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雪菜 # Pickled cabbage
腌芥菜头 # Pickled mustard head
糟卤 # Bad halogen # Bad brine
柱侯酱 # Chu Hou sauce
大麻油 # Big sesame oil # Hempseed oil
胡麻油# Linseed oil # Sesame oil
鸡油 # Chicken oil
,菌油 # oil # Truffle oil # Bacteria oil
起酥油 # shortening
,龙虾蓉面 # Lobster noodle
白玉米面 # White corn flour # White cornmeal
,白糟 # White worse # White bad
大黄米 # Large yellow rice
粉皮 # Sheet jelly
粉丝 # Vermicelli
,粉条 # Dry noodles domijjim steamed stuffed sea breamタイの蒸し物 清蒸鲷鱼 清蒸鲷鱼
domihoeraw sea breamタイの刺身 生鲷鱼片 生鲷鱼片
dosirak jeongsikset menu for lunch box弁当定食 盒饭套餐 便当套餐
dotorimuk acorn starch jellyドングリのところてん橡子果凉粉 橡树果凉粉
dolsot-galbitang beef ribs boiled in stone pot石锅カルビスープ石锅牛排骨汤石锅牛排骨汤
dolsot-gulbapstone pot rice topped with oysters 石焼きカキ饭 石锅牡蛎饭石锅牡蛎饭
(English) (日本语) (简体) (繁体)
dolsot-bulgogi baekban
stone pot rice, bulgogi and side
石焼き焼き肉定食 石锅烤肉饭石锅烤肉饭
dolsot-bibimbap bibimbap in a hot stone pot石焼きビビンパ 石锅拌饭石锅拌饭
rice topped with vegetables and
dorureokraw spotbelly rockfish ムラソイ鲉鱼石斑鱼
dom-guigrilled sea breamタイの塩焼き烤鲷鱼 烤鲷鱼
dongdongju thick rice beer韩国式どぶろく咚咚酒(米酒)咚咚酒(米酒)
Dongnae-pajeonseafood and green onion pancake韩国式お好み焼き东莱葱饼东莱葱煎饼
dongtae-naembi-jjigae pollack stewスケトウダラの辛味锅炖同太鱼汤 铝锅冻明太鱼汤
dongtae-jjigae pollack stewスケトウダラの辛味锅同太鱼汤冻明太鱼锅
dwaeji-galbi grilled pork ribs豚カルビ烤猪排烤猪排
dwaejigogi mogi-beoseotpork and Chinese mushrooms豚肉とキクラゲ 木耳炒猪肉 木耳猪肉

pyogo-beoseot yori
stir-fried pork with shiitake
豚肉と椎茸料理 香菇炒猪肉 香菇猪肉

pork sirloin steakポークサーロインステーキ猪里脊排 里脊猪排
(English) (日本语) (简体) (繁体)
dwaeji-moksal-guigrilled pork neck meat味付け豚首肉焼き烤猪颈肉烤猪脖子肉
dwaeji-bulgogispicy pan-fried pork豚焼肉烤猪肉烤猪肉
dwaeji-yangnyeom-galbimarinated grilled pork ribs味付け豚カルビ烤薰猪排 调味猪排骨
dwaeji-jokbalsteamed pig feet豚足 猪蹄子 猪脚
dwaeji-jumulleokgrilled pork with soy sauce味付け豚肉 薰猪肉片 调味猪肉片
dwaeji-pyeonyukpressed pork茹で豚 白切猪肉 白切猪肉
doenjangguk soybean paste soup韩国

