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2011年12 月20 日

Guangsha College of Harbin University of Commerce

Term Thesis

Hope and Free - On the Theme of Shawshank Redemption

Student Cheng Lei

Supervisor Wanglixin

Specialty English Major Class 1

School School of Foreign Languages

December 20, 2011

Hope and Freedom - On the Theme of

Shawshank Redemption

The story may sound simple, but the truth behind the words is remarkable. When some people heard the name of the film first time, most of them considered the Sh awshank to be a man’ name, but in fact it is a jail’s name - a hell in the world. Not only for the inhumanity of the jailors - they behaved brutally; but also for the jail gnawed at people’ heart by keeping them waiting and waiting as life passed. It seeme d that only those utterly worthless people who gave up everything could survive. That’s where the story happened.

“Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.” When Andy Dufresne puts it in such a quiet way, my heart ache because of it. Have you ever felt that way about hope? Hope is the only thing in the wild world not carved out of gray stone. Hope is a small place inside of us anyone can never lock away. That is what I’ve learnt from an excellent movie The Shawshank Redem ption.

The story begins in 1947, when Andy Dufresne, a city banker, is wrongfully convicted of his wife and her lover. He is sent to Shawshank prison and receives a double life sentence for the crime. In shawshank, Andy forms an extraordinary friendship with Red, a man who knows how to get things from the outside. Andy gets a 5 inches long rockhammer and a huge poster from Red, by which he secretly puts his pipedream into practice. After 20 years digging, Andy tunnels through the prison wall. Then he crawls 500 yards through the sewer and gets out into a ditch near the field beyond the ground of Shawshank, with no equipment, no one knows.

On the first viewing, it’s the story of Andy and his struggle to maintain hope despite his circumstances. However, this is really a movie about Red and his struggle to find meaning and purpose. It seems that we are more or less similar with Red, because we’ve got used to the gray walls around us, which stand for routine, and then more routine. If one day, these walls dessolve away, we’ll be afraid instead of free. We’re afraid of not being ruled? That sounds ridiculous, but we actually are! Fortunately, when Red is faced with the same situation as we are, because of Andy, he can find a different path—the path of freedom that is lit by hope.

Sometimes, we feel many things have let us down and don’t hope for the good anymore. But I have to say, suffering is not always a bad thing. Suffering produces perseverance, character, and character, hope. If we can see hope through all the hardship, nothing’s gonna stop us marching towards victory!

“Fear can hold you prisoner, hope can set you free.” this is a sentence written on the poster of the movie The Shawshank Redemption. It’s a movie about freedom, friendship and hope. An d the aspect that shakes me a lot is “freedom”.

What is freedom? It’s a carefree and content breath under the sun. To us, it just like air, so ordinary that you can’t imagine what it will be when you lose it. But to those prisoners, especially those who w ould live there all their lives, it’s a precious happiness out of reach. Andy finally got rid of Shawshank, what made his redemption come true? Maybe his aspiration after freedom, his believing of hope!

What is freedom? It’s that blue sky above the prisoners in the wall; it’s Andy’s pure blue eyes where hope revealed; it’s the vision that the prisoners sitting on the roof drinking beers; it’s the little jack that Norton fed flew out of the window; it’s “Le Nozze de Figaro” flying over the roof of heaven in the prison; it’s the arms Andy stretch out in the lightning day; it’s the ocean the heaven the cockleboat…

Freedom isn’t always a good thing especially when it comes to Brooks who was discharged from prison and committed suicide in his room. “Brooks was here”- it turned me to a deep think, it’s not a death of a person but a death of individuality and mentality “These walls are kind of funny like that. First you hate them, and then you get used to them. Enough time passed, get so you depend on them. That's institutionalized.” When freedom comes so suddenly, it may lose its glary and even become a murderer. Because if there is no support from life, no meanings of survive, then freedom will become an even bigger prison to you.

Freedom can linger on in a steadily worsening condition relying on compromise, but can be gained by compromise. Freedom may be glary, but darkness is its premise. Andy got his freedom through a 500 yard cesspool, although it’s rough and humiliated, it had the support of faith then showed the luster that it should have.

The movie gives me a invisible strength, it let me know what the most precious things in a person’s life. When we face frustration, embarrassment and defeat, shall we be depressed or struggle, persist in or give up, cease all activities or try our best, The Shawshank Redemption give us a clear answer.

Life is what? Get busy living or get busy dying.

Hope is the chief happiness the world affords. Hope encourages people to keep fighting for dreams, freedom and dignity. Hope helps people to appreciate the beauty of life. “He once is born, that is die.” Everyone is the same. The only difference is whether you get a busy living or a busy dying. Remember we aren’t the birds that meant to be caged, when we spread our wings an d fly away, we’ll appreciate the trembling of the heart, the singing of the mind, the flying of the soul and the hope to be free.


