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Ⅳ. Translation (English to Chinese) New studies show that more than 4 percent of Americans have trouble controlling gambling once they have begun. Jobs are lost, marriages fail and fortunes are wasted. Professor Richard Rosenthal predicts it will be "the addiction of the 1990s". Lotteries (彩票) "have changed the public perceptions of gambling, putting it in a better light," Rosenthal said. Traditional values have faded in society and people are confused. Gambling eliminates the equivocation. Ⅳ. Translation (English to Chinese) You win or you lose, and you know about it right away. Gambling is a natural outlet for a generation raised on television's instant gratification, possessions and material success. Rosenthal said, "The thing I am most struck by is a sense of helplessness with regard to their lives. They grow up thinking they can never be good enough, so they are drawn to magical solutions for the big win, the spectacular success." Ⅴ. Translation (Chinese to English) 1.对于爱好文学的学生最重要的莫过于多接近批评家。 2.她对于每个弱小无助的东西都不禁发生同情,遇到 受伤的小鸟,她总要为之痛心。 3.他在东方住得太久,所以英国的生活习惯都忘记了。 4.如果运输频繁,铁路就能使运费更为经济,更不用 说它规律、舒适和迅速了。 Ⅴ. Translation (Chinese to English) 5.那个有前途的青年,不但违背了对自己和对别人的 诺言,而且最糟糕的是伤透了老父亲的心。 6.70多年前,英国的“机动车条例”规定,城镇内自 行车速度限制为2英里/小时。到了1903年,由于工业 的发展,有必要把速度放宽到20英里/小时。此后五年 中,汽车司机们可以随心所欲地以任何速度行驶。现 在超速行驶是最常见的违章。围绕这超速违章法令的 争论在于它的安全估价,交通部门坚持认为时速限制 能减少事故。但是,在美国至少有人建议现在的时速 限制应该完全取消。
apparent adj. 1. An apparent situation, quality, or feeling seems to exist although you cannot be certain that it does exist. 显然的,外观上的 I was a bit depressed by our apparent lack of progress. 进展显然很缓慢,这让我很沮丧。 There is at last an apparent end to the destructive price war. 这场极具破坏性的价格战终于明显地结束了。 apparent adj. 2. If something is apparent to you,it is clear and obvious to you. =clear明显的;明白的 It has been apparent that in other areas standards have held up well. 很明显在其它地方标准坚持得很好。 The presence of a star is already apparent in the early film. 明星之相在早先的电影中已见端倪。 apparent adj. 3. If you say that something happens for no apparent reason you cannot understand why it happens. The person may become dizzy for no apparent reason. 感到眩晕而莫名其妙。 take to to be pleased by or attracted to;to beg

in to do sth. as a regular habit喜欢 The dog seldom takes to strangers. 那条狗很少喜欢生人。 His manner was so taking that l took to him at once. 他的风格如此吸引人,我立刻就喜欢上他了。 After a few years he abandoned journalism and took to writing novels. I’m sorry to hear that he has taken to drink. 听说他迷上喝酒,我真太遗憾了。 Recently l have taken to getting up earlier in the morning。 最近我开始喜欢早上早起了。 commit v. 1. If someone commits a crime or a sin, they do something illegal or bad. 犯(错误),干(坏事) I have never committed any crime. This is a man who has committed murder. 2. If someone commits suicide, they deliberately kill themselves故意自杀 There are unconfirmed reports he tried to commit suicide. 有未经证实的报道说他曾试图自杀。 commit v. 3. If you commit money or resources to something, you decide to use them for a particular purpose. 调配…供使用;指定…用于 They called on Western nations to commit more money to the poorest nations. 他们号召西方国家给那些最穷的国家调配一些资金。 The government had committed billions of pounds for a programme to reduce acid rain. commit v. 4. If you commit yourself to something, you say that you will definitely do it. If you commit yourself to someone, you decide that you want to have a long-term relationship with them. 对…作出保证,承诺,表态 I would advise people to think very carefully about committing themselves to working Sundays. 我会对那些考虑在星期天工作的人建议,劝他们三思。 I’d like a friendship that might lead to something deeper, but l wouldn’t want to commit myself too soon. 我愿意发展一种深沉的友谊,但我不想过早地表态。 commit v. 5. If someone is committed to a hospital, prison, or other in situation, they are officially sent there for a period of time. =admit Arthur’s drinking caused him t0 be committed to a psychiatric hospital. 亚瑟酗酒,只好把他送剑精神病病院(去戒洒)。 commit v. 6. If you commit something to paper or to writing, you record it by writing it down. If you commit something to memory, you learn it so that you will remember it. 记下,记住 She had not committed anything to paper about it. 到现在为止她还没往纸上记任何东西。 I’ll repeat that so you can commit it to memory. Nothing is more… than… Outwardly they are in comparative degree, but inwardly they are in superlative degree. 此句型以比较级形式出现,实则表现最高级的意思。 The following sentences are some similar patterns: Nothing could be more obvious than the evidence supporting Riesman. 支持里斯漫的证据再明显不过了。 Nothing is more… than… To my mind nothing is more horrible than being all alone in the world. 对我来说,在这个世界上孤孤单单的是最可怕的了。 No one is so foolish as to believe that anything ha