式味噌汁 大酱汤韩式味噌汤
egisoybean paste stew 味噌锅大酱砂锅沙锅韩式味噌汤
doenjang-bibimbap bibimbap with soybean paste味噌ビビンパ 大酱拌饭韩式味噌拌饭
doenjang-jjigae soybean paste stew味噌锅大酱炖汤韩式味噌锅
dureup-namulseasoned dureupたらの芽の和え物楤木芽菜楤木芽菜
dubutofu豆腐 豆腐 豆腐
dubu-guksunoodles with tofu豆腐麺豆腐面条豆腐面线
(English) (日本语) (简体) (繁体)
dubu-kimchi tofu and kimchi豆腐とキムチ 豆腐泡菜 豆腐泡菜
dubu-jeongol tofu hot pot豆腐の寄せ锅 豆腐锅豆腐锅
富强粉 # Rich and strong powder flour
,干切面 # Dry section
高粱米 # Sorghum rice
,梗米 # Stem meters # Japonica rice # Terrier meters
红籼稻谷 # Red indica rice
饺子皮 # Dumpling wrapper # Dumpling skin
,筋 # reinforcement #
,粳米 # Japonica rice # Polished round-grained rice #
,粳米饭 # Steamed Japonica Rice #
粳米粥 # Japonica rice porridge #
粳糯米 # Japonica glutinous rice
,面肥 # rising # Fertilizer # Leaven
芡实 # Gordon euryale seed
,芡实米 # Gordon euryale seed meter
荞麦面 # Buckwheat noodles # Soba
,切面 # section #
,太白粉 # Potato starch # Cornstarch
特等晚籼 # Special grade late indica rice
,特一粉 # Special powder # A special powder
,团粉 # Cooking starch
晚籼 # Late indica rice #
籼米 # Indica rice
籼米饭 # Steamed indica Rice
籼米粉 Indica Rice noodles # Indica rice flour
籼米粥 # Indica rice porridge
籼糯 # Indica glutinous rice
,须素面 # Must be element face
薏米 # # Barley
薏米面 # Barley noodle
,银丝面 # Silver noodle
玉米糁 # Corn grits
玉米笋 # Baby corn
,芋精粉 # Taro powder # Konjac powder # Taro flour
早籼 # Early indica rice #
,中筋面粉 # High-gluten flour
,紫米 # Brown rice # Purple Rice #
,西点 # West Point
薄脆 # Crispbread
朵类 # One class #
粉皮 # Sheet jelly
粉条丝# Vermicelli
,贡菊 # GongJu
,桂花 # osmanthus # Sweet-scented osmanthus #
焦圈 # Coke ring
金丝银卷 # Gold and silver roll
凉面 # Cold noodles
苓膏粉 # Poria cream powder
,麻花 # twist # Hemp flowers
面包糠 # Bread crumbs
面包屑 # Bread crumbs
甜派皮#Sweet pie crust #Sweet pastry#
,威化#wafer #
虾片#Prawn crackers
咸派皮#Salty pie crust
小吃,甜的饼#Snacks, cookies #Snacks, sweet cake
,油炸馓子#Fried sanzi #Fried dough twists
白毫银针 # Baekho silver needle # Silver needle Pekoe
红茶 # Black tea
龙井 # longjing
碳酸饮料 # Carbonated drinks
,香糟 # Incense worse # Marinated # Hong bad
,药酒 # Medicated wine # Tincture
,奶皮子 # Creme son # Milk skin # Naipi
,曲拉 # Song,

# Triton # Triton

北京填鸭 # Beijing roasted duck
鹅肝 # Foie gras # Goose liver

鹅脚翼 # Goose foot wing
马肉 # Horseflesh
泥肠 # Sausage
雀 # Bird

白皮鸡蛋 # White skin egg
鱼板 # Fish plate
,本鸡 # chicken
,藏鸡蛋 # Tibetan egg
,草公鸡 # grass cock
,柴鸡 # Chicken
雏鸽 # squab # Young pigeon
公麻鸭 # Male hemp duck
公麻鸭鸭血 # Male hemp duck blood
公麻鸭鸭肫 # Male hemp duck gizzard
,禾花雀 # Wo spend finches # Sparrows
华青鸡 # HuaQing chicken
,黄雀 # yellowbird # Siskin # Oriole
鸡叉 # Chicken fork
鸡肠 # chicken bowel # Chicken Intestinal
鸡蛋粉 # Egg powder
鸡蛋黄粉 # Egg yolk powder
鸡蛋清 # Egg white
鸡块 # Chicken nuggets
,鸡内金 # Chicken's gizzard-membrane # Gallus gallus
,鸡皮 # goose # Goose # Brown
,腊 # la # La # December
,腊鸭 # Preserved duck #dried duck
,卤蛋 # Marinated egg # Spiced corned egg
麻鸭鸭肝 # Hemp duck liver
,毛蛋 # MAO egg # Mao Dan # Mao eggs
,母麻鸭 # Mother hemp duck
,母麻鸭鸭肝 # Mother hemp duck duck liver # Mother Duck Foie Gras
,母麻鸭鸭血 # Mother hemp duck duck blood
,母麻鸭鸭肫 # Mother hemp duck gizzard
,肉鸡 # chicken # Broiler # Broiler
,三黄鸡 # Three yellow chicken # Sanhuang
,沙 # sand
,童子鸡 # Spring chicken # Broiler
,土鸡 # Turkey, # Chicken # Chicken
,土鸡蛋 # Soil eggs
,乌骨鸡 # Silky fowl # Black bone chicken
,乌鸡蛋 # Black eggs
咸鸭 # Salted duck # Salty duck
咸鸭蛋 # Salted duck egg
,小公鸡 # Small cock # little cock # Cockerel
鸭蛋白 # Duck egg white
鸭蛋黄 # Duck egg york
腊鸭肉 # Preserved duck meat #
鸭胸脯肉 # Duck breast meat
,鸭架 # Duck frame
鸭舌 # Duck tongue
鸭头 # Duck head
鸭腰 # Duck waist
,鸭胰 # Duck pancreatic # Duck pancreas # Duck pancreas
,鸭翼 # canard # Duck wings
,鸭掌 # Duck palm # Duck's Web
阉鸡 # capon
雁肉 # Wild goose meat
野鸡 # Pheasant
野山鸡 # wild pheasant
油鸡 # Chicken in Soya Sauce
油煎荷包蛋 # oil Fried Poached Egg
,珍珠鸡 # Guinea fowl
煮荷包蛋 # Boiled Poached Egg
煮鸡蛋 # Boiled egg
,仔鸡 # chicks # Broiler
,仔鸭 # Tsai duck
,走地鸡 # Go to the chicken # Going to chicken # Go to chicken
,蓄肉 # Storage of meat
棒骨 # Bar bone # Stick Bone
叉烧肉 # Roast pork # barbecued pork

