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Directions: There are 500 incomplete sentences in this part. For each
sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C), and D). Choose the ONE
that best complete the sentence.
1. Now that all her three children have gone ______ to work or study, Mrs.
Wang lives in Hongkong alone.
A) aboard B) abroad C) board D) broad
2. Tom, why were you _____ from school yesterday?
--I got a bad cold and my mother took me to the doctor's.
A) absent B) present C) left D) lost
3. He found his uncle ________ in the reading of the Sunday newspaper.
A) interesting B) focused C) absorbed D) involving
4. Mary invited me to her birthday party last night, but since I had to
look after my younger brother, I didn't her invitation.
A) accept B) receive C) answer D) reply
5. Students have to the library during the vacation.
A) admission B) allowance C) approval D) access
6. Last time I ran across Jack, my roommate in high school, by .
A) action B) accident C) incident D) luck
7. While teaching a foreign language, we should take into ____ the
differences between the students' mother tongue and the target language.
A) thinking B) mind C) account D) count
8. I don't think anyone can me of being dishonest.
A) accuse B) complain C) charge D) scold
9. The ability to use a language can be _____only by the act of using the
A) acquired B) required C) accompanied D) realized
10. _____ language, maths and history, the children are also taught music
and art.
A) Beside B) Except C) In spite of D)
In addition to
11. There was a serious water shortage in the area as there wasn't
rain for nearly four months.
A) plenty B) many C) adequate D) efficient
12. You can't see through a telescope unless it is ____correctly to your
A) appointed B) adjusted C) operated D) shifted
13. The thief to taking the gold watch without paying for it.
A) suggested B) managed C) tried D) admitted
14. The factory has new methods of producing high quality washing
A) adopted B) adapted C) raised

D) increased
15. The farmers took of the fine weather to gather in the crops
last week.
A) chance B) hold C) advantage D) adventure
16. I don't think the snow will our plans for a picnic.
A) affect B) effect C) infer D) differ
17. I do like this new car, but I can't it. I've spent almost all
my savings on the decoration of my house.
A) obtain B) apply C) afford D) buy
18. The twins are so much that I can't tell which is which.
A) likely B) unlike C) alike D) like
19. Children need many things, but they need love.
A) above all B) after all C) all over D) at all
20. The boy was so interested in the radio that he took it to see
how it runs.
A) open B) part C) around D) apart
21. The scientists have _______ to the government to take actions against
A) announced B) appeared C) appealed D) approached
22. Scientific discoveries are often ________ to industrial production
A) provided B) prepared C) applied D) appointed
23. I've made an ________ to see Dr. Lewis at 3 o'clock this afternoon,
A) appointment B) application C) attention D) apartment
24. He would much _________ it if you could do him that favor.
A) please B) satisfy C) thank D) appreciate
25. As winter ________ the weather became colder.
A) nearby B) advanced C) passed by D) approached
26. She would never do anything that was not _______ of by her parents.
A) agreed B) appointed C) approved D) pleased
27. We should consider other of the problem as well as
A) sides B) areas C) aspects D) respects
28. The new line of the factory can produce 100 bicycles every
A) assembly B) working C) collection D) producing
29. We naturally Einstein with the Theory of Relativity.
A) accomplish B) appreciate C) accompany D) associate
30. A witness in a murder trial is to know the facts in the case.
A) assumed B) resumed C) assured D) insured
31. Investigations us of the soundness of the plan.
A) insured B) assured C) ensured D) reassured
32. The government of every country should great importance to
environmental protection.
A) attach B) approach C) pay D) spend
33. It would have been better to have concentrated on a few things rather

than to so much at a time.
A) attain B) attempt C) attend D) attract
34. There was a large _____at the pop concert last night.
A) viewers B) listeners C) audience D) incidence
35. -I'd like to have a table for four at 6 o'clock.
-I'm sorry. There are no tables this evening.
A) available B) favorable C) ready D) prepared
36. It was several minutes before I was of what was happening.
A) realized B) aware C) awake D) curious
37. We should maintain a(n) between work and play.
A) peace B) agreement C) relation D) balance
38. All that they had ever had were the necessities of life.
A) empty B) bare C) alone D) lonely
39. The _____New Zealander prefers to buy for his family a separate house.
A) average B) mean C) common D) ordinary
40. I bought a radio for only $ 5 at the sales; it was a real .
A) present B) buying C) bargain D) purchase
41. On the of these theories Godwin working out his picture of the
state of the future.
A) base B) basis C) case D) fund
42. Tom, if you don't ____yourself, you will be kept out of this
A) behave B) believe C) perform D) polite
43. Rebuilding the canal has already brought many ____to our national
A) interests B) developments C) advances D) benefits
44. Our team the visitors in the football match yesterday
A) got the first of B) got the best of C) took the first of
D) took the best of
45. If you keep on working hard, you are to succeed.
A) bound B) bond C) doomed D) insisted
46. You can't leave the city; all the roads are by snow.
A) held B) caught C) delayed D) blocked
47. During the election period, a big strike _____ in all major cities of
the country.
A) broke down B) broke up C) broke out D) broke off
The President's speech was an hour long, but what he declared, ,
was that we were ready to fight against any invading enemies.
A) in detail B) in common C) in brief D) in part
49. I was born in New York and in Texas.
A) brought about B) brought forth C) brought down D)
brought up
50. Many a large and important business has been from small
A) brought up B) built up C) held up D) caught up
51. During the famous comedian's performance, the audience out