ppens by chance. 没人会傻到这种地步,相信任何事情的发生事出偶然。 Scarcely any part of the world affords SO great a variety in so small an area as our own island. 在世界上几乎没有一个地方能象我们地区一样提供这 样的多样性。 Nothing is more… than… Now there is no greater pleasure than to go to bed in the evening and know that the washing up is being done by the machine. 最大的乐趣莫过于晚上上床时知道机器正帮你洗碗筷 呢。 No creature has received more praise and abuse than the common garden snail. 花园里的蜗牛所受的褒贬比任何东西都多。 abound v. If things abound, or if a place abounds with things, there are very large numbers of them.多, 大量存在,富于,充满 Stories abound about when he was in charge. 有关他负责的时候的故事很多。 Venice abounds in famous hotels. 威尼斯有很多 著名的酒店。 The book abounds with close-up images from space.这小书有许多太空的特写镜头。 abound v. Scofflaws abound in amazing variety.违法行为 行行色色。 The land abounds in springs and streams of water. 这片土地有不少泉水和溪流。 The book abounds in printing mistakes。书中印 刷错误百出。 exempt adj. freed from a duty, service, payment, etc. 被免除的 exempt v. to make someone or something exempt 免除 Bicyclists often ride as though two-wheeled vehicles are exempt from all traffic laws. 骑自行车的人骑起车来好象两个轱辘的交通工具 不受任何交通法规的约束。 His bad health exempted him from military service. 他身体不好,使他免服兵役。 exempt v. A number of MPs supported a motion to exempt certain industries from the provisions of the Bill. 从法案的条件中除去某些产业的动议受到不少围 会议院的支持。 Persons over sixty are exempt from jury services. 六十岁以上的人可以免当陪审闭成员。 Nobody should be exempt from doing some of the unpleasant jobs in the running of the camp. 运动中人人都免不了做一些肮脏的事。 plague v. to cause continual discomfort, suffering, or trouble to; to make rather angry, esp. by some repeated action =pester使烦恼,纠缠 plague n. quick-spreading, quick-killing disease; a widespread and harmful mass or number; a continually troublesome person or thing瘟疫,麻烦, 苦恼,灾祸 What a plague that child is! 这孩了真让人头痛! You’ve been plaguing me with silly questions all day! 你都用那些傻问题烦了我整整一天了。 plague n. In the 14th century the plague killed one third of the population of Europe. 14世纪的时候,一场瘟疫要了三分之一人口的性 命。 At this time of year University admissions are plagued with inquiries from anxious applicants. 这个时候,大学招生办疲于应付来自焦急的考生的 询问。 duck out (of) to try to avoid (a difficulty or unpleasant responsibility) 避开,躲避 You

