当前位置:文档之家› 新目标英语九年级全册纯英文说课稿



Unit1 How do we deal with our problems?

1.Key points


deal, unless, duty, easily,influence, friendship, lose, development, face


We can deal with our problems by learning to forget.

2.Difficult points

verb +by with gerund

3. Ability Objects

Enable Ss to solve problems in different ways. Learn to use dictionaries

4. Moral Objects

Learn to face the challenges like famous people 5. Teaching Aids Multi-media

Teaching Procedures

Step 1.Warming up

Everyone has problems. The most important is how to deal with our problems. If we don’t solve the problems, they will affect our study and our family. Then we can’t be happy.

Can you think of any problems you have had recently? Tell a partner how you dealt with them?


Look up the meanings of the following words in a dictionary.

Deal unless unfair affect solve challenge

Step3. While reading

1. Read quickly

Ask Ss to scan the passage and come up with the general idea of each paragraph:

1)We have many ways to deal with our problems.

2)We can solve a problem by learning to forget.

3)We can solve a problem by changing it into a challenge.

4)We can solve a problem by think of something worse.

2. Read carefully

Ask Ss to read the passage carefully and answer the following questions:

1) What will happen if you are always angry with your friends?

2) What can we learn from children how to deal with a problem?

3) Why do students complain about school?

4) How can we find our problems are not terrible?

Step4. Post-reading,

Get Ss to watch the video on Stephen Hawking and ask Ss what they can learn more from this clever scientist.

Step5. Discussion

Get Ss to work in groups and discuss which way of dealing with problems is the best? And then list more ways on the Bb.

Step6. homework

Write about problems/ accidents when you dealt with before.

Unit2 He used to cause a lot of trouble?

1.Key points


death, cause, himself, patient, make a decision, waste, take pride in, attention


He didn’t use to give his mother any problems. He has been working hard and is one of the best students.

2.Difficult points

be used to do sth

It was exactly what I needed.

It is very important for parents to be there for their children.

3. Ability Objects

Enable Ss to analyze their trouble and make a decision to change it.

4. Moral Objects

To make a right decision to change problems. 5. Teaching Aids Multi-media

Teaching Procedures

Step 1.Warming up

1)Everyone has problems. When I was young, I didn’t like school. After my mother told me the importance of study, I decided to study hard and make much progress and success.

Tell your partner about a time your parents helped you with a problem.

Step 2. Pre-reading

Guess the meanings of the following words by using the context.

death, cause, himself, patient, make a decision, waste,

Step 3 While reading

1.Read quickly

1)Ask Ss to scan the passage and put these sentences into the correct places in the reading.

2)Read the passage again and get the main idea of each paragraph:

①Martin used to be a “problem boy after his father’s death.

②His mother was very patient and tried to help him.

③Martin started to change after the phone call

④Now Martin has really changed.

2. Read carefully

Read the statements and decide “true”, “false” or “d on’t know”.

1)Martin’s father didn’t use to help him. D

2)artin didn’t like the boarding school. T

3)What his mother said changed Martin’s mind.


4)Martin feels good himself now. T

Step4. Post-reading

Get Ss to read again and retell the passage with the following sentences:

1)Before his father’s death …

2)After his father’s death …

3)Now …

Step5. Discussion

Work in groups and tell others the problems you are facing and ask them for advice on how to deal with them.

Step 6. Homework

Make the conversation between Martin and his mother on the phone.

Unit3 Should I be allowed to make my own


1.Key points


in the way, achieve, race, taught, importance, succeed, care about


I think I should be allowed to make my decisions for myself.

Being a professional is the only thing I have ever wanted to do.

2.Difficult points

passive voice with modal verb should

3. Ability Objects

Enable Ss to analyze reasonable advice.

4. Moral Objects

Learn to analyze and take some reasonable advice.

5. Teaching Aids Multi-media

Teaching Procedures

Step 1.Warming up

In your group, discuss the following the questions.

How old is a teenager?

What are some of the rules that a teenager should obey?

Step2. Pre-reading

Look at the title of the reading. Answer Yes/No. Find out how many in your group agree with you.

Step3. While reading

1. Read quickly

Ask Ss to scan the passage and answer the following question:

Why don’t Liu Yu’s parents let him practice running too much?

2. Read carefully

Read the statements and circle “true”, “false” or “d on’t know”.

1) Liu Yu’s parents are against running. F

2) Liu Yu is unhappy that his parents won’t let

him practice running. T

3) Liu Yu thinks he will succeed in achieving his dream. T

4) Liu Yu can win a gold medal in the marathon

of Olympic Games. D

Step4. Post-reading

Ask Ss to make sentences with the following phrases:

get in the way of…be serious about spend time on

Step5. Discussion

Get Ss to discuss if Liu Yu should be allowed to

practice running. Use the information in the

reading to support your opinion.

Step 6. Homework

Make an article about a famous person. Write about

his/her childhood and how he/she became successful.

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