laughing several times.
A) broke B) burst C) brought D) burned
52. I hope to ____you at your office at three o'clock today.
A) call at B) call on C) call off D) call out
53. The whole nation is involved in the to stop drug abuse(滥用毒品).
A) crime B) ease C) campaign D) battle
54. The poison was of causing death within a few minutes.
A) possible B) probable C) able D) capable
55. Neither Tom nor Jane this kind of films, so they left the
cinema half an hour before it finished.
A) cared of B) cared for C) took cure D) took care
56. I had some difficulty in the plan.
A) carrying off B) carrying on C) carrying out D) carrying
57. __________ he arrives before I get back, please ask him to wait.
A) In the case B) In any case C) In case D) In case of
58. I walked as fast as I could, but I couldn't him.
A) catch on B) catch hold of C) catch in D)
catch up with
59. The value of this exercise is that it the students to express
themselves in an imaginative way.
A) charges B) changes C) challenges D) judges
60. Mr. Smith will be ________ the office next week when the manager is
A) in response of B) in charge of C) charged with D)
responsible of
61. Under these , you might agree with us that it is rather
difficult for your products to get a footing in this market.
A) situations B) conditions C) circumstances D)
62. She never wears clothes made of material.
A) coarse B) course C) cause D) coast
63. When an element is caused to with oxygen it is oxidized.
A) compare B) compete C) combine D) compose
64. I this book in an old bookstore on Fourth Avenue.
A) came on B) came across C) came up D) came
65. The minister refused to ___________ on the new agreement between the
two countries.
A) describe B) report C) complain D)
66. During the Second World War, the Japanese Invaders many
horrible crimes against the Chinese people.
A) admitted B) committed C) created D)
67. Haven't you enough _____sense to know that it's unwise to go swimming
just after a big meal?
A) usual B) ordinary C) common D) general
68. This machine costs more than the

other, but considering its quality
and efficiency, it is really cheaper ______
A) in contrast B) in comparison C) by contrast D) by
69. The customer to the storekeeper about the poor quality of
the refrigerator.
A) accuse B) criticized C) complained D) explained
70. The professor seemed to be able to put __________ thoughts into simple
A) complicated B) combined C) convenient D) immense
71. So far as I'm , some other arrangement would have been
A) concerning B) concerning with C) concerned D)
concerned with
72. _________ , I should like to thank all those who have worked so hard
to bring about this result.
A) As conclusion B) In conclusion C) For conclusion D) The
73. You may borrow the book, on that you do not lend it to
anyone else.
A) terms B) condition C) situation D) account
74. The on international economic problems met in Geneva last
A) reference B) inference C) conference D)
75. Jim was very popular with those who could vote, and he was
that he could win the election.
A) confident B) believable C) trusted D) confined
76. This is a word because it has two meanings.
A) double B) foreign C) separate D) confusing
77. There has been a growth of light industries in the region.
A) giant B) considerable C) available D) rapidly
78. It is important in scientific experiments that all the conditions
should be ________ .
A) constant B) instant C) changeable D) comfortable
79. The opposing forces are now in with each other so that a
cease-fire(停火)can be agreed on.
A) confront B) condition C) contact D) contract
80. —I suppose the movie wasn’t very interesting.
— , it was fascinating!
A) On the other hand B) On the contrary C) In the other hand D)
In the contrary
81. The students have _______ generously to the Red Cross, which is
raising money for the homeless.
A) attributed B) distributed C) contributed D) determined
82. Bob thinks highly of himself. No one can _________ him of his mistakes
in the work.
A) realize B) notice C) approve D) convince
83. Henry never keeps his promises. His actions do not with his
A) relate B) correspond C) respond D) responsible
I suppose I can _____you for your help in repairing my TV

A) account for B) count on C) be dependent D) be reliable
85. All the passengers were killed in the air .
A) crash B) trouble C) crush D) dash
86. Mr. Brown lost his job last month so the family had to on
A) cut off B) cut out C) cut back D) cut down
87. The book has been revised and brought ________
A) up to date B) into date C) out of date D) to
88. The train should have arrived an hour ago. I wonder what could have
caused the ________
A) late B) later C) delay D) relay
89. This is a very _____piece of apparatus. You must handle it with care.
A) delicate B) accurate C) complicated D) indicated
90. Postmen are responsible for the of letters to our houses.
A) sending B) distribution C) division D) delivery
91. The experiment _____that energy is required to produce a change of
A) concentrated B) demonstrated C) exhibited D) displayed
92. It was difficult to see through the _____fog.
A) thin B) blank C) dense D) narrow
93. I 100 dollars in my savings account this morning.
A) departed B) deposited C) ordered D) provided
94. "Such bad behaviour a beating." said the father to his
naughty son.
A) rewards B) is worth C) deserves D) is worthy
95. In teaching it is highly _____ to know exactly what one is hoping to
A) unable B) reliable C) unreasonable D)
96. He _____of ever being able to pay off his debts.
A) complained B) thought C) despaired D) talked
97. In his new book, the author described his adventure in the
desert island.
A) in detail B) in turn C) in fact D) in
98. The tennis player told the reporters that he was to win the
championship this time.
A) decided B) reminded C) determined D) concluded
99. After I had graduated from medical colleges I ____myself to research
on the cure of cancer.
A) involved B) spent C) absorbed D) devoted
100. English greatly from Chinese in many respects.
A) infer B) refer C) confer D) differ


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