《肖申克的救赎》影评 “Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies. 希望是美好的,也许是人间至善,而美好的事物永不消逝” Red如是说 再老的电影总是有新观众的。从片子的色彩画质不难看出它已经有些年头了,情节的节奏很慢,所以耗时也长有2个小时之多。 都说《肖申克的救赎》是一部经典。那什么是经典?我个人认为经典的东西,是能够触动人们心中的一篇柔软,又不会随着时间的流逝而褪色的东西。 《肖》作为一部越狱片,其越狱的方式令很多人吐槽不已。确实,从现实角度来讲,安迪的越狱方式不具备指导意义,如果不是主角光环,成功性也非常值得怀疑。当然这部影片之所以成为经典绝不是其越狱的方式,而是在于体现人类灵魂的精华,给了我们一些很美丽的人生观。而人生不正是有着美好的事物支撑着,才能够在艰辛中活下去的吗? 自制。一只盛怒的动物会不计后果地发动进攻,但是人类不同。安迪能在盛怒之下依然能够选择扔掉手枪。人类会为长远的事情考虑,控制自己目前的情绪和需求,即使无法原谅他人,至少也要宽恕自己,这是人类的灵魂精华之一。 心灵的自由。禁闭室可以禁锢安迪的肉体,但禁闭室能够禁止安迪得到救赎的渴望吗?一个精神饱满的人,是可以渡过别人无法渡过的苦难的。当安迪看着狱友们在房顶上喝啤酒的时候,他是自由的。心灵的自由是人类灵魂的精华之二。 独立的灵魂。人的灵魂其实是很不稳定的东西。一个看似温文尔雅的人,他的性格可能因为长期受到压抑而变成杀人狂。一个好父亲好老公好邻居好公民,经不住魔鬼的诱惑,一样可以成为魔鬼的使徒。人要如何坚守自己的灵魂呢?事实上,人的灵魂很容易被权力,压力,势力,财力诸如此类的东西影响,失去自己的独立性。体制化,就是其中很好的一个例子。在监狱这么一个充满黑暗和痛苦的地方,有多少人能够坚持自己独立的灵魂,而不被环境这个大染缸熏黑呢?灵魂的独立性,是人类灵魂的精华之三。 美丽而饱满的灵魂。如果没有一个美丽的灵魂,即使灵魂有独立性,有自由性,又如何能够活出美丽的人生?一个空虚的灵魂里能够安放得下欲望吗?他不畏典狱长播放唱片,坚持写信要求图书与拨款的这样事情来看,他的内心必定有很多美丽的东西。多看多读美丽的作品,从中感受世界的美丽,正义,智慧,亲情,友情,爱情,善良,谦逊……不能肯定地说邪恶与美丽相伴就会被美丽熏陶。如果读到了黑暗的作品,则应该在黑暗中自我反省,思考人类的原罪。这是人类灵魂的精华之四。 It takes a strong man to save himself, and a great man to save another. 译文:坚强的人只能救赎自己,伟大的人才能拯救他人 ——斯蒂芬·金

电影 《肖申克的救赎》 鉴赏

自我救赎和救赎他人 《肖申克的救赎》:对人性的深层思考 胡卫东 【摘要】:1994年发行的电影《肖申克的救赎》讲述的是一个蒙冤入狱的银行家在经过20年漫漫的监狱生涯后成功越狱的故事.虽然它遇到了强劲的竞争对手《阿甘正传》而没能在1 995年奥斯卡颁奖中折桂,但是上映十几年来它感染了一批又一批的电影观众,被许多人视之为必看的励志影片之一。解读电影中的隐喻,可以唤起人们对自身在现代社会发展中价值取向和奋斗目标的思考。 一、故事梗概 故事发生在1947年,银行家安迪被指控枪杀死了妻子和她的情人而被判无期徒刑,被送往肖申克监狱并将在监狱中度过余生。安迪在狱中结识了瑞德,两人成为好朋友。瑞德是肖申克监狱中的。权威人物”,他通过秘密通道能搞到任何你想要的东西:香烟、糖果、酒,甚至是大麻。安迪请瑞德帮他搞的第一件东西是一把小鹤嘴锄,用来雕刻以便消磨时光,并说他自己想办法逃过狱方的例行检查。不久,瑞德就玩上了安迪雕刻的国际象棋。之后,安迪又搞了一幅电影女明星丽塔·海华丝的巨幅海报贴在了牢房的墙上。一次,安迪和几个犯人外出劳动,无意间听到监狱官海德利抱怨继承遗产不得不交税的事。安迪说他有办法可以使监狱官合法地免去继承遗产的一大笔税金,作为交换,他为几名狱友每人争得了两瓶Tiger啤酒。由于安迪精通财务及税务方面的知识,很快他摆脱了狱中繁重的体力劳动和其他变态囚犯的骚扰而调至图书馆工作。不久,声名远扬的安迪开始为越来越多的狱警处理税务问题,甚至为狱警的孩子的升学提供建议。同

