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题目: 便携式人体生理指标智能检测系统

院系名称:电气工程学院专业班级:测控1002 学生姓名:学号:


2014年 5月 9日






Title Portable physiological index detector


Currently, due to China 's accelerated aging , the number of China 's old people becoming more and more large , for the elderly, the needs of health care is the biggest problem , but now the most important problem is that the elderly can not know in real time the body's own physiological indicators ,usually once in a while to a medical hospital,But with the increasing of age,the onset of some diseases are very fast,for some diseases occured in a very short of time,we can not notice the family or the hospital timely,then there wil be a serious consequences.for example,when the elder people doing some exercise,due to excessive movement mutations cause heart disease.

For the above situations,This paper designed a portable physiological index detector system,The detection system uses a hierarchical, modular design.the sensors collect the dates,then microcontroller analysis the date,Set thresholds of the indicators by software programming,useing the LCD1604 to display the numbers,and we can use PCB to make the volume as small as possible.System is highly integrated, stable, simple circuit, high precision, easy debugging,the systemhas highly practical value,The other part is to communicate via GPRS module SIM900A.the sensors detact the unnormal date,the the MCU orderd SIM900A to call the proset phone number or send the text message to notice the family or the hospital timely and then treat the patients.achieve the function of detect and control.

Key words: Physiological indicators;DS18B20;HK-2000A;AT1604;GPRS ND-3


摘要.................... 错误!未定义书签。Abstract ................................. II 1 绪论.. (1)

1.1 选题背景 (1)

1.2 选题的现实意义 (2)

1.3 国内外相关研究现状 (2)

1.4 设计内容 (2)

2 系统设计 (3)

2.1 系统的软件设计 (3)

2.2 硬件设计 (3)

2.2.1 方案设计 (3)

2.2.2 电路设计 (5)

2.2.3 版图设计 (12)

2.3 系统仿真 (13)

2.3.1 protues仿真软件介绍 (13)

2.3.2 protues仿真绘图步骤 (14)

2.3.3 仿真版图设计与运行 (14)

3 硬件实现 (16)

3.1 实物搭建 (16)

3.1.2 集成式脉搏传感器HK-2000A .. 18

3.1.3 温度传感器DS18B20 (19)

3.1.4 微震动传感器ND-3 (20)

3.1.5 SIM900A无线通信模块 (20)

3.1.7 LCD显示 (21)

3.1.8 完整实物 (21)

3.2 测试结果及分析 (21)

结论 (22)

致谢 (23)

参考文献 (24)