20. have

a seat短语二Unit 3在医院1. in a hospital在农场2. on a farm我的一张全家福

3. a photo of my family5

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家谱4. family tree和某人一起住5. live with sb照看;照顾6. look after

随便吃(喝)些……7. help oneself to sth想要8. would like记下某人点的菜's order9. take one一些喝的东西10. something to drink稍等11. wait a moment出去吃饭12. eat out吃

晚饭13. have dinner一杯14. a glass of对某人友好15. be kind to sb比如16. such as高

兴做某事17. be glad to do sth没问题。18. No problem.好主意。19. Good idea.给你。20. Here

you are.短语一Unit 4玩得开心;获得乐趣1. have fun试穿2. try on认为3. think of考虑4. think about虽然这样;尽管如此5. all the same好的6. all


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购物单7. shopping list购物;逛街8. do some shopping一双;一对9. a pair

of帮助某人10. help sb out跑过去11. run over to捡起;买12. pick up一些13. a few别

着急。别担心。't worry.14. Don去野餐15. go for a picnic有空16. be free告诉某人某事

17. tell sb about sth忘记去做某事18. forget to do sth钓鱼19. go fishing不得不20. have

to短语二Unit 4放风筝1. fly a kite没时间2. have no time提水3. carry

water唱首歌4. sing a song出去5. go out想要做某事6. would like to do sth 对……说;和……通话7. speak to在家8. be in叫某人做某事9. ask sb to do sth5

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回打电话给某人10. call sb back购物11. go shopping捎个口信12. take a message一点半13. half past one下一次14. next time回家15. go home起床16. get up在某人回家的路上'on one17. s way home

去上学18. go to school

去睡觉19. go to bed

在晚上20. at night


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