时安迪也逐步成为肖申克监狱长诺顿洗钱的重要工具。由于安迪不停地写信给外I议院,终于为监狱申请到了一笔资金用于监狱图书馆的建设。安迪在监狱里的生活似乎过得平静而有意义。但这时一个年轻犯人汤米的到来打破了安迪平静的狱中生活,他以前在另一所监狱服刑时听到过安迪的案子,他知道谁是真凶!但当安迪向监狱长提出要求重新审理此案时,却遭到了断然拒绝,并受到了单独禁闭2个月的严重惩罚。为了防止安迪获释,监狱长不惜设计害死了知情人!每天都在用那把小鹤嘴锄挖洞,然后用海报将洞口遮住。安迪出狱后,领走了部分监狱长存的黑钱,并告发了监狱长贪污受贿的真相。瑞德获释后,在橡树下找到了一盒现金,他用这笔钱离开了美国,两个老朋友终于在墨西哥阳光明媚的海滨重逢了。 二、自我救赎 如果说肖申克监狱对安迪的拯救,是使他在艰难的处境下努力改造自己,那么,安迪的最终自由,则是他对自我的救赎。我们可以看到影片中的安迪,沉默寡言,然而却有着善良的微笑和坚毅的眼神。刚入狱不久,他设法从无所不能的瑞德那里买到了一个鹤嘴锄,开始实施他的越狱计划。在监狱老手瑞德的眼中,安迪是那么的与众不同,他的神态他的举止都不同于其他的犯人,在犯人放风的大操场上,安迪闲庭漫步,如同在自家的后花园一样悠闲自在。安迪的这种气质是与生俱来的,他平和的心态也是与生俱有的,只是经过了监狱生活的磨砺,他更加懂得了自由的可贵。他平静如湖水,深的让人看不到底,你可以说那是智慧,一个有大智慧的人往往可以直面人生的挫折。但笔者认为,安迪之所以平静的生活,是因为他心中有希望。只有心存希望的人,面对绝境才不会轻易绝望,哪怕身陷黑暗的泥淖,依然可以在心中燃起希望的火苗。只因有希望,他才会在苦难中保持着优雅自信的微笑。帮狱警海利避税是安迪成功的第一步。安迪帮海利出主意,说是把财产赠予妻子就可免于缴税,安造成功了,为一起干活的狱友们赢得了每人三瓶啤酒。在上午十点的阳光下,大家坐在屋顶上,喝着冰镇啤酒,那种感觉,就像在自家屋顶上一样。瑞德说得好:“你可以说安迪是在讨好狱 警,或者说想赢得狱友们的友谊,但我觉得他只是想享受失去了的自由,哪怕仅此一刻。”是啊,看着安迪那舒心的微笑,那一刻,你会由衷的感到自由是一件


The discussion on I think this movie is very meaningful. I like it very much. You must think so too. You must all have a lot to say. But according to what we have appointed, I’m the Chair, so please let me show you my opinion first. The story begins with the trial of a young banker, Andy Dufrense, victimized by circumstantial evidence, resulting in a conviction for the murder of his wife and her lover. After a quick conviction, Andy finds himself serving a life sentence at Shawshank prison, with no hope of parole. He exists in this prison only in appearance, keeping his mind free from the drab walls around him. His ability to do this results in the gaining of respect from his fellow inmates, but most of all from Ellis Redding. Ellis, commonly referred to as Red, finds gainful use of his entrepreneurial spirit within the drab walls of Shawshank by dealing in contraband and commodities rare to the confines of prison. Andy\'s demeanor and undeniable sense of hope causes Red to take a deeper look at himself, and the world around him. Andy proves to Red and the other inmates that in the conventional walls of Shawshank prison convention will find no home in his lifestyle. As far as I’m concerned, this movie shows us three things: freedom, friendship, and hope. If we take a movie as a novel, then