can’t duck out now, you made a solemn promise. 君子一言,你不能就此逃脱。 No parent can duck out of his duty to his children. 所有的父母都不能逃避对子女的责任。 It’s unlawful to try to duck out of paying taxes. 企图逃税是非法的。 pose v. 1. If something poses a problem or a danger, it is the cause of that problem or danger. 造成,形成(问题) This could pose a threat to jobs in the coal industry. 这会造成对煤炭工业工作机会的威胁。 His ill health poses serious problems for the future. 他的健康状况对他的未来是个很严重的问题。 pose v. 2. If you pose a question, you ask it. If you pose an issue that needs considering, you mention the issue. (FORMAL)=raise提出 When I finally posed the question, “Why?” he merely shrugged. 当我最终提出“为什么”的问题时,他只是耸了耸 肩。 the moral issues posed by new technologies. 新技术提出的道德问题。 pose v. 3. If you pose as someone, you pretend to be that person in order to deceive people. (与as连用)冒充;假装 The team posed as drug dealers to trap the ringleaders. 这个团队假扮毒贩,给黑帮头目下套。 pose v. 4. If you pose for a photograph or painting, you stay in a particular position so that someone can photograph you or paint you. 使摆好姿势(照相、画像时摆好姿势) Before going into their meeting the six foreign ministers posed for photographs. 开会之前六位外国部长摆好姿势照相。 pose n. A pose is a particular way that you stand, sit, or lie, for example when you are being photographed or painted 姿势,姿态 We have had several preliminary sittings in various poses. 我们摆了几个预备姿势。 add up to to mean or suggest amount to 意谓,暗示 This conversation adds up to a difference of opinion between us. 这次谈话意味着我们之间意见有分歧。 He made a number of criticisms, but they didn’t add up to much. 他提出了不少意见,但都没有多大价值。 For a hit show, profits can add up to millions of dollars. 一场成功的演出可以进账上百万美元。 wane v. 1. If something wanes, it becomes gradually weaker or less, often so that it eventually disappears. =fade变小,亏缺,衰落,退潮,消逝 While his interest in these spots began to wane, a passion for rugby developed. 他对这些运动的兴趣开始消退,对橄榄球的兴趣 却增强了。 her mother’s waning strength wane v. 2. If something is on the wane, it is becoming weaker or less. =diminishing变弱,变小 He was nominally Deputy Prime Minister, certainly, but his influence was clearly on the wane wane. 他固然是个有名无实的副总理,但他的影响显然 在走下坡路。 In 1982, with his career prospects on the wane, he sold a script for $5, 000. 1982年,他的职业前景不佳,于是他以五万美 元出售了他的手稿。 wane v. 3. When the moon is waning, it is showing a s

maller area of brightness each day as it changes from a full moon to a new moon. 呈下弦,月亏 The moon was waning, and each day it rose later. 月亮处在下弦阶段,每天都晚升起来一会儿。 a sky silvered by a waning moon 一轮弦月,浩然当空。 toss up If you say that it is a toss-up whether one thing will happen or another thing will happen, you mean that either result seems equally likely. 掷钱,难以定夺的事 It's a toss-up whether oil prices will go up or down over the days ahead. 未来几天油价是涨是落就象抛硬币游戏一样拿不 准。 mood n. 1. If you say that you are in the mood for something, you mean that you want to do it or have it. If you say that you are in no mood to do something, you mean that you do not want to do it or have it. (不)想做某事,有(无)意做某事 He is clearly in a good mood today. 今天他显然 情绪很好。 When he came back, he was in a foul mood. 他回来的时候,情绪极糟。 Lily was in one of her aggressive moods. 丽丽有点七个不服,八个不愤的感觉。 His moods swing alarmingly. 他的情绪变化剧烈。 mood n. 2.If someone is in a mood,the way they are behaving shows that they are feeling angry and impatient. =temper坏心情;坏脾气 She was obviously in a mood. 她明显心绪不好。 mood n. 3.The mood of a group of people is the way that they think and feel about an idea, event, or question at a particular time. 心情;心境 The government seemed to be in tune with the popular mood. 政府好象和大众的心情很和拍。 They largely misread the mood of the electorate. 他们基本上对选民的心境琢磨错了。 mood n. 4. The mood of a place is the general impression that you get of it. =atmosphere气氛 First set the mood with music. 首先根据音乐找准气氛。 I wanted different moods in each room. 我想看到每个屋子里有不同的气氛。 not to mention not to mention; not to say; not to speak of, etc. 不必提及 You use not to mention when you want to add extra information which emphasizes the point that you are making. Innocent drivers and pedestrians pay a repetitious price in frustration, inconvenience and outrage, not to mention a justified sense of moral peril. 无辜的司机们和行人们饱受烦扰、不便和侮辱之 苦,更不用提道义上的危险,他们有理由有这样 的感觉。 not to mention He cannot afford the ordinary comforts of life, not to speak of luxuries. We are too busy to take a long vacation this year, not to mention the fact that we can’t afford it. The audience, not to mention the bewildered cast, were not amused. 观众,更别提困惑不解的演员,都没有开心。 It was both deliberate and malicious, not to mention clever. 这是故意的,用心险恶的,当然不用说也是很聪 明的。 vice n. 1. A vice is a habit which is regarded as a weakness in someone’s character, but not usually as a serious fault. 缺点,缺