,茶肠 # Sausage # Tea intestine
,脆皮肠 # Crispy im # Crisp sausage # Crispy intestine
冻羊肉 # Frozen lamb # Frozen mutton
肥 # fat
肥牛 # Fat cow # Beef
肥膘肉 # Fat meat
肥肠 # Fatty intestine
瘦牛肉 # Lean beef
肥猪肉 # Fat pork
,风肉 # Wind dry meat
,腑肋牛肉 # Relieving rib beef
,股内牛肉 # Shares in beef # Shares in

beef # The shares of beef
后腱牛肉 # beef tendon
后腿牛肉 # hind legs of beef
后腿羊肉 # Hind leg of mutton # Hind leg of lamb
,后臀尖 # Aft
er the rump # Haunch
,后臀尖肉 # After the rump of meat # Haunch of meat # After haunch of meat
,后肘猪肉 # elbow pork
,麂子肉 # goat meat
肩部牛肉 # Beef shoulder
腱子肉 # Tendon # Sinew meat
,酱骨头 # Paste bone # Butter bones
,酱肉 # That tradition # Sauce # Sauce
,颈肉 # Neck meat # Chuck
咖哩牛肉干 # Curry beef jerky
,烤羊肉串 # kebabs # Mutton cubes roasted on a skewer
,腊肠 # sausage # Dachshund
,腊羊肉 # La mutton # The sacrificial mutton # December lamb
肋条肉 # Rib meat
,里脊 # fillet # Tenderloin

,里脊牛肉 # Beef tenderloin # Fillet of beef
,里脊猪肉 # Pork tenderloin # Loin of pork
,良杂大猪 # Good noise big Pork # Benign mixed big Pork # Liang hybrid pigs
,卤牛肉 # Spiced beef
卤肉 # pork in Gravy
扣肉 # Braised pork
驴肉 # Donkey meat
梅花肉 # plum flower meat # Plum meat
奶脯猪肉 # Milk preserved pork
泥肠 # Sausage
牛大肠 # Cattle intestine# Cow intestine # Beef intestine
牛肺 # Beef lung
牛肝 # Beef liver
牛骨 # Beef bone
牛脊髓 # Beef spinal cord
牛腱子肉 # Beef shank

牛肋条肉 # Cattle rib meat # Beef rib meat
牛里脊 # fillets of beef # Beef tenderloin
牛里脊肉 # Beef sirloin # Beef tenderloin
牛腩 # beef flank # Sirloin
,牛脑髓 # Cattle encephalon # Beef brain
牛排 # beef Steak
牛片 # Cattle piece # Sliced beef
牛肉干 # Beef jerky # Dried beef
,碎牛肉末 # Ground beef
,牛肉松 # Beef
牛肉熏肠 # smoked Beef sausage
,排 # row #
前腿牛肉 # Front leg beef # Forelegs beef营养食谱翻译,菜谱翻译,菜单翻译,酒水翻译,饮料翻译,酒店饭店饮食翻译,英语日语韩语各个语种都能翻译,精确经典翻译,行业翻译标杆!质优价低,有著作 << 汉英英汉营养学大辞典 >>,电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926.