《肖申克的救赎》是一部好莱坞式的剧情片,表面上看平淡无奇,它主要讲年轻有为的银行家安迪因被指控谋杀妻子和情夫而错判锒铛入狱。为了自救,在雪耻信念的支撑下,他以超越常人想象的毅力:在20年内,用一把鹤嘴锤,挖通了“瑞德发誓得挖上600年”的迈向自由世界之路。不过,深入剖析影片后,我们不难发现,影片中对于不同人物的刻画、环境氛围的预置、场景的切换以及表演道具的恰当使用等,无不在用隐喻及多元叙事的方式,向银幕前的观众传递更加富有内涵而深层的文化意蕴,引发观众的沉思。 一、影片的叙事技巧 电影叙事学源于电影符号学,依托文学的叙事方式与概念,突出对影片的叙述结构进行内在性与抽象性的解读。[1]电影叙事学不但关注电影表意维度,而且关注电影的叙述技巧。电影《肖申克的救赎》通过隐喻与多元叙述技巧,为我们呈现了一场美学的盛宴。 (一)隐喻手段的使用――一张体制之网的捆缚 隐喻是以抽象的方式呈现所要表达的意思,它通常是借助寓言或历史等方式,使人们对事物的本质进行“全景式”的认识与了解。电影借助隐喻手段,使艺术作品的主旨很好地呈现在观众面前。影片中监狱的高墙把罪犯与外面的世界隔离开来,创设了一个黑白分明、正邪两立的叙事场域。由监狱长、狱警与囚犯共同构成的这个罪恶的世界,并以一种隐喻的方式呈现出主人公安迪生存的场域。依照福柯理论,监狱的运行也必须依照管理机构的官僚化,它必定对每个人的所有方面――日常行为、劳动能力、身体训练、精神状态、道德态度……――全面担责。它对犯人施加一种完全绝对的权力。它具有压迫和惩罚的内在机制,实行一种专制纪律。[2]在这种体制下,个体的人如同陷入了一张编织好的大网,越挣扎越被捆缚。监狱在影片中已经隐喻成为了令人窒息的一种体制,而监狱的高墙已经隐喻为体制化的“执行者”,深陷其中的人是无比渺小的,时间一点点将个人挤压、固化为体制人。当安迪在监狱中播放《费加罗的婚礼》的插曲时,整个肖申克监狱是凝固的了,此刻肖申克监狱中的众囚徒仿佛自由回归。老犯人布鲁克的一生证明了这一点,在狱中度过了半个世纪的布鲁克已经彻底适应这个“大网”的世界。可以说,这个世界构成了他的一切。在布鲁克的眼中,高墙外的世界是陌生而又令人恐惧的。当迈出狱门后,肉体获得了自由,但灵魂仍被体制所羁绊。他无法面对新生活,只能走向一种悲凉的结局――自杀。他被体制化扼杀,成为体制化的牺牲品。而安迪的狱中挚友瑞德,出狱后不经请示尿不出一滴尿的情景,似乎可以想象到他的人生走向。幸好在安迪的指引与鼓励下,瑞德破茧成蝶超越了自我。主人公正是在这样的场域中,长存自由之志,以超人的毅力和耐心硬生生的撕裂了体制化之网。狱中的安迪坚忍沉默,无时无刻不在找寻洗去不白之冤的机会。历经身体的创伤和残酷的生存环境,他凭借“忙着活”的顽强意志的支撑,逐渐赢得了狱友的信任和参与典狱长不可告人的洗钱“秘密”后,安迪进而成为图书馆管理员的助手。6年里,他坚持不懈每周向政府写信,精诚所至,金石为开,监狱获得了大量的额外捐赠和拨款,图书馆得到扩建,图书馆藏书量增加。狱友汤米对案情的偶然告知及此后招致而来的杀身之祸,这使他看透了典狱长的虚伪与残忍。在雪冤意志的引领下,他挖通高墙,揭露了典狱长的罪恶行径,沉冤昭雪,实现了身体与心灵的双重救赎。影片中虽存留着好莱坞固有的个人英雄主义的痕迹,但这并不妨碍观众对其高度的认可。 (二)多元的叙事方式――建构立体的主题话语 本影片在叙事方式上,遵循了剧情电影成熟的线性自然流淌范式。首先为身体的救赎。以主人公的自我救赎为主线:在艰辛的监狱生存场景中,活下去首当其冲,加之狱友“三姐妹”不断的进行身体骚扰、恶劣的劳动条件,如果无法适应这一切,则自我救赎则无从谈起。生存的本能,促使安迪利用监狱修缮屋顶的机会,开展户外活动;发挥自己的理财专长,爽快答应为狱官填写逃税申请,以获取身体的保护,同时,为每名一起工作狱友争得三瓶tiger 啤酒,赢得了狱友的尊重与信任。这使他的生存境遇有了巨大的转机。再次为希望的救赎。


肖申克的救赎影评英文 肖申克的救赎影评英文 I think this movie is very meaningful. I like it very much. You must think so too. You must all have a lot to say. But according to what we have appointed, I’m the Chair, so please let me show you my opinion first. The story begins with the trial of a young banker, Andy Dufrense, victimized by circumstantial evidence, resulting in a conviction for the murder of his wife and her lover. After a quick conviction, Andy finds himself serving a life sentence at Shawshank prison, with no hope of parole. He exists in this prison only in appearance, keeping his mind free from the drab walls around him. His ability to do this results in the gaining of respect from his fellow inmates, but most of all from Ellis Redding. Ellis, commonly referred to as Red, finds gainful use of his entrepreneurial spirit within the drab walls of Shawshank by dealing in contraband and commodities rare to the confines of prison. Andy\'s demeanor and undeniable sense of hope causes Red to take a deeper look at himself, and the world around him. Andy proves to Red and the other


