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A. At the end
B. At the end of
C. In the end
D. In the end of
( )18. She
medium height and
short hair.
A. is of; has
B. has; is of
C. has; has of
D. has; has
’s of
medium height. Tony: OK, sure. See you later
Yeah, but I may be a little late.
I am late.
may 为情态动词,意为“可能” ,后接
another adj. & pron. 另一;又一
adj. & pron.
23. adj.
Can you show me another jacket?
If it doesn ’t work, you should find another way.
24. pron.
—I can ’t find my pencil.
tonight? Tony: Yes. We ’re meeting at
seven, right?
Mike: Yeah, but I may be a little late. My friend David is going, too.
Just meet him in front of the cinema first.
/p ? t/ v. 放
/i ? t ? /
adj. & pron. 每个;各自
way /we ? / n. 方式;路线
describe /d ? 'skra ? b/ v. 描 述
differently /'d
? f ? r ? ntli/ adv. 不同地
another / ? 'n ? e? (r)/ adj. & pron. 另一;又一
连词成句 )
24. He isn ’ta good singer. I think. (
合并成一句 )
think he
a good singer.
25. My favorite actor is thin and of medium height. (
对划线部分提问 )
your favorite
3. Her eyesight( 视力 ) isn ’ t good, so she wears g
4. Her hair is very straight. It is not c
5. He’s of medium h
6. She wants to be an
round /ra ? nd/
adj. 圆形的
face /fe ? s/ n. 脸
eye /a ? / n. 眼睛
singer /'s ? ? ? (r)/
n. 歌手
artist /' ɑ ? (r)t ? st/ n. 艺术家
crime /kra ? m/ n. 犯罪活动
/'kr ? m? nl/ n. 罪 犯
22. Does your mother work in a bank or in a hospital?
23.What does his brother look like?
24. don ’ t; is
25. What; does; look; like
26. What does Tom look like?
Unit 9 What does he look like?
1. His father isn
’ t very tall and is
of m
2. I have to go on a diet(
节食 ) because I ’m already a little h
tells (
)16. We can put the story
newspaper and _
A. in; on
B. on; in
C. in; in
D. on; on
( )17.
, she goes to watch the new action movie with her
1. medium 二、
2. heavy
3. glasses
4. curly
5. height
6. actor
7. does; look
8. really
9. differently
10— 14: BACBD
15— 20: AACADC
21. of; medium; height
—Don’t worry, here ’s
another. I don ’t like this movie. Let
’s go to see
Part 2 Role-play
Role-play the conversation.
Mike: Hi, Tony. Are you going to the movie
football match on TV.
C. watching
D. to watch
( )13.
your friend
_ long, curly hair?
A. Does; has
B. Does; have
C. Do; have
D. Do; has
( )14. Mary doesn ’t like blue, so clothes for her.
— He .
A. likes history
B. is tall and thin
C. likes eating meat
D. is 40 years old
( )11. My good friend, Li Lei,
a little quiet.
A. is
B. has
C. be
D. does
( )12. My brother likes reading and A. watches B. watch
her mother
buys blue
A. always
B. usually
C. often
D. never
( )15. I remember
him to close the window, but now the
window is still open.
A. telling
B. to tell
C. tell

actor /'?kt ? (r)/ n. 演
员 actress /'?ktr ? s/
n. 女演员
person / 'p ? ? (r) sn/
n. 人 nose
/n ? ? z/
n. 鼻子
blonde/bl ? nd/
adj. (blond) (头发)金黄色的
mouth /ma ? θ/
n. 嘴
? 五、根据汉语提示翻译下列句子。
26. 汤姆长什么样?( look like )
27. 那个留着长而直的头发的男孩是谁?( with )
28. 他不胖不瘦。( medium build ) 29. 琳达擅长讲英语。( be good at )
30. Nancy 总是穿着一条红色的连衣裙。
little /'l
? tl/
adj. 小的
a little
一点;少量 cinema
/'s ? n? m? /
n. 电影院
glasses /'gl ɑ? s? z/ , /'gl?s
? z / (pl.) n. 眼镜 later /'le
? t ? (r)/
adv. 以后
handsome/'h?ns ? m / adj. 英俊
n. 结尾;尽头
in the end
real /r ? ? l/
adj. 真正的;真实的
jeans /d ? i ? nz/ n. 牛仔裤
Johnny /'d ? ? ni/ 约翰尼 ( 男名 )
Dean /di ? n/
迪安 ( 姓 )
Tina /'ti ? n? /
蒂娜 ( 女名 )
31. Each child gets a small gift.
Every child gets a small gift.
每个孩子都得到了一件小礼物。 所有的孩子都得到了一件小礼物。
each 强调
, every 则强调

each of the criminal
every of the criminals
( )19. Mike and his friend are going to the
to see the new
A. bookshop ( )20. — What is the
B. restaurant
C. concert
of the mountain?
D. cinema
— It ’s 4,000 meters.
Tony: Oh, but I don’t know hi m. What does he look
like? Mike: Well, he has brown hair and wears
Twenku.baidu.comny: OK. Is he tall or short?
Mike: He isn ’t tall or short. He
Part 1 Words and Expressions
curly /'k ? ? (r)li/
adj. 卷曲的
straight /stre ? t/ adj. 直的
tall /t ? ? l/ adj. 高的
medium /'mi ? di ? m/
adj. 中等的
height /ha ? t/ n. 身高;高
A. high 四、按要求完成下列句子
B. tall
C. height
D. weight
21. He is not short or tall. (
改为同义句 )
He is
22. Does your mother work in a bank?(
用 in a hospital
23. look, does, his brother, what, like(
27. Who is the boy with long straight hair? 28. He is of medium build.
29. Linda is good at speaking English.
Nancy always wears a red dress. Unit 9 What does he look like?
度 (be) of medium height

等身高 thin / θ ? n /
adj. 瘦的
heavy /'hevi/
adj. 重的
build /b ? ld /
n. 身材
(be) of medium build
tonight /t ? ' na? t/
adv. & n. (在)今 晚;(在)今夜
adj. & pron. 每个;各自
+ n.
each person each criminal
Each story in this book is very scary.
pron . 单独使用
each of the students
Each of the children gets a cake. each & every
Jackson /'d ? ?ks ? n/ 杰克逊 ( 姓 )
v. 放
Please put the book on the desk.
Don’t put the cup in the box.
The police put a picture of the criminal in newspapers.
7. what 8. Jane is
(look) like?
(real) tall and thin.
9. The man speaks English quite
(different) from others.
( )10. — What does your father look like?
put sth. in/on/under …
Daisy, put on your coat! It
’s cold
today. Put your coat on!
I want to put my glasses on. I can’t see
it. I want to put on my glasses.