菜单翻译 菜单在线翻译 菜谱翻译电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926. 菜谱英文翻译 菜谱中文翻译成英文 餐厅菜单翻译 翻译菜谱 饭店翻译电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926. 各种菜谱的英文翻译 酒店翻译 烹调翻译 食谱翻译 食谱英文翻译 英文菜单翻译 英文菜名翻译 英文菜品翻译 英文菜谱翻译 英文的菜谱电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926. 英语菜品翻译 英语菜名翻译英语菜单翻译英语菜谱翻译中国菜谱翻译中文菜单英文译法电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926.

,前肘猪肉 # elbow pork # Antecubital pork
,腔骨 # Tibia

l bone
,肉皮清冻 # Frozen pork skin clear
五香熏肉 # Spiced bacon # Spicy Bacon
,羊肠 # Sheep # Catgut
,羊肚 # Morel
羊脊髓 # Sheep spinal cord
羊里脊肉 # Lamb fillet # Lamb Tenderloin
羊腰 # Lam
b loin # Sheep loin
,羊腩 # Lamb pieces
羊肉干 # dry Mutton # Dried lamb
,# jerk
腱 # tendon #
肋骨 # ribs
羊排 # Lamb chop
羊肉片 # Mutton slice
猪蹄 # Trotter
蹄 # hoof
,羊瘦肉 # Sheep meat
羊蹄筋 # Sheep tendon # Sheep Lamb ribs
羊蹄肉 # Sheep hoof meat # Sheep Trotter meat
,羊腿 # Leg of lamb # lamb Leg # Gigot
羊腿肉 # lamb Leg meat
,羊蝎子 # Sheep scorpion # Lamb Spine
腰窝肉胁肉 # Flank meat
腰窝羊肉 # Flank mutton # Waist mutton # Lamb flank
,炸羊肉串 # Fried mutton string! # Fried Lamb Kebabs
猪 # Swine # Pig
猪大肠 # Swine # Pork intestine
猪大排腰子 # Pork loin
猪肚腩 # Pork bellies # Pork stomach
,猪耳 # Pork ear # Fournieri !
猪横利脾 # Pork spleen
猪脊骨 # Swine spinal # Pork spine
,猪夹心肉 # # Pork sandwich meat !
,猪脑 # Pork brain # Porcine !
,猪肉丁 # Pork butyl ! # Diced Pork
,猪软骨 # Pork cartilage !
猪蹄筋腱 # Pork tendon # Pig's trotters
,猪通脊 # ! Pigs on ridge # Pork pass ridge # Pork through the ridge
,猪头肉 # Bath chap ! # PigHead meat
,猪小排 # The Pork small platoon # Pork ribs
,猪胰子 # Porcine pancreas
,猪肘棒 # Pork elbow rod # Pork elbow bar # ELBOW stick
,茶肠 # Tea im # Sausage # Tea intestine
果子狸 # civets
,海狗 # Fur seal # Sea Dogs # Fur seal
禾花雀 # Sparrows
,黄雀 # yellowbird # Siskin # Oriole
,麂子肉 # goat meat
,白菜薹 # Cabbage sprouts
,孢子甘蓝 # spore kale # Spore cabbage
,扁豆 # lentils # Hyacinth bean
,扁尖 # Flat tip
,菜根 # Cabbages Root
,菜瓜 # Snake melon
,菜苔 # bolt # Moss
,冲菜 # Blunt dishes # Jam
,慈姑 # Water pack # Ci Gu # Arrowhead
,冬寒菜 # Chinese mallow锦葵 # Cold winter vegetables
,豆苗 # Mung beans绿豆 # 豆芽Bean sprouts # Pea豌豆
,白玉菇 # white jade mushroom
,巴虾 # The shrimp # Ba shrimp # Pakistani shrimp
,牛腱子 # Beef tendon
,猪腱子肉 # Pork tendons # Pork Sinew meat
,儿菜 # Baby food # Spicata兰香 # Children vegetables
清明菜 # Qingming food
,芡实米 # Gordon euryale seed meter # Gordon euryale seed # Gorgon meters

禽畜肉类 animal meat(Poultry,livestock )