肖申克的救赎经典台词英语版 1、I guess it comes down to a simple choice:get busy living or get busy dying. 生命可以归结为一种简单的选择:要么忙于生存,要么赶着去死。 2、These walls are kind of funny like that. First you hate them, then you get used to them. Enough time passed, get so you depend on them. That`s institution alized. 监狱里的高墙实在是很有趣。刚入狱的时候,你痛恨周围的高墙;慢慢地,你习惯了生活在其中;最终你会发现自己不得不依靠它而生存。这就是体制化。 3、Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free. A strong man can save himself. A great man can save another. 译文:懦怯囚禁人的灵魂,希望可以感受自由。强者自救,圣者渡人。 4、I have no idea to this day what those two Italian ladies were singing about. Truth is, I don’t want to know. Some things are better left unsaid.I’d like to think they were singing about somethings so beautiful,it can" t expressed in words,and it makes your heart ache because of it.I tell you, th ose voices soared higher and farther than anybody in a great place dares to dr eam. It was as if some beautiful bird had flapped into our drab little cage an d made these walls dissolve away, and for the briefest of moments, every last man is Shawshank felt free.


黑暗孤独中只有思想 真正不灭的希望在哪里。也许,仅仅只是在我们自己心里的那一念之善罢了。 当我们心存着仁慈,以平常之心去对待所有对我们公平或者不公平的事情。 不管我们遇到的是一种什么样的状况。我们总能泰然处之并且找到通往救赎的天堂之路。 ——火神纪。题记。 史蒂芬·金编剧、蒂姆·罗宾斯和摩根·弗里曼主演、弗兰克·达拉邦特执导的第一部银幕作品。在现在看来似乎都是鼎鼎大名的这些人们,在这部电影公映的1994年的时候,最著名的也许只有史蒂芬·金和摩根·弗里曼。在当年来说,这部电影不敌同年问鼎奥斯卡的《阿甘正传》也许也就不那么奇怪了。 这是一部极其轻缓的电影。我喜欢这部电影那种娓娓道来的语调以及这种大气的节奏。这种感觉似乎只能在某种伟大的作品上才能看到;比如之前说到的《阿甘正传》。最好的电影在节奏上来说似乎只有两种,类似这种轻缓的或者那种快节奏以营造紧张气氛见长的。 说这是一部不朽的电影也许一点也不夸张,就算它在奥斯卡的角逐上失利了,可是同样改变不了这种现实。至少这是一部在你看完了之后永远也不会忘记的电影。电影用第三人称的旁白描绘了肖申克监狱二三十年间所发生的所有事情,以瑞德的视角描绘了安迪的作为和因为他而得到救赎的肖申克监狱。 大量的旁白和第三人称的视角赋予了这部电影既主观而又客观的叙述角度;而不管任何一种叙述角度都好,只要运用得当其实并没有优劣之分的,可是在我的个人喜好来说,我相对比较喜欢这种叙述方式。因为很安静,一直很安静,不带半点狂躁的味道。讲述者在安静地诉说,而我在安静地倾听。这就是我所说的那种轻缓味道里最安静的味道。 而不可否认的是,这种味道和这部电影的救赎主题是如此相得益彰的。所以,是不是也可以因此说,这部电影的这种叙述方式和主题是如此统一而给了这部电影有了那种足以让人迷醉的光茫呢。至少说,这是一部把这种叙述方式运用得当并且成功的电影。 一部伟大而不朽的作品似乎只要在我们谈及某种东西的时候就能让我们立刻联想到这部作品。比如监狱、救赎、希望、努力……我们会想到这部电影。 【关键词:黑暗】 在很多人的定义里,这首先是一部嘲讽美国司法制度和狱政制度的电影。因为如果不是因为司法制度上的错判的话,安迪是不会进入肖申克监狱;而如果不是因为狱政制度上阴暗腐败的话,安迪也不会成为诺顿的洗黑钱机器也不会有了后面的整个故事。然而在我的定义里,这部电影首先定义上应该是一部有关人性黑暗以及救赎的电影,如果把它定义在司法制度和狱政制度上的讽世之作的话反正局限了这部电影本身的那种更深一层的意义而让这部电影显得肤浅了。 在我看来,不论是司法制度上的漏洞或者是狱政制度上的阴暗腐败,其根本依旧还是人性上的阴暗和贪婪。如果说,安迪的错判入狱还仅仅只是因为司法制度上的错判,那么后来安迪得到了一个推翻错误回归到自由社会的机会,可是这个机会却威胁到了典狱长诺顿的安全和洗黑钱系统的整体流程的话,那么,这个机会被诺顿的彻底扼杀就完整地体现了这种人性上的黑暗。 人性是所有一切社会规则和法规的根本。不管多健全的制度最终依旧只能靠人去操作运转,而如果操持着整个制度的人本身依旧带着贪婪的欲望去观摩这一切的时候,他们总能找


