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调节adjust (to) 酒alcohol 为……留出allow

踝ankle 服务员attendant 情况简介briefing

机舱cabin 咖啡因caffeine 诊所clinic

委员会commission 进行conduct 使痉挛cramp

狭小的cramped 有效的effective 确保ensure

发现finding 补助金grant 卫生hygiene

视察inspection 调查,研究investigation 减轻lessen

躺lie 温和的mild 将……减到最少minimise

发生occur 模式pattern 药丸(片) pill

怀孕的pregnant 私人的private 比率rate

显示reveal 颤抖shiver 小组squad

步骤step 静止的still 受痛苦suffer

充足的sufficient 肿胀的swollen 解决tackle

最新的up-to-date 静脉vein 病毒virus


It is difficult for the old man to a _d _j _u _s _t (调节) to city life. adjust

The flight a _t _t _e _n _d _a _n _t (服务员) was very kind to the old man. attendant Before the meeting, let me give you a b _r _i _e _f _i _n _g (情况简介) . briefing He works at a c _l _i _n _i _c (诊所) in a community. clinic

They gave her a grant to study a _b _r _o _a _d (国外) for one year. abroad

We should learn how to c _o _n _d _u _c _t (引导) a meeting. conduct

His teaching was not very e _f _f _e _c _t _i _v _e (有效的) . effective

I can't e _n _s _u _r _e (确保) that he will be there in time. ensure

The first s _t _e _p (步) will be to get a job in some office. step

This is a p _r _i _v _a _t _e (私人的) conversation. private

1. A d is a building where people go to receive medical advice.

2. A d is an amount of money that a government gives to a person.

3. If something d , it becomes smaller in size, or degree.

4. A d person is gentle and does not get angry easily.

5. If you d something, you make it seem smaller than it really is.

6. When something d , it happens.

7. A d is the repeated way in which something is done.

8. To d something means to make people aware of it.

9. When you d , your body shakes slightly because you are cold or frightened.

10. If you d pain, you feel it in your body or in your mind.

参考答案:clinic<|>grant<|>lessens<|>mild<|>minimize<|>occurs<|>pattern<|>reveal<|>shiver<|>suf fer

How did you adjust _______? B1140103

He was deeply _______ by the film. B1140202

They _______ that they would get the prize. B1140304

The accident was under _______ . B1140401

The prince was _______ by 10 percent. B1140503

He _______ in bed yesterday because he was ill. B1140602

May I have it for my _______ ? B1140702

He is suffering _______ l糖尿病diabetes l0 . B1140804

Tell me the _______ news about her. B1141002

He doesn't talk a lot and he is a _______ person. B1141101

"The investigation conducted by the Commission for Health Improvement found that _________." B1220101

"From the passage, we learn the Commission for Health Improvement plans to

_________." B1220202

"The hygiene conditions in British hospitals are worse than ever before because these hospitals are being cleaned by __________." B1220301

According to your prediction, what will the next paragraph most probably deal with? B1220404

What's the central idea of this passage? B1220501

What does the word "sufficient" mean in line 2 in paragraph 2? B1230101

"Jet Lag" means __________. B1230202

Which of the following might be best filled in blank? B1230303

Which of the following might be the best answer to be put in blank? B1230402

What's the purpose of this piece of writing? B1230503

1. Private companies are cleaning 80% of the hospital.

2. The hospitals were much cleaner when public employees were cleaning them.

3. Hit squads are cleaning these public hospitals.

4. The government is giving a £1 million grant to one hospital.

5. People are blaming the high rate of infection on hygiene conditions.

6. Doctors in a Glasgow hospital were treating patients for a virus infection.



1、Four out of five hospitals are being cleaned by private companies.

2、The hospitals used to be much cleaner when they were being cleaned by public employees.

3、The 40 public hospitals are now being cleaned by special 'hit squads'.

4、One hospital is being given a £1 million grant by the government.