陷 His only vice is to get drunk on champagne after concluding a successful piece of business. 他唯一的缺点是做成一桩买卖就大喝一通香槟酒, 直到喝醉。 Intellectual pretension was never one of his vices. 他在学术上从小弄虚作假,装腔作势。 vice n. 2. Vice refers to criminal activities, especially those connected with pornography or prostitution.恶习,恶行,罪恶,卖淫 He said those responsible for offences connected with vice, gaming and drugs should be deported on conviction. 他说那些涉嫌卖淫,赌博和吸毒的人一经定罪就 应马上被放逐。 allegations of how she worked in a “seedy vice den”.有关她怎样在那“肮脏罪恶的窑子”里工作 的传言。 vice n. 3. A vice is a tool with a pair of parts that hold an object tightly while you do work on it. (BRIT; in AM use vise) 钳子 can’t help being harmed… “cannot help + doing”; “cannot but + do”, or “cannot help but”: cannot fail to; be compelled or obliged to The red light runner, however, shows no respect whatever for the social rules, and society cannot help being harmed by any repetitious and brazen display of contempt for the fundamentals of order. 然而,闯红灯的人却连这点对社会法规的起码的 尊重也没有,而这种一再厚颜无耻地蔑视秩序的 基本准则不能不极大地危害社会。 can’t help being harmed… I cannot help forming some opinion of a man’s character from his dress. 从一个人的衣着就能看出他的性格。 We cannot help but believe in the youth who is always trying to improve himself. 我感到非信任这个年轻人不可,他总是努力提高 自己。 The little child was so beautiful, kind and good, that no one who saw her could help being attracted by her. 小女孩又漂亮又善良,每个见到她的人都不禁被 她吸引。 for all in spite of尽管 He is still poor for all he has worked. 尽管他干着工作,可他还是这么穷。 For all his wealth, he was lonely and unhappy. 尽管他很富有,但他又孤独又不快活。 of a piece 1. If something with several different parts is all of a piece, each part is consistent with the others. If one thing is of a piece with another, it is consistent with it. 一致 At its peak in the Thirties, Underground design and architecture was all of a piece. 在三十年代的鼎盛时期,地下设计和建筑全一样。 The essays that Parsons completed in the latter part of his life are of a piece with his earlier work. 帕森斯后半生完成的论文同他前半生完成的(风格) 一致。 of a piece 2. If someone or something is still in one piece after a dangerous journey or experience, they are safe and not damaged or hurt. =intact完攀,安然无恙,无损 providing that my brother gets back alive and in one piece from his mission. 假如我弟弟完成任务安然无恙地活着回来。 of a piece 3. If you say your piece, you say everything you w

ant to say about a particular matter without being interrupted, although people may be wanting to express opposing views. 一气表达完全,表达清楚 l’ll answer your questions when l’ve said my piece. 等我说完我的话再回答你的问题。 of a piece 4. You use to pieces in expressions such as “smash to pieces” and mainly in British English “fall to pieces” or “take something to pieces”, when you are describing how something is broken or comes apart so that it is in separate pieces. =to bits变成碎片 He took it all to pieces, cleaned it inside and out and put it together again. 他把它拆开,把里边清洗后,又将它组装起来。 Do you wear your old clothes until they fall to pieces? 你是不是要一直穿这些旧衣服,直到它们破烂不堪? of a piece 5. If you go to pieces, you are SO upset or nervous that you lose control of yourself and cannot do what you should do. (INFORMAL)不快,紧张,失拧 She’s a strong woman, but she nearly went to pieces when Arnie died. 她是个坚强的女人,但当安妮去世的时候她差不多垮 下了。 stereotypical adj. of a fixed pattern to represent a type of person or event固定成式的,典型 She believes that she is not good mother because she is not a stereotypical women who spends all her time with the children. 他相信自己不是一个好母亲,因为她不是一个典 型的整天呆在家里陪孩子的女人。 These are men whose masculinity does not conform to stereotypical images of the unfeeling male.这些人的男性气质与所谓典型的铁石心肠的 男性形象并不相符。 skirt n. 1. A skirt is a piece of clothing worn by women and girls. It fastens at the waist and hangs down around the legs. 裙子 skirt v. 2. Something that skirts an area is situated around the edge of it. 环绕,位于…边缘 We raced across a large field that skirted the slope of a hill. 我们在一大片环绕着小山坡的空地上进行了赛跑。 skirt v. 3. If you skirt something,you go around the edge of it. 沿…边缘而行;绕行 We shall be skirting the island on our way. 我们将沿这岛屿的边缘而行. She skirted round the edge of the room to the door. 她绕着这房子到了门口。 skirt v. 4. If you skirt a problem or question, you avoid dealing with it. 避开,回避(问题、事物、困难等) He skirted the hardest issues, concentrating on areas of possible agreement. 我们回避了最困难的问题,会谈集中在可能达成 协议的方面。 He skirted round his main differences with her. 他回避了与她的意见分歧。 The speech was disappointing: it skirted all the main questions. 演讲令人失望,它回避了所有主要的问题。 prohibit v. to forbid by law or rules; to prevent, or make impossible 禁止,阻止 prohibition n. A prohibition is a law or rule forbidding something. prohibitive adj. If the cost of something is prohibitive, it is so high that many people