Reading Report Name of book: The Shawshank of Redemption(a short story from his sample reels named Different Seasons) Writer’s name: Stphen King who is one of the most popular thriller writers. Summary: This story happened in 1947.Andy was a banker. One day he knew that his wife was detailed, and he planned to kill her and her lover after drank so much. Finally, Andy gave up his plan. But others found that they were killed in the bed that night. Andy was arrested because he was accused to be the murder who had the reason to kill the two people, and no ones believed he was innocent. The result is that Andy had to spend the whole in Shawshank prison. Red(Ellis Boyd Redding) had been spent a long in the prison, he could get almost anything if you have enough money. The first goods Andy asked Red to buy was a hammer which used to carve, and he said he could hide it so that guards could not find. They became friends after Andy bought some goods. Once, Andy heard guards were talking about tax, and he said to them that he could help them reduce taxes illegally. As for change, they had to give him and his partners 3 bottles of beer. Red knew


The Shawshank Redemption The Shawshank Redemption is a 1994 American drama film written and directed by Frank Darabont. The first time I heard the name of the film, I considered the Shawshank to be a man’ s name, but in fact it is a jail. In 1947, a successful banker named Andrew Andy Dufresne found his wife fornicate with a baseball coach. He flew into a fury and planned to shoot them died at one night. But at last he gave up.Unfortunately, his wife and her lover died on that night so Andy was framed for murder. He is sentenced to two consecutive life sentences at Shawshank, run by Warden Samuel Norton. Andy was quickly befriended with Red.Red was also a prisoner who was able to get some small goods for the prisoners. So Andy asked him for a little hammer because he was interested in geology. He later asks Red for a full-size poster of Rita Hayworth for his wall, replacing them over the years. During manual labor, Andy overhears Captain of the Guards Byron Hadley complain about having to pay taxes on a forthcoming inheritance. Andy grabbed the opportunity and taught him a way to be exempt from taxation. Hadley accepts Andy's advice and rewards him and his friends with a brief respite and beer. Andy's accountancy expertise is soon sought by other guards at Shawshank as well as nearby prisons, and Andy is given a space to work on their financial matters under the pretense of maintaining the prison library alongside elderly inmate Brooks Hatlen . Every week Andy kept writing one letter to the government to ask for a bankroll to develop the library in Shawshank. After nearly ten years, a new library finally appeared. Unexpectedly,Andy found a disc in the library and played it.So people in Shawshank could heard it. Because of this,Andy was imprisoned alone for two weeks as penalty.However,Andy didn’t felt depressed because of the greatest thing in the world—music.With music,Andy saw a calamity and received boost. Later on, Andy knew a new prisoner called Tommy.Because of Tommy, Andy knew who was the real murderer that killed his wife. Andy immediately told the wardenry about this and innocently thought the wardenry would help him leave there. But instead, the wardenry killed Tommy. I t’s impossible for the wardenry to set free Andy who had been laundering money for the wardenry for a long time.Without Andy,the wardenry wouldn’t have all this things. At this moment, everything seemed to be over. Unexpectedly, Andy escaped from Shawshank at a night with thunderstorm, which is the climax of the movie. The stone wall which Red asserted wouldn’t be dug through even with six hundred years was dug through by Andy in two decades. He kept digging with that little hammer at night, the sound of which was mistaken for the sound of carving chessmen. And the hole in the wall was covered by the huge poster of a famous actress. What impressed me most is when Andy got out of the jai. He extended his arms in front of him in the heavy rain as if he were welcoming the fresh air and the freedom.


