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Con tract No.:


The Buyer




The Supplier

乙方: _______ 公司



Follow ing frie ndly discussi ons and based on the prin ciple of mutual in terest, the Buyer agrees to purchase from the supplier the un der men ti oned goods on the terms and con diti ons stated below.

l_Ge neral_terms_of Purchas ing_

1. 订单发出:


1. Issue of orders:

Our orders shall only be legally binding whe n issued in writi ng on the basis of these purchas ing conditions. Different conditions contained in the order acceptance shall only be legally valid if we approve these differences in writing. The acceptance of the order or the delivery shall indicate that the supplier has recognized these purchasing conditions. The parties undertake to confirm

forthwith any particular verbal agreement in writing.

2. 接受订单供应商收到订单后必须在2 个工作日内以书面形式确认,除非具体合同中规定了其它条款。电子定单不需另外确认。

2. Acceptance of orders:

Our orders must be acknowledged in writing within 2 working days of their receipt by the supplier, unless other conditions were agreed for a specific contract. Electronic orders do not require an explicit confirmation.

3. 价格除非交货条件另有说明,所有价格都是固定且有效的,包括所有交付买方工厂 ( )和包装费用,运输保险费和法定增值税,均由乙方负责。

3. Prices:

All prices are fixed prices and including all delivery to the buyer ____________________ 's factory ( )

packaging cost, as well as transport insurance charges and the statutory VAT shall all be paid by the sdeller.

4. 交货时间:约定的期限和限期有法律约束力,不可抗力除外。货物是否到达指定交付地址决定交货期是否被满足。如果供应商出现延迟交付,如果我公司接受, 那么我公司将确定一个合理的延迟交货期,延迟交


4. Delivery times:

The agreed deadlines and time limits shall be binding, excluding the intervention of force majeure. The arrival of the goods at the specified delivery address shall be decisive in determining whether the delivery deadline or time limit has been met. If there is a delay in the supplier 's services, then,

if we so choose, we are entitled, having set a reasonable period of grace and after expiration of the same, asserting our rights. If the supplier realizes any delay in deliveries, he must inform us without delay.

5. 交货:仅交付采购的数量。多交付的货物我方有权不预先通知即返回,费用由供应商支付,将在供应商的发票金额中扣除。在所有情况下,我公司将对按期交货的货物支付合适的付款。如果有数量或者重量的分歧,以我公司货物收料部门确定的数量或重量为准。

5. Deliveries:

Only the ordered quantities may be delivered. Excess deliveries may be returned by us without notice at the expense of the supplier and the appropriate deductions may be made from his invoice. In all cases we shall be obliged to make appropriate payment on the basis of the agreed delivery time. If