cannot afford it. (FORMAL) The prohibition against smoking on school grounds is strictly enforced. 在校园区禁止吸烟的 禁令被严格执行了。 prohibit v. Family finances prohibited his going to college. 由于家境困难,他无法上大学。 The cost of private treatment can be prohibitive. 私人服务的费用高得吓人。 Meat and butter were prohibitively expensive. 肉类和黄油价格惊人。 prohibitions against feeding birds at the airport. 不许在飞机场喂养鸽子的禁令。 ?Impressed, the company hired 100 people who had failed the standard industry test but had scored high on optimism. Impressed在此为过去分词作状语,其逻辑主语为the company。 本句译文:公司受到了触动,便雇用丁100名虽未通过标准化企业测试但在态度乐观一项得分很高的人。 This is a long sentence in which the real subject clause is ”that millions of Americans… are taking…”: in this clause there are two attributive clauses headed by “who” modifying ”millions of Americans” and by ” that” modifying” legal codes”. ”it” is the formal subject.真正的主语是that引导的从句,在此 从句中分别又有两个定语从句,各有所修饰。it是形 式主语。 全句译文:然而,令人烦恼的显然是,数以百万计 的英国人尽管从没有认为自己会违反法律,更不用 说会成为罪犯了,却正在越来越随便地破坏那些专 为保护与造福他们的社会所制定的法规。 Here “if” is not equal to “on condition that”, but expresses some concession. It can be translated into“如果说”。 全句译文:如果说虚伪是邪恶向美德呈献的赞美, 那么偷偷摸摸就是违法者向法律和秩序的威力所表 示的衷心的敬意了。 “It is not really surprising… rules of living together.”之中,find的宾语是that引导的定 语从句。“as some do”是when引导的这个状 语从句的状语从句。“not knowing…”是 “enter”这个动词的伴随状语从句。 enter 全句的意思是:所以当有些学校发现,孩子们入 学时经常连最起码的集体生活规则都不懂时,就 不足为奇了(而有些学校的确认为不足为奇)。 全句译文:具有讽刺意味的是,不管今天这种藐 视法律的风气源于何处,它却受到各级政府官员 的无可奈何的鼓励。 这里如何理解“dramatize”一词的含义,以下译 文仅供参考:更高一级的华盛顿美国政府则用反 对(而不是支持)某些己成为法律条文的取消种族 隔离的规定的办法,来实现其取消民权法律的效 力的愿望,这真是令人啼笑皆非。 这一句虽短,但结构特殊,是一个片段。 Translation一词可理解成:译作,解释为。 全句的意思:这解释为:最高一级的违法行为。