《肖申克的救赎》观后感 这是我第二次看这部电影。其实在很早之前我都一直想看它,但是碍于各种原因一直没机会,后来终于有机会了,但却没留下任何印象。而这一次,又完全是偶然,但是却给了我不少感触,收获颇多,觉得这是一部值得再看的电影。 我看过不少写狱中生活的电影,包括《越狱》,它们所反映的狱中生活都是恐怖的代名词。这部电影也不然。但是,它除了描述邪恶之外,更多的是人的希望,激发人积极向上的思想。 无辜的银行家安迪入狱,开始时努力适应新环境,但并不和别人打交道,但是两个月后还是开始和别人打起了交道,并和瑞德等人成为好朋友,狱中生活虽然很艰苦,但是其中不乏温馨的场面,譬如,瑞德他们一群人在夕阳的余晖下享受安迪的啤酒,享受心灵上的自由...... 虽然安迪在狱中也受了不少苦,但是他从未自暴自弃。 让我很有感触的还有老布,他是监狱中看管图书馆的,也是一名罪犯,在狱中呆了大半辈子,最终获假释时却不想出去。瑞德分析他是制度化了,在狱中他是有地位的,但是出去后他什么都干不了,更何况双手又有关节炎。所以,出狱后不久,老布便自杀了,我想也许死于他才是真正的一种自由。 其实,电影着重向人们传递一种生活的态度,一种永远心存希望的人生态度。可以说,被判无期徒刑的安迪甚至于鲨堡狱中所有的有罪的无罪的罪犯,他们的生活几乎是没有希望了,但是电影通过安迪这一任务,他的所作所为,像我们展示了希望的力量。 安迪在狱中写了六年的信,终于得到了200元的资助和一些别人捐的旧书,这是安迪的狱中图书馆的开始,后来他又坚持写信,又获得了另一笔500元的图书馆资助,后来他的图书馆越办越好,他还组织别人考学历,帮助汤米从ABC开始学习。 但是,他却从一开始就在为逃狱做准备,所以到最后,我们不得不佩服他的智慧,开始觉得他为典狱长洗钱是一种交易,自己可以好过些的交易,但是后来才知道,他在为以后做准备。 可以说,这部影片真的很精彩,他向我们展示了知识的力量和希望的力量。对于生活的态度更应该是积极的,就像安迪所说,就是因为在牢中,所以有些东西才有意义,因为他们可以告诉自已有些东西是石墙关不住的,有些东西是别人管不住的,那就是希望......所以,他重拾自己的爱好,甚至为了放几首音乐而被关禁闭两个星期。 影片结局安迪成功逃狱,这只管不住的小鸟终于自由了,瑞德也终于获得假释。最后的


《影视鉴赏》 题目:《肖申克的救赎》—在希望与自由中前进 指导老师:翟东明 课头号:0902040 姓名:李洋 学号:1404103045 学院:机电工程学院 班级:交通运输二班

《肖申克的救赎》:在希望与自由中前进 摘要:《肖申克的救赎》是一部激励人心的好电影。电影主要以安迪.杜德拉在肖申克监狱中所承受的冤屈和苦难的经历为线索,叙述了安迪在狱中花了将近20年的时间终于用一把小鹤嘴锄头挖好了越狱的隧道,终于成功地逃离了冤屈和禁锢自己整整20年的肖恩克监狱,最后与获得释放的好友瑞德在墨西哥阳光明媚的海滨重逢,两人最终过上了自己自由而幸福的余生的故事!从安迪和瑞德身上,我们看到了从苦难绝境中绽放出那种充满自由和希望之光,这种光芒不但照亮了黑暗的世界,还照亮了每个人的心灵! 关键词:救赎、肖申克、安迪、希望、自由 “坚强的人只能救赎自己,伟大的人才能拯救他人。”说得真好!我相信很多人都知道这句话,但是有几个能知道句中的“救赎”一词的起源呢?《旧约.以赛亚书》有说道:“锡安必因公平得蒙救赎,其中归正的人必因公义得蒙救赎。但悖逆的和犯罪的必一同败亡。”据说这里则是“救赎”一词的起源。看到“救赎”这个词,让人不由自觉地想起那部与这词密切相关的电影——《肖申克的救赎》。这部好莱坞巨作问世于1994年,距今已历经16年之久依然没改其本色,深深震撼着世界大众的心灵。《肖申克的救赎》是弗兰克.德拉邦特根据美国作家斯蒂芬.的小说《丽塔.海华丝与肖申克的救赎》改编而成。导演德拉邦特的创作意图只是想通过监狱这样一个强制剥夺自由和高度强制纪律的特殊背景来展示一个在希望被磨灭、信仰缺失的年代里关于到底什么是救赎的故事。而这故事揭示于世人的是:在这虚伪而不公平的社会里,人们依然顽强、永不放弃地去勇敢追求属于自己的生命自由。希望与自由的气息就这样弥漫在整个肖申克中,洒满在那个禁锢人心自由的上空! 在物质生活丰富多彩的今天,在信息科技先进的社会里,“希望”和“自由”时刻都围绕在我们身边,它们对我们来说,已司空见惯,伸手可触。在这个弥漫着