鹌鹑蛋 # Quail eggs
鹌鹑肉 # Quail meat
白鸭鸭血 # White duck blood
斑鸠 # Turtledove
板鸭 # Dried salted duck
翅 # wing
蛋 # egg
蛋白 # egg white
蛋饺 # Egg dumpling
蛋类 # egg
鹅 # Goose
鹅肠 # goose intestinal
鹅蛋 # Goose egg
鹅蛋黄 # Goose egg yolk
鹅肉 # goose
鹅胸肉 # Goose br

east meat
鹅血 # Goose blood
鹅肫 # Goose gizzard
鸽蛋 # Pigeon egg
鸽肉 # Pigeon meat
鸽子蛋 # Dove egg
公 # male
公鸡 # Cock
光鸡 # chicken
光鸭 # duck
海鸭蛋 # sea duck egg
火鸡 # Turkey

火鸡肝 # Turkey liver
火鸡腿 # Turkey leg
火鸡胸脯肉 # Turkey breast meat
鸡 # chicken
鸡脖子 # Chicken neck
鸡翅 # Chicken wings
鸡脆骨 # Chicken gristle
鸡蛋 # egg
鸡蛋白 # Egg white
鸡蛋黄 # Egg yolk
鸡丁 # Minced chicken
鸡肝 # Chicken liver
鸡骨 # Chicken bone
鸡骨架 # Chicken skeleton
鸡冠 # Cockscomb
鸡排 # Chicken Chop
鸡肉 # chicken meat
鸡肉肠 # Chicken sausage
鸡肉松 # Chicken floss
鸡肉丸 # Chicken meatball
鸡丝 # Shredded chicken
鸡头 # chicken head
鸡腿 # Chicken leg
鸡心 # Chicken heart
鸡胸脯肉 # Chicken breast meat
鸡血 # Chicken blood
鸡腰 # Chicken kidney
鸡腰子 # Chicken kidney
鸡杂 # Chicken giblets
鸡胗 # Chicken gizzard
鸡爪 # Chicken feet
鸡肫 # Chicken gizzard
酱鸭 # Duck in Brown Sauce
烤鸭 # Roasted Duck
腊鸭腿 # Preserved duck leg
腊鸭掌 # Preserved duck palm
老母鸡 # Old hen
老鸭 # Old duck
绿鸟鸡 # Green bird chicken
麻雀 # Sparrow
母鸡 # Hen
皮蛋 # Preserved egg
其它禽蛋 # Other poultry eggs
禽肉 # Poultry meat
全鸡 # Whole chicken
烧鸡 # Roast chicken
烧鸭 # Roast duck
松花蛋 # Preserved egg
头 # head
乌鸡 # Black bone chicken
咸蛋 # Salted egg
咸鸭腿 # Salted duck leg # Salty duck leg
鸭 # Duck
鸭脖 # Duck neck
鸭肠 # Duck intestine
鸭翅 # Duck wing
鸭蛋 # Duck egg
鸭肝 # Duck liver
鸭骨 # Duck bone
鸭皮 # Duck skin
鸭肉 # Duck meat
鸭腿 # Duck leg
鸭下巴 # Duck chin
鸭心 # Duck heart
鸭胸脯肉 # Duck breast meat
鸭血 # Duck blood
鸭胗 # Duck gizzard
鸭肫 # Duck gizzard
野鸭 # Wild duck
鹧鸪 # Partridge

背部 # The back
德国腊肠 # German sausage
冻山羊肉 # Frozen goat meat
肥牛 # Fat Beef
肥肉 # Fat meat
肥猪肉 # Fat pork
腹部牛肉 # Abdominal beef
狗肉 # Dog meat
骨 # Bone
火腿 # Ham
火腿肠 # Ham sausage
酱 # sauce
酱牛肉 # Beef in Brown Sauce
金华火腿 # Jinhua ham
腊肉 # Bacon
鹿肉 # Deer meat # Venison
牛 # Cattle # Cow
牛百叶 # Beef Tripe
牛鞭 # Bullwhip
牛肚 # Tripe
牛筋 # Beef tendon
牛霖 # NiuLin # Niu Lin # Niu Lin
牛脑 # Beef brain
牛肉 # Beef
牛肉丝 # Shredded Beef
牛舌 # Beef tongue # Beef tongue
牛肾 # Beef kidney
牛蹄 # Beef foot # Beef Hoof
牛蹄筋 # Beef tendon
牛头 # Beef head
牛腿 # Beef leg
牛臀 # Beef rump
牛蛙 # Bullfrog
牛尾 # Beef tail
牛心 # Beef heart
牛心顶 # Beef heart top
牛血 # Beef blood
牛腰子 # Beef kidney
牛杂 # Beef offal
排骨 # ribs # Spareribs


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