Translation (English to Chinese) 最新研究表明: 4%以上的美国人一旦 开始赌博

就很难洗手不干。结果是,职业丢 失,婚姻破裂,财产耗尽。理查德·罗森塔尔 教授预言,赌博将会成为“90年代人们成瘾 的嗜好”。罗森塔尔说: “彩券已经改变了 社会公众对于赌博的概念,人们改变了对它 的看法 ”。传统的价值观念在社会上淡薄了, 人们的思想处于混乱之中,赌博消除了含糊 之处。要么你赢,要么你输,当场即见分晓。 Exercises Ⅳ. Translation (English to Chinese) 电视节目大肆宣扬使人立即感到满足、立即占 有财富、立即取得物质成就的方法,在这种思 想熏染下成长起来的一代人看来,赌博无疑是 一种自然发泄情感的途径。罗森塔尔说: “使我最为惊讶的是,这些人对他们的生活有 一种无能为力的感觉。在他们的成长过程中, 总觉得自己永远不会有所作为,所以就去追求 魔术般的手段而大获全胜,赢得惊人的成功。” Exercises Ⅴ. Translation (Chinese to English) 1. 1) The most important thing to students who love literature is approaching the critics. 2) For the students who are keen on literature, nothing is more important than to get close to the critics. 3) For a student, a fan of literature, nothing is more important than getting more frequent contact with the critics. 4) 4) Nothing is more important for the student who loves literature than to become intimately acquainted with great critics. Exercises Ⅴ. Translation (Chinese to English) 2. 1) She, a pathetic girl, often cannot help sympathizing with every small and weak creature, and even a wounded bird can cause her grief. 2) Being full of compassion for every feeble and helpless animal, she would be heart-broken if she saw a small wounded bird. 3) She cannot help sympathizing with every small and weak animal and always feels sad when she meets an injured bird. 4) She could not help sympathizing with every little helpless thing; her heart was always touched by a bird or beast that had been hurt. Exercises Ⅴ. Translation (Chinese to English) 3. 1) He has lived for too long in the Orient to remember the English living customs. 2) He lived in the eastern countries for so long a time that he forgot the customs of England. 3) He has lived in the Orient for so long that he has forgotten the living habits in England. 4) He had lived in the East countries so long that he got out of English ways. Exercises Ⅴ. Translation (Chinese to English) 4. 1) If the transport is busy, the railway will make the shipping (cost) more economical, not to mention its regularity, comfort and quickness. 2) If the transport were frequent, the railway would make it cheaper, let alone its regularity, comfort and speed. 3) Railway can make the transport fare more economical if it's used more frequently and besides it will be more regular, comfortable and faster. 4) If there is plenty of traffic, the railway is able to make transportation very economical,

not to speak of its regularity, ease, and rapidity. Exercises Ⅴ. Translation (Chinese to English) 5. 1) The promising young man betrayed his words to himself and other people, what's more, his behaviors have broken his father's heart. 2) The young man with a bright future not only failed to keep his promise to himself and others but broke the heart of his father, which is the worst he could have done. 3) The young man of promise broke not only all the promises he had made to himself and others, but, what was worse than all (the worst of all), the heart of his aged father also. Exercises Ⅴ. Translation (Chinese to English) 6. 1) More than seventy years ago, the Rules for Automobiles in England limited the highest driving speed to 2 m.p.h. in town. This had lasted until 1903 when it became necessary to lift the speed limits to 20 m.p.h. as a result of the industrial development. The motorists were free to drive at any speed in the following five years. Today speeding is the commonest violation of the rules in England. The core of the argument surrounding speed limit law is to what extent it can ensure safety. Exercises Ⅴ. Translation (Chinese to English) 6. The traffic departments insist that the speed limits can reduce the number of accidents. To our surprise, however, some Americans even suggest that the present speed limits be cancelled outright. 2) More than 70 years ago, the Regulations for the Power-driven Vehicles in England stipulated that the driving speed in cities and towns should not exceed two miles per hour. With the development in industry, it became necessary for the driving speed to be loosened up to 20 miles per hour. Five years from then on, drivers were able to drive at any speed. Exercises Ⅴ. Translation (Chinese to English) 6. Nowadays, speeding is the most common rulebreaking instance in England. The debates around the speed limit law mainly have to do with the safety assessment, with the traffic departments insisting that the speed limit reduce the number of accidents. But there are even people in the United States now suggesting the total cancellation of the speed limit. 3) Less than 80 years ago, the old Locomotive Act restricted speeds to 2 m.p.h. in towns. Exercises Ⅴ. Translation (Chinese to English) 6. By 1903 the development of industry had made it necessary to raise the limit to 20 m.p.h. For 5 years motorists were free to drive at whatever speeds they liked. Speeding is now the most common motoring offence in Britain. The main controversy surrounding speeding laws is the extent of their safety value. The Ministry of Transport maintains that speed limits reduce accidents. In America, however, it has even been suggested that the present speed limits should be abolished completely. Exercises Ⅵ. Writing To Solve the Problem of Traffic Safety Every year, tens of thousands of people are killed on the road. Although the percentage of accidents is not as large as that in some other countries, people fear that wi

th the increasing number of vehicles coming on to the roads each year the total number of accidents will also continue to grow. Exercises One of the measures is to improve the existing roads and build new ones. However, the standards of road safety will not be improved by this only. What is more important is the attitude of the road users toward traffic safety. That is why the Government devotes time and resources to producing propaganda in support of the “safety first” campaign. Exercises Motorists and cyclists are two important factors. Nowadays, cyclists, who usually disregard traffic regulations, run rampant in big cities. Only by observing the traffic rules to the full can we keep the accident rate down. In short, for the happiness of yourself and others, please pay more attention to traffic regulations.


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