“要么忙着生存;要么忙着死去” 剧中的这句台词道明了安迪对生存的渴望和那些从不曾熄灭过的对希望的热诚祈盼。 安迪仅用了20年不到的时间就挖通了,至少让我们看到了他从不曾熄灭过的强烈渴望。没有尽头的牢狱生活太过无聊,总得找点什么事来消磨时间。托马斯和瑞德等人选择了听之任之的绝望,而安迪则选择了希望和自由。 冤狱的错判赋予了他出逃的正义之名,他的希望并不是越狱逃避自己应有的罪责;相反他仅仅只是为了争取属于他的自由和梦想。他曾经以为可以用一种更光明正大的方式得到他的自由光明磊落地走出肖申克的四壁高墙,而且因为这样的希望而变得疯狂躁动,而当这种渴望被诺顿彻底地枪杀了之后,他唯一的选择似乎只有这种极端的方式了。 而且安迪不仅仅自己拥有一颗永不放弃的向往希望和自由的心,他还试图让每一位狱友重新燃起对未来的希望,他坚持每周一信,后来发展到每周两信,给州议会写信,建议扩建监狱的图书馆,一开始还不怎么理睬他,到后来他们觉得不对头了,怎么这个小子越写越来劲了?烦都要烦死了,“只能”划拨资金扩建图书馆。狱友们有书读,有音乐听,是何等的享受!在这之前还有一个长镜头的画面展现,就是安迪冒着风险在广播室放音乐给在操场上的所有狱友听,那个场面是非常震撼的,所有的囚犯,不管是屋里的屋外的,甚至上厕所的都闻声侧耳仔仔细细的聆听,更不可思议的是,还有一部分保安都呆呆地凝望着喇叭,仿佛这辈子从来都没听过一样,霎时间,没有人发出一丝声音,就只有歌声余音绕梁。这告诉我们:无论我们曾经怎样的蛰伏,怎样的失去生活,但千万不要放弃理想,放弃那份希望。只有充满希望,人生从而变得有意义,从而丰富多彩。 你穿上凤冠霞衣,我将眉目掩去/大红的幔布扯开了一出折子戏 9岁的小石头遇到10岁的小石头的时候,大概是想不到他们今后的种种纠葛的,从小石头对他的关照开始,从他们第一次同台开始,从约定合演一辈子霸王别姬开始,属于他们人生的折子戏的大幕已拉开,此后种种,万般皆戏。 你演的不是自己,我却投入情绪/弦索胡琴不能免俗的是死别生离 当段小楼娶妓女菊仙为妻,当菊仙给蝶衣看小楼不再与蝶衣唱戏的字据,当小楼和陷害蝶衣的小四一起演出的时候,蝶衣一个人的悲欢离合在台上,但蝶衣的戏已延伸到戏外,镜里镜外,镜头的转换,剪接中,浓浓的悲剧命运弥漫开。 折子戏不过是全剧的几分之一/通常不会上演开始和结局/正是多了一种残缺不全的魅力/才没有那么多含恨不如意 文革时,段小楼被小四逼迫诬陷蝶衣,段小楼被拉去游街时,蝶衣一身虞姬装扮,甘愿同段小楼一起受辱时,却遭段小楼的诬陷。蝶衣的痛不欲生,蝶衣的悲恸,说人生如戏,却往往残酷的又远胜于戏。 打倒“四人帮”后,师兄二人在分离了22年的舞台上最后一次合演《霸王别姬》,虞姬唱罢最后一句,用他送给霸王的那把注满他感情和幻想的宝剑自刎了,蝶衣在师兄小楼的怀中结束了自己的演艺生涯,也结束了这出灿烂的悲剧。 如果人人都是一出折子戏,把最璀璨的部分留在别人生命里,如果人间失去脂粉的艳丽,还会不会有动情的演绎。


肖申克的救赎观后感英文 肖申克的救赎观后感英文(一) Shawshank Redemption is a film co-operated by white people and black people. It told a story about the life in the prison. A man called Andy Dufresne, was sent into the prison, Shawshank, for he murderer his wife and her lover in bed. However, he was innocent as he said. The new days in the prison were hard to live. It’s violent, heartless and cruel. A month later, Andy began to make friends with other prisoners. One of them called Red, who could get anything what he wanted. Andy bought a mallet from him and started his plan to escape. During this time, he did many things: expanding the library, caving stones, making tainted money for the prison governor, etc. It took him 20 years to tunnel secretly and he successfully escaped from the prison. Before that, Andy had told his best friend Red that his dream---Zihuatanejo, a warm place without memory. After escaping, Andy lived a free life in another identity and made the prison governor arrested. Several years later, Red was approved to leave. He had lived inside for 40 years. He was institutionized. Sometimes he thought of getting back again as he didn’t belong the world, but he didn’t, for the promise to Andy. Finally, in Zihuyatanejo, they met. It is a good film. The cruel prison life terrified me and the friendship moved me. The story goes to a happy ending---redemption. 肖申克的救赎观后感英文(二) Based on the Stephen King (non-horror) novella “Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption”, this is a simple story of hope made remarkable by the interaction between the two lead characters. Both Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman do a fine job in terms of making their roles genuine and appealing, and also in the way they work so well together.

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