牛津上海版英语七年级第一学期Final Examination (A)

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2. The bus stop is only a few blocks from here. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence ?A ./bləʊks/

B ./blɒks/

C ./blʊks/

D ./blɔ: ks/

3. Add some water___________ the dough, or it will be dry.A .from

B .with

C .to

D .of

4. Doctor Johnson suggests Tom should eat ___________vegetables and less meat.A .more

B .fewer

C .less

D .many

【小题5】I'm looking for something to_________/`dekəreɪt/my Christmas tree.

【小题4】I like watching some_________/kɑː`tu: nz/at weekends.

【小题3】It's cooler today. Please pass me the_________/`blæŋkɪt/.【小题2】Peter and the driver were seriously_________/hɜːt/in the accident.【小题1】Our neighbourhood is very beautiful and_________/`pi: sfl/ Complete the sentences according to the given phonetic transcriptions (根据所给音标完成句子):1.一、根据音标写单词


牛津上海版英语七年级第一学期Final Examination (A)

5. A good diet habit and enough sleep can help us stay ___________.

A.healthily B.healthy C.sincerely D.sincere

6. The bed in Ben's bedroom is ___________than the one in Kitty's.

A.big B.bigger C.biggest D.the biggest

7. This afternoon,Tom ate three___________.

A.packet of crisp B.packets of crisp

C.packet of crisps D.packets of crisps

8. If you don't go camping next Sunday,___________.

A.so will I B.so do I C.neither will I D.neither do I

9. It looks like raining. You needn't water the flowers in the garden___________.

A.no more B.any more C.no much D.any much

10. He doesn't like rice dumplings. He ___________have some biscuits.

A.would rather B.had better C.would like D.would prefer

11. Tom's classmates haven't ___________him since he went to Australia last month.

A.heard B.heard about C.heard of D.heard from


12. —___________ uniform is yours?—The one with the short sleeves.A .What

B .Whose

C .Which

D .Where

13. ___________really hard, and you can realize your dream of becoming an astronaut.A .Works

B .To work

C .Working

D .Work

14. —Shall we go out for a walk?—___________A .Sounds great.

B .That's all right.

C .No, thanks.

15. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once (将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次):

A .with

B .without

C .stand

D .unc

omf orta ble

E .habits

F .surprised

G .directions H. a lot

Dear Mum and Dad,

It was a great idea to send me over to Britain to learn English this summer. I've met so many students from Sweden, France and other countries.The family I live with are very nice. But they have some strange 【小题1】.They drink tea all day: at breakfast, in the afternoon and at bedtime. And th ey eat butter 【小题2】salt in it! If I go out in the evening, I often eat fish and chips. The food is always wrapped up (包)in a newspaper.

Here on the coast, we travel by bus. I was knocked down by an old lady the other day because I didn't 【小题3】in the queue, and she hit me over the h ead with her handbag. English people seem very quiet. If we make a noise on the bus, they look 【小题4】. So I was very surprised to see how violent (粗暴的)they become about queues.

Most English people only talk about the weather. They have 【小题5】to talk about rain, wind, and sometimes fog. Also, if you ask them 【小题6】, th ey suddenly become very chatty and go on for hours. I'd like to come back next year to see all my friends here and to learn some British English.

Your loving son,Hans

D .Yes, we shall.