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(引发了一连串笑话) 10. A master of word play creates fun by using the double meaning of word.
( 通过利用单词的双重意思) 11. The famous sports editor wrote a letter to encourage me to keep up the good work.
( 鼓励我再接再厉) 12. As parents, we are first teachers to our children because they will copy our example . (他们会 效仿我们)
13. I have been in frequent contact with parents because I make a habit of calling once every week. (因为养成习惯每周给他们打一次电话) 14. Bill Gates is an important figure in the information age, who is credited for promoting computers’ use. (他对推广电脑的使用功不可没) 15. In order to encourage their confidence, the teachers attach importance to writing uplifting notes to students. (重视给学生写留言鼓劲) 16. Positive reinforcement will bring warmth and reassurance and turn around a life. (扭转人生) 17 The TV station that reported his brave act was flooded with letters of praise.
28. Girls normally behave well in class because they want to be approved of for obedience to rules. (守规矩受人赞许) 29. A good manager should have a fair understanding of his staff and assign tasks in accordance with their ability.(根据他们的能力布置任务) 31. We should encourage students to develop their intellectual curiosity and pursue their ideas.
48. We are sometimes held up to high standards so we are nervous that we don’t measure up to expectations. (不符人们的期望)
49. We should have a discussion before we can decide that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages or vice versa 利大于弊
35. Parents has a role to play; It is all up to them to involve children in decision-making. 全看他们让孩子参与决策
36. By its nature, humor crosses conventional boundaries and breaks patterns. (从本质上看) 37. We should cancel all the rules and regulations that no longer apply to market economy.
24. Even those teacher who claim to be impartial show a subconscious bias against girl students. 对女生表现出下意识的偏见
25. He was appointed as the general manager and took over the company’s business. 接管了公司业务
( 依然表现出旺盛的生命力) 8. Why her mysterious story is entertaining lies in its surprise ending .
(在于出人意外的结局) 9. His story of making fun of the English teacher triggered a string of jokes.
(追求自己的想法) 32. The benefits of an invention reach beyond the inventor’s country and is shared by the whole world.(不局限于发明者本国) 33. The lesson we have learned from global warming is we should not sacrifice environment for development. (不能牺牲环境换取发展) 34. Our task is to make market surveys and give back information.
22. The leader promised us to incorporate our opinion into the plan. (在计划中采纳我们的意见)
23 There is a tendency to favor boys over girls in Chinese rural areas. 重男轻女
42. I often get myself into trouble because I like to what is on my mind. 心里有什么就说什么
43. It is not your decision to make whether you are a role model or not. 你说了不算
26. The influence of childhood experiences carries over into adulthood. 延续到成年。
27. The educational system has an important role to play in promoting social values and turn out students accordingly .
1、Superstars enjoy the privilege of being the focus of attention wherever they go. (成为关注的焦 点)
2. The bottle of medicine should be placed beyond the reach of children (儿童够不着的地方)
38. By its nature, creativity is a matter of using resources to produce original ideas. 系关利用资源
39. We assume that creativity is characteristic of high intelligence. 高智商的特征
5பைடு நூலகம் People who lack self-confidence are sensitive to criticism. (对批评很敏感)
6. Cartoonists are believed to be born with a sense of humor, and they are quick to recognize funny things in daily life . (生来有幽默感) 7. Despite the popularity of modern forms of entertainment, traditional Beijing Opera is still alive and well.
44. Like it or not, you are a role model;children will follow your lead whatever you do. 小孩会跟风
45. I try to avoid the public when I am in a bad mood. 心情不佳
50. It is fine to make fun of each other for relaxation but remember not to take it too far. (不要 太过分)
51. Persistence is essential for success; you can accomplish nothing on the strength of enthusiasm. 凭借热情
3. Since the joy of laughing at a funny story is universal, humor appeals to people in all walks of life. ( 对各行各业的人都具有吸引力)
4. We informed them of relevant risks in advance so that they would be well prepared. (提前让他们知道相关的风险)
20. The government department carried out an investigation into the problem and followed it up with a solution.
进而提出了解决方案。 21. In the process of growing up, we learn details of gender roles that are culturally patterned.(在 成长的过程中)
(收到潮水般的赞扬信) 18. Praise is a kind of expectation, and so it can be a little ahead of reality.
19. The Chinese people are modest and shy away from the practice of self-praise that is common among the Americans.
46. You couldn't accept all honor without giving of yourself to the community. 而不付出
47. Since people look up to sports stars as if we they are perfect,is it any wonder some of them deny being role models? 难怪
52. Be well prepared for real life because you will step out of school only to face all manner of challenges. (就会面临各种挑战)
53. Some people like extreme sports although they run the risk of losing their lives. (冒着丧 生的危险)